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@SpencerRuport I like what you're implying, because it makes me feel a lot better about not having a linked in profile or careers page. :^)
Right. Because you don't feel like you need it.
Sometimes I think it would be nice to have a good public face though just so if some really great company was shopping around they could find me
But I know that would mean wading through a lot of crap, too.
I know people on the lounge complain all the time about bogus recruiting contacts they get for jobs that sound awful.
Skills/experience/quality mismatches
Yep. It's much easier for you to get in contact with a good company and let them know you'd like to work with them.
Maybe they don't have a position today but with how sparse good talent is you can bet they'll hang on to your contact info.
Nobody knows your criteria for a "great company" better than you do.
@TravisJ here?
He was. Probably out at lunch.
holy shit it's already 3:10
and? that means the glorious end of monday is finally coming
I leave at 4
I go home and nap
The sunday - monday sleep is the worst
I always go to bed at like 3 am because weekend
My bedmate has a terrible cough. I've already resigned myself to sleep deprivation this week (and probably catching the same bug due to a weak immune system by the end).
Which sucks, because I paid my sleeping debt really well this weekend.
dude, in your perspective, we should all keep awake for rest of life, since we can pay well more than enough of debt after that
> bedmate
wow, that's...functional
@tweray that's not my perspective at all
@TomW interface segregation principle applied to conversations :)
i always take sleep as a part of enjoyment of life, so basically i'm paying the debt for sleep while i am awake
@SpencerRuport - Had a meeting. We are taking over an office here and I am having to design its layout and whatnot.
@Slashy - So the max runtime is 1 second? How many pixels are there?
@TravisJ requisition ALL the coffee machines
@TomW - I could, but I am trying to only have 1 cup of coffee per day now.
@TravisJ a medium image-somthing like 1000x600
@TravisJ It's not for you, it's for them
Hello all
I have a question
I get a some data in format: 1451923018. How convert it in normal format ("22:52:44")?
@FoggyFinder what does that number represent?
units of time, presumably. What unit?
What format is that? Is that just a unix timestamp?
@TomW - Oh, for them, we have a full on restaurant style coffee maker that holds 20 cups and makes 10 cups in 3 minutes as well as two Keurigs.
I do not know. The source code of some website shows the time in this format.
it's Unix
looks like unix time to me
Q: How to convert a Unix timestamp to DateTime and vice versa?

Mark IngramThere is this example code, but then it starts talking about millisecond / nanosecond problems. The same question is on MSDN, Seconds since the Unix epoch in C#. This is what I've got so far: public Double CreatedEpoch { get { DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).ToLoc...

@Slashy - Okay so you are basically operating on a set of like 600,000 in size. That limits your processing options for sure.
@Slashy - I mean, basically you are limited to n log n and that is it.
Is anybody familiar with the event sourcing pattern? I asked in here a couple days ago and just got crickets. I'm basically trying to implement "event sourcing lite" and I'm trying to figure out how the event should be represented in the database. Most of the literature on the net suggests serializing the current state of the object and storing that but seems like overkill for our purposes.
@Slashy - Actually, not even n log n, just mn.
@mikeTheLiar good question. Most of the literature I've seen tends to assume NOSQL or similar
@mikeTheLiar - Overkill? It sounds like the easy way out in my opinion, and the hard way is problematic anyway so I would just go with that.
@mikeTheLiar I know what an ETW event source is...
@KendallFrey msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn589792.aspx pretty interesting stuff actually
@mikeTheLiar - You know how SE solved that problem? :)
@TravisJ which problem specifically? Persisting events? I'm all ears
@mikeTheLiar - The issue of tracking the way that the domain changes.
@TomW yeah, we're not at that stage yet. We're considering making that move in the future but for now we're just sticking with bog-standard MS SQL.
@mikeTheLiar AFAIK it relates to CQRS, where an event may be the receipt of a command and therefore implies that the back-end system that reads events should comprehend different sorts of events as requests to mutate state
Hm, although the MSDN seems to be for recreating state in something like a cart.
doesn't mean you have to obey it
@TomW yeah, that sounds like what my understanding is as well
@Kendall Frey, @juanvan, @mikeTheLiar, @Tom W, Thanks
Well, perhaps this is a tangent then because I thought you wanted a larger picture and not a granular "restore" so to speak.
@mikeTheLiar - SE started caching execution plans and associated queries for every request on a separate server. This way they can play back the transactions if they want to recreate or observe anything, and they can reuse their SQL to avoid the hit of building it for commonly encountered queries.
@juanvan Hello, Happy New Year. I think I need your help.
Happy New Year
@TravisJ ah, interesting. Conceptually what we're doing is different. In a nutshell we're implementing a very lightweight versioning system ala Git
@juanvan can I ask my question?
@CodeMaster Usually only when they need car work
@mikeTheLiar - So the example uses a cart, are you using something else that has state like that?
@TravisJ more or less. I understand the concept, I'm just trying to figure out how to model it in the database
@FoggyFinder implies that UpdateThing is not a useful kind of command to process. Suppose an event ends up being called UpdateThingCommandReceivedEvent. (Ugh). In a CRUD API, updating a Thing might look like { "Thing" : { "Property" : "Foo" } } where Thing's properties are the set of properties to be updated
Basically we're got two or three different classes representing business data. They can be edited with standard CRUD operations.
To me that suggests that serializing the content of a request to UpdateThing directly as the body of an event is not a clever way of structuring your API
Although we're not going to be tracking the R in CRUD but you get what I mean
@juanvan Thanks. I need to populate a DropDownList with some data from database/model. I don't know where and what should I use in order to do that. Should I write something in Model or ViewModel or both?
that's the long way round of saying, CRUD and CQRS do not mesh well
@mikeTheLiar - Ah, I see the problem :D
Well, we wouldn't actually be deleting/editing anything
@CodeMaster that is a Big how is the program is mapped
So we'd just be logging "user X deleted record y"
and indeed it's easier to map REST to CRUD than it is REST to CQRS
a Model is the Direct Data, a ViewModel is only the information you want a user to update
"User W edited property Q of object Z from value B to value C"
@mikeTheLiar - Or I think I do. Are you exposing individual records with foreign relations to editing?
@mikeTheLiar that sounds like a good way of comprehending it. An excessive amount of generalisation would be bad, imho.
@TravisJ yes
Dude, that has to stop in my opinion.
My fault, I should be more specific.
This is the ViewModel where the end-user will see in order to operate the CRUD:http://pastie.org/private/xwzegbvqmgarywsopmaxa
and the result is as follow: http://i.imgur.com/nVpyUb5.jpg
@mikeTheLiar - Create a view which shows the entire object graph, and let the interface provide editing in that view as opposed to just exposing one small piece.
@TravisJ elaborate? We're all really new to the concept here, this is basically an experiment.
That makes sense
@mikeTheLiar - Also, consider that providing that type of editing to the user is a security risk. What if I malform my post from one of those edits to use a different foreign relation?
So instead of having multiple objects we'd just combine them into one
Right, or at least visually. The database can still hold on to them individually.
Cool you have a view and a model
Re: changing relationships, I'd have to think about it. Because that is definitely something users can do but I ideally we'd just log it and move on
now @CodeMaster have to get data into the ViewModel from the Model
@juanvan inside that form I need to put a DropDownList with data from other Model which has different Site Types.
I need the Code as value and Definition as text.
But that wouldn't actually change the record - it would just add an event that noted "parent record changed to reference $whatever"
@mikeTheLiar - It isn't a large problem unless you have multiple tenants or if all users are not part of the same logical system. In that case, it is possible to manipulate the foreign relations to display sensitive information from other users or tenants.
@CodeMaster think that is the same Model as last tiem
oh in that model
@TravisJ hmm, that is a big concern. Part of the reason that we're looking into implementing this is due to auditing.
@TravisJ so I guess the point he's making is that if all you're doing is logging events against those relations, some suitably designed command processor can invoke the appropriate "fu no" logic against request events that are invalid
@TomW I would say that's accurate.
@TomW - Yes, that is possible and should definitely also be in place. But exposing that type of behavior is still risky.
So you will add a List<SomeOtherViewModel> ListFoo
@TomW - I have one of those as well.
Definitely a good thing to be aware of
@juanvan The first VM was the picture I sent with those fields (OfficeSiteDD) and the second VM is the one that belongs to another model which is called OfficeSiteTypeDD
@mikeTheLiar - For auditing, for the most part, I would just look into making your database temporal
@juanvan This goes inside the Model (OfficeSiteDD or OfficeSiteTypeDD)? Or ViewModel?
The only problem with that is that we also need to be able to let users to "pretend that I'm doing this calculation six months ago, what results would I get?"
So in that case with event sourcing we'd only apply the events up until that date. I have no idea how we'd do that with a temporal database
@CodeMaster in the ViewModel you will add another property for the data
@juanvan So I add List<OfficeSiteTypeViewModel> ListFoo inside OfficeSiteDDViewModel, correct?
@mikeTheLiar - The temporal suggestion is just to help data auditing from a change perspective. A very simple version that I use for that is to implement this interface (add these fields) to all of my classes (tables). pastebin.com/wXNmH1wj
@CodeMaster Yep
@mikeTheLiar - That is a simple version. It could also hold a list of actions where actions were many to many but that wasn't required for what I was doing.
@juanvan Anything inside Controller? pastie.org/private/r99hykhjnhfoghlqynsoq
@CodeMaster need to fill that Property?
which is best? Enumerable.Repeat(item, 1), new []{item}, or public IEnumerable<T> SingleItemAsEnumerable<T>(T item){yield return item;}
@juanvan Yes, I need to fill the dropdown from controller, correct?
@TravisJ that kinda looks like what I'm thinking about implementing. So basically for UserActionID and ActionType those are just FK'd to a table enumerating possible valid actions against that record if I'm understanding this correctly
@juanvan The fill part goes under public ActionResult Index() correct?
in index there is nothing?
Just overheard in my office - "this data should not able to be accessed by a non-European IP address"
@mikeTheLiar - Yeah the actiontype was so small I just made it into an in memory enumerable.
@juanvan Currently there is nothing. Honestly I'm confused about where should I put the method?
@mikeTheLiar - And useractionid was the id of the user that made the change
@TravisJ yeah, this seems pretty in-line with what I was thinking. This has been helpful, thanks
@mikeTheLiar - You could of course expand on that though, that was just an example of a small version I am using.
This makes me feel better about the schema that I've been sketching out, at least I know I'm not completely off track
@CodeMaster if that is where this controller lands and needs to display data then Index is fine
youtube.com/watch?v=di2Iv1jvbJ0 this will help you get the concept
He makes a Classes, adds a List of one of the classes then displays it in MVC
the only difference is the DB call you will make to get the data, in the Service, or Index action
@juanvan my main issue was to understand where to put the List, is it inside the model or viewmodel. So you made it clear to me. Thanks :)
@CodeMaster - The model should be used to represent information coming from or going to the database. The viewmodel should be used to represent information coming from or going to the user (who cannot be trusted and is a scoundrel).
@TravisJ So, the ViewModel is acting as safe layer between client and server, right?
It should not allow changes to certain properties, such as primary or foreign keys. It should not expose foreign keys unless required.
@TravisJ So in order to populate a DropDownList, as @juanvan said I need to use the List inside ViewModel and fill the List from controller, right?
@CodeMaster - Yes that is accurate.
@TravisJ Thanks to both of you. However I need to find the controller method in order to Fill the data as some people use ViewBag and some use ViewData and etc.
@CodeMaster - Although, as your program scales, so will the the size of information in your dropdown. Do not implement a dropdown in the form of a complete list if the dropdown will ever have more than 50 items in it.
@CodeMaster - If you return the object you create to the view, return View(yourObj); then you can take the type of yourObj and use that in your view with @model objType and then reference that model with @Model.objProperty in the view. The model abstraction is a complex wrapper for ViewBag to make life easier for you.
@TravisJ It's great to see this.
I used to use this method in order to fill the data in List:
var model = new RegisterViewModel();
using (var ctx = new ApplicationIdentityDbContext())
model.GenderDD = ctx.GenderDD.Where(f => f.Deleted == false).Select(d => new SelectListItem
Value = d.Code,
Text = d.Definition,


return View(model);
Linq brainfart - given some IEnumberable, how can I get just the items where a given property appears more than once?
@mikeTheLiar "a given property"? You need to be more specific
Okay, so given an IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, I want to extract the keys that appear more than once
Q: Get Non-Distinct elements from an IEnumerable

RichKI have a class called Item. Item has an identifier property called ItemCode which is a string. I would like to get a list of all non-distinct Items in a list of Items. Example: List<Item> itemList = new List<Item>() { new Item("code1", "description1"), new Item("code2", "description2"), ...

Cheers, thanks
Hey guys, Oculus Rift is available to pre-order on Wednesday
Anything wrong with this query?
Context.Schools.Any(i=> someList.Any(x=>x.someId ==i.SchoolId))
not efficient
joining would probably be more efficient (unless one of them is a hashset already)
So you are saying if i want to know if there is an interset or not, i should do a join and do .Any() ?
@ReedCopsey you should do a livecoding.tv show sometime, it'd be really fun to watch somebody as awesome as you code for a bit
annnnnd ignored
@SteveG :^)
i was very productive today
I have to write a test plan...
@KendallFrey my stepdad already has one, you mean the consumer version, not the devkit?
@SteveG It's very good to be productive, unfortunately I wasn't productive in the last 4 days...
thats okay, i haven't been productive in a week prior
I'm struggling with something that I'm sure it will look funny to all of you here :D

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