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@ErroreFatale There's still an HTTP request made, though - the client, even if it's Telerik's Javascript - makes an HTTP request to the server, even if it's Telerik's server-side controls.
It's possible that when the controller method isn't called by the MVC plumbing then there are context parameters that aren't initialized. But there's always some HTTP request somewhere.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan you are right, I was saying wrong things. My problem simply is that the I'm not able to access the session. The telerik report viewer uses a Web API to retrieve data and inside this Web api the object data source is configured. I know that web api doesn't support sessions by default, and so I wrote a code which should force it to use sessions. However it seems that accessing function works inside the web api but not outside in other classes.
*accessing sessions
@ErroreFatale what are you trying to do, out of interest?
Do the WebAPI controller and MVC controllers run on the same web app?
@Moo-Juice the most simple way to describe what I'm trying to do is: I'm trying to retrive data from the database. However, before to perform the query I need to extract data from the session, but the session is null so the application crashes.
If you call your WebApi controller directly, it can access the session? But if you let Telerik do its voodoo, which subsequently calls your WebApi controller method, the Session variable is null?
However, I see that I'm able to access the session inside the web api controller, but not outside of it... in the method which is used by the telerik report viewer to get data
What's the code you used to access the MVC session from WebApi?
@ErroreFatale It might run as a WebApi filter, which is code that runs before the WebApi infrastructure instantiates a controller or invokes a method.
Wooo... Back to VSIX and VS templates. Does anyone know how can I change the folder (directory, parent?) of my template. By that I mean where it appears in Add New Item menu. By default it is installed in Visual C# Items, but I want to add another node to group all my templates in one place. In example, Visual C# Items/MyTemplates. Either I am blind or stupid, but I can't find the way to do it.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan this is the code of the web api controller (it's a class of Telerik which is dervided from web api controller): pastebin.com/g1hBKGwB
sorry, refer to this: pastebin.com/mAVP3huA
And this is the OffersCRUD class: pastebin.com/Ca7JB3UC
And in the OffersCRUD class there are the following lines
OffersProxy proxy = new OffersProxy();
proxy.PrepareService(UserSession.GetCurrentUser().UserName, UserSession.GetCurrentUser().Password);
The UsesSession class is a session wrapper. It should provide the session, but inside it there is a null reference exception... because the session is null
That's the one class that's actually relevant here.
However, UserSession.GetCurrentUser() works well inside the api controller
You said you added something to the WebApi code to make it be able to access the MVC session, right?
Yes, and infact it seems that it works, but ONLY if UserSession.GetCurrentUser() is called inside the web api.
In my case it's called inside the OffersCRUD class and UserSession.GetCurrentUser() fails
Did you add anything to your WebApiConfig.cs to make it work?
No, in global.asax
There's the whole mess of route handlers, and letting the MVC plumbing know that routes starting in /api should have access to the session, which I'm guessing Telerik bypasses somehow.
What's the URL that the Telerik component accesses?
These two methods are inside Global.asax
I must check the http requests in the browser, just a moment
I checked, and there is nothing strange according to me. Everything seems to go through the web api
^ me, today
Spent 2 hours scratching my head over some bad Angular behavior. Turns out I had two controllers with the same name.
head -> desk
New headset mmm.
what brand?
I found a review that said they were decent before buying, but mainly constrained by what the local Currys had available. I want to game today and it turns out my old one is broken
They're still good
What was it you game?
battlefield series, planetside
but nothing, for a long while
Found this in my codebase. I am... confused.
if (4 == counter)
   counter = 4
In logic, a tautology (from the Greek word ταυτολογία) is a formula that is true in every possible interpretation. Philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein first applied the term to redundancies of propositional logic in 1921. (It had been used earlier to refer to rhetorical tautologies, and continues to be used in that alternate sense.) A formula is satisfiable if it is true under at least one interpretation, and thus a tautology is a formula whose negation is unsatisfiable. Unsatisfiable statements, both through negation and affirmation, are known formally as contradictions. A formula that is neither...
unless counter is a Property with some logic in the setter?
Nope. local int var.
@TravisJ Did you get your swag for the 10m giveaway?
There's a counter++ call right before that if.
@Harish Software development is applicable to many industries. What's the issue? Having trouble finding work?
@Squiggle I dont have IT degree or any industry experiece.
just the certificate and basic knowledge.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan That's pretty standard code for detecting the end of the world and/or the breakdown of physics and mathematics.
will it enough to make place in this industry?@Squiggle
@KendallFrey I think it's code to check for random numbers.
@Harish That depends entirely on your attitude an environment. It doesn't take long to work up from a junior position or internship if you're competent.
@Squiggle will age be the barrier to compete with the other developers?
@Harish Again, depends on your environment. Not so much in my experience in Western Europe, but YMMV.
@Harish if you've got 5 years academic experience and a portfolio of projects I expect you've got a decent chance of fair employment :)
I have 2 years of academic experience.
But dont have good portfolio to impress the employers.
what is academic experience?
because that means almost nothing to employers, at least here in the US
good morning, finally, my last day of work in 2015
Out of college they might care about your GPA
@Harish what have you been doing for 5 years? :P
but once you have a job for ~1 year they don't even ask if you applly somewhere else
^ this much is true.
they probably need a transcript just to prove you have a degree
but after that it's experience based
* NOT academic, BTW
i couldn't given my full attention to learn and to find a good job till now.
because of some family responsibilities.
I don't know what the Indian market is like
after all, it's all about if you are a bad programmer or not, which can be easily seen through a few weeks of intern. a good cv can help you get more intern chances, but if you don't have it, just pay more effort and you can still get there
you could probably inflate your CV and blag a developer job
^dont do this though
employers will know
but by the time they find out, you've already got industry experience
also note that if you take a consulting gig the consulting company will inflate your resume as well
and employers know that
it happens every goddamn time
So what i should do now????
where are you located?
@Harish put yourself out there and make the most of any opportunities!
are you willing to travel?
yes i can do it to make my life better.
i mean to the US
yes if i will get a chance from anywhere in the globe i will accept that.
you could probably get a US work visa pretty easily
and try to join a consulting firm
no, he need at least a BS or MS in CS or CE to really pass uscis
it's no longer that easy
what degree do you have?
Unfortuately i have done B.Com so i have commerce degree.
and he need a employer who's willing to pay at least 10k just to deal with lawyer and visa paperwork
Then yea unfortunately what @tweray said was correct
Fuck TFS
here have your damn star you jabrone
Protip: the 'F' in TFS stands for 'Fuck'.
This Fucking System
oh hey, is there a way to see timings from test initialization and cleanup methods in TFS 2015?
Also, why doesn't Excel let me paste more than 232 rows
Will commerce degree be helpfull to pass uscis or not?
that's a question to lawyer, and again, you first need a employer in us who's willing to hire you and clear your visa status to begin with
@Harish can't you look for work locally?
which, i don't like to say, but to be honest, a very low possibility
@Squiggle yes i can look here too, i was just asking for future.
again, instead of cranking around, my suggestions is to go fight for a intern chance, IT is still quite a huge industry in india, i don't see why you won't even get a intern chance
@Harish who knows what the future has in store. It's easier to plan when you know where you want to be in a few years time.
@tweray i didn't tried for that because for that i will have to leave my home and that i dind't want to because the pay is too less.
if you care about pay on intern, you are going nowhere
8 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
oh hey, is there a way to see timings from test initialization and cleanup methods in TFS 2015?
8 minutes spent running tests, 15 minutes spent doing other stuff presumably initialization
@tweray i understand it, but i need money too.
@KendallFrey dude, dare you ask anything about TFS here, don't you believe kendall will grill you to medium rare and eat you while you are still self-conscious?
@KendallFrey change so that the slow stuff is run nightly
Can i do anything from my home too?
@JohanLarsson a nightly run for 8 minutes of tests?
@JohanLarsson Does it LOOK like I'm in charge here?
@Failsafe hell yes
@Failsafe yeah def, you want to commit often, waiting ten minutes for every commit is not good
5 minutes to check in is too long
not sure in india, but very few company allow intern to work remotely. again, intern is not for paycheck, it's for a chance to prove yourself deserve a full time contract
We turned off most of our gated stuff
@KendallFrey @JohanLarsson Are you doing CI? that makes sense i guess
no, we have a gated checkin
I keep mentioning CI
Best would be fast gated of course
I also mention git now and then
@tweray ok!
i just started git with tfs
here's my review: eh
git with tfs is like bacon with poop
bacon rocks with everything!
bacon improves poop, sure, but it's still poop
that analogy works for winforms and jquery
as well
how many people here know the technique to generate a fair "coin-flip" result from a biased coin?
random numbers are cool
replace the coin?
only flip it once, nobody would know it's biased
my coffee is making my mouth super dry
for some reason
this is nasty
abandon caffeine
(sit and waiting for the witch hunt)
@TomW lol
@KendallFrey yes
perhaps a little like ^
my breakpoints are not getting hit during tests :(
oh damn something is really fucked
wrong symbols loaded?
clean the solution.. CLEAN THE SOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dunno, something like that
I guess it's fixed now
Once in a blue moon my Visual Studio does something similar. Sometimes just closing and re-opening has solved it. I blame Gremlins.
Is someone able to help me to understand why in ASP.NET MVC many properties of HttpContext.Current are broken (threw an exception) after what seems to be a perfectly normal http request?
And HttpContext.Current.Session is null
does that also mean after the response?
say, if you were doing some async code
not like I know anything about ASP.NET
sup nerds
I'm checking HttpContext:Current in the debugger, the lines of the code that are executed after a HTTP request
again, explain what "after" means
The request is after empty?
there explained
@tweray I would say... after the request but before the response
I need a new phone. What should I get?
that's some really long routine
I had my eye on the Galaxy S6 but some reviews say it has crippling design flaws and terrible reliability
are you accessing request context from controller? or some specific global.asax method? if in global.asax, which method it is
@tweray ~/api/reports/clients/151138-e3dd/parameters
the request path is this
i am not asking for url
i am asking where is your code HttpContext.Current.Whatever
TomW friend of mine would tell you get the S5, its last NOT like Apple Samsung phone and the last model to allow for sd card slots. But the LG new one is looking better - My vote iphone
Not touching iphone
if all you do is make call listen to music and text - don't think it gets much easier then iphone
@TomW Want reliability? How about a Nokia?
@tweray it is in a class called UserSession which is a wrapper of the Session
the earliest stage you can access session is AcquireRequestState, session is not fetched before that stage
@KendallFrey I have a Nokia as an issued work phone. It's ok, I don't get on with windows phone though
sigh... please first learn basic pipeline of asp.net before trying to fix somebody else's code
Should have specified, I'm committed to Android
also, you seems to be hitting a api controller, which supposed to be stateless. which means, it won't even trying to fetch session during the whole routine
that LG one they run over, that is a good one
which one is that?
searching for it
humm can't find it, that co-workers is on vacation too damn
@tweray I am using a Telerik product: Report Viewer. It takes data and generates a PDF report. I configured it to retrieve data from a method inside a class called OffersCRUD, and in this class I try to get the session thanks to UserSession class. So, everything starts inside the class OffersCRUD.... what happens before this I don't know because it's encapsulated inside the Telerik product. Of course there is a controller which I can't see.
well the one he likes it the LG G4 but that was not the one getting run over
@tweray I know that WEB API don't use sessions. I wrote a code to force it using sessions. It works in other requests, but there is a failure in this request.
well, then i can't offer too much help, not mentioning my eternal hate on telerik, if you cannot even see where your code been invoked, and what exact pipeline is like, there's not way to answer your question
one thing i can tell is: WebAPI don't use session for a reason, and very good reason, please don't fight it. if you really need session, don't use WebAPI
WebApi is meant to get data not server pages
@tweray the report viewer of Telerik uses Web api so I have no other choice.
I'd prefer to use a MVC controller, but the report viewer is not supposed to use them
well, apicontroller not supposed to fetch session either... i don't even know how to hack it through. anyway, i would first use firebug or something double check the api request's header, and make sure cookies are all there. without that you cannot fetch session
@tweray I have already checked in the browser: the session cookie is there
of course cookie is there, question is that if the cookie is brought together in the api request
S5 owner here... Love it.
i just prank screen rotated myself
S4 owner here, I've had a few minor issues but I love it
lol and i cant get it back!!
in windows 10
i have no idea how i did it... thought the key shortcut was like shift alt arrow, but it wont change back
I think the S6 was Samsung's Vista.
and it only happened on one screen. wtf
errant input to the gyro?
im on a surface pro 3 (theres the problem, right?) with a dock and two ext monitors
@tweray HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance is null
only the surface display is rotated
to add an other information
@Bubbas you learning how to use the function key today?
@Bubbas Ctrl+Alt
@KendallFrey lol
yea i just did a restart - back to normal
somethin was up
the Ctrl+alt shit didnt work
and some other weird things were happening. every time i used a minimize or X button
or clicked something on the task bar
all monitors would flicker and it would act like its trying to do the little 10ft view of all my open apps, but would stop after about a second and come back
total OS failure there for a min i think, yay
you sure your keyboard isn't playing up?
a sticky Ctrl key?
Haha amazing. Parliament is going to debate banning Trump from the UK
It won't go through, will probably be a round-robin of "[Party] concurs that Mr Trump is an a-hole, however..."
I'm supposed to profile our AssemblyInitialize and ClassInitialize et al for performance, and I have no idea how please help
TFS is not helpful in build results
@TomW They're actually going to debate it?
@Squiggle beeb reckons so. 100,000 signatures usually triggers a debate automatically. This has 500,000
I think i remember signing that one
I'm so looking forward to that debate
just had a sql error tell me transaction log file is full on a database
but i look and its like 43 mb currently
with a muuuuch larger limit and autogrow set for 10 percent
obviously your computer is broken
Hard drive's full
time to pull the disks out of it and put in fresh ones
Just delete everything in MSSQL's Data directory.
"No data, No Problem!"
1. check harddrive
2. do a checksum
3. do a transation log backup
nah, you just shake the hard drives. The bits settle in the gaps and make more room on top.
They have to be running first, though
otherwise the bits won't settle properly
@ShotgunNinja not if you knock them hard enough
You can also pull them down to the bottom by setting the hard drive on a rare-earth magnet
The bigger the magnet, the more space will be created
by virtue of the magnetism.
@Moo-Juice that's known as "data compression", right?
pack it down real good
@Squiggle. exactly!
pypy.org ...not sure if real or satire
@Bubbas surface pro is really a good purchase?
when its free, sure
got it from work
it is absolutely terrible in some ways
but functions fine when docked and connected to other screens i think
after some major tweaking of resultions and "font size" settings and shit tho
good to know.
good morning
Hey everyone.
Don't tell me the room is dead, come back to life!
when i got up for lunch i discovered i'd put on my shirt inside-out this morning
At least you didn't put your boxers on backwards, that sucks.
Standing at the urinal, where is the hole, no I can't find it!
who uses the hole anyway
I pull my pants all the way to my ankles
@Shoe best way
i wanted to make a joke
but i can't
yeah you can
just start talking about dead babies
works every time
I have almost moved everything on my windows dev server over to linux.
I initialized a bunch of bare repos. Even got the shared permissions to work.
Does anybody have experience with Linux mail servers?
@SpencerRuport I'm running mine on an RPi :D It took quite long to get it working...
@cramopy - A mail server? Which one are you using?
I'm looking at Kerio right now.
I'm using hMailServer on my windows box atm.
Ohhhh looks purdy.
At my last company our contractors saw fit to write their own damn smtp relay server
@cramopy - What was the biggest slowdown to getting it running?
@TomW - Heh. Someone should let them know it's not 1998 anymore.
They needed a templating function in the relay for some reason
Intercepting automails from a back-office system that couldn't be turned off, and turning them into new mails using Razor, or discarding them
"Couldn't be turned off?"
Can anyone answer a very basic question about C#? I have just picked up a book on it
@JohnDoe - We don't answer questions about C# here.
@SpencerRuport yeah, don't ever use IBM BrassRing. It's utter shit
Ah... is that from the IBM mainframe era?
I know we still use an AS/400 here for some reason. Forget why.
It's from the webforms era
Even worse haha.
I feel like the question has a short enough answer that it'd be stupid to make it a stackexchange question
But aight
But no, it's a relatively new acquisition. I think they bought its author, a company called Kenexa, around 2012
@JohnDoe - I'm kidding. Ask your question.
@cramopy - Looks like they have a debian package. :D Thanks for the recommendation.
@SpencerRuport no prob :D
@JohnDoe Which book and edition is it?
@SpencerRuport i think he's gone now... :D
Well, my book says that you can declare variables of the referential type (not sure if it translates correctly into English) by using the operator new, and gives an example like this:

Student a = new Student("John", "Doe");

But when I simply input that into my console, it gives me an error under Student and says that the type could not be found
Does the book jump over a step where I define what the type Student is?
@SpencerRuport Now we know webforms is bad, but rarely have I seen any application as badly written as this one
holy shit
Just to give an example of how variables work without going deeper into the matter
the power of dynamic
@JohnDoe - Yes I think they're just giving you an example. Yes you would need to define a class named "Student" first with a constructor that accepts two string parameters.
@MoonOwl22 It's a Serbian book meant for high school student.
I see, @SpencerRuport, thanks! :)
@TomW - Web Forms era + "Outsourcing is amazing!!!" era
@JohnDoe We have anonymous types
@JohnDoe - Are you aware of dotnetfiddle.net ?
Something like:
var student = new { Name = "John", Surname = "Doe" };
:27826388 public class Student
    public string Surname { get; set;}
    public string Family { get; set;}

    public Student(string surname, string family)
	    Surname = surname;
		Family = family;
@SpencerRuport their 'API' was POX over HTTP, into which you were meant to insert an escaped xml message as text, then encrypted and base-64 encoded
@SpencerRuport nope, what's that? Online environment?
It responded with 'success codes' that resemble HTTP status codes, but don't always map faithfully, and some are missing
@MoonOwl22 How does that differ from defining a class "Student" and then declaring it?
@JohnDoe IMHO I'd ignore him if you're a complete beginner, anonymous types are an advanced feature and looking at those won't help you understand the fundamentals of the language
@JohnDoe - I agree with what @TomW said. Don't worry about anonymous types yet.
@TomW more like ignore all the time
I see. I have only very rudimentary knowledge of programming.
@JohnDoe - That's alright. Good programmers are running a marathon not a race.
Take your time.
Some of us walk the race too
@SpencerRuport A marathon where every checkpoint you get shot in the leg
@JohnDoe - Check out the link @cramopy gave. That site is very useful for learning + asking questions when you get stuck because you can show people your code. Makes it really easy for people to help you.
@TomW But he is highly likely to end up working with them anyway
@SpencerRuport I will, looks useful
@MoonOwl22 - No need to learn about them yet.
We have different approaches to learning. I'll respect that.
When he needs them he will learn about them
I suppose you shouldn't handle an AK-47 if you can't handle a pistol yet
Or a butter knife ;)
or a plastic spoon
A stick.
@JohnDoe backtrack a little, when you said
> But when I simply input that into my console
What do you mean by that? What environment are you using to write code?

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