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Something is wrong with this statement

if ((y == y2) && (x == x2))
y = -y;
y2 = -y2;
x = -x;
x2 = -x2;
Physics? Do you have bounding boxes yet?
Haha I thought that was what you wanted when I dropped in for a second :P
Something I would like to learn.. How collisions are actually handled in engines..
I AM GETTING CRAZY... Too much to learn...
So apparently I need to do it on area collision of my circle
I'm not sure how to do that$
I don't know.. That's a couple of ifs to check both positive and negative positions each loop... Not too nice
'There is no built in collision handling in XAML so that makes it a bit.. meh
@Squiggle, can I pull that library from nuget?
@JakobMillah It depends on the complexity of the system. In @MaartenWachters's engine the solution is trivial at best. It starts to get complex when you have 3 machines, 2 clients operating one collision party over a networked/predicted connection, and the server that makes the actual decision. That's how it goes in online games. At that point, it's a matter of most approximate conflict resolution and telling the clients (in a delayed fashion, which can cause all sorts of additional problems).
@RoelvanUden You're right... I am having a hard time understanding how much time things actually take.. That's what I liked with my beloved C
I have a crystal with x frequency. Then I could calculate EXACTLY how long things would take.. Here there're too many factors.. .:/
@KalaJ Not sure. There's a few available on nuget. Is the HTML5 option not viable?
Oh but that's funny :)
@MaartenWachters a circle is defined by x^2 + y^2 = r^2; does that help?
In actual fact if you know they're always circular, it's simpler. A collision is when the distance between their two centres is equal to or less than the sum of their radii
@RoelvanUden Of course, when the client makes the actual decision, then things get fun
it doesn't seem to work. there's a console error though but it's not readable. Is it because I'm using angular.min.js
@KalaJ :-/
and no, it shouldn't be because of that. What do you mean "not readable"?
are you familiar with AngularJS?
yes I am
albeit I'm new to it
I was watching some online tutorials and they said if you include min.js, the console error is hard to read
since it's minify
Currently, it looks like this lol: pastebin.com/0HCM4E9P
I want to create app, for windows platform with C# and for android also, and the database should be in some hosting, is any one knows what is the best practise to comunicate to one database from 2 kind of client?
ohh I know why
@KalaJ click the link. errors.angularjs.org/1.4.8$injector/modulerr?p0=myModule&p1=%5B%24inject‌​or%3Amodulerr%5D%20http%3A%2F%2Ferrors.angularjs.org%2F1.4.8%2F%24injector%2Fmodu‌​lerr%3Fp0%3DangularFileUpload%26p1%3D%255B%2524injector%253Anomod%255D%2520http%2‌​53A%252F%252Ferrors.angularjs.org%252F1.4.8 you didn't include the module in your app.
yeah I clicked the link. I mean the guy in the tutorial said you can have those messages displayed without clicking the link if you set the path to non min.js IIRC
@Jamaxack using the correct connector library for the language
lol I think it worked but how do I make sure it was async?
It almost looks like the page is refreshing
@Amy You there?
Morning Gregg
Morning @juanvan
I've got a weird, weird issue.
Q: Window's Authentication to access server

GregI've got a project, which I've configured my application to use Window's authentication. All other forms of connection were disabled, they have to be part of our domain to connect to this application. The problem though, some users, though apart of the domain do not have access to the applicati...

Life is a weird condition
haha, that is fantastic.
Can you pin point it down to a group that is the problem or it could be one person and not another with the same access levels?
@Greg sounds similar to an issue I'm experiencing with one of my test servers :-/
mixed content warning -_-
@juanvan IT said, "They have access, so it shouldn't be a problem."
But my whole team has no problem, IT has no problem, but our OP team half can log in, the other half can't.
I would say admin problem
if 1 person in IT could not do it
get creds to an OP and login as them to test?
That is kind of what I was thinking, but they don't want to deal with it. So I've got to at least narrow it down, so I can point and be like "here it is, fix it."
you can't get to DC to view the groups on the User?
there has to be a log in w3 folder?
No, I don't have access.
There is a log, it just gives me a generic 401 unauthorized.
I have a service class that calls a repository class like _repository.Add(someObject);. Is there a way, using rhino mocks, to mock up the service class AND the repository that is being passed to that class, and verify that the Add call is being made? In short I'm trying to unit test a void method.
I have the IIS_IUSRS have access, should I try IUSRS?
But wouldn't that give everyone permission, ie ability to read web.config
that will give everyone who comes in as a webuser access
umm don't think so
The request filtering module is configured to deny a path in the URL that contains a hiddenSegment section.
sup folks
hi ninja
@Amy ?
hi greg
@Amy Hello, @TravisJ said you may be able to help since you have a similar setup.
@juanvan Hm...
that was when I requested my web.config
So I should enable IUSRS also?
Hello all.
Hello @Randy
Iusers is part of IIS_IUSER
Didn't know that.
@Amy I have the question above.
Hello all, I'm trying to write a C++ CLR application that is accessible from C#. I have written the application and in my C# application I can see the class. However the class appears to be a struct in the C# application and it doesn't have any methods.
Does anyone know how I can make the methods accessible from a C# application?
Good morning guys, can someone help me understand this linq query
foreach (SchoolItem si in schoolItems)
si.SchoolItems.ToList().ForEach(x => Context.SchoolItems.Remove(x));
What is happening here?
Models, is just a class
or why my class appears as a struct in C#?
you have to wrap them from what this says
...is just...a class..
I'll take a look.
@juanvan I will take a look at this thanks...
@greg, are all your users' computers on the windows domain?
can you log in from their machines?
@Obviously looping over schoolItems, and for each SI, the list of Items that Item has, and removes some school items at index X
All the log says is:

2015-12-18 00:07:56 GET / - 80 - Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/47.0.2526.106+Safari/537.36 401 2 5 0
2015-12-18 00:08:01 GET / - 80 ****\***** Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/47.0.2526.106+Safari/537.36 401 3 0 0
2015-12-18 00:08:05 GET /favicon.ico - 80 ****\**** Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/47.0.2526.106+Safari/537.36 404 0 2 202
hi @Juanvan
In this
foreach (SchoolItem si in schoolItems)
si.SchoolItems.ToList().ForEach(x => Context.SchoolItems.Remove(x));
hi prime, I don't know much to help you but I tried hehe
I appreciate that I need to wrap a native c++ application
Why are we doing Context.SchoolItems.Remove(x))
I'm trying to call a managed application
Like what will it remove
@Amy I don't have remote access to their machines.
ya :(
maybe the c++ lounge would help?
@juanvan Pretty useless, eh?
Ya they are
normal requests
@greg the comment on your question is correct, the membership configuration node is only relevant if you use Forms auth
what happens if your users try using IE?
I don't use forms, I did remove it though.
can they log in then?
Same thing.
@Obviously do SchoolItems contain more SchoolItems?
@Obviously x is the current SchoolItem being iterated on in the ForEach loop.
Oh is it?
So that makes it simple
So we are removing x?
Is it correcT?
depends on what it is trying to achieve
it's syntactically correct.
I wonder why he is doing a to list here?
@Amy I have everything else disabled except Windows Authentication.
you can't modify a collection while iterating the collection, @Obviously
ToList() probably gets around that.
@Obviously also si.SchoolItems might not be a list
he is pulling a new list, never modding the int list or it would error
@greg i'm not sure. is the auth cookie getting set on the problem users machines?
cookie blockers?
sorry, not auth cookie, session cookie.
But I doubt that half a department has a cookie blocker enabled.
But, does it actually set a cookie?
yeah. i'm just throwing idea around.
Science it sticking to the walls
if they successfully log in, the server should send a session cookie, which the browser should send with each request thereafter to avoid re-authenticating
Hm, something to ponder on.
try running the browser as admin?
if you have physical access to a problem users box, look at the negotiate handshake. you should see two 401's followed by a 200
@Amy Where would I see that?
go to their machine and open the dev tools for the browser.
network tab
do you have an <authorization> node in your config to deny anonymous users?
No, I don't.
<deny users="?" />
that might help, but i'm doubtful.
so, either the problem users aren't doing the NTLM handshake correctly, or the cookie isn't getting set, or the server is rejecting their cookie for some damn reason.
Yeah, weird.
advise your users to practice their handshakes.
What would that entail?
going around and shaking each others hands.
it was a joke :)
Greg's a very literal person.
He was raised by monks in Japan.
@Sippy I did spent a lot of time in Japan.
i wanna go to japan
I know you did
@Amy Jokes and sarcasm often go over my head.
Guys If I remove to list from this query
foreach (SchoolItem si in schoolItems)
si.SchoolItems.ToList().ForEach(x => Context.SchoolItems.Remove(x));
You're like a white Japanese guy.
@Sippy hahaha
I do not get any build errror
do you guys think i will get a runtime eerror?
you won't get a build error, maybe. why don't you try it and find out?
@Obviously more than likely. Don't modify a collection whilst iterating over it.
Isn't that snippet entirely redundant?
^ depending what schoolItems is in your foreach definition
For every item in the collection, create a new collection, remove all the items, iterate to the next item and repeat.
if schoolItems is SchoolItems
erm yeah what @Sippy said.
Seems broke.
Do you guys think Costco membership is worth it?
Is it a circular reference in EF?
Costco is trade prices right?
Always worth
Except you have to fill a significant proportion of your home with e.g. bog roll to make it count
Costco is like Sam's Club, except better because it isn't owned by the Waltons
they also treat their workers way better.
@TomW Lol
anyone here use open street maps api...it apparently uses http and so i'm stuck with the mixed content warning BS
anyway to temporarily allow mixed content ?
read the SO answers advising against it, but not really looking for an advice
then what are you looking for?
the only things we have to offer are advice and jokes.
suggestions for a solution?
@Obviously @Squiggle I don't think they're the same collection. It looks like it is removing child items to me
if i needed advice about the "dangers" of http in https i would look that up instead of looking up how to allow it temporarily
@Amy I hate IIS.
proxy the http service on the same server you're serving https from
@Obviously it is worth it if you have a family, my wife works at Sam's Club and we don't buy much their because we don't have kids yet and end up throwing half of it away.
Should ViewBags ever be used to pass like... a string? Write a string to a page.
it is great for things like cat litter, toilet paper, and other cleaning products that don't perish though
Seems like a very bad habit..
me too @greg
@greg its definitely a pain in the ass to work with.
@JakobMillah the template uses viewbags to pass strings
The template?
it is like a poor (lazy?) man's model
for one-off strings, sure, use a viewbag. if you have lots of fields in the view though using viewbag, then you should switch to a model
yeah, the MVC 5 template uses them to put the page title in the master page template
@Amy Yeah.
Alright, thanks!
@CuddleBunny poor people are poor because they're lazy? Donald Trump, is that you?
i love trolling as TheDonald (on other chat servers)
@TomW You should become a detective
Trump is so freaking easy to imitate.
His hair is uh.. hair.
I think it might be sentient.
don't underestimate his hair
it might be like Bill Shatners hair.
I dont' get why william gets shortened to bill
I also don't get why richard gets shortened to dick
But if I ever become a rich successful businessman I will be calling myself Dick
Just cos Dick Cane is funny to me.
@TomW lol
If I became rich I would do something useful...
he is twice my age and has more hair than me...
@CuddleBunny Damn, that hurts
I'm going to need me some rogaine or hair implants before I'm 30.
You can have some of mine.. I have too much
i'm gonna donate my hair to Locks of Love, maybe you can be the lucky recipient.
@CuddleBunny rip
OR not
Get buff and shave your head
Be one of those guys
i dunno, would you look right with pony hair?
don't know if you mean a ponytail or a mane
dat beard
/me bows
He is a kungfu master.
don't mess.
he will strangle you with the hair
it's probably prehensile
/me googles prehensile
I did too
Came back as confused
It means he can use his beard to grab things
Didn't read much though
Like he would use his hands
I must say that... I've done jack shit today
written 2 emaisl
studied mvc
I feel bad as fuck
I've done similarly.
you're hardcore
I have an excuse though
I have an excuse as well.. no one has any work to give me
Project is closing
I'm leaving
No one giving me work cos then I'd only be able to do half of it
Ye.. the 2 ½ customers I know have nothing new going until next year
Already fixed most of the small bugs
The big ones that remain will take a few months to fix xD
@Sippy change user's expectations of the functionality instead. Probably cheaper.
Found it!
@Squiggle :P
yes master
morning kids
morning uncle C
morning grandpa
lol rip
changed image you have
has he ..
TIL my bus doesn't run Dec 21 - Jan 1, so I get to drive across the 520 bridge for a couple weeks :(
Bonjour, l'homme du Code
@Squiggle I'm so putting that on my profile
520 bridge? That's a high number!
the bridge is experiencing an unknown error
@Squiggle I prefer the 420 bridge
me too failsafe
As long as they don't rename it to the 404 bridge while you're on it
main problem is it's $8/day to cross it
Make a Kickstarter
That's what everyone else does
402, surely
@Squiggle Only if you don't pay
I'll make a GoFundMe
i'll donate a dollar.
@Codeman Can't you just claim it as an expense? Hahaha
@Sippy It probably becomes the 429 bridge during rush hour
@Amy I think I could be cool with rainbow hair.
@CuddleBunny \o/
@Sippy nah, I'm not a consultant any more :P
isn't life good as a consultant
Yea getting shit on all day is so much fun
its only 10am, and i've already received two bug reports that only say they have a problem
Well, fix?
@Amy TFS?
can't. they didn't say what the problem is.
Well, fix it anyway!
They have a problem, fix
if it's tfs you can send the bug back saying not enough detail
not TFS
@JakobMillah not really, that's why I left
I was micromanaged and misplaced to oblivion
It's like this customer of mine that says that something is weird when one of their customers makes orders in a certain way... It's not consistent though, so sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. But they can't provide with the exact way how they proceed the order..
@Codeman What are you doing these days?
@Codeman lol
@JakobMillah I'm at Microsoft
Does anyone in here have experience with MongoDB and the C# driver? I just have a question about coding convention and readability if anyone's got a sec.
My dad started working for a new company recently
What I earn in 2 months he earns in a week lol
@McAdam331 a bit, go ahead and ask
ew, mongodb
He couldn't tell me his salary without giggling
I wanna be in that position someday
me too @sippy
oh and he works 4 days a week
@Sippy tell him that you're glad he's earning your inheritance.
I did hahaha
I told him he needs to invest it in things that the government can't steal :P
That I can have muahaha
@Codeman Well I've just started out and I wrote a kind of complicated aggregation method and just typing it out I had one really long single line but the alternative is expanding it to 68 if I use the C# bracket conventions. I'm not sure what is gonna be more readable and maintainable down the line. Does this look good to you or do you have suggestions on cleaning it up somehow? gist.github.com/androidessence/c482595628557f8d5450

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