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@Codeman always GOOG/GOOGL always and forever
But a company like github will be a very risky investment
considering how they make money
Did Google stock lose value when they announced Alphabet?
and the risks associated
@ShotgunNinja no, considerable bump
double digit percent
@Nick I didn't buy GOOG, I'm already too highly leveraged in tech with AMZN and MSFT
How does Github make money?
well they make money off private repos
companies can pay for private repos
and venture capitalists?
@ShotgunNinja enterprise support, as most companies like that do
I pay $7/mo for private github repos. 100% worth it to me
for private, I go to bitbucket lol
Git/GitHub, in my experience, is arguably the only version control system that doesn't suck total butte
basically it establishes a business relationship
Is there any history of hacks or something for Github?
@Obviously people DDoS it fairly regularly
I don't think they've ever had a major breach though...
@Nick i get on pretty well with tfs
@Codeman I use gitlab for private repos :^)
github has been DDOSd by china and russia, but i haven't heard of any intrusions
microsofts cloud based one is really good
@Nick The main reason most VCSs suck butt is because git exists.
Yeah huge risk
@KendallFrey not sure what you mean by that
is it because git is the watermark?
Git's like "This is what you can do" and all the others are like "fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu"
git has its own share of issues.
@Amy Like what?
personally i prefer to use tfs ... simple things like CI builds are a pain to do with git
TFS is a nightmare.
@Nick google "git usability"
@Amy ...I could, and I might, but I'm curious if you have any criticism of it in particular
don't get me wrong, i love git, but its not perfect.
I'm not a shill, I just want to have a conversation. :^)
Yeah, I personally like Mercurial a bit better than Git
but I like Github's platform better than Bitbucket, for example
yeah TFS is way better than git
/kick SteveG
/putAHitOutOn SteveG
just wanted to see the world burn
@ShotgunNinja - If you attempt to always buy low, you will more than often sell lower.
!!give SteveG a lick
@Amy Mmmm! SteveG tastes just like raisin
look at my horse, my horse is amazing
its a lovely horse.
At a stroke of its mane it turns into a plane
Buy low, sell lower. Common theme in trying to buy at market inflection.
yeah, this is why I don't manage my own stocks
wouldn't that lose money?
the only investments I even have are my 401k portfolio
and I don't manage those
Which is why the manta of "buy low sell high" is good in theory but in practice is actually often detrimental.
I subscribe to the idea of buy high, sell higher. Better to just stick with proven success :)
@TravisJ Buy GOOG and VOO, go on vacation in hawaii, lawyer up, hit the gym
or whatever
whatever sounds easier.
@TravisJ That's hardly better. You're likely to buy things that are overbought already.
i'm doing whatever right now
I've made about $4 mil in stock trades
not bad? That's great
I've made $5 mil
Fairly comfortable with it.
or no?
Are these real numbers?
@KalaJ Are you accusing me of lying? ;)
Mostly it was in '04-'07
they look real.
Once you start actually investing in stocks, you generally start working with larger numbers
^ this
yeah I have no idea about stocks
I'm the typical dumb american
if only because there's a lot of overhead involved in investing that makes it silly to do with small amounts
Making $1 mil doesn't mean much if you started with a billion.
take my 401k and don't get me involved in politics or economics
If you look at the ticker "GROW" from mid '05 to '06 you will see
That was a majority of it.
Lawyers, investment advisors, and I think there's insurance you can get as well
what is GROW?
It is an investment firm that was trading internationally
ah ok
@TravisJ lol
@Nick what did you trade in? Or did you just say that.
@TravisJ i just said it lol
I have a feeling you made it up.
The only trading I do is in Fortune Street
I'm 24
@Nick I am too
I was serious though, I have made 1400 round trip day trades
I'm not even sure what a round trip day trade is
@TravisJ Yup, I believe you.
If you give a few minutes, I can turn my screeners on (still have them) and give you an estimate stock to trade in the next 3 days
yeah I don't either
If anyone wants
I'm assuming you buy a stock and sell it in the same day
do it
@ShotgunNinja - Yup
Takes me a few, be back
how do you know which stock to buy?
How do I get involved in this "scene"? lol
You go to a stockbroker and purchase stock
you wont make more than the professionals, if you're doing it for fun, yay, but dont expect to beat the pro's
Professional traders are crazy people.
nah I don't want to heat the pros
Really though I don't spend a lot of time thinking about it and just dump everything in VOO unless I have a good reason not to
I just want to earn something extra haha
I'm young enough that I can take the hit if shit goes south
even if it's small
I'm young too
You're not really earning, but your value is increasing
im young for 2 more days
birthday coming up?
You can't use that money tied up in stocks until you liquidate it by selling them
the big 3 0
30 is still young
@ShotgunNinja, ah ok.
it's the new 20, didn't you hear
yes exactly
Happy Birthday Steve in case I don't go on the chat on a sunday lol
Do yourself a favor, pick up a used Wii and a copy of Fortune Street online
then play it for a bit
well, in my 20's i was drunk clubbing in canada, in my late-20's / 30s, i watch house reruns all day
so.... even though they say that...
Market had a rough week this week apparently
@ShotgunNinja, is there a copy of fortune street not on a wii?
Dude, I watch House reruns all day anyway
@KalaJ the SNES version, I guess
lol yea
That game is Investment the Board Game
...the Video Game
ah I'll find an emulator for it then
I mean I'll play it at a friend's house
Honestly just pick up Dolphin
wait it's a mario game, what!
I use vanguard mutual funds for my investing (after filling up the 401k+rothIRA yearly limits)
@TravisJ eh, there's been worse
@MikeAsdf yeah buddy, that's me
And I just choose stock-based funds that don't contain "Apple" in the top 10
Okay, in order of suggested value for the next week (12/7 - 12/11):
So now that half of my take home salary goes to bills + rent, I don't have a roth IRA
You sunk my bingoship!
only 401k but hoping to open one up later
@TravisJ, you've given me stocks but what should I do with them? Invest in them and keep it for years or should I sell them after X amount of days?
@TravisJ what does your software actually do?
The next step would be to setup a view which watched those stocks as they open in the morning at 930 EST. If the futures are going to be strong, and the stock moves more than 1% up buy in. Ride until it pulls back 1%, should get to +4% in a good environment, if it gets to +4% enjoy the buffer and sell before the end of the day.
If the futures are weak, then don't buy and go do something else :) Not every day is a winner.
Those are three stocks at their all-time highs by a solid margin. Is the idea that you're banking on more people going "me too" before it goes down?
@Nick - I did that by manual selection from a screen of about 150 stocks.
@Nick - I tend to go with stocks that have proven growth. This is only aimed at gaining value from one day, and that is the important part.
how do you execute your trades?
Ah, I see.
as in, phone call?
@TravisJ I don't have the cash to eat those fees though. You on some platform with free trades?
Using a trading platform.
which one?
@KalaJ - I use eTrade, but they aren't the best out there. I would go with one that has an online platform and also an office in your area.
@Nick - Well, the more you trade with, the less the fees matter. Also, the fees are tax refundable.
is this your principal source of income?
Q: Is there a program that can display all the network calls your computer makes? In greater detail than the standard browser dev tools. I'm trying to do some c# network testing but it's becoming frustrating...
@Amy - No I haven't traded stock for several years. We invested all of it into the company. It wasn't even my money I was trading.
Process Monitor. if they're HTTP requests, use fiddler.
@fat_flying_pigs I used this old tool recently microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=4865
lol you're an awesome employee Travis
@KalaJ :)
Truly a jack of all trades
no pun intended
for low-level network monitoring, there's always Wireshark
I had a need a while back to sniff incoming HTTP requests to a local IIS host, and fiddler wasn't cutting it. So I used Microsoft Network Monitor and filtered for all incoming port 80 traffic.
@MikeAsdf thanks, I'll try using that
@amy I'm only vaguely familar with wireshark; I know it can sniff networks and stuff - can it be used on only my computer? I'm in a public place and really only want my own data
i barely know how to use it, sorry.
I would go with Wireshark
you can tell it not to run in promiscuous mode though
@fat_flying_pigs - It can be used for just you. Although, you will see all your cohorts stuff :D :(? :) It is easy to filter that out.
@Amy careful, that might turn it on
long live Windows ME
NT groundbreaking
95 wtf
98 stable
ME wtf
xp epic
vista wtf
win7 still use it
win8 trend breaking non wtf
win10 wtf
I have a broken win10 computer next to me from a coworker. It was brand new. I have been off and on salvaging it. It is stuck in some sort of "diagnosing/repairing" loop.
The only access I have to it is command prompt =/
i've heard of that issue.
I managed to back up the entire computer already to a thumb drive.
i had to replace my network card because no drivers were available for windows 10. if i started a torrent, my computer BSOD'd
But fixing the issue is problematic. It seems to be a corrupt OS update, and it is hard to tell if from the command prompt it is possible to both uninstall the update and fix the registry.
@Amy - This one wont even fully boot.
i don't understand why MS released too early.
I don't understand why C# enums are terrible. They released early because they didn't really have a choice :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum - They aren't supposed to have behaviors.
You can add behaviors to them though, but you can't put data on them which would have been super powerful.
wow totally drawing a blank right now. What's it called when you are creating a method and you want to have multiple signatures each with a different amount of parameters?
I need to look up the syntax... :/
But I cant even remember what its called. Overloading?
@BenjaminGruenbaum - Yeah, that is why I just stick to classes :D
seems like I've seen some tutorial recently that showed off this quick new way to do it in the latest C# - I think there were some attributes I could use or something.
@TravisJ i don't share hatred of 8 or 10
@Bubbas optional parameters?
8 was bad. 10 is alright, after the disastrous rollout
8 had some nice eye candy, though
@BenjaminGruenbaum what do you mean, didn't have a choice?
@TravisJ yeah, that's a problem with the language :P I wish it had stronger enums and now I'm just ranting.
i couldn't care less about the start menu being gone.
@Amy business wise it would have been very hard to not release when they did.
the start menu is dumb anyway, msft went the right direction gutting it
i hate the win8 start screen
@BenjaminGruenbaum why?
@KendallFrey yes, but I thought there was so no slick way to do it with less code... not having to repeat the whole function over and over again. hm, maybe not.. cuz each function body will or will not be using the parameters so the code would be a little diff anyway lol
@Bubbas optional parameters don't require you to repeat the method
I think thats what I want then
yea, i would just need to set a default value, or be able to handle a default or a null or somethin in the code i guess
@Amy I read financial stuffs at work a lot (because well, I work at a company that analyzes financial stuff) - I don't understand most of it, but something about reports and timing and windows 8 not doing well :D
can anyone spot a flaw in my logic here:

if(!Customers.Any(str => String.Compare(str.Email, SelectedCustomer.Email, true) == -1))
keeps returning even though the SelectedCustomer.Email is different from any in the db
remove the leading !?
or, change the compare to > -1
trying that now, thought it would be the opposite though
it depends on what you want the code to actually do.
Hey @BrianJ, what does your avatar represent?
out of curiosity
are you trying to check if the email is in the database, or that it isn't present?
It's supposed to check if the current email is equal to any in the db
if it is, then return, else invoke the save method
@ShotgunNinja it's a super secret Illuminati symbol :P
oh shi-
the loomynutty has me
@BrianJ this is EF?
so this is the complete method for clarity
private async Task SaveCustomerAsync(object customer)

if(Customers.Any(str => String.Compare(str.Email, SelectedCustomer.Email, true) == -1))
ButtonEnabled = true;
await Task.Run(() => _customerDataService.AddAsync(SelectedCustomer));
ButtonEnabled = false;


Do you know what a race condition is?
if(Customers.Any(str => String.Equal(str.Email, SelectedCustomer.Email, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))

should work
Wait, what's AddAsync? That doesn't look like EF or anything similar.
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's MongoDB, I'm using a POCO to map each document, then a repository class with CRUD methods to perform persistence and store a list of the poco objects
Oh, if you're using Mongo you don't care about specific data integrity or correctness anyway - so I guess that's ok.
Just be aware that code has a race condition and two users with the same email can be added if two people are running the code.
he's right.
So for example if it's for a website registration - don't use it unless you implement transaction logic yourself (or some sort of double locking)
ok, In the current version, it's a UI for viewing customer records, or editing
and the repo is an instance
using singleton pattern
I had a nasty bug where a previous developer had made a similar mistake (in SQL, enforcing integrity in a non-atomic way).
like this
        static CustomerRepository()

        private CustomerRepository()


        public static CustomerRepository Instance
                return instance;
singletons don't have anything to do with race conditions
@BrianJ singleton is an anti-pattern you should avoid. It's a clever way to have global mutable shared state - or a global variable.
ok what exactly is the race condition, concurrent access?
@Amy Actually, his singleton is not correctly implemented and is susceptible to having two instances - sincetons need to be double locked - not that it matters since they should not be used for anything ever anyway.
@BrianJ do you know what atomicity means?
What should I know about sql as a .net developer?
yes, it means that a crud operation must be all or nothing
@KalaJ nothing, there is nothing inherent that links SQL and .net, you should know SQL for a bunch of reasons though.
btw, that was the correct condition after I removed the !
I know
@BrianJ it means that for all observable purposes - something is a single operation. In your case, your "add user" logic is not atomic because checking if the user exists and adding the user is not a single operation. What you'd like is for the operation to be atomic. With your current code - two users can be added with the same email. For example - two instances of the software are run - both try to add the same email, both reach the Any check and pass it and proceed.
You need to make it impossible to add a duplicate email by making the checking and the adding a single operation. With Mongo you can do that with an upsert command - look into it.
Make sure to make the write a safe write too.
I actually have set upsert to true on the save method, so maybe I can remove the email check
anyways, signing out
thanks for help, will come back to this tomorrow :
upserts are awesome btw
adios @BrianJ
Is there something akin to escodegen for .NET?
To turn JS ASTs into JS source code.
I could emit JSON and feed that to escodegen but that's untyped and terrible.
All projects I'm aware of just call existing JS libraries and run it in v8 as a dll.
before the secratary left, she played the song "it's friday" -___-
back again, quick note... InsertOneAsync doesn't accept an UpdateOptions { IsUpsert = true } as a param
so how should I handle it in that situation
just use a ReplaceOneAsync(filter, t, new UpdateOptions { IsUpsert = true });
@JackyNguyen lol
and call it an insert, seems like bad coding..
adios guys, I'm out
I just accidentally typed .Count on an array and it got autocorrected to .Length. ReSharper is so conveniently magical.

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