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@AvnerShahar-Kashtan show your working plz
create an extention method for IEnumerable called .ToSelectList()?
Func<InputType,SelectListItem> toViewModel = x => new SelectListItem { Text=x.Name, Value = x.Key.ToString());
Collection1 = query1.Select(toViewModel);
Collection2 = query2.Select(toViewModel);
^ also good
It only abstracts away only the logic of converting your query result to a SelectListItem, while remaining explicit about being a collection transformation function.
There's a ) that should be a } there, but you get the idea.
hi guys I have a webapi which I has a custom error filter on it. Its working well. but I've just had an issue where I tried to do a POST whilst the programmer was updating the so I got a out of context error. Issue is the http header was 200 for some reason and it didnt run through the filter. any ideas how I can trap this?
that give syntax error
Func<InputType, SelectListItem> toViewModel = x => new SelectListItem
{ Text = x.Name, Value = x.Key.ToString()};
new SelectList(query1, "Name", "Key");
Input type does not contain a definition for name
selectlist has a constructor that takes the name of the properties to use for text/value
@Obviously InputType should be the T of your IQueryable<T>.
Does it contain Name and Key?
Yes it does
oh that looks neat : model.Collection1 = new SelectList(query1, "Name", "Key");
AAAHHHHHHHHHH if I have to have another "Yes, Dictionaries CAN be serialized because this is 2015 and we're not busing SoapFormatter anymore" I'll kill someone.
Okay, so. Visual Studio is being dumb.
this.Name = "Form2"; is saying it's wrong.
@Obviously Yeah, that would be the most succinct. The best code is always code that someone else has already written for you. Good call, @drch.
Like wtf
@kolton "wrong"?
@kolton is name a string?
It's in the form designer.
It's auto generated but it says it's wrong
this a new project?
"wrong" as in compile error, or "wrong" as in highlighted as error while still compiling?
reset visual studio
Both @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
Tried that
Should I delete Form2 and try remaking it?
What's the compiler error?
Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn'
Which is weird because it doesn't relate anything to this.Name = "Form2";
'WindowsFormsApplication6.Form2.Name' hides inherited member 'System.Windows.Forms.Control.Name'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended.

This is a warning the other was an error
You have a control named Name
But this is all auto generated, so why would it do that?
@kolton Because you gave one of your controls the name "Name".
I never gave any of my controls Name
Ha. I've never seen that before.
WinForms creates a property on your class with the name of the control, but in this case it's hiding the "Name" property that's inherited from Control.
Legit, I made a new Form (form2) and placed a dataGridView then tried running it and it did this
form.Name is of type DataGridViewTextBoxColumn? That's impressive.
To be more specific, you have a DataGridViewTextBoxColumn called Name
@kolton But you have a DataGridView? And did you give names to the Columns, one of which is Name?
This is the WinForms designer being well and truly dumb.
Oh shit. That's right. I totally forgot lmfao
I do have a Name column
You should probably name it something like colName, and keep the "Name" as the caption/label/whatever it's called in WinForms.
Good idea. Thanks
@juanvan It's not a label, it's a Column object.
was an example
FAAAAAAAAA Status Pending... >_<
FAAAAAA 25 MB request!
okay, maybe i'm doing this wrong. So the requirement is to only hit the DB once a day. I decided to do this with Second Level Caching (EF). So what I'm doing is, once a day on first load the data is all copied to cache and then later multiple refresh etc doesn't hit the DB. Problem is, some of these are as big as 25MB so the first load takes 2 - 3 minutes!
anyone got a better idea?
smaller multiple hits to the db is not an option -_-
25MB is a lot?
for this purpose, yes
i mean, its taking 2-3 minutes to load so thats why it is
That seems excessive for 25MB.
but if there's no other way then its perfectly fine.
(Which might be why the requirement is there in the first place)
Argentine internet?
Why are smaller multiple hits not an option? Is it possible that whoever formalized the requirements meant "Don't hit the DB on every operation", but this was written as "Only hit the DB once", when what was meant was "only hit the DB during the daily cache loading phase"?
Because they only want one request to the DB every 24 hours because of their "internal limitations". Which is why they initially suggested creating a "holding DB" where at night data from the DB that must only be touched once would be pushed to the holding DB from where folks can read the data
that is still on the table, but its shitty because they want PHP scripts that they already have from 3000BC to be used and nothing else...FAAAAAA
i'm trying to come up with a better solution that doesn't depend on shitty software, keeps them happy, and is more durable. i'm afraid i may not be thinking outside the box here
Can you run a DB replication script to copy all data over to your own servers, and run incremental updates every 24 hours?
the thing with the "holding db" is going to be a separate db on one of their servers which they don't mind getting hit multiple times. they want me to use their PHP scripts though. and secondly my application will have to communicate with their servers still.
in terms of time that it takes to load, it will be considerably shorter obviously
since i'd be getting smaller chunks at a time (its a paged grid so thats not a problem)
however i'd be responsible for maintaining those scripts ugh!
might have to go with that if these load times don't improve i think
i can't copy the data over to my servers though, no
take their precious data, and blackmail them, so Your job would be considered ready and done.
@ntohl sadly i want to keep getting more work...
FFS for some reason Resharper is causing VS to grind to a halt. I can't type anything, and when I right click it hangs for 30 seconds before opening the context menu.
Any ideas, people?
disabling code analysis and restarting seems to help for now
i usually use this: confluence.jetbrains.com/pages/… if nothing works, then i throw a tantrum and disable that shit. @Squiggle
@NicolásCarlo thanks!
np ;)
//It is not updating. MyList.ForEach(s => s = s + "foo");
The code that follows it is even worse
Someone need to educate these people on LINQ
@Squiggle Are you using WPF?
for (int i = 0; i < MyList.Count; i++)
    tempMyList.Add(MyList[i] + "foo");
One reason I like Haskell: You don't have to deal with this shit code
Lazy Programmers
Lazy programmers use LINQ
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan nope I'm an Angular/WebAPI junky
lazy programmers trying to use LINQ and failing
Even lazier programmers use Haskell
I found Haskell hard to learn
It is, if you're used to imperative programming
It's so nice to use though
Ye, thinking in Haskell is hard when you're not used to it
I naturally think in Haskell
@Squiggle Ok, then. I've found that VS's XAML Editor process (XDesProc) misbehaves a lot and causes Resharper to slow to a crawl, and killing it sometimes helps.
@KendallFrey because nobody except you writes Haskell
au contraire
At your work?
I wish :(
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan that's good to know. I use Workflow Foundation stuff, which is XAML-based...
WF...such a PITA to find any new stuff on it, seems like it hasn't been updated in foreva!
Ah, the joys of refactoring code full of yoda conditions.
Do or do not, there is no try?
? Why is it a problem?
@Squiggle nop. The constants are on the left side of ==
that's a trick for never miss a = or == error
a trick the compiler should pick up on, surely?
In C# the compiler does a fine job.
But people raised on C and C++ got into the habit.
@KendallFrey Select would make that work
But when I have to read a condition like if (2 > identifier.Length), I get a headache.
lol. That's overkill
@Shoe Uh, yeah, that's my point
I know I'm just adding some german humor :P
I could get used to Joda conditions, but just on ==. Tho it's disturbs me atm.
Wait, Windows 10 tells me which process has a file locked when I try to delete it? Joy
How would they know Foreach but not select?
@KendallFrey I recently discovered that the Windows 8 (or 8.1?) ResourcesMonitor can also tell me which process holds a file handle. And also shows me which process uses which network port. No more netstat!
@ntohl Joda? As in, the date/time library? :P
@Shoe fuck if I know. ForEach isn't LINQ
@KendallFrey lol. In Hungary we write Joda, not Yoda
They clearly didn't know how ForEach works
or rather, the language
@Shoe Foreach predates LINQ (it's from .NET 2.0, I think, with List<T>). Also, someone exploring the framework via intellisense would hook into a word he's familiar with ("Foreach? It's like a foreach loop!") and ignore words that make no sense.
@ntohl Please don't tell me Jarth Jader is Juke's father
^ shit now you know the high secret, they are going to hunt you down
spoiler allert
I'm torn, Surface Book or Surface Pro? I can get a maxed out Surface Pro 4 for $1,800 dollars but the book with similar hardware is a bit more.
@ntohl It's been 30 years
i like the book w. 6+ hours of battery life
which means i can play games during the whole damn flight to vancouver
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Yeah I see that now
@Greg I'd go for the Pro, because futureproof and/or gloating rights.
Yeah, I like the book to. But that price.
I mean I would end up spending 2429 on Surface Book, which is expensive.
@ntohl lol those kids crying
@Shoe That's funny to see that 30 year old twist on a wide screen tv still hits
@Squiggle You would say Pro over Book?
@Greg is the Pro even out yet?
the hardware in either is fine, but I'm not sure I like the look of the Book's dock and keyboard.
also the Pro looks lush
Has anyone had any experience with Load Tests in Visual studio?
not yet, but it's something I need to do
My boss had me watch some Pluralsight videos on it, and the guy never went over how to configure the Test Controllers or Test Agents. :/
@Squiggle But the hardware is a bit better in the book.
The keyboard is a lot nicer.
@krillgar you mean load test on exact web application, or load test on modules?
awesome...apparently 2-3 minute load time is perfectly acceptable
@NicolásCarlo you get some really patient clients then
they were dealing with 20 min load times before @tweray
yeah, that's human
@scheien I would like a library similar to RestSharp, but it uses the old HttpClient framework, not the Windows.Web.Http framework. If you try to install the RestSharp package in a Windows 10 application, it states there is no package which targets UAP 10.x.
i never heard ppl complaining about webpage is slow when everybody is on 56k
no one complained about that horrible sound either
@NicolásCarlo I did, when my dad was connecting and I wanted to sleep :p
i do heard complaint from ppl first switch to dsl "it doesn't have the dial sound, how would i know if it's connected?"
"Nooo, no irritating sound. HELP!"
it was part of the thrill to try out duke nukem 3d on an 33k modem
It is always on - ahh that sounds soo long ago - where is the deep sounds to show it was a 56k?
btw I still hear that tone just from behind me once a day
you need to move
long live AOL?
I don't know what possible wicked process uses that connection here, but I don't have to work with thata
@tweray Ah, those halcyon days where "disconnected" was the default state. :)
@ntohl It's just a colleague of you that clicks a button once in a while to irritate you
well, 56k still have a great advantage during the years when dsl still charge by minutes
yeah but that was when neanderthals roamed the earth
if you forgot to disconnect your 56k, you will get a cell phone call saying "dude, i've been trying to call you for an hour, cut your damn internet."
but for dsl, you just have to take the bill if you forgot to disconnect
Cell phones
my dad used to have one of those pager things
@tweray for dsl?? didnt you want to write isdn :o
my pager had an 800 number lol
@kayess oh yea, isdn, and adsl
anyone could page me from any phone
and cost me nothing
my dad's company thought pagers and car phones were the shit, they had them everywhere!
or something like that awesome behemoth!
@tweray yeah, it was especially pricey if you had both B channels on for 128kbps...
ya that is how companies did it back then, had a bag phone you needed 3 hands to use
This is such a hard choice.
@NicolásCarlo My first phone was this or something similar. It fit in my pockets only because I had huge pockets, and it would burrow it's way out of them every couple of months.
@Greg just buy both of them god dammit
then find which one you like more, and gift the other one to your cousin
that thing is just plain beautiful. My first cellphone was a hand me down from my sister: extragsm.com/images/phone/big/Nokia/7210/Nokia-7210-02.jpg suffice it to say I wanted to dig a hole every time i used it in public @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
it was good though, made me want to work my ass off in life so i never have to be stuck with my sister's phone again :)
Nokia had such innovation back in the days.
when you think about that, my philippe phone used to be able to stand 2 weeks without charging, and i also have a backup battery. so i can keep connected for almost a month without plug anything
now... pff.....
yeah well now people DEMAND their phones to be more powerful than computers
I mostly gave up on my smart watch because it couldn't go more than 60 hours without a recharge.
Buy a real phone @tweray
now even pets need to be charged every once in a while
!!define real phone
@tweray My pocket dictionary just isn't good enough for you.
!!urban real phone
@tweray No definition found for real phone
Caprica should be fired.
@tweray Fuck my cousin!
but who was phone
@Greg um... is she a hot girl? i can consider if so
^ I had one of these once. It was surprisingly good.
@tweray I'm doing Performance Load Tests in Visual Studio 2013.
2 weeks 4 days without charging
okay what remote areas do you guys live in that you can't charge your phones every day?
its second nature by now for me to charge my phone every night...its not rocket science to plug your phone in
@krillgar yeah, i somehow know. my question is are you doing load test on application level, or in lower level like module level or class/method level?
@NicolásCarlo we're dirty stop-outs and only go home to shower between parties.
@NicolásCarlo that was my exact request to have a phone, that can be used without charging for long time. I got that
@tweray I have a bunch of Integration tests to call my API within a Unit Test Project. My Load Test is set up to call the specified integration tests. But I can't run the tests because the controller and agents aren't set up.
reading through Microsoft code sucks... this file is 9,000 lines long just to parse a single xml file.
i wanted a computer that i wouldn't have to charge
i got a desktop
I use my phone to... phone someone
@CuddleBunny thanks to stylecop?
I went back and rewatched the part of the Pluralsight video, and I think part of my problem was that I don't have an AD account to use for each.
@krillgar so... you basically want to test when load of requests start to hit a certain action in your controller?
@ntohl I think it is mostly because of all the different things they need to account for being so huge and so global. Security, localization, etc...
The documentation that I've found on setting up the Controllers and Agents is sparse at best.
@krillgar have you went over this guide? msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn250793.aspx
I'm looking forward to getting a Lumia 950 or Surface phone, I don't have a tablet or a laptop so I use my desktop for everything I do at home and my phone for everything I do elsewhere. So if I can replace a tablet/laptop with my phone all the better...
@tweray Thanks. I hadn't seen that before, but it looks very similar to the Ben Day Pluralsight. Gimme a minute, and I'll see if that has what I need.
public secret: Most pluralsight "how-to" videos are just cut, animated and sounded version of msdn guide pages
I've never used Pluralsight. My boss pointed me there.
and sometimes even the authors are the same
Ugh, everything keeps saying "Use VS Online!" I don't wanna use my own, and I work for a non-profit, so they've really been dragging their feet moving to Azure.
Why would you ever want to use VS Online?
what is "everything" that keeps saying move?
everything been moving to DRM
I use vs online for my personal private git repos
The heavy lifting for Performance Testing it done automatically for you with VS Online. That's the part that I'm stuck on.
And I do the same thing as @CuddleBunny.
The auto deployment to Azure is wonderful.
you can auto deploy from almost anything though, I use GitLab at work and it works fine with Azure
Very true.
Im not sure why I would want to run my dev environment in "THE CLOUD"
@RoelvanUden because now instead of hacking your production, you can invite all hackers to do peer hack on your dev
which we call early feature delivery
and what's better, you even get a surprise chance to have a super duper hacker party in your source control and source code, they can help you pick all security flaws and hackable portal from an expert's point of view, think about that, how wonderful
Well. That was utterly convincing! I'll take it!
@tweray Taking a page out of the gaming industries early access playbook?
^ trust me, gaming industry only learned a small bit from tv shopping
Can I restrict a function to only accept 2/3 possible enum values during compile time, or do I need to test and throw an exception at runtime?
exception, or some cleaner way of failing.
i have to install oracle 10g
just to connect to this fucking database
kill me
@Failsafe nope, you just need to insteall the connectivity tools.
and set up your whatsamajig config file
and sacrifice a goat
im downloading the client
and installing the different drivers
i dont download FULL database
just the client
Oracle == 'Orrible
i need the tnsnames.ora
i had 12
but i got ORA-03134: Connections to this server version are no longer supported.
because the fucking db is so goddamn old
the webserver that's actually using the DB is running client 8.1
8. fucking 1
must be 1990
posted on October 28, 2015 by Visual Studio Blog

In my last blog post, I introduced U-SQL as the new Big Data query language for the Azure Data Lake that unifies the benefits of SQL with the expressive power of your own code. Today we are announcing the availability of the Azure Data Lake in public preview. You can now try U-SQL in Visual Studio and run it over massive amounts of data in the store and across relational store such as Azure SQL

@Failsafe at least 14 years old, apparently.
i want to die
how do the existing systems integrate with that piece of crap?
they dont
it's super legacy
by itself
i have to do a CR
@RoelvanUden hey i used the nuget package manager to install lz4 but it's installing it ont the hansha.core project instead of hansha lol
i set hansha as start-up project but still haha
@Failsafe End-of-life support for your Oracle version expired 9 years ago :D
@Squiggle Tell that to the DBA's
Really quick question for any of you C# gurus...
im leaving for lunch
@Failsafe OK. What's their email address?
let me know what happens ;)
wait, what? A new dialect of SQL, incompatible with all others? That's exactly what we needed.
@TomW but if they don't create vendor lock-in, how will Microsoft ever corner the market?
As long as MySQL exists I don't think Microsoft has much to worry about
@Slashy: You can choose which project you want to add packages to.
@TomW - Do you have time to read a two page article?
time to shorten my damn eyelashes... after half an hour of cleaning my glasses look like they've been broomed with an oily broom
@SpencerRuport not at the moment, maybe when I leave work
Whenever you get a chance: @TomW - pastie.org/private/f0o1f9zarnfjsl3c9oquzw
I have cordova project that I opened in VS as I have wp and windows as a platform. I am mssing Device debug button for emulation, any idea?
So we're using some azure worker roles + storage queues to handle background processing of user uploads, right
And we have azure's very-neat autoscaling feature enabled, where it looks at the queue count as a trigger to change the number of active worker instances
XML question. Where in the code would you specify the SOAPAction?
You wouldn't. You'd let WCF abstract that crap away.
But now we want to switch to a database-table-backed "queue" for more granularity in how we process things (i.e. so we can process multiple users in parallel, but never multiple items from the same user in parallel, since it causes a handful of concurrency issues)
And azure doesn't have built-in autoscaling for such a notion.
So we're probably going to have some code that simply monitors the database table's number of distinct user IDs, and fills/empties a dummy queue to have the same count.
I'm trying to pass an XML document I setup with some test values to the associated web service.
Its throwing back And its throwing back : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"><soap:Body><soap:Fault><faultcode>s‌​oap:Client</faultcode><faultstring>Unable to handle request without a valid action parameter. Please supply a valid soap action.</faultstring><detail /></soap:Fault></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>
oh, right, you're DIYing
it's an http header
called, IIRC, SOAPAction
I have my header tag set to type="header" name="request" and value="Web service URL"
no, listen
http header
nothing to do with soap headers
If its http header, why does the code ask that a valid soap action be provided
what do you think is contradictory about it?
I get what you're saying. Took a second. How do you resolve it?

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