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Does anyone know of any Rest APIs compatible with UWP apps?
4 hours later…
Morning all
@LeviFuller: Not sure what you mean. You need to provide a context.
shouldnt be any problem consuming e.g. webapi
Yesterday they replaced some of the broken light bulbs. The new ones emit a white light instead of warm white. SO BRIGHT.
I can't handle it -_-
if I want to make a function that copy another object member wise but one property: name that will take "Copy_of_..." as Name, should I put that in the Clone function of ICloneable interface? I don't think it would be good because a Clone is a complete Clone, not a partial one but I'm not sure about that, what do you think?
should I use copy constructor ? a factory function?
@Loetn: hehe, probably get some with lower kelvin next time ;)
I bought a few of those leds at IKEA, and those had a nice warm tone to them
With sliders how does the .value work in an if for statement?
@MaartenWachters What do you mean?
@scheien Tell that to the handyman :p

            if (slSlider.Value == null)
                if (txbFamName.Text == "Dams")
                    txbFamName.IsEnabled = false;

                if (txbName.Text == "Tim")
                    txbName.IsEnabled = false;

                if (txbLocation.Text == "AP")
                    txbLocation.IsEnabled = false;

                if (txbPassword.Text == "C#")
                    txbPassword.IsEnabled = false;
I want this piece of code to work. Give me a sec I'll get the XAML too
<Slider x:Name="slSlider" Maximum="2" Minimum="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="76,35,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="94" IsSnapToTickEnabled="True" ValueChanged="slSlider_ValueChanged"/>
@MaartenWachters Is the logic executed inside the event handler?
Personally, I would use e.Value (or something like that), to check the value in an event handler
Uhh afraid I don't understand
I'm new to C#
if you see the method signature, it has to parameters.
(object sender, EventArgs e)
the latter would be the event arguments
Or something like that
Indeed, if auto generated it would be something like that.
You should use the values in e.
hi everyone, is it correct to work on mvc if there is no view[UI] or class that fire event is my own internal class ??
I throw my hands in the air. I'll make 2 buttons I guess
@MaartenWachters Are you dancing?
@MaartenWachters Replace slSlider.Value == null with e.Value (or e.NewValue)
@Loetn Cannot implicy convert double to bool
e.Value == 0
Never ever copy code without thinking about it
morning all
@Loetn: I do that all the time
you're all terrible people
apart from you, @Loetn
@scheien I want to understand what I'm copying
Good morning @Squiggle
> 0 doesn't work as it 'triggers' now everytime the slider changes
@MaartenWachters Probably e.NewValue then
No I did that
@Loetn: yep. I remember back in the day when IRC was the shit, and everyone was using the mIRC client, which had some scripting abilities. People then posted some "awesome script that gives you +o and whatnot, just copy-paste this line", and then it was some encoded stuff, that opened a backdoor in your client.
Ooh, the days
botnet had a different meaning back then
@Slashy Desktop Duplication does work for games and media that isn't "protected". Apps can opt-in for that flag which will black out that region.
/ctcp @scheien hax "rm -rf /"
@MaartenWachters What exactly you want to happen?
If I do not slide the slider, it runs the disable. If I however slide it, it does not
Would it help if I post the XAML too?
No, I don't think so.
So it only have to happens once?
If its slid it doesnt disabel even if they slide it back, ideally
but tbf I think my teacher would understand if it just works with the slider
Is it a possible to unsubscribe the event when it happens?
Ideally not, but it doesn't matter that much
So <= 0 = enabled, > 0 = disabled txts?
I think it defaults to null a slider?
The value can't be null, IIRC
So in the XAMl I did minimum="1" maximum="2"
it said double ( in a previous comment ), so unless it's double? it can't be null.
that would mean it starts at 1, correct?
So this

if (e.NewValue > 1)
                if (txbFamName.Text == "Dams")
                    txbFamName.IsEnabled = false;

                if (txbName.Text == "Tim")
                    txbName.IsEnabled = false;

                if (txbLocation.Text == "AP")
                    txbLocation.IsEnabled = false;

                if (txbPassword.Text == "C#")
                    txbPassword.IsEnabled = false;
But that 'triggers' it once it gets a NEW value. How do I make it so that if it doesn't receive a new value? e.value defaults it back to newvalue otherwise I get an error.
Correct right?
That's what the event describes, it is triggered when the value changes.
So this slSlider_ValueChanged

Is the event
See the last part of the method name
Changed. I get that
but if I put that snippet inside

  private void btnAntwoord_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e
It gives me an error
You want a method inside a method?
Do you want the event to be triggered only if they click the button?
The disabeling, yes
God I wish this was VB it'll be much easier :(
So, after they clicked the button, you want to listen to the event?
@MaartenWachters well, that is your opinion. :)
@RoelvanUden Oh alright .thanks
by the way. the problem of the bleeding pixels is not caused by the movedregion
i've just disabled the moved region and used only modified regions
i can still see it..
@Loetn Yes. I think so.
@Slashy If you disable that you end up with wrong deltas you know.
@RoelvanUden i've just delted the line of processmovedregions(frame);
and also disabled all of this in the receiver side
    * var movedRegions = reader.ReadUnsignedVariableLength();
            if (movedRegions != 0)
                var tempBuffer = new byte[bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height * 4];

                fixed (byte* tempBufferPointer = &tempBuffer[0])
                    for (var n = 0; n < movedRegions; n++)
                        var fromX = reader.ReadUnsignedVariableLength();
                        var fromY = reader.ReadUnsignedVariableLength();
                        var toX = reader.ReadUnsignedVariableLength();
Yeah just blindly deleting something without fixing the missing functionality does end up screwy. That's logical.
@MaartenWachters Then subscribe to the event in btnAntwoord_Click
what the hell that mean...?
i've just wanted to make sure the problem is not in the moved regions
and it is not as much as i see
slSlider.Valuechanged += slSlider_ValueChanged
@Loetn Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error CS1061 'RoutedEventArgs' does not contain a definition for 'NewValue' and no extension method 'NewValue' accepting a first argument of type 'RoutedEventArgs' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Labo6Extra C:\Users\Maarten\Documents\Programming principles\Labo6Extra\MainWindow.xaml.cs 175
@Slashy Look, you end up deleting code. Code that's responsible for something. Just deleting it will cause side-effects, in this case regions that will update wrong because you're using a wrong source region because a move was not processed accordingly. Just blindly deleting things is never a good test.
@RoelvanUden i understand what you say but i've also deleted the part of the procesing in the other side..
so it should no bother at all..
You apparently don't understand.
So what happens if you just ignore a move, then get a modified in the new area
holy shit im so stupid somtimes
@Loetn I'm thinking my basic understanding of C# might not be sufficient enough for what I want to do
@Slashy It's early day :P
@RoelvanUden haha
@MaartenWachters You can subscribe to an event in XAML (like you do now) and in code (like I showed you)
Try the second one, subscribe in the click event
I have
               if (slSlider.ValueChanged += slSlider_ValueChanged)
                if (txbFamName.Text == "Dams")
                    txbFamName.IsEnabled = false;

                if (txbName.Text == "Tim")
                    txbName.IsEnabled = false;

                if (txbLocation.Text == "AP")
                    txbLocation.IsEnabled = false;

                if (txbPassword.Text == "C#")
                    txbPassword.IsEnabled = false;
I'm creating a class around a MAC address stored in our system, and I have a requirement to normalize MAC address strings to colon notatation (FF:FF:FF:.. etc, rather than FF-FF-FF or FF FF FF). Now, should I make this normalization implicit as part of setting my class's Value string property, or make the caller call a NormalizeAddress method?
I would make it implicit, but rather using property I would write getter setter methods, to show that it's not a simple setter, and have side effects
@ntohl Can't, since my MacAddressNodeInfo class inherits an existing NodeInfo class that's already in use for hostnames and IP addresses.
So the Value property is already the mechanism used.
if you go with the property route, you should also override the equals
@MaartenWachters Hmm no
it would be wierd to do something like:
foo.MacAddress = "FF FF FF FF FF";
if (fo.MacAddress == "FF FF FF FF FF") // false
private void btnAntwoord_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    slSlider.Valuechanged += slSlider_ValueChanged;
or you could do something like MacAddress.Parse("FF FF FF FF"); //returns FF-FF-FF-FF
@drch I'll probably do something like that, I guess. Clearest, since it's similar to int/long/DateTime.Parse()
@Loetn adding another event listener every time you click the button?
@Squiggle Hmm ye, woops.
@Loetn Just sent a mail to my prof
Hopefully he can explain (it helps if its in my mother tongue and can see what he des)
Ye, probably. Btw, I'm dutch too.
I know 1 word: tabel
Hah, that's not even a word that comes in handy :p
I know a few words, but I dunno how they're spelled
that's french
:) but it's easy to learn. Back in the days, when I was playing CoD:UO I was playing with dutch ppl, and I have learned 10 words, but I forgot
Mooi is dutch
Mooi is dutch yes, but moi is french for me
Lever= liver
oma, opa
coco met slagroom
I really don't know how to respond to that @MaartenWachters
1 message moved to Trash can
Sorry if that offended anyone
i thought watching anime would teach me Japanese
nver been so wrong
why did it sounded like a small anime girl
*bad grammer
Better yet, I'll use System.Network.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress for validation and normalization.
@Rusty If you pay enough attention it might
Hmm. I don't think there's a built in comparer for Tuple<string,string>, huh? I want to create a case-insensitive Dictionary<Tuple<string,string>,NodeInfo> where the key is case insensitive for either of the tuple's values.
Just making sure it's not already implemented before I write my own.
@scheien You also know what they mean?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan default implementation will call .equals on Item1 and Item2
and they must be the same t ypes
The obj parameter is considered to be equal to the current instance under the following conditions:
It is a Tuple<T1, T2> object.
Its two components are of the same types as the current instance.
Its two components are equal to those of the current instance. Equality is determined by the default object equality comparer for each component.
@Loetn: yep. My wife is part dutch btw.
AHa :)
So I'm working from home today, since we had an appointment with a plumber. He should have been here at 0800 and he hadnt shown up at 10, so I called their office. Ye he's sick, and they knew about it yesterday.
WTF why couldnt they pick up that fucking phone and call me?
I totally understand that people get sick, but I don't understand why companies don't inform their customers that they aren't able to show up.
It's like they don't like their customers, and they want to get a bad reputation
cancel work order
call competitor
@drch Yeah, which means I have to write a custom comparer, because the default string comparer is case sensitive.
Or create my own type. Structs are automatically structurallyequatable, right?
@scheien you are going to do that, right?
Yep, I just did
What did they say?
He said "well, people get sick", and I replied: "yeah, I understand that, I get sick too, but at least I inform my customers that I'm not able to show up to the appointment we have."
Yeah, ffs. Why would they think that's an acceptable way to run a business?
I don't know, but there are a lot of cowboys in that line of business
They watched that video too many times:
I can't really understand that companies treat customers as a one-time customer.
You evolved from a one-time customer to a zero-time customer
A friend of mine is an electrician, he has so much work that he works 12 hours a day. There's one single reason: He's nice, and he get things done.
All his customers are referrals
@Loetn: Indeed!
Those are the best!
ofc you have those who are nice, and doesnt get things done, but they kinda fall behind rather quickly
hey, can anyone tell me what's wrong with this xml string, it's giving a syntax error at messagedate
trying to unit test, but stumbled at this..
Good morning everyone :).
@BrianJ Was it too much effort to format it?
Did you try using slashes?
char[] cc = new char[] { ((char)(byte)210) };
byte[] b = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cc);

This gives me Count = 2 for "b" (195, 146). Could anyone tell me why? I guess its a problem with the encoding. Im not that much into calculation bytes.
@RoelvanUden my bad
@BrianJ why are you escaping the quotes only in the <?xml declaration?
@BrianJ use the @ notation to declare a string, then double up all your quotes.
var xml = @"<?xml version=""1.0""?><request id=""EZE"" messagedate=""2015-10-28"" ...etc etc
ok thanks ^^
or switch to VB and use XML literals ;)
then you can span the string over multiple lines
@Squiggle: Shame on you!
like this?
    private static string fileContents = @"<?xml version=\""1.0\""?><request id=""EZE""  messagedate=""2015-10-28"" messagetime=""17-05-23""><msgID>332526</msgID><phonenumber>630000000000</phonenumber><amount>25</amount></request>";
remove the slashes
@scheien Admit it. XML literals are actually highly appropriate for this solution.
@Squiggle: I'll cave for that, but that might be the only thing also
it's just a rare case of VB being better than C#
s/a rare/the only
remove the / and the / from the string? why?
squggle what happened to you!
because using the @"... notation means you don't need them
@Rusty WINFORMS IS AWEZ0ME long live Microsoft Access!!1
(but seriously though, Excel is pretty incredible when used correctly)
no sqiggle, that DP
whats up with that DP!!!
display pic
@Squiggle okay good to know that.
you're welcome
so this is correct, then?
    private static string fileContents = @"<?xml version=""1.0""?><request id=""EZE""  messagedate=""2015-10-28"" messagetime=""17-05-23""><msgID>332526<msgID><phonenumber>630000000000<phonenumber><amount>25<amount><request>";
lol I'll check, getting lazy
Uncyclopedia annoys me. It has strokes of brilliance amidst a general state of meh.
Lord Alvin Redund "Five minutes after he was born, Renard killed his mother in a duel over why she had given birth without his permission."
Even if you're not looking to hire a #2 Front End engineer/designer who is not completely clouded with psychedelic hallucinations.
hi guys quick question, how can i add '0's to the front of a string
that was a quick answer
if you need to pad for a fixed length
i tried didn't work :/
show da codez!
"didn't work"
            zeros = 5 - digitCount;
            flightNumber = flightNumber.PadLeft(zeros, '0');
mystring = mystring.PadLeft(10, '0');
digitcount being a int
what is the length of flightnumber before padding?
in this case 4
"Returns a new string that right-aligns the characters in this instance by padding them with spaces on the left, for a specified total length."
no need to calcualate the number of zeroes needed. Just set the length you want the resulting string to be.
oh cool
123.ToString("00000"); // 00123
"1".PadLeft(5, "0"); // "00001"
"123".PadLeft(5, "0"); // 00123
@drch I'm guessing "flightNumber" isn't an integer
@Squiggle: quick answer because I just sat around waiting for a remote connection :p
doh, was putting the number of 0's i wanted to add instead of the total length of the resulting string
thanks guys!
finding this theme = ctx.SiteThemes.FirstOrDefault(...) in a view makes me sad.
Let's replicate some code in as many files as possible.
let's expose the data context to the UI!
Power to CTRL+C/CTRL+V, the only combination you need for programming
i know...GENIUS!
i never knew
@RoelvanUden followed by a co-worker doing Ctrl+A,Del
(I actually have exposed the data context to the UI on some occasions; I don't feel bad about it, it made absolute sense)
i think i just heard the world gasp
@RoelvanUden: yeah, but I guess that it is some rare occasions?
@RoelvanUden will it be a good idea to implement the moved region by using the classic gdi+ method such as clone to clone an area from the image and , Graphics. Draw Image to draw the moved area in the other side?
Just to make sure the problem is not In the pointers approach
@Slashy You can try, but I wouldn't use that approach in production
@scheien Well, yes.
@RoelvanUden yeah of course. Just for the test
Oh and for my question yesterday, I need to send only part of the compressed buffer in the deltas. So just create a new array and use buffer.copy ()? @RoelvanUden
@Slashy Why? Just send part of the buffer. You know the length.
I thought about memcpy for faster work
Meeting time.
have fun
Outlook.com is awesome lol
I was writing an email, and my session expired, and it tried to log me out. But I got the popup "Do you want to leave the page and lose your work?" so I said stay on the page. And outlook was fine with that.
microsoft is doing stuff right!
Well their "Remember me" option is broken to shit, so I guess not
they should change that message to "Do you want me to force you to leave the page and lose our work?"
They can't change the message, it's a browser thing
pfff, its f***in hard to joke and communicate sarcasm over chat, i give up
Your session expired whilst writing an email? Jheeze how long was the email? was you writing to Microsoft about how shit they are?
@KendallFrey Everything's a joke until proven otherwise
How do I get VS to empty the commit message box when I check in?
Also, fuck Skype
it empties the commit message box automatically once you check in
No it doesn't
yeah it does
It did on my other computer, but not this one
ah, that instance doesn't. maybe its fucked up
Besides that
yeah it doesn't empty it for me either, until I resolve from the TFS after the check in was successful.
and even then only sometimes
Guys can someone help me refactor this code
It looks really ugly
specially how i am setting the query1 and query2 using the same method
@Obviously Collection1 and Collection2 are identical?
@Obviously or is Collection2 meant to be from query2?
yes collection 2 is meant to be from query 2
they both are select list lists but they are different properties
are they collections of the same Type?
yes they are
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Collection1 { get; set; }

public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Collection2 { get; set; }
Func<IEnumerable<InputType>, ICollection<TargetType>> toViewModel = (query) => {
   return Select(x => new SelectListItem()
        Text = x.Name,
        Value = x.Key.ToString()
Collection1 = toViewModel(query1);
Collection2 = toViewModel(query2);
that's the best I can come up with :P
but what you have there doesn't look so ugly to me
rule of thumb for me is if you repeat the same piece of code more than twice, you should abstract it out.
Some purists will say make it generic if you do it more than once, but I'm a pragmatist.
Yeah but this code is in a method that is already extracted, it will be just too much extractions/layers lol
@Squiggle I agree with the >2 thing
I'd refactor it a bit differently.

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