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at msft that just means he is on a small cog probably
is there another team above him or some other aptly named engineer on the same level on his team?
Principal Software Engineering Manager
So maybe a different venue?
Dear PersonName,

You did not attend our chat session on Skype scheduled for 4:00 pm October 21st, 2015 which has wasted an hour of my time. At this point it seems that Skype is not a viable option to use.

Please reschedule my appointment so that we may meet face to face as opposed to online. I look forward to our meeting.

Thank you,

only problem with that is that he's in Redmond and I'm in Seattle :P
so it would be even more time
full bridge burning ?
Dear PersonName,

You did not attend our chat session on Skype scheduled for 4:00 pm October 21st, 2015 which has wasted an hour of my time. Clearly this means that I passed.

Please give me the information for the next round of interviews.

Thank you,

no news good news
I gotta go home though
good luck with that, I looked up structure stuff, that dude is kind of high in the company
so you were probably right, gotta work with him somehow
yeah. he probably has a few million dollar budget
okay, one last attempt
Dear PersonName,

<looks like a spit mark>

Thank you,

Oh well, hopefully you find a way to leverage this. Just don't make it seem like it was your fault ;)
I'm back! :D
2 hours later…
@torvin Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@torvin 666, help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, ban, unban, convert, define, doge, google, hang, imdb, jquery, learn, put..it..back...ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ, phucket, gtfo, moneycantbuylove, catmode, coffeetime, lifeban, stopmyself, instagram, kendallfrey, excited, manigga, meinneger, dgaf, infiniteriot, okay, feelsgoodman, fabulous, sausage, playerpimp, installjavascript, moarkittens, kendall, kfc, uwot, nsfw, facepalm, somekittens, erase, fry, dudeism, hahastillhere
onebox, morecoffee, steve, whoosh, burn, woosh, roomowner, phony, really, inur, coffeescript, maca
3 hours later…
@CapricaSix I... don't want to know what 90% of those do.
yeah, I got scared too...
Good morning
0 Welcome to the C# chat! Please review the room guidelines and tips. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi ...
anyone here knows how:
Q: How to link the csproj file with aml file

aa aaI am writing a document for my one application using Sand castle. It consists of one csproj file in the document source. I want to link that csproj file with my aml file page. Does anybody know how can i achieve this?

@Elegiac can you elaborate? what are you trying to do?
also good morning, all
@Squiggle, i want to link page from document source(csproj) to aml
something like:
<link xlink:href="4938975f-3d0c-4afb-8c8d-3c9503ab2890" />
but i notice that everytime i build the generated topic id change
unlike the aml
is there a way to RDP to a different user account on your own computer?
maybe using a different tool like VNC?
I don't see why not, @StevenLiekens
what do you mean @Squiggle
@Elegiac I'm not sure I can help. I guess the documentation isn't much use here?
i see ...
basically the problem I want to solve is having to switch between user accounts
Run As...?
I got two displays for a reason
not good enough :(
@StevenLiekens have you tried using TeamViewer?
or logmein
try it maybe it can help
those are all cloud connected, right?
i guess ...
yeah that won't work so well
@StevenLiekens are you running Windows 7
that only allows a single console session at once. Windows Server allows multiple. That could be your issue?
@Squiggle have you tried sandcastle before?
@Elegiac I've seen it, but I don't use it. It's mostly redundant.
i see
what does it achieve, exactly? Aside from spitting out build artifacts?
If I'm creating a re-usable library I'd prefer to provide unit tests as an example of how to use it. Web services should be mostly self-documenting with the existing tools available.
I don't see the benefit of Sandcastle
for help document ...
but what sort of "help document"? who for?
for a specific proj.
but who uses it?
what do numbers next to some avatars mean in the chat log?
the one that will use the proj. ... just like a tutorial/help :)
ah, it's just rep
unit test is a bad replacement of documentation. you are probably thinking of functional/integration tests
Provide a high-level overview of the architecture, if needed, and the rest should speak from code. If you are in dire need for documentation, you should focus on improving your code, instead, to be self explanatory.
^ @RoelvanUden speaketh sense yet again
@torvin Replies to previous messages. The ID is the message ID to which was repplied.
The Agile Manifesto, #2: "Working software over Comprehensive documentation"
everynodes on chm has an id
problem was everytime the project rebuild it generated new topic id
Sandcastle is legacy technology. Even if you must produce documentation, I suggest avoid using that.
last time I did that was just to write a XSLT which took the generated XML docs and pumped out a HTML page
...which nobody read
sprint planning. bbiab
@RoelvanUden no, it's reputation. see how @Squiggle has 286 next to several of his messages?
@torvin Oh that. Yeah, that's rep.
I assume that the layout manager calculates how much space it has, based on how many consecutive messages sent by the same user, and expands the icon and related text accordingly.
Is that right?
Maybe it is.
Where will it stop?
...and Caprica breaks my combo. Well played, @CapricaSix. Well played.
That's right @AvnerShahar-Kashtan. It expands your chat block of subsequent messages. If there is a significant delay, for example, then it forms a new block of messages.
I wondered how far it would go, how big and massive and monumental might it render my userpic.
Not very.
I haven't used C# for three weeks now, did front end JavaScript for Angular, please help me :(
@Lars yay Angular \o/
@Squiggle your comment is like 2 years late
React is the word now
the bees knees
@Lars LIES
do you still think Ruby on Rails is relevant?
or maybe you're right, but I've been doing Angular for 18 months
hah I haven't touched RoR for 6 years.
@Squiggle HAHAHA served
and before javascript, I was working on a demo project and we used C# 6, god damn ?. operator is awesome
What's that
Omg no way
come at me bro #yolo
@Lars Yeah why aren't you doing React? You silly man.
because person who assigned me is an asshole
Haven't you heard? You should rewrite your projects every month to accommodate the new hyped framework. If someone doesn't do that, he's such a total asshole.
yea yea if idiots could fly, my workplace would be an airport
I can't rant about my office because my complaints are institutional. My co-workers themselves are awesome :)
@Squiggle I get that :(
oh, aside from the project-based budgeting. That's retarded.
Most of my co-workers are awesome, and all of them are nice.
My residence permit is tied to my contract, which is tied to my project, which is tied to the budget... which is released in intervals between 1 and 3 months.
@Lars Input not matching /semptember/. Help: User-taught command: <>22nd
I wanted to see bad anus day
so I have to renew my residency permit every month or risk being deported
so you're an alien?
@Sippy Good morning
yep! :D
ewok ar actually a cool one?
nannoo nannoo
@Sippy I'm here to say, the dropdown issue is fixed.
Can you show me the markup you used for the dropdown helper?
I couldn't figure that shit out last night and it pissed me off
Which is annoying cos I've fuckin done it before lol
@Sippy noob
A lot o ftimes.
@Html.DropDownList("GenderDD", new SelectList(Model.Gender, "Code", "Definition"))
@CodeMaster Did you use ViewBag?
In the AccountViewModel

public List<GenderDD> Gender { get; set; }

Account Controller:
using (var ctx = new ApplicationIdentityDbContext())
var viewModel = new RegisterViewModel();
viewModel.Gender = ctx.GenderDD.ToList();
return View(viewModel);

Long live view models
Long live view models, but don't persist them.
I just think that view models is like swiss army knife
Very true.
So you didn't use ViewBag?
I used the helper syntax you posted above and it was whining that it couldn't find that key in ViewData
fucking dotnetfiddle piece of shit
welp, the last sip of coffee tasted like plasterboard
That was beaut.
Hey, im here on my iphone
And im pooping at work
Hetting paid to poop
Yesterday when I said I need some break, I really took a long break and also watched PSG - RM
that made me more depressed :)
@Lars An iPhone? It's about as valuable as the stuff you're currently dropping.
after that I thought I need to rethink and rebuild my concept and then I came up with that solution.
@RoelvanUden yea u jelly bro
So if I know javascript, I know java, right?
@CodeMaster Good job bro
@Lars I hope you're just acting stupid.
Define stupid
@Sippy I truly appreciate all of your help.
Free? Free stuff is low quality
And thus my ignore list grew by one.
yeah software developers are a boring bunch
they won't be missed
not that it matters
here's a cat gif
with a caption of something like "ASP.NET WEB FORMS AMIRITE?"
@Squiggle "nope nope nope nope nope"
@Squiggle how dare you
#baltic pride
@Lars sorry, I didn't mean to tar other Lithuanians with the same brush.
feeling triggered
@Sippy sup
@Sippy a/s/l?
5/T/ur moms house
oh snap
and what is T for sex?
sorry I use Golang, I don't get it
I have problems tying in all caps - I have to hold shift key, because I remapped my caps lock to '='
typing == is now a joy with that big big key
and as I work with java script, where you have to type === all the friggin type, it helps
I use right shift when I wanna capslock
Hi Guys, i have one question , how can i connect Api Facebook Without WebBrowser? its possible? C# windows phone 8.1
Don't even use capslock ever
@AlainProfessional lol
i am begginer , i try to follow some tutorial
but everywhere , they said that i have to put WebBrowser , but i can't do this with wp8.1
Anyone here ever tried using an XmlSerializer to parse XML into Xsd.exe-generated classes that contain controlled vocabularies?
@AlainProfessional Which api are you trying to use?
in the application , i just want that user can connect with their Facebook.
i find something like this :
<phone:WebBrowser x:Name="wb" Visibility="Collapsed" Navigated="wb_Navigated" />

private FacebookClient client;

Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
parameters["response_type"] = "token";
parameters["display"] = "touch";
parameters["scope"] = "user_about_me, friends_about_me, user_birthday, friends_birthday, publish_stream";
parameters["redirect_uri"] = "https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html";
parameters["client_id"] = "votre appid";
But i can add this webBrowser line. my Application didn't find webBrowser, i don't know if you understand what i mean? ^^
What is the exact error you get?
Error WebBrowser is not supported in a Windows Phone project.

Error The type 'phone:WebBrowser' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built.
@AlainProfessional phone refers to the correct namespace?
@Loetn what do you mean?
@Sippy thanks i will look this
How did you define phone?
This is xaml right?
WebBrowser was discontinued in favor of WebView in 8.1
Ooh ok, I'll shut up then :)
yeah in xaml :)
aw ok
Looking for a freelancer to create me a bot, who is interested?
Nop, autmatizing tasks
Like creating accounts
@sdd on ..
oh you mean the kind that violates service agreements
for example iTunes
Yep no thanks
@sdd Please do not ask for help doing illegal things here.
Wow, please don't turn me in. I don't want to go to jail!
or at least in violation of service agreements, and liable for prosecution
That is what the other room said too, til I finished a mail-creating bot. Most of the people telling me not to do it wanted to buy the bot from me.
I doubt that
@sdd We're not interested.
I realize that is a non-standard thing again but...does anyone know a tool to convert XAML/WPF code to C# code?
I can't think of any scenario which requires the automated creation of an iTunes account that isn't illegal in some way
@SteffenWinkler That doesn't really make sense without some context.
XAML and C# do different things.
@KendallFrey well for the most part I can do everything that I do in XAML in C# just as well
declaring a window, populating it with controls
stuff like that
Indeed, but you can do everything you can do in C# in a hex editor.
but I'm having trouble with doing the same for Styles
yeah but that doesn'T give you dynamic window building capabilities
Why would you ever need to build a window dynamically?
because I have to
it's a config window
most modules are UI agnostic and just give an object that describes what can be configured. Config window has to dynamically be constructed based on which modules are available
You can create some pretty dynamic UIs using static XAML, by using MVVM
yeah it's 2 years to late for that
do you know of such a tool or not?
Well, anyway, if you have a question, just ask it.
I don't know of a tool
damn it.
Major xy here imho
@SteffenWinkler the link to the software download page is dead but maybe you can do some digging and find it? robrelyea.wordpress.com/2007/06/14/compile-xaml-to-c-cs
I'm not sure I follow. XAML compiles to C#. It is C#. But why on earth would you want to write WPF UIs without XAML?
i think he wants to take XAML code, convert it to c# and manually copy paste it to his classes
@RoelvanUden explained above
Project is 2 years old. It's all based on/around MEF and some modules are very dynamic based upon which modules are available
Just hack something in?
It's not like anyone cares I guess
@NicolásCarlo thank you so much. The last comment on the page mentions this: xamlgenerator.codeplex.com
@SteffenWinkler np, glad it helped

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