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trying to explain scrum to people is like banging your head against nails
@CharlieBrown what part of scrum? Basic iterative development?
iterative development is agile not scrum
One of my devs insists on "creating the entire css/styles/components" should be the first story and be high points, then all page stories are 1pt.
I keep explaining this is agile... we don't create something before we need it.
Hey everyone. :)
hello fellow programmers, I need a bit I am trying to debug a service using remote debugger. The pdb files are not present in the production environment. Is just copying the pdb file in the production server enough to be able to debug?
@AsifMD if the signature matches, it will work
Does anyone know a way to access the autoComplete-Suggestions from a textbox?
I mean accessing the current matches programmatically while the user is typing.
@AsifMD Pretty much, yes. Pdb files are also useful for your stack traces when not debugging so keep them around
The netflix algorithm for movie recommendations must be get(){ return random(4); }
@CharlieBrown You are watching netflix at work?
I work at home, sometimes i have a movie playing on my 5th screen
some days music isnt enough
I have a call like: "myArray[myValue /= 2]", can I modify that sentence so it will divide myValue / 2 after it passed the old value to myArray?
@RoelvanUden Thanks! So after I'm done with debugging, removing the pdb files won't cause any issues either, right?
@CharlieBrown thanks!
I have a question. Please help me.
Just give me some idea about my issue.
@mark what issue is that?
I have a C# window form with calculate button.
There's a 3 textbox and 1 checkbox.
The first textbox has a value of 30
and the second textbox has a value of 20
when I check the checkbox, it will automatically add 10 after clicking calculate button
add 10 to what?
*** My problem is, after calculating the first sequence the 3 text box will execute the result of calculation
so, when I click the calculate for the second time, it will calculate again and again.
I want to have the first calcuation only and the next won't calculate.
@mark in what function are you doing the calculation?
it sounds like you're putting the logic in the wrong place.
if else. If the checkbox is check, it will add the 20.
also your description of the problem is absoultely dreadful
oh sir. really, sorry.
i.e. when are you applying the addition?
also ... why are you doing this? is it homework or something?
I have a function.
public void Calculate_Computation(){
(and why in the name of all that is holy do people still use Windows Forms?)
@mark what triggers Calculate_Computation()?
windows form C#
@Sippy <3
@Squiggle the calculate button.
I put the function inside the calculate button
@mark a button? You never mentioned a button!
> I have a C# window form with calculate button.
sorry I missed that bit
Yeah that's right...
Thank you sir @TomW
I... hnyrgh...
OK, so every time you click the button, it does the calculation
What were you expecting?
Yes sir. It does.
until reach -negative value which is wrong at the first place.
Do you want every click after the first to be ignored?
I'm expecting to stop the calculation on the first click.
Yes sir.
@TomW you are right.
You can remove the click event handler inside itself, If I remember correctly
Here's the full code..
bool _clicked = false;
    _clicked = true;
decimal ploan, netcash; decimal term_interest = Convert.ToDecimal(txt_term.Text) * Convert.ToDecimal(txt_percentinterest.Text);

decimal interest_val = term_interest / 100;

decimal PV = Convert.ToDecimal(txt_ploan.Text);

decimal advance_interest = PV * interest_val;
decimal PFee = Convert.ToDecimal(txt_ploan.Text) * (Convert.ToDecimal(Convert.ToDecimal(txt_percentpfee.Text).ToString("#,###.00")) / 100);
decimal NFee = 200;
Sorry, It compose of lot of converstion.
Just look on the flow instead my sirs.
There is nothing to do with a click event handler inside that sample. In other words, that code is nothing to do with the problem
Lets maybe be a bit more helpful?
@CharlieBrown we are being helpful. We're asking him to explain the problem more clearly
Thank you sir @CharlieBrown and Sir @TomW So sorry for my codes.
Thank you sir @Squiggle
don't thank me. I'm just sitting here being confused.
Those codes are inside my function.
Still stuck on step 1 :(
Sir, @TomW sir @CharlieBrown are you still with me?
@mark Can you show us the code for your button event handler?
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ok, thanks
and some simple validation inside it but it doesn't affect anything. Only for validation sir.
which means every time you click the button, it will calculate
bool clicked = false;
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        clicked = true;
Wait sir... I'll check it.
What I don't understand is how that is not obvious. That makes me think there is more to it; solutions that are just too easy indicate to me that there is a different problem being hidden
(or a lack of experience)
Trying to make a black knight meme for Sir TomW
Meme generators suuuck
WOW!!! Sir @CharlieBrown It works! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D x100000000
@TomW people often do that on Jeopardy, assume the problem is harder than it really is
I never experience that bool stuff like that. What's the logic there sir?
...he's writing software to calculate loans
should do thing?
do thing
don't do thing
@Squiggle what?
Yeah. this is my first job as a junior programmer without a senior on the company :(
we only 2 in the group developing this loan system.
Oh god
Not to offend, but you need a couple more years of coding before writing something like this.
I want to be the best programmer someday. I wanna defeat bill gates, steve jobs, mark zuckerberg.
@mark you've just got to BELIEEEEEEVE
Honestly @mark I think you need to go back to school. I can't encourage writing software for money without a basic understanding of what you're doing
@mark best of luck
It's not fair to the person paying the bill
etc. :D But now, I have to start from the bottom. I'm so grateful you guys sir, are there.
If your trying to calculate loans correctly, decimal is not the way to go, and your conversions will not work well for you.
@mark your question shows a lack of understanding that is potentially very dangerous. If you're taking on this responsibility as a junior developer I recommend you tread VERY carefully and learn VERY quickly.
decimal types were introduced specifically for money, because they're exact, no?
(decimal rounds, which you dont want in money)
Sir @TomW I was on web dev when I was studying php stuff design whatsoever. But now, I'm on C# and I don't now some of the logic there.
In real banking apps, you split the dollars and cents into integers
But I can handle some of it now. Thru the use of google and this chatting system of stackoverflow.
Sir @CharlieBrown Oh really? I don't know that. I've read that decimal is good for calculating money on a system compare to double etc.
@CharlieBrown I have literally never heard anybody even hint at that. Why would you? decimal in C# is specifically for handling money
I dont want to promote not using Decimal, but in critical money calculating cases, you can not afford a rounding error
> The Decimal value type is appropriate for financial calculations that require large numbers of significant integral and fractional digits and no round-off errors.
Microsoft have been telling dangerous lies to a lot of people if what you're saying is true
Morning Folks
Decimal provides better rounding than double, but thousands of transactions later and you will see a difference between systems.
any VBA experts here?
@CharlieBrown source
better a decimal than a double or float. Then again if you're that concerned about precision, use a different language.
As it stands I don't believe you
This is how sql server stores money, and why there is a specific data type for it
Q: Automating "MYSQL for Excel" addin connection to database via macro

Uday SagarI have to automate couple of things using macros in excel. I can do these functionalities using "MYSQL for excel" add-in manually by giving connection details(server name, db, username, password) and submitting these details. But I want all these things to be taken care by a macro that runs on t...

cheerio, friends.
@TomW you forgot the next sentence in your quote
> The Decimal type does not eliminate the need for rounding. Rather, it minimizes errors due to rounding.
Have you looked closely at the code example?
Any language that proposes to give a different result to that would have to understand symbolic mathematics
No discrete data type anywhere in any language can represent 1/3 with exact precision
33/100 == 1/3 of a dollar... maybe not
I'm not trying to say don't use decimal, I'm just saying at the banks I have done work for, we split it into integers
That's quite weird.
Maybe you have a policy of only moving whole cents around or whatever and constrain your arithmetic to always do that. However I expect there are scenarios where customers would expect their 0.00001 cents to be honoured
Thank you my sirs. Sir @TomW , sir @CharlieBrown , @Squiggle . Good night here. I'm living on country on southeast asia. So, its late hours here. Haha God bless and thank you! Amen + :D
Likely it has to do with conversions between systems, string->decimal&decimal->string or decimal between languages or storage mechanisms
even string.format("{0:C}", 0.9999m) produces // $1.00
which is an easy one to forget when generating reports
Now that I'm googling it, GAAP defines acceptable as decimal(13,4)
Retirement strategy: Convince Floyd Mayweather he needs a special account converted to use BigInt
reimplement all of banking. Collect consultancy fee.
I am having a wtf moment
public static class ABC
ABC a = new ABC()
should fail, right????
Basically, if I create a static class, and then try to make an instance, it should fail in the calling code?
Q: Inserting data after checking if table is empty

charlie9495I have a server program that will store certain data sent by the client. One data is the client's hostname. The server will check if the hostname exist, if not then it will insert that new data. It should look like this. hostname_id | hostname ------------------------ 1 | Admin 2...

please help?
@Nathvi yes, it will fail
@CharlieBrown, then why won't this method fail?
public ABC GetShippingLabel<ABC>(object[] parameters) where ABC : new()
ABC a = new ABC();
return a;
Where ABC is a static class
ABC is a type
public T GetShippingLabel<T>(object[] parameters) where T: new()
T a = new T();
return a;
you really just named "T" "ABC", its not looking for an "ABC" class
You've put a type constraint on the method that forces any implementation to have a public parameterless constructor, so the compiler knows that in the body of the method, that statement has to be valid
^^ that too
hi guys
Today's xkcd is hilarious
@CharlieBrown, so then how would I make the constraint only work with instances?
That's not today's.
hello everybody!:)
@ton.yeung - Who knows.
Hey Slashy
@CharlieBrown, yes, but, shouldn't the compiler know that you can't have an instance of a static class?
@RoelvanUden are you around? did you even tried my hansha? :P
TIL I can unbox an enum to an int. Nice.
If I have a proc, that proc returns table 1, 2, 3  Any reason why when I call:

        public static T GetValueOrNull<T>(IDataReader reader, string column)
            int ordinal;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(column) && !reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal(column)))
                if (int.TryParse(reader.GetOrdinal(column).ToString(), out ordinal))
                    return (T)reader.GetValue(ordinal);

            return default(T);

I get index out of range?
@ton.yeung [TIL](http://til.urbanup.com/4190243) T.I.L. (Today I Learned)
Often used as a space saver on websites such as Reddit or DIGG when writing the titles of links to interesting things the submitter has learned that day.
@Nathvi where T : class, new()
That still allows for a static class... @CharlieBrown
I think your misunderstanding function signatures
I guess so
When you used "ABC", its JUST A NAME you are giving, not the actual class
You could have used Function<UnicornCarrots> if you want
HAha,,,, ooooooooooo
@CharlieBrown, thanks
no worries. generics are amazing once you get it
I'm learning that!
I'm using them with interfaces, so general !
almost, generic
senpai @ReedCopsey!
guys having a brain fart
a selection for my radio buttons is not being saved
Greetings @Nathvi
how do I check why? lol
Hm, weird.
oh wait
let me check something, looks like a team member changed something without me noticing :S
@ReedCopsey You have a second.
sure - what's up?
The SqlDataReader, when I'm reading a proc it returns three tables. I do the while(reader.Read()) but I get an index out of bounds when it goes to the second table.
But when I add an [0] on the reader it says invalid.
@Pheonixblade9, exactly !
also, biked into work again today. must have been doing something right with my legs, I cut my time by 10 minutes from my best
sore, though... I might have to ride the bus home, lol.
@ReedCopsey Am I screwing something up?
@Greg no idea
Hm, or is it simply because I'm doing:
        public static T GetValueOrNull<T>(IDataReader reader, string column)
            int ordinal;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(column) && !reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal(column)))
                if (int.TryParse(reader.GetOrdinal(column).ToString(), out ordinal))
                    return (T)reader.GetValue(ordinal);

            return default(T);
The depth says 0
@Pheonixblade9 - Good job. I'm increasing my running speed a tenth of a mile each week.
although I'm just an idiot because I realized that I was thinking of my time from work to home
which includes a big ass hill :P
ah that'll do it. ;)
I'm always surprised when I finally run outside. On the treadmill I always pick the rolling option so at one point there's a pretty steep grade that I power through. It has a huge negative impact on my overall speed.
Arggggh. Docker.io only works on 64 bit machines.
My poor laptop may finally have to be replaced.
hmmm... or i could just do this on my RPi.
doo eet
@Pheonixblade9 - Have you ever ridden a bike in a gym?
@TomW - I think I will. I have an RPi2 I haven't done much with.
I have a model B, I've booted it and sshed into it, dicked around for a bit, then unplugged it
I got it so I could put OpenBazaar on it but the marketplace is empty at the moment.
i r a bad nerd
I've been meaning to use it as a domain controller or something like that
Yeah same here. I'm getting better though. This is probably my 6th or 7th attempt to get into linux.
I finally put it on my laptop and managed to get my printer working. Scanner doesn't work but I don't use it often.
I'm just about familiar enough with it that I am merely annoyed all the time and baffled most of the time, rather than being baffled all the time
I don't recall ever trying to do anything on Linux that worked as described
Yeah. I feel like I just made it over that hump. I can use my laptop for a full day without getting annoyed.
Well aside from Docker not supporting 32bit but I suppose that's what I get for hanging on to a 10 year old laptop.
fish oil omega 3 supplements are messing up with my mood
@TomW - One thing that's really helped me is hand written notes. It gets everything committed to memory better and it's really easy to forget that subtle trick you found that made everything work. Browser bookmarks just don't cut it.
somehow they improve mood for other people, for me its reverse
@Pheonixblade9 - I set up my monitor stand today. My neck already feels better.
I dunno why I didn't do this years ago.
posted on October 05, 2015 by Visual Studio Blog

For this post we welcome Nicholas Cornelius and Miguel Pastor from Halfbrick as guest authors on the Visual Studio Blog. Halfbrick games, including Fruit Ninja and Jetpack Joyride, are released on multi platforms. To minimize per-platform overhead, our games are written primarily in C++ with only small portions of platform-specific code written in Java or Objective-C for Android and iOS, respe

Hey guys, I found this ternary operation and I think it's wrong maybe
why is the last piece written twice? It shouldn't be right?
 vm.RingNonPerpendicular = tp.IsRingNonPerpendicular.HasValue ? tp.IsRingNonPerpendicular.Value ? PerpendicularOrNonPerpendicular.NonPerpendicular : PerpendicularOrNonPerpendicular.Perpendicular : PerpendicularOrNonPerpendicular.Perpendicular;
would help if you put parens on it to see what's happening ;)
or redo indentation:
vm.RingNonPerpendicular =
			? PerpendicularOrNonPerpendicular.NonPerpendicular
			: PerpendicularOrNonPerpendicular.Perpendicular
		: PerpendicularOrNonPerpendicular.Perpendicular;
but, in general, I'd not write that as a one liner
too hard to follow
better to break it up IMO
yeah +1
you can make it thread safe while at it
tp.IsRingNonPerpendicular == true
    ? PerpendicularOrNonPerpendicular.NonPerpendicular
    : PerpendicularOrNonPerpendicular.Perpendicular
@KalaJ think I read it right
@ton.yeung saw the UML before, that was the diagram? Good job, was not too hard?
has to be done with async? saw the UML you posted before (have been putting a generator in all day)
makes it cleaner
local in VMs?
oh ya - its is on it's last cell
@ton.yeung I haven't tried expensing anything that's not rechargable yet. When it is rechargable it's easy - bill the client. When it's not rechargable, the first question will be "which project manager authorised it and on which project?". Ermmm...
in what respect is it a PITA?
P.S. I'd assume that you've got someone to say yes. That's not the same as the payroll lady accepting that someone said yes
Mapping the way my company works to yours, which I'm sure doesn't apply
Our payroll lady (there's only one) is introduced as "This is [name] she's the most important person in the company be nice to her". By several different people in the same words
Locating and sorting a month's worth of train receipts was fun
The alternative would be no evidence whatsoever
You don't?
To be honest I'm not sure but I was told the procedure with respect to physical receipts, so that's what I've done
I'd expect evidence that is trivially easy to fabricate is kind of pointless

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