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cut code lines in half without breaking anything (I think)... great success?
@TravisJ You have a moment to discuss some JavaScript?
I've got a some code that grabs the last element.
But I want to create a label, select, and hidden.
But for some odd reason my code chokes...
                    var dropdown = document.createElement('select');
                    dropdown.setAttribute('multiple', true);
                    dropdown.className = 'PM_entire_span_input chosen-select';

                    $('#<%= drpAttributesAll.ClientID %> option').each(function () {
                        var option = document.createElement('option');
                        option.value = $(this).val();
                        option.text = $(this).text();
I'm trying to copy the contents of one dropdown to that dropdown, but trying to build it.
option.text = $(this).text(); is the problem. .text is not natively available
you want innerText
or $(option).text($(this).text());
or simply
Can you clarify the clone. That actually intrigues me a bit.
clone copies the element, its attributes, and leaves the original one alone but returns the new one looking just like the old one
How would I implement it?
it comes with jquery
Let me try it, I knew you would be the person to ask.
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'.
                    var dropdown = document.createElement('select');
                    dropdown.setAttribute('multiple', true);
                    dropdown.className = 'PM_entire_span_input chosen-select';
                    dropdown.appendChild($('#<%= drpAttributesAll.ClientID %>').clone());
That should be valid.
ah, oops ;) so the problem there is that I gave you a jquery object and sent it to a js api
dropdown.appendChild($('#<%= drpAttributesAll.ClientID %>').clone()[0]);
note the `[0]`
Your correct.
Weird, it hides one of the elements.
Yeah you changed the code a little bit from your first version as well.
                            var container = $('.Attribute-Container-js').last();

                            // Create: 'Dropdown'
                            var dropdown = document.createElement('select');
                            dropdown.setAttribute('multiple', true);
                            dropdown.className = 'PM_entire_span_input chosen-select';
                            dropdown.appendChild($('#<%= drpAttributesAll.ClientID %>').clone()[0]);
$('#<%= drpAttributesAll.ClientID %>').clone()
is this a select element or is it only options?
Actually- I would need to create the container wouldn't I.
@TravisJ Select element.
so, you know that appendTo means that the dropdown is having the container appended to it right?
I assumed, but that is it.
Was that the goal?
The goal would be to create:
                <div class="Attribute-Container-js">
                    <asp:HiddenField ID="hdAttributeStatus" runat="server"  ClientIDMode="Static"/>
                    <asp:HiddenField ID="hdAttributeType" runat="server" Value='<%# Eval("AttributeType") %>' ClientIDMode="Static" />
                    <div class="PM_Cancel_Button Delete-Attribute-js">X</div>
                    <label><%# Eval("Name") %></label>
                    <select id="drpProductAttribute" runat="server" multiple="true" class="PM_entire_span_input chosen-select Attribute-Dropdown-js" datatextfield="AttributeVal
so the select would go there at the end of the container
Something like that. So I might need to build a JS Template, so I can just pass values into it.
$('.Attribute-Container-js').last().append($('<select multiple="multiple" class="PM_entire_span_input chosen-select">').append($("#<%= drpAttributesAll.ClientID %> option").clone()));
I need to make the hidden and label but this is a great point to start, thank you.
no problem
@Greg - Keep in mind. If you clone that select element, it will keep its id. That will mess up client side validation and DOM queries.
So just make sure to keep the ids unique
Anyone here use Visual Studio? Am about to upgrade to 2015.
Want to know of any side by side issues with 2013.
supposed to be cool but...
2015 wont work with certain older framework versions
make sure your version is compatible
In social psychology, terror management theory (TMT) proposes a basic psychological conflict that results from having a desire to live but realizing that death is inevitable. This conflict produces terror, and is believed to be unique to human beings. Moreover, the solution to the conflict is also generally unique to humans: culture. According to TMT, cultures are symbolic systems that act to provide life with meaning and value. Cultural values therefore serve to manage the terror of death by providing life with meaning. The theory was originally proposed by Jeff Greenberg, Sheldon Solomon, and...
man, am I having difficulties with this at the moment
ok ty, so no horror stories then?
@Pheonixblade9 where lies the difficulty in it?
@rism thinking about it too much, mostly.
having a job where you only have to work for like an hour a day gives you a lot of time to think
@Pheonixblade9 Actually work or be seen to work?
how fragile life is, how short it is, etc.
@rism well it should look like I'm working, but I have so little to do right now
@Pheonixblade9 Oh, personally, I find E=MC^2 meets all my needs.
Life is just a conversion between energy and mass.
we are made of star stuff.
We never actually die, just convert.
@Pheonixblade9 - Step 1) Stop thinking about it. Step 2) Avoid thinking about the things that lead to thinking about it. Step 3) ??? Step 4) Profit
@TravisJ it's just tough, I'm at the age where somebody I know dies at least once a year
@Pheonixblade9 - I am older than you :P
I know
you're also probably tougher than me :P
But seriously, don't think about that
It will bother me if I think about it too
You have to actively avoid thinking about that topic
I disagree. Think about it. A lot.
well the only reason I think about it is because I am thinking "is this what I really want? would I be happier freelancing 10 hours a week and living in Southeast Asia in a bungalow? would I be happier changing careers to do research, forgoing lots of money but feeling like I'm actually improving the world?"
It puts all else into perspective.
I mean... FUCK, right now I'm working on a system that calculates how many stars you accumulate when you buy coffee. How removed is that from shit that actually matters
Well, thinking about what would make you happier is better. But dwelling on the inevitable will never get you anywhere.
If you think its a morbid topic then you're thinking about it in the wrong way. IMHO.
I could be out volunteering to cook food for people, or spending my time in a lab writing models to cure disease
Nah, i disagree with that too. Sorry. :(
@Pheonixblade9 - You could choose to devote your life to others, sure. That would be a grand departure from the average life people live.
Star calculating machines are all apart of our evolution.
@rism I don't even know if that's what I feel, I just don't know what to feel
this is where everyone says "welcome to your 20's! hooray! It took you 3 years longer than most people!"
lol sorry to lay all this heavy shit on you guys
I just wanna go home and mulch my garden for the winter...
@Pheonixblade9 - Finding your place in the world isn't exactly something that other people can dictate, you know? You have to determine what feels right to you.
@TravisJ yeah, for sure. I just don't know where I want my place to be, yet
I have a really hard time existing when I don't have goals
and I failed at my most recent goal
@Pheonixblade9 - Failure is just part of learning.
yeah. and I'm fine with failure. It's just that this had more consequences that most failures do.
consequence is I'm likely stuck on a shit project for another half a year
you only get so many years, it's not a good plan to be unhappy with any part of them
Well, if you are stuck with it you might as well get used to it.
@Pheonixblade9 I sympathize - working for retail is tough
I worked for a retail firm for a long time - never really felt like I was doing anything meaningful
problem is, everyone else on my team knows that it sucks too and we're fighting to change it
One thing I keep in mind is that regardless of most setbacks in our lives, especially here in the west coast, we are probably the luckiest people in civilization thus far. We have so many creature comforts and for the most part the only thing we worry about are problems that most historical figures would have seen as petty.
even though I frequently liked the actual challenges
@TravisJ oh I know
@ReedCopsey well... right now my biggest challenge is lack of documentation on a Java library GOD object
and the fact that they're on TFS2010 and have the most fucked up branching and deployment scheme I've ever seen
this latest deployment has taken 3 days
and there's so much resistance to change
@Pheonixblade9 - Do you read books in your spare time?
@TravisJ when I find one I like, sure
it usually takes me about a day or two to read a 300 page book though, so I run out quickly
and I have a girlfriend now for the first time and I'm still struggling with the idea that it's okay to go do stuff by myself, lol
@Pheonixblade9 - Have you ever read Arthur Ashe's biography ? It is an amazing book, really helps with outlook.
@TravisJ no, but my stepfather has mentioned him a few times
I mean, this was someone who really came from some of the worst possible environments and managed to make it to the world stage. He talks a lot about dealing with adversity and mental strength.
really I just wanna leave the world a better place than when I wasn't in it, even if it's in small ways. I don't feel like I'm doing it now
recently I've had a lot of people call me racists/sexists just because I'm a white male tech worker
there is a LOT of animosity against tech workers in Seattle. A LOT
to the point where I just say "I'm a consultant" now, not "I'm a software engineer"
I really think you would like this book. He did a lot for philanthropy as well, there is even an award named after him
The Arthur Ashe Courage Award (sometimes called the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage or Arthur Ashe for Courage Award) is an award that is part of the ESPY Awards. Although it is a sport-oriented award, it is not limited to sports-related people or actions, as it is presented annually to individuals whose contributions "transcend sports". Often these transcendent figures are also athletes who have been at the top of their sport, such as Muhammad Ali, Dean Smith, and Cathy Freeman. == List of recipientsEdit == == 2015 Jenner controversyEdit == In June 2015, ESPN's announcement of Caitlyn Je...
sure, I just bought the book. I'll give it a read, thanks for the suggestion
I usually go for sci-fi/fantasy stuff
Yeah I like sci fi stuff too, and rarely recommend actual books. But this one I think will help you with your current predicament
I just need to reread Ender's quartet a few dozen times, but I lent it to my stepfather
I don't read anymore as much though, lol I kind of end up coming back to SO if I want to read something
Yeah the Ender's series is phenominal
I should probably just visit my parents this weekend, they always make me feel better
I'm lucky to have great parents near me :)
Or just great parents in general. A lot of people's parents at your age are divorced nowadays
oh my parents are divorced
generally when I say my parents I mean my mom and my stepdad
Just in the same place?
my mom and stepdad live up in Lynnwood, about 35min away from me. My dad and his gf live in Fairbanks, Alaska
Can still be great though, my parents are also divorced from a loong time ago
my dad isn't an asshole, he just wasn't a super awesome dad when I was a kid, we never really bonded. Which is weird because I love cars and carpentry and building stuff and he does too
just never really invited me to help him with that sort of thing, I sorta figured it out on my own
I got into the star wars books a while ago and read a ton of them
they're not canon any more :(
as if G-canon, H-canon, etc wasn't complicated enough
The Star Wars canon is what is officially regarded as "canonical", or officially part of a story, in the Star Wars media franchise. The official Star Wars canon consists of the six released Star Wars theatrical feature films, the Star Wars animated film and television series The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels, and every other material released after April 25, 2014, unless otherwise stated. The upcoming feature film Star Wars: The Force Awakens (along with the untitled Episode VIII and Episode IX) will also be a part of the official canon. On April 25, 2014, Lucasfilm officially revised and...
(just when you thought I couldn't get any nerdier :P )
Well I read everything until the new books that came out after the recent prequals
yeah, the books are pretty good usually
And they kind of weren't the same. I liked the whole Force deal, not reading about cloned storm troopers and their daily lives
I just bought and reread the Pern series from McCaffrey recently
you know, the Clone Wars TV show (3d animated one) was DAMN good
Yeah, that wasn't so bad. Sometimes I watch it on my surface while I am hanging out gaming
I've just recently been trying to 100% Skyrim
sans radiant quests, of course :P
I decided to watch World War Z the other night from like 11-130 and it wierded me out a little
Elder Scrolls is definitely a large endeavor to keep up with
I have been playing Destiny for the past year or so
I'm gonna buy the witcher 3 when it goes on sale the first time
very excited about that
the witcher 2 was incredible
all right, it's 5pm. time to knock off
pray to the traffic gods for me, 99 is entirely shut down
oh man, good luck
Seattle traffic is rough
I should be biking in but I just cannot get up early enough, lol
anyways, peace out girl scouts

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