Fucking programmers and their memes. Told myself I'd wake up this morning and finish the design of my new site. Looked up "design inspiration" on Google, found a programming blog, saw a meme, read it, clicked next, read another meme, and another, and another... 3 hours later... still trying to come up with a new design.
I am working on a Windows Phone 8 project which has a PCL project as its business layer. The business layer project is shared with the Android(Xamarin) project solution, and uses a HttpClient which we realized is not available in WP 8 projects.
So according to the blog here we decided to go with...
A dead key is a special kind of a modifier key on a typewriter or computer keyboard that is typically used to attach a specific diacritic to a base letter. The dead key does not generate a (complete) character by itself but modifies the character generated by the key struck immediately after. Thus, a dedicated key is not needed for each possible combination of a diacritic and a letter, but rather only one dead key for each diacritic is needed, in addition to the normal base letter keys.
For example, if a keyboard has a dead key for the grave accent (`), the French character à can be generated by...
@AlexH It is. But the placement of the ; ' and \ keys is weird if you're not used to it. Expect to fuck up the first few days, once you've become accustomed, you can't use normal keyboards anymore either. But, it's great for comfort and accessibility. :P
@AlexH And whatever mouse you use, do yourself a favor and get yourself a comfortable mouse mat. I hear you think "A mouse mat?! This is 2015! We don't need them!". And that's mostly true, except you want a mouse mat with wrist rest (a cheap 7 euro one is A-OK). Combined with the MK710 that is my preferred setup :P
@Sippy Long live American layout. Ever seen Dutch layout? HORRIBLE.
I am trying to implement the Multiple Payment Method of Authorize net using credit card.I am using below sample code of site i.e
String post_url = "https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll";
Dictionary<string, string> post_values = new Dictionary<string, string>();
@BenjaminDiele No, look at your hand while using the mouse and you'll see you actually are using your muscles to lift your hand to use the mouse effectively. Do that 10 hours a day and you'll end up with sore hands. At least, I do.
@RoelvanUden Hm, never noticed a problem. Although I may be a bit of a slacker and not work quite that long. My elbows usually rest on the armrests of my chair while I'm mousing, though
I'm in windows form, got a gif running on a picture box and I want it to run while I get a response from the database, but I'm trying to figure out how to make that with async and await
hello guys , i have two web applications , they are on same server when i click on link in first web application , it goes to second application how can i pass data between them
i need to pass a connection string value from the first web app to the second
@abr look man my application work on 4 database , they are same structure but has different data
there are 2 different web application using those same 4 databases if i am on application one and use database A i need when i click on link there , redirect me to the second application and the connection string will use database A
if i work on database B on the first application and click link there , it will take me to second application and the connection string will use database B
@Bassem I'm assuming your web application has a visual, by that I'm assuming when you click the link, it's an http post (a post method is when you for example, access google.com and press enter)
like foreigners sending a request to ur 2nd api with incorrect connection strings that might crash or exploir ur api
if they are going to be on the same server in the future
then the best way - to avoid foreigners to send info to the 2nd api (because you clickin' a link with connection string attached can be sent from anywhere)
would be to create or write a temporary file with it and let the other api know
Hey guys, I'm having an issue where, when I send a date across to a webapi in the form dd/mm/yyyy its trying to bind it as mm/dd/yyyy and so the model state fails.
Thanks guys I'll look at it seems strange as it I do send it back from the api in the format yyyy-mm-dd
but for some reason when I deserialse to an object my date time is localising it as dd/mm/yyyy
so when I serialize to send back (as an edit) its messing up the conversion
one more question I have to open multiple versions of a partial view and register the scripts (devexpress) is there anyway I can include a ViewBag.Count in with the script id?
@Squiggle yeah I'm going to. I have the api reuturning it this way, its mainly a coincidence as I'm just returning from newtonsoft json where thats the default. When I pick it up clientside I'm just deserialising to to an object with a DateTime and at the moment tostring() to a textbox. its here where its automatically converting to dd/MM/yyyy
@scheien I went here: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.526909,-0.088688,3a,75y,177.87h,87.92t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1stvlrca0zN8NRVWQb-s-hEw!2e0!5s20150401T000000!7i13312!8i6656 to get some peace and quiet
Keep it simple, dude. A constructor like public Earth(int age, int taxRate) is fine. Add properties that calculate, like, public int Something { get { return _age * _taxRate; }}. Complexity is not necessary.
Hey guys, on success inside my ajax method, I want to go to another partial view, does that mean I have to make another ajax call inside succeed to go to my controller action, then return the view? Is there another way to do this without having nested ajax methods?
This is the code I wrote, I can't stand it myself, I am creating instance of same object to populate it's properties twice, I need to give this object to another developer who just don't need constructor at all, as he is sending me object through WCF service,
var a = new Earth();
a.ID= 11;
Can anyone help me with my code? I am sending a message from a windows form to a console app, the windows form is the client, and the console app is the server. I am sending a messaeg from client to server but the message that has been sent to server seems null when I check it on server?
public void OnReceiveMessageIncoming(IAsyncResult AR)
byte[] _buffer = new byte[1024];
Socket socket = (Socket)AR.AsyncState;
int received = socket.EndReceive(AR);
byte[] dataBuf = new byte[received];
Array.Copy(_buffer, dataBuf, received);
string Message = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(dataBuf);
Program.GetLog().Notification("Message from IncomingSocket: " + Message);
@RoelvanUden I prefer this, as I know it... and Kendall can you tell me where im going wrong? I got this code off a forum and just started with sockets.
There are no updated tutorials passed 2008... for sockets.
@BenjaminDiele one of the parse methods in that class checks if the given System.Type has a static method that begins with the word "parse" and calls it using reflection