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Oh Tnx :D guess i got a new room to check from now on :P
how would this be coded correctly in C#?
DataTable dtColSeries = new DataTable();
                    dtColSeries = dsChartData.Tables[0];

                    ColumnSeries columnSeries1 = new ColumnSeries();
                    ColumnSeries columnSeries2 = new ColumnSeries();
                    ColumnSeries columnSeries3 = new ColumnSeries();
                    ColumnSeries columnSeries4 = new ColumnSeries();
                    ColumnSeries columnSeries5 = new ColumnSeries();
                    ColumnSeries columnSeries6 = new ColumnSeries();
Is this winforms?
with a telerik chart, this works .. but am sure it is first grade level..
there must be a way to dynamically generate the objects++
I cant know if I need 2 columns or 500
Use list or array?
Yeah, an array will solve that quite quickly
okay, I will look into it, ty
A ColumnSeries array I am assuming
Right ColumnSeries[]
or list if you truly don't know the number of elements
both allow indexing
then I will need List<>
List<ColumnSeries> columnSeriesList = new List<ColumnSeries>();
COOL, now I just need to learn how to assign properties to a list item
ugh.. will I ever learn..,.
Java diamond operator ftw
well, what do you think it would be?
something like this but I need the drow loop too..
            columnSeriesList.ForEach(item =>
                    item.Name = drow[0].ToString();
            foreach (DataRow drow in dtColSeries.Rows)

If you need the index for drow, use for loop instead of foreach
also, unless you intend to have a square table, that logic seems a bit off
wait, charts. never mind
Not sure I am understanding.. any ideas?

                    List<ColumnSeries> columnSeriesList = new List<ColumnSeries>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < dtColSeries.Rows.Count; i++)
                        DataRow drow = dtColSeries.Rows[i];
                        columnSeriesList.ForEach(item =>
                            item.Name = drow[0].ToString();
that will work
other than you don't assign item
anyways, time for me to go
                for (int i = 0; i < dtColSeries.Rows.Count; i++)
                    DataRow drow = dtColSeries.Rows[i];
                    columnSeriesList[i].Name = drow[0].ToString();

kk I think I got it, thanks much
2 hours later…
civ 5 would be a lot harder if the AI were good at battle... like, at all.
I'm playing on King difficulty, stuck on a continent with rome and mongols as indonesia
i have like, three units by turn 90
they declare war on me
"oh shit i'm fucked, look at the 10+ mongolian units"
they all die
how high is king?
i think
i won prince too easily
i do like prince and i barely survive lol
indonesia is cheats man
i'm going to nuke them in my game
right in the face
Hm. I wonder if I can take Karakorum.
that'd teach him a lesson
@SteveG you think i can?
Well, I was going to, and then he gave me beshbalik in return for peace :D
bigger city, no warmonger penalty. sweet.
1 hour later…
say I have a string[] - if .Length > 5 I'd like to return string at index 6+ - otherwise return null. Is there a nice LINQy way to do this?
obviously a with a tertiary statement I can handle the returns - so I guess more specifically, if there a way to select index 6+ into a string[]?
for the record, a simple .Take() solved my issue
err .Skip()
1 hour later…
@Gotalove sup
am good man
how about you Benjy
what music do most belgians listen to @BenjaminDiele
I'm fine. Just passed my theory for my motorcycle exam.
Most belgians listen to pop music, I suppose.
what kinda bike do you have or you plan on getting?
Good morning
good morning Loetn
Thanks. Looking at a SV650 or such. I like naked bikes, and touring bikes, but those can be quite heavy
@Loetn morgen buurman
@BenjaminDiele Goeiemorgen landgenoot
haah, you?
Was from Ghent, now 10km north of that :D
Ok :) So you're happy you moved from Ghent?
The city taken by us :)
Never happy to leave Ghent, but it's nice to be out of the city
More peace (halleluja!)
I used to live in a studentneighbourhood. Worst time of my life.
After you graduated?
Yeah, because I worked in Ghent (still do), and my fiancée was still studying.
Ugh, I would hate that
Living in Ghent, or working?
Living in a studentneighbourhood when I'm working.
I need my sleep :)
Same here. It didn't help the neighbours were all little shits who liked to party at 3 AM in the hallway.
holy shit why am i hungry already. it's like 8:52 :(
Ooh shit. You see, it is better in W-VL :P
Yeah, because nobody's there. Everybody wants to come to Ghent.
Haha, it is pretty crowded here :)
So I have a server that sends out logging messages via emails
using Task.run
But one of these inside a catch block doesn't get sent, and I thought maybe it's because the controller (webapi) returns immediately after
though I would expect stuff running in a separate process to keep running...
catch (Exception e)
                EmailGenerator.SendAccountingEmailAsync("my@email", "Controller Error");
                return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
morning all!
morning scheien
Good, hot morning
morning @Gotalove
@BenjaminDiele & @Loetn, hi!
yea, it's going to be hot today
Going to be? It is already hot :)
When you compare to the standard here..
around 21C now
Q: when interviewing someone for a technical role, would you ask them questions you don't know the answer to?
I guess that depends on the question
Is that ethical? Or do you think to be judged fairly the interviewer needs to definitively know the right answer? (Or a range of acceptable answers)
Asking for specific implementation details without knowing the tech would not result in anything useful. The answer can be right or wrong, you won't be able to tell.
Well suppose I'm looking for a framework expert because nobody on my team knows it but we need to support it
If I ask something like "how does foobar.io implement concurrent processing?"
@TomW You can ask, but how would you know it is correct?
@TomW: What if the candidate just says something random? (and ^ that)
@BenjaminDiele I'd be looking for someone who can explain it to me. I may not know the answer but I may be able to judge whether an explanation is clear and makes sense
@TomW: I would probably read up on some basics first atleast
You could use the general "how to tell if someone is just making stuff up"
If that's an actual guide written down somewhere I'd like to see it
I think "how would you do x" questions are more useful in an interview
forget about definitions
I've used that. Worked ok
@TomW: There's lots of articles on the subject.
So I think the standard interview question format is predicated on the idea that you can assess someone's competence by random sample of their knowledge, looking for factually correct answers
And you would assert their credibility along the way.
So, it seems I came in to work today without my laptop's power cable.
So I have... *checks*... about 3 and a half hours of work.
I've dimmed the display, throttled the CPU and closed unnecessary processes. Let's see how much I can squeeze.
No one else with a power cable?
@Loetn Sure, I have one.
Oh, just read the last line. Disregard what I said
None with a Lenovo cord.
Good luck then :)
hi all
I have a ViewModel which creates a view with tiles. The Tiles have a Type property that is bound to an Enum. How can I create a groupbox foreah enum and add the right tiles to those GroupBoxes??
@FadeD You have a viewmodel with a collection of Tile objects, each of which has an enum property.
You want to group the Tiles by the property, and display them by the group?
yes correct
now I have each button of Enum type Website in seperate groupboxes
technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms162201(v=sql.110).aspx why don't I have any of these samples after installing SQL Server 2012 developer edition?
the directory that they mention doesn't even exist on my computer
Simplest way would be to do a GroupBy on your Tiles to get an IGrouping<EnumType,Tile> and bind that to your ItemsControl.
@StevenLiekens did you select to install the samples during the installtaion??
I don't remember that option at all
if there was one
Your ItemTemplate would be the GroupBox with the Header bound to the current item's Key, and inside contain a second listbox, bound to the grouped subcollection.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan okay thanks! I'm new to the whole WPF MvvM thingie :P
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding GroupedTiles}">
               <GroupBox Header="{Binding Key}">
                       <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding}">
                                // add per-item template here.
GroupBy creates an IGrouping<EnumType, Tile>, which is an extension of IEnumerable that has a Key property as well. You can bind the header to the key, and the inner list to the IGrouping object itself (which is IEnumeranle, so you're binding to the collection of ites)
@FadeD is it called the "Client Tools SDK"?
"Includes the software development kit containing resources for programmers."
I think so
not sure
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan How should I fill the GroupedTiles?
@FadeD GroupedTiles = Tiles.GroupBy(tile => tile.Type)
Awesome! thanks
@FadeD that wasn't it
@StevenLiekens them Im not sure... you can always download the samples
There are smart controls out there, like DevExpress's dxDataGrid, that support grouping internally, but they tend to have a lot of overhead for not always enough benefit.
I can only find the samples for SQL Server 2008 but the technet article suggest that there are samples for 2012
they're just nowhere to be found
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan It's working! :D
@FadeD Hurrah!
see :D
awesome! :D
I have two Wcf web services. Service1 calls Service2 (which is running on the same IIS server), using a external url like www.mydomain.com/service2.svc When calling in this manner using a external url is the call going outside of the internet and back in ?
I would imagine the hostname will be resolved to an external IP address, the request will go out to your local router/gateway, which will determine it's an internal address and direct you to it.
Probably, it has to resolve your domain
By the way I'm using this service on AWS
No data will actually go outside, except maybe the DNS resolution, which might be cached in your local gateway too.
Right, so it is probably best to change this ?
e.g call using local url or ip
I don't think it matters too much if the hostname doesn't change. After the first call, the server will probably cache the DNS resolution locally, so it won't even have to go out again. I'm not sure how smart it will be, though.
i see
I'm almost certain that the body of the request and response won't ever go out.
@BenjaminDiele Fucking lol at fruity cider
Can anyone tell me why this isnt possible:

                var dir = (Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "\\trunk-r664\\trunk\\client\\md");
it tells me:

'string' does not contain a definition for 'Delete' and no extension method 'Delete' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
@RoelvanUden @CharlieBrown @Squiggle (why is squiggle's name not showing up ..?) would you recommend using the JavaScript Linter extension in VS? Do you guys use something else?
Guys , a Question , a Teacher/Manager in somewhere . told me that they made a program some company , like those barcode reader or Card Readers , ppl who come in to work , put their card on scanner and the Application that they made ! will print the info inside of itself !
@wouter Because you can't delete a string?
Directory.Delete(dir, true) is probably what you want
@Loetn I want to delete that directly
the Problem is if the App is open in background ! but they move to Microsoft Word For Example ! and someone put their card on Scanner ! the APP will write the info inside WORD ! instead of inside itself !
lol anyone got any idea why ? they didn't gave me any code ... told me to think out of thin air ... seriously lol
@wouter dir is your path
@Loetn thank you for the solution :) no errors anymore
@Pedram Barcode scanners act like keyboards and are registered like that in windows
@Loetn well u know how they can fix it to only write inside the App and not inside other stufff ?
my tho is , whenever new Scan request was received , it first Pop up the app and then write it ! then minimize it
@Pedram Don't know. Can't you register a listener on the barcode scanner?
@Loetn not sure , i could think of something if i could get their code and be able to test it , but they just asked me if i know what i should do or not , and if i know i can do it , i ask for code from them lol
I can't come up with another idea right know.
i need help for creating JSON array in ASP.net
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan still here?
my requirement is display json Array in aspnet
api.learn2crack.com/android/… like this
.i have created only test.asp file.when i post your code it produce output like wise change that
do you have a json array instatiatied?
string []
Q: Creating an JSON array in C#

NealonOk, so I am trying to send POST commands over an http connection, and using JSON formatting to do so. I am writing the program to do this in C#, and was wondering how I would format an array of values to be passed as JSON to the server. Currently I have this: new {name = "command" , index = ...

@sasikumar hmm i only worked the other way round :P never crated json just process with it :D
no..am android developer.i dont know .net so please guide me
your in the wrong forum
Can anyone show me how to Get a List of ColumnSeries correctly
i need JSON in .NET
                    DataTable dtColSeries = new DataTable();
                    dtColSeries = dsChartData.Tables[0];

                    List<ColumnSeries> columnSeriesList = new List<ColumnSeries>();
                    ColumnSeries colSeries = new ColumnSeries();
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtColSeries.Rows.Count; i++)
                        DataRow drow = dtColSeries.Rows[i];

                        //colSeries.Name = drow[0].ToString();
Long shot, but a couple of years ago I recall using a free tool that came with a big set of common icons, and let you change their size, shape, background color, transparency etc so you could easily make icon sets. Anyone remember what it might be called?

Public Class OutputJson
public List<Entity> Android { get; set; }
Public Class Entity
Public string Name { get; set; }
Public string Version { get; set; }
outputJson = new OutputJson{
Android = new List<Entity>
new Entity { Name = "aaa", Version = "123"},
new Entity { Name = "bb", Version = "34"},
new Entity { Name = "cc", Version = "56"},
var output = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(outputJson);

List<Entity> entity = new List<Entity>();
JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
like a sprite map?
@sasikumar DO U EVEN CTRL+K
whats wrong in above code?
@sasikumar open new project , go to nuget add NewtonSoft.Json , make class and input ur data ! then use Serilize to serialize it :D this probably works
@sasikumar If you wouldn't ask that question on Main (because it would be closed as "too lazy to debug by self", don't ask it here.
@Pedram thanks. is it asp file or another extension?
It is neither.
It is a nuget package.
@sasikumar it's a library
@sasikumar just do as i said and u will have it :D namespace is using Newtonsoft.Json
.Name gets 11 unique names but when I display the legend in the chart all 11 names are the last name not distinct anymore. What do I need to look at? I am new to List<>

DataTable dtColSeries = new DataTable();
                    dtColSeries = dsChartData.Tables[0];

                    List<ColumnSeries> columnSeriesList = new List<ColumnSeries>();
                    ColumnSeries colSeries = new ColumnSeries();
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtColSeries.Rows.Count; i++)
and nuget is from tools > Package Manager
how can i use that library in my asp file?
@Pedram string YourJsonArray = output;
He copy pasted that code from somewhere
Likely he doesn't understand how VS works.
really sorry am new in .net
@FadeD Am now, if still relevant.
@Sippy yeh i guess :|
@sasikumar Stop rushing to get stuff done and learn how to use the technology then, before you create a monster.
Can anyone help me add ColumnSeries to my List<>
been working at it all night
@JoJo yeh saw u here since last night asking about this , but i have no idea what Columnseries are lol
just like a column in a chart they are a type
Well i got some Banana if u want :P eating atm :P
anyone know why my regex not getting any hit ? :O
            Match match = Regex.Match(page, "<img id=\"headerUserAvatarIcon\" src=\"(.*)\" alt=\"\"></a>");
<a href="http://steamcommunity.com/id/GamersStorage"><img id="headerUserAvatarIcon" src="http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/04/0‌​45059824420873c9bbd28be3e9bfd764b607235.jpg" alt=""></a>
^ this is the string
Have you considered using CsQuery or HTMLAgilityPack or some other HTML-specific lib for parsing HTML content?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan considered them 1 time but i end up sticking to Regex , i been using Regex like forever now for everything in my program, but this one idk why no hit :/
Just found this, which is pretty cool: generates a regex based on a pattern + expected result: txt2re.com
Maybe you need a non-greedy match on the (.*)?
You might want to escape that forward slash
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan didn't work with ? either but tnx for the site i bookmark it and use :D
@FatihBAKIR ooh lemme test :D
@Pedram: Ever heard the term "help vampire"?
@FatihBAKIR hmm that's weird , i still get no hit :|
i even copy paste ur own code
Regex.Match(page, "<img id=\"headerUserAvatarIcon\" src=\"(.*)\" alt=\"\"><\\/a>");
@scheien lol no :D
sublime text matches the string
Regex.Match(page, "<img id=\"headerUserAvatarIcon\" src=\"(.*)\" alt=\"\"><\\/a>",RegexOptions.Singleline);
didn't help either
this works: String s = @"<a href=""http://steamcommunity.com/id/GamersStorage""><img id=""headerUserAvatarIcon"" src=""http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/04/0‌​45059824420873c9bbd28be3e9bfd764b607235.jpg"" alt=""""></a>";
Match match = Regex.Match(s, "<img id=\"headerUserAvatarIcon\" src=\"(.*)\" alt=\"\"></a>");
How inefficient would it be to use reflection to get all values form my form? I used xaml as I was told it was the "right way", but since the format of the data and maybe even the form structure of my program might change often I was thinking about using xml to define the form structure, and then parsing it and creating all controls in code.
And i would need to access properties trough reflection (I think?) if I would to that.
It would be somewhat slower, and a hell of a lot more complicated to write.
CPU time is cheap. Developer time is expensive.
@nkoniishvt i Can't actually Change my String bro , it's a string that is being downloaded from a webpage
If you're going to be using WPF, it pays off to learn how to do things properly in it.
I would just update the view and viewmodel accordingly when the requirement changes.
Does anyone know a good way to hide taskbar items for stuff?
I wanna just use the system tray for outlook cos I don't need it in the taskbar ever, but to get rid of it in the taskbar I have to minimise it...
Well it would get easier when I need to change the structure of my form. A nice recursive method for parsing the xml file shouldn't be too many lines of code.
If you have a form that changes its structure often and based on user configuration, then yes, storing the required layout in a DB or file makes sense. It's a lot of work, but that's because the requriements are complicated.
do people reply in this chatroom
@snipe Mostly
@snipe: That depends.
However, if it's a matter of occasional change requests coming in to make a change in a form, it might make more sense to just change the form and recompile.
lol wtf
chrome has fps issues on a larger monitor on this laptop
I got a tricky question about windows api
They are actually not based on the user configuration. And doesn't wpf binding use reflection too?
@snipe The general guideline for all SO chat rooms is "If you gotta ask, ask, don't ask if you should ask".
11 secs ago, by Avner Shahar-Kashtan
@snipe The general guideline for all SO chat rooms is "If you gotta ask, ask, don't ask if you should ask".
> But first, Google it?
@FINDarkside Not as such, but even if it does, it's just CPU time, not developer time.
Id like to view dynamic library resources are referenced by a given application
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I think it has to use reflection if you can set anything as datacontext
Hey, how do you quote? :)
@Loetn ?
@Pedram Actually that worked fine for me. You just need one backslash to escape the forward-slash.
@Sippy Like you dit with Avner.
the libraries are shared by many apps
About the general guideline
@Loetn Reply with permalink to chat message
Ok, thanks :)
It resolves the link to a onebox
cus SO chat r smart
how could I do this
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan when i take the the whole string and want to Regex it , it wont work , i even deleted the whole </a> thing still no match :|
@snipe in what context?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Yeah maybe I'll just try to learn to use wpf properly.
any really
@Pedram I just ran it through regex101.com successfully.
probably programatically
@snipe Open references folder and look ..?
Your question is too broad.
@snipe are we talking referenced .NET dlls? Native Windows DLL references?
But creating all programmatically seems a lot easier to me. Also you need less code when you can just pass arguments to the constructor.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan dunno why it wont work for me , maybe the Page have i don't know , /n/r or something inside of it , anyway i Fixed it by searching for another link, there is more than 1 of avatar picture in the page i load , so i used
Match match = Regex.Match(page, "<img src=\"http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/(.*).jpg\">");
worked well
@snipe Dunno what you need, but this is probably all you need:
Q: .NET DLL references/dependency checking utility

prosseekWith Visual Studio, I can see the dll references as the attached picture as an example. With this reference information, I can open the (from the example) Composition project to find all the other references on and on to get all the reference file names. Is there any utility that does this job ...

Q: Dynamically add ColumnSeries from Telerik HTMLChart to a List<>

JoJoHow do you correctly add a Name property to each Column series in a List<>? DataTable dtColSeries = new DataTable(); dtColSeries = dsChartData.Tables[0]; List<ColumnSeries> columnSeriesList = new List<ColumnSeries>(); for (int i = 0; i < dtColSeries.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow drow = dtColS...

So using reflection is not that slow that I would need to use very long switch statement?
Reflection on itself isn't slow. It's slow when you use it a lot.
And it's slow(er) compared to the non-reflection version.
@Pedram uh, you don't want to use .jpg
you want \.jpg
Reflection is much slower than direct calls, but it doesn't necessarily matter - if this is code that waits for user input or network responses, the overhead of reflection calls might be negligible. Or it might not be.
also, make sure that you properly escape stuff in the string
I use @ strings for regexes
It's just for creating the part of the form I have to create programmatically
@"<img src=""http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/(.*‌​)\.jpg"">"
Incidentally, generating UI on the fly based on configuration data doesn't necessarily mean using reflection.
@KendallFrey Is it required to escape .jpg when you use @?
Creating instances of GroupBox and then adding instances of Button to its Children collection in a loop isn't using reflection.
It's just generating UI element in code.
@Loetn it's not the jpg, it's the .
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Yes, but I need to bind them to properties
and you need to escape it to use it literally in a regex
And I will store property names in xml file
@KendallFrey Yea, that's what I meant. Ooh ok, I'm no pro at regex :)
@KendallFrey umm mind if i ask what problem might it cause ?
@FINDarkside Still no reflection. WPF controls have static DependencyProperty descriptor that you use for binding.
Oh, there might be some reflection, yes.
@Pedram When you just write ., it doesn't match the dot character, it matches any character.
@Pedram It could match something ending in abcjpg">
So "file.jpg" will match "file.jpg", "file,jpg", "filepjpg", etc.
@KendallFrey oh yeh i got it the . can be anything
technically, everything but line endings
basically [^\r\n]
Yay, a coworker with a compatible power cable came in to work!
yes except if i add Option.SingleLine :D
Not gonna run out of juice after all.
@Pedram heh yeah
nobody uses singleline though
a programmer who i learned from his works examples , used singleline for everything :D
Is there anyone experienced with generics? Speficially, variances?
@FatihBAKIR Somewhat. What's the question?
@FatihBAKIR just ask your question
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan, unity's clr implementation doesn't seem to be supporting variances. Is there any other way to implement the same features without the support?

What I mean is this: https://dotnetfiddle.net/nfFohM

That code throws an ArrayTypeMismatchException at 50th line.
I don't think unity will be adding support for it soon, so I'm looking for workarounds.
Hi Guys, this works.. but I just need it to be dynamic..

    List<ColumnSeries> columnSeriesList = new List<ColumnSeries>();
    ColumnSeries colSeries1 = new ColumnSeries();
    ColumnSeries colSeries2 = new ColumnSeries();
    ColumnSeries colSeries3 = new ColumnSeries();
    ColumnSeries colSeries4 = new ColumnSeries();
    ColumnSeries colSeries5 = new ColumnSeries();
    ColumnSeries colSeries6 = new ColumnSeries();
    ColumnSeries colSeries7 = new ColumnSeries();
    ColumnSeries colSeries8 = new ColumnSeries();
Make those columnseries inside the loop
@JoJo, Add them to an array via a loop and use the index.
k, will try again.. hasnt been working
            List<ColumnSeries> columnSeriesList = new List<ColumnSeries>();
            ColumnSeries colSeries = new ColumnSeries();
            for (int i = 0; i < dtColSeries.Rows.Count; i++)
                DataRow drow = dtColSeries.Rows[i];

                //colSeries.Name = drow[0].ToString();
                columnSeriesList[i].Name = drow[0].ToString();
@FatihBAKIR I don't know if there is a simple workaround, you might need to just design your app not to use variance
@JoJo You're creating just one ColumnSeries, outside the list. Move the new ColumnSeries call inside the loop too.
@KendallFrey I'm worried about performance issues, I'd use bare inheritance but then I'd have to check for types at run time. Since this is a part of a game and used frequently. What do you think?
I can't help without knowing more about what you're using it for
like this?
                    List<ColumnSeries> columnSeriesList = new List<ColumnSeries>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < dtColSeries.Rows.Count; i++)
                        DataRow drow = dtColSeries.Rows[i];
                        ColumnSeries colSeries = new ColumnSeries();
                        columnSeriesList[i].Name = drow[0].ToString();
@JoJo You can even do colSeries.Name = drow[0].ToString();
Because the item in the list is a reference to the newly created colSeries.
@JoJo Nevermind, I got it.
nothing ends up displaying..
when I debug the drow[0] name is changing.. on each loop

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