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Code Project's comment section is frustrating
The C# class Mashal has methods for reading/writing and copying unmanaged memory. However, I don't see a method for block writing or clearing to zero. Are there methods for this, if so, which?
Is there any user interaction event for WPF Window
User interaction in what fashion? What sort of interaction?
well.. as in, knowing if there is an event coming from the windows action itself or an event done by user:)
@SJD what would you need such a generalized event? This doesn't entirely work, since the WPF window might not always fire an event, e.g. if a control has focus and is firing events instead.
What is the most recommended free image editor? GIMP?
@Marek you could try paint.net
alright, thx
Morning all
Good morning/
paint.net is nice
I use paint.net too :)
Also, good mornin
Anyone here play Europa Universalis 4?
play? we only do work
@StevenLiekens Conquering the world IS work!
I used to play Runescape lol
you and your games @BenjaminDiele!
@scheien I know, I'm avoiding work :(
@Marek me too
@BenjaminDiele: or gf?
free money pl0x :D
you should look up my hiscores: pixxeljunk
@scheien No, gf sits next to me, reading, when I play games :D
@StevenLiekens Lol, srsly? That must have taken a long time, my char is named sipi48.
it did... it did
I just discovered that svn.exe can output stuff in xml
as xml*
@BenjaminDiele: Just wait until you get married :p
@scheien 2 months yo
Fun friday: Customer overwrote a bunch of config files
just restore from a backup
but.. wtf why?
why not?
Not as in why to restore from a backup, but why are stupid customer being stupid? :(
that's what I meant
if they weren't stupid then they wouldn't need you
Meh, just listening to a colleague talking to the customer now
yep, I guess that's true.
uhm, a couple of sql inject attempts on my api yesterday. Those fuckers
we have an api where sql injection is used as a feature
@StevenLiekens wat
swedish design
Sounds like swedish awesomeness
Omai, a Windows Phone update.
should my next phone be a windows phone?
why? how is it better than apple?
flamewar commences
I like the flow much better than android and apple
@StevenLiekens I certainly like it. Less apps, true, but also much less crap.
and the phones (Nokia) actually survives a fall
and the integration with onedrive and 15GB of free storage (good for automagic photo backup)
the well known apps are all there, except snapchat
@BenjaminDiele: yep, that is pretty slick
The best part for me is, stuff just works.
@ActionHank You can just buy 5 for the price of one iPhone and give them a test.
These budget phones still vastly outperform expensive high-end android/iOS phones from a consumer perspective. NOT in CPU power, but it does win in smoothness of animations, app usage, etc.
The only complaint I have is that MS Solitaire takes so long to start on my phone :(
maybe I'll give it a go then as my business phone
I'm still stuck on Samsung.
what's the best windows phone on the market?
in terms of specs
I think a 930 ain't bad, don't know what's the current flagship though
/me is stuck with a 925
I still have a 620 o_o
okay, I'll bite
I'm just wondering what's the migration path for people who already bought a ton of apps for other platforms
It will probably suck.
and I kinda like the integration with google services on android
Buy one, try it out for a week and bring it back if it doesn't suit you?
You normally have 2 weeks of "try-out" time here :)
"OK Bing"
or is it "Hello Cortana"?
Hey Cortana
Long time
Good day everyone !
sup codebrain!
Dang is it that day already?
visual studio needs a file manager
something that doesn't modify project files when you move files
@Squiggle Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's FRIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY
hi all,
i wanted to extract the files in a zip folder into another folder and when extracting into another folder, if the file exists then it should replace
I am using ZipFileExtension class, but it seems that it does not have methods for v4.5
does any one have idea on doing this kind of thing?
unzip to a temp directory then copy/replace?
but mostly I should not use any other temp folder
I am using ZipArchive
as in this link
But it doesn't do what you need it to?
but the method ExtractToFile does not exists in my class
even though I am using v4.5
A: How to read data from a zip file without having to unzip the entire file

SinatrWith .Net Framework 4.5 (using ZipArchive): using (ZipArchive zip = ZipFile.Open(zipfile, ZipArchiveMode.Read)) foreach (ZipArchiveEntry entry in zip.Entries) if(entry.Name == "myfile") entry.ExtractToFile("myfile"); Find "myfile" in zipfile and extract it.

@Ganesh ExtractToFile is an extension method.
> To use the extension methods, you must reference the System.IO.Compression.FileSystem assembly in your project. The System.IO.Compression.FileSystem assembly is not available in Windows Store apps.
but I am doing for a Console app in Vb.Net
I found another dll called Ionic from codeplex and able to do with the methods present in it
from this location
Shit, I upgraded to WP10 (again :D) and now the phone radio is off :(
@Ganesh ok. So it should be available and that won't be a problem, you'll just need to reference the right dll containing those methods
But if you've found a better tool, go for it
Haha, WP10 says my phone number is changed. Ok bub, ok.
today was going so well
made it until noon without VS2015 crashing
the moment I touch it after lunch, it crashes
@StevenLiekens I know the feeling
I come back from lunch, disk full
VM crashed and is now corrupted :(
Y u already got WP10?
Bad idea to upgrade on your real phone.
lots of folks been saying that
Because tooooys
Just tested it, I can still receive and make calls, whoo!
my email accounts are gone however :(
yes @TomW
I guess it is a free source tool as it is available on codeplex
SOAP is never elegant.
I think that's my main complaint.
My VM being broken is a bigger issue though. FFS, why do I only have a hard disk of 110GB
What is this, the 80's?
more like late 90s / early 2000
Discustomer - the customer type you never want to interact with.
@scheien I swear, if they thought they could get away with giving us toasters as laptops, they'd do it.
I could sit in front of a toaster all day
munch munch munch
I'm glad I read joelonsoftware.com last night because I passed my management exam as a result
Mistakeholder - a stakeholder who will refuse to sign off on anything because they don't like you
@MoonOwlPrince 'gratz
@Squiggle: hehe, good one
@Squiggle Thank you
can't handle the puns
Well, that's not a good sign. http://t.co/Cssgpg8a80
Ooh. The double-pun there is delightful.
Dare I watch the following course
> Hardcore Functional Programming in JavaScript
Do it.
Manly man style.
@TomW I did a workshop on that. It's a great technique.
Pluralsight is great at reminding me how much I don't know
I skim the lists occasionally picking out things I want to watch. I never watch them as fast as I add to that list
@TomW The best FP you can get in JS is softcore
Hurgh. Does anyone have any tips on how to test multi-threaded components in SpecFlow?
It's not my terminology
just... you might be disappointed
you want to learn FP, read LYAH
I started it
then don't stop
the paaaaaartyyyyyyy
I think I've got a decent understanding of FP concepts now. Harder ones like monads and combinators, not so much. I think I get monads, possibly, but not well enough to explain them. I'm at the stage of 'how to solve real world problems with FP' now
+ remembering syntax that I've rarely or never used, always a doozy
monads are a wrapper around some type of object, that has certain functionality, like being able to extract the internal object, and apply operations to it (IIRC)
You probably know about the monads in .NET
Yeah, lippert (I think) wrote about LINQ and monads
I just had to paste it here
Microsoft introduced a very interesting definition of reuse. As UNIX was busy trying to promote open-source as the ultimate reuse technique ("here are a million lines of code, help yourself"), Microsoft went the binary way and invented COM.

My personal opinion is that it was a fluke. They had very simple IP concerns in mind and didn't want to open their source, which is perfectly reasonable. So they focused on binary, and binary interfaces. And by doing that, they unearthed the only real way that code can be reused: a clearly defined binary SPI and a set of interfaces.
"the only real way that code can be reused"
"the Windows that we know now is the ultimate example of code reuse at work"
Think about it deeply until you agree
stahp, you're killing me
@MoonOwlPrince How is OSS not reusable?
@KendallFrey It is reusable but consider code reuse beyond the same language
so you have an API
There is no need for language bindings if the operating system provides you with a binary interface
COM is a terribly annoying way to make an API
I hate COM.
I was born after the emergence of COM so would you be interested in explaining to me why you hate COM and find it annoying
It's so disconnected, for one
runtime binding based on just a clsid or guid
Of course, this kind of rules out languages such as Python and Ruby
The ultimate program interface is text, and unix proves it
(opinion alert)
@KendallFrey That is your opinion and you are entitled to it
@KendallFrey Not opinion, fact. Text > binary presentation
@BenjaminDiele If you can explain it objectively, please do
Everyone can read text, you need a certain program or platform to be able to read binary stuff though
@KendallFrey It's an internet "fact" :)
@BenjaminDiele right, forgot about that
the entire internet runs on text
No, I'm serious. Text is in 99% of the cases the better option. Because everyone can read it; someone on a mac, or a windows pc, or a linux machine.
No need to run a specific program that only runs on certain configurations
I know you're serious
and you're right
ASCII was one of the greatest standards for the early internet
@BenjaminDiele UTF-32 is.
You are right but no one needs to see the source code of a library to use it efficiently. This is the idea behind black-box abstraction.
Sometimes the interests of a business must be protected
@MoonOwlPrince text vs binary APIs doesn't affect that
He is talking about reading text and I am assuming that is a reference to reading actual source code
And I think more and more, commercial software will be charging less for the software and more for the service
@MoonOwlPrince It is not
take HTTP
a human can read HTTP traffic and tell you what is happening
and if a human can read it, so can any computer
HTTP/2 mixes in some binary, but it's still mostly text-based. Albeit that will change immensely with wasm..
I still am confused about that
I got the impression wasm is textual
It's not. It's a rough equivalent of MSIL.
So yes you can generate something representing code from it.
But it isn't. Not really. In its purest form it's just a binary blob.
Humans do not need to read HTTP traffic
sometimes they do
A friend once write a human-powered Web server
Comprehending something is by far easiest if the something is text.
@RoelvanUden They said it was going to be compatible with asm.js at first, which is where I got confused
@Squiggle continue
@KendallFrey I think because they provide a polyfill that translates wasm to asmjs
you would hit a URL, the server would message one or more 'meat servers' over Jabber who would then manually type the HTTP response
While we are still discussing the web, what is the difference between frameworks and libraries. I see the term is becoming more prevalent among JavaScript fans
you drive library, framework drives you
i'm joking btw
A silly little hackday project.
> Inversion of Control is a key part of what makes a framework different to a library. A library is essentially a set of functions that you can call, these days usually organized into classes. Each call does some work and returns control to the client.

A framework embodies some abstract design, with more behavior built in. In order to use it you need to insert your behavior into various places in the framework either by subclassing or by plugging in your own classes. The framework's code then calls your code at these points.
@tweray It's pretty spot on lol
I understand. Thanks, Roel
dammit, don't believe me when i talk about something seriously, i only speak truth in joke
Isn't the usage of a framework too restrictive?
Look at the term quite literally. It's a thing that puts up a frame for you to work with.
And a library? A collection of books. A collection of things you can use.
// moment of enlightenment
If the thing doesn't provide a work flow (thus a frame you work in), it's a library. Libraries include jQuery and whatnot.
list.Count > 0 vs list.Any()
which is faster?
the first
same thing applies for all IEnumerble ?
.Any() would probably use .Count if it was smart enough.
list.Count != 0 might be even faster... I'm not sure
@tweray nope, then it's the opposite
The first is a comparison of a number to a number (one cmp instruction) and the second iterates over all entries to do a check. Obviously the one instruction > potentially hundreds of instructions.
@Squiggle I doubt it, it's pretty fast already
@RoelvanUden not all entries
well .Count isn't just one instruction
if it returns false it would have iterated over everything
mov, cmp, jmp :P
it has to call a function
The second is a bit more though
@Squiggle which is 0
@KendallFrey no no. .Count() is a function. .Count is a property.
@Squiggle remember how properties work?
yeah, for List I believe it just wraps a private variable.
in a function
which the JIT may optimize out
Project Mangler - A project manager whose effect is worse than having no project manager at all.
LOL. Star. Absolutely.
@Squiggle love it
we've all been there, right?
@Squiggle That seems to be the vast majority of PMs.
idk if I'm gonna make it to 5pm
there's too much WTF in this code
@StevenLiekens A collegue's code, or former developer's code ?
former developer
@StevenLiekens Same here ! Been struggling with a piece of shit project for two years now, I hate that guy so much
but hey, I live to hate anyways
my project's diagram looks like a circuit board
@StevenLiekens looks like tfs branches
aka death traps
I think I'm the only developer in my company that gets to work on greenfield projects. This beauty isn't lost on me.
!!echo friday bitches
friday bitches
hello guys i have a problem would you like anyone to help
@StevenLiekens Is there a service named DeleteMachineService ?
I can see only half of it in your screenshot
@JoanLeaven I guess since the solution will always be under-resourced, such a service will never be required :)
@MirzaJhanzaib "I have a problem and I would like somebody to help me" :)
That's Single-Responsibility-Principle pushed beyond its limits ...
@MirzaJhanzaib what's up?
its hard to be attractive when ur not
Anyone build any diagnostic tools that take advantage of Roslyn?
a friend has, but he hasn't shared the codez yet
Oh, there is a live virtual conference Wed. on the topic.
@KendallFrey I follow him in instagram. lol
are we complaining about project maangers again?
X complaining
O describing
@punkouter I never do.
Well, not about my project manager. But yes, I'll join complaining about your average project manager :3
this wouldn't be a problem if all PMs used to be coders
I don't have a PM
I do, however, get other teams' project managers demanding things of me.
Developers can be graded more easily on performance than managers, so when it comes to determining a managers performance, they can hide very easily and blame everything on everyone else
@CharlieBrown it's easier to be a bad PM than to be a bad coder, for sure.
if you want to tell me how to build a house - build a 100 houses, don't read about building a shed, take a test about that shed, never build a shed, then tell me how build a house
decent comparison
have a *
we have a pm and that is what I feel like
I'm the only tech person.. so no one knows what I do.. I like that.
Nobody knows what I do, even me.
I like when PM's breakdown user stories without tech input. Such a disaster that the only thing you can do is laugh

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