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@Psycho what kind of help do you need?
Tic tac toe game i made, im having problems with it
I can try to help
do you have msn? teamviewer
Always take the center square! :)
yup i set the default for that
Hrm, I don't have that....let me try to get it
its a very nice program
Wow! a lot of bloatware in the installer :)
but the screenshots look slick
Ok, I am running it
connect to me
511 387 663
@DrWilysApprentice when you have a moment, I would love some more feedback on that one you helped me with the other day, see if you have any more thoughts on it
that one about the XML serialization of a list
@jcolebrand sure, I'll take a look. Might be a little while before I have time to look, though.
@DrWilysApprentice that's fine.
I'll tell you the problem and you can mull over it
I'm generating the XML just fine, but when I laid out my problem spec a while back, I thought I needed: (typing)
      <message type="string">Hello World</message>
      <message type="string">Hello World Again</message>
But what I need is:
      <message type="string">Hello World</message>
      <message type="string">Hello World Again</message>
so I imagine once again it's a matter of not having the right XML tag, but I'm not sure which one I need
        public class DoCommand {
            public string target { get; set; }

            [XmlArrayItem( typeof( create_message_event ) )]
            [XmlArrayItem( typeof( create_new_type_of_event ) )]
            public object[] items { get; set; }
This may be where I need to inherit a list of items or something, but I'm not sure what to do where ...
once I can figure out how to write the question properly I'll toss it out on SO
ok, going home for a bit
3 hours later…
@jcolebrand sorry for taking so long to get back to you. This page explains how to do it: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc164135.aspx
The relevant information is where it says "One last issue I'll touch on is how to deal with repeating choices."
@jcolebrand the core of it is that your items property would need to look something like this:

[XmlElement("create_new_type_of_event", typeof(CreateNewTypeOfEvent))]
[XmlElement("create_message_event", typeof(CreateMessageEvent))]
public object[] items { get; set; }

public CommandEventType[] CommandEventTypes { get; set; }
8 hours later…
hey folks!
Hi there!
I have a quick question becuase my brain won't work with me...
Where do I specify that I want the id's in 'Users' that are NOT in 'Groups' ?

db.Users.Join(db.Groups, a => a.user_id, b => b.user_id, (a, b) => new SelectListItem
Value = a.user_id.ToString(),
Text = a.surname + " " + a.lastname
how can one have 224 questions and only 6 answers?
That is incredible ;)
If you're curious...
True. However it is of course to give and to take.
...and if you are new to the topic.
@christianstuder nope. they are widely distributed across different tags
I sometimes think my stats are bad at 27q / 73a
Ah, it used to be so much easier in the good old days: You actually had time to formulate a reply.
@christianstuder LOL
have a look at the 'unanswered' section
there are plenty of open questions there
@DrWilysApprentice Thanks. Got any idea for a title on that post, I'll put it out on SO, you can answer it, instant rep. Yay gamification
how does one order data using the OrderByParameters of the EntityDataSource
I've never used an EntityDataSource, but I've used an ObjectDataSource and others, and what happens is those order-by parameters get passed back to the underlying query engine.
@jcolebrand heh, I appreciate the thought. I'm trying to consider whether it makes sense as just an edit on your original question or perhaps a new question.
@DrWilysApprentice I'm thinking a new question, and put a link to the new on the old
@jcolebrand it's up to you, but I suppose it might make sense as its own question, since it is a different problem.
the other one did exactly what I wanted
I'm just not sure of a title
Yeah...maybe something like "Deserializing XML element containing multiple differing child elements"?
Anyone alive?
Not usually. Sometimes I pretend tho
im killing time from coding
clock watching
@jcolebrand Zombie! :D
@Mike_G well hope that time doesn't throws any unexpected exception :)
not yet, waiting for the timer to tick at 10am central so i can get my The Black Keys tickets!
@Mike_G The Black Keys ?
a band i really like
So, as a coding topic: How about that WPF?
@Mike_G aah :)
i was hoping to do a new UI in it, but im thinking HTML5 is the way to go.
@Mike_G I'm a proud n00b in C# , so can't discuss that :)
good time to be a noobie for sure, it makes it easier to pickup all the new stuff
My server has a MaxRequestLength porperty on it to restrict the users requests to be under a certain size. I havent found a way to check the size of a post before posting (I am allowing users to upload content) and If i try to do it server side, IIS errors out before that code is able to execute(if its above the allowable limit), anyone know how to handle this?
@ninjasense you can't check the size of the file (afaik) in javascript before uploading. which part is erroring out on the server side?
when it hits IIS i get a maxRequestLength error, which is before it gets to my server-side code
no, I don't
ok thanks anyways
@Mike_G I guess the question in my mind is whether WPF will survive long-term. Everyone is hyped up about HTML5 with Windows 8, and what I've read makes me feel like the future of WPF and Silverlight is uncertain. It seems crazy, since they didn't come out that long ago and seem like such a rich and unique UI platform.
I heard that VS 2010 was written in WPF; not sure if that means much.
@DrWilysApprentice Thats how i feel. With Win8 it looks like they are giving HTML5/JS apps almost full blown "app" status. And PhoneGap, i just dont see WPF/silverlight lasting.
@Mike_G I wanted to give the Windows8 CTP a try, but I had no luck installing it on a VM. I haven't taken the time to install it on a physical machine. But I wanted to give it a try for myself and get a feel for whether Win8's HTML5 applications live up to all the hype.
@DrWilysApprentice WPF serves a different target audience than the dashboard, right? What's XNA run on?
the dashboard?
XNA is it's own thing built off of DirectX
It can run on Windows or XBox
and by that I mean does XNA tie into WPF since they both run on .NET
No, as far as I know there is no connection
XNA can run on OpenGL too
I should think WPF could as well, but I've never heard anyone ask
DirectX is at the bottom of the WPF stack
@jcolebrand There's no future for WPF. Microsoft is moving to WinRT in Windows 8.
I stand corrected. WPF is out.
Can any body tell me which is best MVC3 books? or tutorials
apart from asp.net/mvc3 sites
@Ravi idk, what's your experience level with C# and reading tutorials to learn the topics?
I have a (iirc) Wrox book for MVC3 and it's handy
I preferred starting with samples I found here and there, till I grok'd the purpose if it all
i am doing c# from 2 yr, hav knowledge of LINQ, EntityFramework. but want to improve all thing
what suggestion if u can
I suggest looking at a known project and learning from them
there's the mvcmusicstore.codeplex.com which is designed to help you learn, and is the canonical example we can all work from to validate ideas
will look onto it
is any VideoScreenCasts ? or tutorials ?
is der any samples for Entity framework? with MVC3
I would suggest moving to Shreveport in August and attending my series of lectures on C# and MVC3, however, since that will be awkward for you, I suggest finding a similar local group to connect with
Because obviously if I tell you to check out Pluralsight or Codecademy or any of a dozen easily googleable sites you'll just zone out
All of those things I know, because I connected with local groups
(which is the takeaway that I'm trying to get across, go find people NEAR you to help you)
I promise in every major corner of the globe, there are people doing what you do. You have to find them.
wooooww :) so good idea is it :)
but i am from india, how do i connect the local groups ?
I happen to have a mate in India, he may have some advice
'allo Sathya
Satya ?
Hey @jcolebrand
i know u :P
Where would you advise Ravi here to find some local usergroups
@Ravi you do?
Since it's a big country, and the customs are strange to me (I'm such a simple small town Southerner)
Ravi, Bangalore, India
395 2 12
you're from B'lore
yes :)
and your xubz friend :)
xubz is my Sr. in coll :)
i already connected with that groups :)
Huzzah! That is PRECISELY why it's good to know people who know.
I mean, it was a spot of luck that you're both in B'lore
@Ravi then that's what you want. Find some of the members there who don't mind mentoring you while you look at the MvcMusicStore
@jcolebrand :)
I'm not directly connected to the .net scene, but I can scope & let you know.
we have Barcamp Bangalore coming up on Feb 11-12
you should drop by
@sathya yup :) sure :)
I can tell you sites to go and look at, but when you have problems, it's so much easier to draw and ask
Barcamp is awesome! I should do a barcamp here
you'll get to know lot of people
make contacts
Social networking socially. I love it!
it's at SAP Labs, whitefield
@jcolebrand aye, most of my contacts across India & world are via Social Networking & other events like Barcamp
done, i'm in, is there any criteria to attend? or for Corporate employees? as i'm woking mid range company
anyone can walk in
help out, volunteer, speak so on
volunteering would be a great activity, @Ravi, if you can afford the time in your schedule to do so
you'll connect with so many more people
but just attending is always good
surely:) :), waiting for it,
@sathya where do u live ?
in chennai?
as xubz told, ur super mod in "SuperUser" :)
I shifted to Bangalore recently.
haha, he is a great mod (that's how comes I knows him, cos I'm a mod too ;-) )
... and I didn;t know xubz spoke about the online world -.-
@Sathya he said when he was explaining the SuperUser site , how it works n all
@jcolebrand @Sathya :) u made my day. by connecting to a "new World ".
(quick tip: hit the up arrow to edit your last message, within a 2-minute limit)
:) cool
Absolutely. I hope you pursue those things, check out Codecademy, maybe Pluralsight (but that costs money for sure I think) and the MvcMusicStore
But definitely get connected with the local group
anyhow, I'll be off. I'm usually at Root access and casual chat.

Casual chat

This is the room for casual chat in english, hindi & gujarati....
drop by whenever you want
surely :)
@Sathya u der ?
@Ravi I have a strong feeling he's left again for the evening, it being late
oh k, will catch him, some other time :)
I do hav pluralsight videos, scott allen
Scott Allen is definitely one to learn from. Also Scott Hanselman. I would encourage you to read his blog.
yup, added in FeedList
@jcolebrand good night :) will catch you tomo :)
3 hours later…
@CBarlow lol. Run! It's Codesaurus!
@DrWilysApprentice haha yeah it is =)
@jcolebrand any experience in ftp passive modes
apparently stuck in a rough patch
It sounds familiar, but only as a user, not writing code
what is the general gyst of your problem?
was making a c# ftp interface when ran into problem of Enter passive mode and request times out, ftp server is using debian's linux, installed proftpd as ftp server, wondering why its not letting passive connections go through
active works great but what if user is a behind a firewall so need passive
thanks, anyways :_
it sounds like it could be a configuration issue with proftpd, but I assume you already researched that
yup did do that, made a question out of it stackoverflow.com/questions/8857438/…
wrote details in question
1 hour later…
anyone still here ?
I am trying to create a cache for each request to wcf web service, i want to cache and work with some credentials the user provides at the begining of each request. Something like 'HttpContext.Current.Items.add'
But that will not work
There is a OperationContext.Current but i am not sure how to use that in the same way, any ideas ??
Basically i am looking for HttpContext.Current.Items.Add example for OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageProperties

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