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did 3 miles last night, knew I was out of shape
how long did it take you?
35:59 right under
I once ran 5 miles in 36:42. I don't think I will get back into that shape again though.
wow lol
i thought i was good running 4 miles in 45 min
35 for 3 is slow though (fast for me, in my current state), can power walk it in that much time
but it's about progression, not perfection
no doubt
i used to try for 21-23 for 3 miles
I was playing college soccer at the time and apparently our coach hated us so he made us to crap like that.
I would rather now just run two miles in like 16ish and hang out
my best was 21:30 for 3. I was never very fast
100/20 on the rest though ;)
yeah 100 was easy
I ran on tuesday for the first time since jan
the 20 was more difficult for me
@TomW how did it go?
about 5 miles, wasn't timing, knew it'd be bad
about an hour
5 miles is still a good distance to do all at once
hey, 5 miles is good regardless of the time
what he said
My right knee is all messed up, I don't think I could do 5 miles at the moment.
my belly is kind of messed up, i couldn't either
has quite a bit of swelling
my best ever was 3 miles in 21:04
Nice, 7 is good pace for that long
I've kept thinking the tracker must have been wrong because I've not got close since
i need to get back into it, i need to find a running partner, some guy at work runs at lunch, but he's too much in shape, i'd just slow him down
i need to find another fatty that has motivation to better themselves
but I don't think it can be, timing is timing and I know how long the route is
i have a gym membership, and i hvae an alarm on my phone that goes off every morning at 6am, that has been going off for about a year now, telling me it's gym time
i went once
i refuse to turn the alarm off though, that means i give in
i kind of already have a girl?
@SteveG I think you just want some bald guy with halitosis yelling in your face, telling you you're a maggot
idk what it is
was down to 9min then.. Vacation..
@TomW lmao, i wish i could say you're wrong
eats some french fries. yeah, i should really go to the gym
world of warcraft ruined me
@SteveG - You should make an app where you enter what you want to eat, and if it is junk food a drill sergeant is shown that just yells at you until you decide not to get it.
WoW ruined a lot of things
(as long as i put the blame on something/someone else, i won't have to take responsibility)
can hardly walk, got this terrible disease called GBS, it's that crazy eyed girl i showed you all a year or so ago
idk, i came to cheer her up and idk what we are
she's still recovering
from it
Violating "S" in SOLID is the most common cause of big ball of mud
yes, we call those cross cutting concerns
@SteveG - the cdc.gov says "GBS can cause symptoms that usually last for a few weeks. Most people recover fully from GBS"
I miss my Windows Phone.
Is it ok to actually talk about C# in this chat room?
Opinion-based question: if you were to create a web browser in VS, where there will be NO scripts reaching the client, and speed was the primary concern, what would you use? A webkit engine (slow) or shdocvw.dll (unreliable)?
um... just to clarify, you mean the web browser that will render html, process dom and execute javascript?
A web browser without scripts seems like a pointless endeavor. I'd go for raw HTTP requests then :P
A web browser that will display "scraped" content. No Javascript, just content.
@ton.yeung - this guy
You can call it a "scraping client" instead of a web browser
For private use of course
Then why don't you just build your scraping code and not a browser? :P
there a link?
he was a LITTLE late
Using a MSIE control would be a lazy way of getting the job done I guess. But for reliabilty going for Httpclient. Good talk guys
@AaronGillion HttpClient/HtmlAgilityPack in C#
@AaronGillion Request/Cheerio in JS
@AaronGillion Headless browser Phantom to emulate a full browser if needed.
I'm not doing the scraping on a server. I'm doing it on a client
Meh, Selenium
Has the added benefit of repeatedly doing things.
@AaronGillion All of the above can run on a client. Hell, there is no real distinction. :P
Scraping is lame though
Find a public API
The center cannot hold.
I write scrapers to download manga. It works brilliantly. Yay for scrapers.
I wish scraping was ethically/politcally correct
Then I could release projects without getting sued
Search engines scrape; nobody bats an eye. Why would it be "bad"? :)
That is true. Google scrapes freaking everything.
You can't really get sued for scraping.
Not a gang
Unless you blatantly copy everything and say "THIS IS MINE".
what am i doing wrong here: //arrange
var expected = "myMsrp";
string JsonFile = "{\"PriceDefinitions:\":{\"Name\": \"myMsrp\",\"Type\": \"PriceFromField\",\"Source\": \"msrp\"}}";

var dynamicObject= JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(JsonFile);
var actual = dynamicObject.PriceDefinitions;

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
i am getting actual always null
I tried var actual = dynamicObject.PriceDefinitions.Name;
no luck
are you supposed to deserialize into dynamic? that seems like bad
@TravisJ nah, fine. Works for me
@TravisJ There could be more then 3 of us in one room in the chat room
i tried the same code with a different json file and it worked
@juanvan - While you can infer the latter usage of terms, usually misusing a term means not adhering to its first definition. "Gang" : 1. an organized group of criminals
Gang === in the good sense of the term
K , no more gang anymore
what about ...
any clue for my question
It looks like it should work if the deserialize part is correct
just do dynamicObject.Name
@tweray got null
i tried that first
yeah using dynamic is where it is going wrong, use ExpandoObject instead. If you use dynamic you will get back a JObject.
What version are you using ?
.net version?
here's a cheap ferrari : ferrariofnewportbeach.com/…
well, technically
the json.net version
you can get an 80's testerosa
repairing them is an absolute nightmare though
@ton.yeung - what??
are you sure?
machine key is a freaking staple of server farms
There has to be a way
@Alundrathedreamwalker oh... ok, dymanic... that make it weird... you can do something like dynamicObject["PriceDefinitions:"] , which is stupid but should work...
If there is not a way to do that I will hand sew a hat with the specific goal of eating it in protest.
Each project should manually override its machine key
@ton.yeung - I can't quite remember, does owin allow web.config?
@ton.yeung - Is there a web.config file in an owin setup though?
It has been like a year since I played with it
there is a config file even in console app I think too though?
It seems the machine key settings goes inside of a system.web xml tag in the config file
but I am not sure that would get seen in a console app
you know guys what was the problem
both solution should work
The one @TravisJ and @tweray proposed
it was a : sign extra
\"PriceDefinitions:\":........ should be \"PriceDefinitions\":........
i did check that expression in a json parser but it did work fine
is this enough to make sure your string is JSON error free:
catch (Exception ex) //some other exception
return false;
probably not
since you said that you got null back (as in no exception was thrown)
JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonData); worked in both cases
i got it
\@TravisJ Thanks a lot
@Alundrathedreamwalker :D
once again Tribe, we're looking for senior web dev to join our team
i really wish
@ton.yeung would you join us if it's remote?
yeah you have always had to roll your own
@ton.yeung - I use this service for it: developerfusion.com/tools/generatemachinekey
@ton.yeung - MSDN is often right, but it is a little paranoid in that article.
What is someone going to do? Hack into my host's server cluster, find my machine by machine key, and then mix up all of my application pools? heh
I don't see the security risk.
Question about naming entities... I have one called "Workflow" that defines the entry-point for a logical sequence of steps that a user will follow. What could I call an entity representing this in-progress workflow instance?
@ton.yeung google.com/design
Figure you saw that before. I've been in the spec recently, but wasn't aware of /design
@Bob - WorkItem, WorkPiece, Work, Activity, FlowItem, FlowProcess, FlowTask, type of approach?
@TravisJ WorkItem is pretty good...
I might just go for the verbose WorkflowInstance
Or the redundant WorkflowWork! :D
oh god no
I would never forgive myself in 3 months when its written in stone
Call it Flux
oh wow wtf. Windows Workflow Foundation?
when did this happen
wtf wwf
years ago?
panda smashing steel chair over other panda's head
whats Tribe?
another misnomer replacing the previous misnomer gang referring to the group of people in this chat room
@TomW 2^10 rep
!! Math.pow(2,11)
@TravisJ That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!> Math.pow(2,11)
@TravisJ 2048
@CapricaSix - ya jerk
Oh, yeah, 11 :D
!!> this.ToString()
@Jeremy "TypeError: this is undefined"
Oh, you're javascript
you can still locate the this though :) It just takes some effort
@TravisJ thats what she said
!!> var x = 5
@SpencerRuport "undefined"
@SpencerRuport 6
!!> (function(x) { return "The number is: " + x; })(5)
@SpencerRuport "The number is: 5"
!!> (function(x) { var test; test = function(iteration) { return test(iteration + 1); }; test(0); })()
@SpencerRuport "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
@SpencerRuport "InternalError: too much recursion"
!!> (function(name) { return " @" + name + " is a Cod Fish."; })("TravisJ")
@SpencerRuport "@TravisJ is a Cod Fish."
@SpencerRuport " @TravisJ is a Cod Fish."
!!> new XMLHttpRequest();
@SpencerRuport "ReferenceError: xmlhttp is not defined"
@SpencerRuport "ReferenceError: XMLHttpRequest is not defined"
@SpencerRuport "ReferenceError: ActiveXObject is not defined"
@SpencerRuport "ReferenceError: XMLHttpRequest is not defined"
1 hour later…
!!> navigator
@Jeremy {}
!!> window
@Jeremy "ReferenceError: window is not defined"
!!> this
@Jeremy "undefined"
caprica pls
tell me more about u
Hello everyone, can someone tell me more about "Create Script Method" in Visual Studio 2013? It's the CTRL+SHIFT+M feature that generates code.
I wanted to test a method to see if it can be generated through "Create Script Method". So far, I am unsuccessful at it.
!!> location
@Jeremy {}
@BradleyDotNET help me stalk caprica
@tom_mai78101 no clue
!!> whereami
@BradleyDotNET "ReferenceError: whereami is not defined"
!!> whoami
@BradleyDotNET "ReferenceError: whoami is not defined"
Okay then, does anyone know where I can find articles about "Create Script Method"?
!!tell tom_mai78101 google "Create Script Method" msdn
@Jeremy Command "create does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@CapricaSix Um, Unity? So, "Create Script Method" exists only in UnityVS?
This realization hit me so hard I have migraines.
!!> shirt.color
@Jeremy "ReferenceError: shirt is not defined"
@CapricaSix what a tease
!!> clothing
@BradleyDotNET "ReferenceError: clothing is not defined"
@Jeremy no kidding
!!> gender
@BradleyDotNET "ReferenceError: gender is not defined"
thats just weird ;)
i can work with it
I am calling Token method of web api 2 , and I am posting the request as below
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("https://localhost:44300/");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"));

var values = new Dictionary<string, string>();
values.Add("grant_type", "password");
values.Add("username", model.username);
values.Add("password", model.password);
any idea why it is giving me bad request
giving me unsupported_grant_type

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