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hey guys
Do any of you think that Agile software development necessarily leads to spaghetti code and big ball of mud projects?
@SpencerRuport no, but you do have to have stabilization sprints.
I think thats what happens when you do agile incorrectly
!!wiki stabilization sprint
@SpencerRuport The Wikipedia contains no knowledge of such a thing
!!google stabilization sprint
Ive never been a fan of stabilization sprints... they are the result of management not letting you add those tasks to the backlog like any other feature
@CharlieBrown - Do you agree with @Pheonixblade9? Are stablization sprints the answer to avoiding that in Agile or is there some other mech...
Answered my question before I could ask it. ;)
To mgt, an SS just looks like 2 weeks of no work getting done
Then again, mgt is the reason we even have to have them
@CharlieBrown - So are you saying code debt can be avoided in Agile development or?
@SpencerRuport I believe Agile reduces code debt significantly
@CharlieBrown - How so?
From what I've read Agile seems to be very "anti-plan" which gives me the impression it would have the opposite effect.
BC you only write code when you need it, and delay decisions until the last responsible moment
There is a lot of planning in Agile, but its done "JIT"
Not months ahead of time
@CharlieBrown - Ah okay so I assume this means that the developers have enough say in the schedule to push back on sales when they overcommit on deadlines.
right - the stabilization sprint is the answer to overly aggressive timelines
Gotcha okay
Thanks :)
definitely @Pheonixblade9
Recently, I'm starting to form the opinion that bad user stories/feature requests are one of the largest issues
The scope of most user stories is way too large
people just say "I WANT THIS THING" but don't really know how to describe or ask for it
that too is a big one
yeah, a story should be a small thing
people too often use epics as stories
a story should be completable in one sprint
Stories should be "User can delete a product from the website" and instead they tend to be "Make a control panel that has a list of all items and each item should have an edit and delete button and each...blah blah blah"
@KendallFrey how was azbenjamainon?
@CharlieBrown yeah, you also have to look at stories in groups as an epic. That helps drive design and strategic discussions
@CharlieBrown, @Pheonixblade9 - Would you say that unresolved code debt in a agile project grows exponentially?
I'm not sure that could be proven one way or the other
There are many types of debt in a software project, poor leadership is the cause of most of it
Every project methodology can succeed with good leadership
Makes sense.
@SpencerRuport code debt is pretty much depending on how much the tech side can interrelate with business decision. a weak forever "yessir" tech lead can really lead to exponential debt
funny part is the larger an organization is, the less tech leaders dares to say something like "no, this timeline is not going to work", "no, we cannot ignore this part"
I like to choose Agile VS waterfall based on team skills. More Novice team is better suited to waterfall, a more experienced team is better suited to Agile... although with coaching, code reviews, pairing I would still choose agile
@tweray: of course. They want to be able to move up the chain at a later point.
Waterfall can be really fubar
@CharlieBrown, @Pheonixblade9 - So in your opinions, how would Agile handle something like a significant technology change. Say ASP.Net Forms to MVC for example. What aspects of Agile might come into play, (if any) with that transition?
There is really nothing defined in Agile for something like that.
Agile is more of a philosophy
I've always felt that evolution of technology, more than client tweaks is what brings on the most code debt. Do you disagree?
I'm liking agile less and Kanban more.
!!google kanban
@Pheonixblade9 agree, my preferred method is Kanban. Which is a type of agile methodology
So, if you like Kanban, you like agile
I prefer kanban over scrum
yeah, I suppose that's what I mean
daily meeting that eats up 30 minutes of my time every damn day
wow, you have long ones. we just do 5min
scrum has too many weird rules for me, it works, but its a wreck if the scrum master sucks
@CharlieBrown I'm the only developer in the meeting right now.
they treat it as design sessions, not status updates.
my update takes 30 seconds and I'm the one actually doing the work...
@Pheonixblade9 5 designer and 1 programmer, that sounds really familiar to me lol
not designers. Managers/BAs/PMs
yeah, i mean designers like the designer of project, not the graphical one
i still like scrum more, maybe because i am the sm
!!stats steveg
@SteveG User Elusio proved elusive.
awesome, 4 words and 3 of them i don't understand
!!stats pheonixblade9
@Pheonixblade9 User Elusio proved elusive.
!!stats 598637
@Pheonixblade9 You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/598637/pheonixblade9) have 7074 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 39 questions, gave 431 answers, for a q:a ratio of 39:431.
avg. rep/post: 15.05. Badges: 2g 19s 56b
!!stats 1783619
@BradleyDotNET You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/1783619/bradleydotnet) have 31017 reputation, earned 50 rep today, asked 17 questions, gave 1032 answers, for a q:a ratio of 17:1032.
avg. rep/post: 29.56. Badges: 7g 27s 50b
Thats a cool feature
I like how the ratio is devastatingly obvious
I wonder if it ever actually reduces
!!stats 496680
@SteveG You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/496680/steve-g) have 2139 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 40 questions, gave 85 answers, for a q:a ratio of 8:17.
avg. rep/post: 17.11. Badges: 4g 21s 40b
Oh, and I only earned 40 today :( user was removed
17.11 rep/post
you people with your high quality posts
I'm surprised my rep/post is so high
I always feel like my scores are low
@BradleyDotNET I bet many of your older posts have higher scores thank you think.
!!stats 1026459
@TravisJ You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/1026459/travis-j) have 36454 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 219 questions, gave 1510 answers, for a q:a ratio of 219:1510.
avg. rep/post: 21.08. Badges: 8g 79s 136b
I don't do test driven
@ton.yeung - I don't have to work with junior developers.
haha there's your difference
I do TDD because it makes it easier for me to develop it the first time. If my tests start breaking, fix them or delete them, I don't care.
@ton.yeung - To follow a specific requirements definition and to ensure breaking changes aren't accidentally implemented.
@Jeremy Thats true, I'm always surprised when I look at my answer list and sort by votes
I'm stuck using NHibernate for the first time. I've spent HOURS trying to figure out how to get just the first record from the database. Anyone know?
I write tests, but rarely do TDD
@TravisJ, @Pheonixblade9, @CharlieBrown - Would you guys disagree if I said "Ultimately the problem of code debt is that it produces uncertainty and what certainty exists becomes highly fractured."
My tests dont "drive" the development, they support it. I write the code first, then write a suite of tests around that code
@CharlieBrown HERESY!
@CharlieBrown Are the tests regularly updated when they need to be? Does everyone run them?
The religion here is "TDD should come with unit tests, because otherwise the tests won't get maintained"
Curious if that's your experience or not.
@Jeremy yes, they are always up to date, and run automatically by the build server on check in
@ton.yeung Err... I mean, "if you want to use unit tests, you must practice TDD"
@SpencerRuport - I think that there are too many problems with code debt to narrow it down to one narrow point. I think that your statement is accurate though, but I don't think that is ultimately the problem with code debt.
@ton.yeung Yeah, this is what I'm talking about.
@CharlieBrown Do other developers you work with also write and maintain the tests?
So today it finally dawned on my colleagues that asking me to code for five months without requirements might not have been ideal.
@TomW Had a similar experience last month.
I'm sending virtual six-packs
@Jeremy yes, although we have slackers. On this project, I lead the front end development, so I require my team to always have tests... on the backend code... well, its hit or miss
I think the code I've written is shit hot. It does exactly what the imaginary scenario in my head requires. Because that's all I was given
+ does whatever it's configured to do, using reference data. If the data is shit...not my problem. Code is fine. I also raised this and nobody cared
Correction: Not my fault. I expect it will still become my problem.
This is not about C#, but do you think StackOverflow will delete threads? Like after looooong periods of time?
@SpencerRuport the problem with code debt is that it makes future projects more expensive. It's cheaper to fix the code debt than to ignore it and let it get worse. And money is what matters.
easier to just buy another hard drive
@NETscape LOL yeah
@Pheonixblade9 - I agree. I was just trying to explain why it makes it more expensive. Everything I can think of like bad estimates, difficulty bringing on new developers, bugs etc all seem to point to uncertainty in the code base IMO.
Code debt is like cancer. At first, it may be small and in one place. But over time it creeps out, grows larger where it started and begins shooting off as small pieces in other places just waiting to grow.
Given enough time it will kill its host.
and sometimes, it's in your ass
Especially in California apparently.
True story, #1 preventable death type in California is prostate related.
@Pheonixblade9 next time you code review, exclaim "Do you want cancer in your ass? Because this is how you get cancer in your ass"
@TravisJ "most distinctive"? Defined as?
I'm writing a presentation for my work.
imho, Technical debt = lazy developers
I'll share it with you guys eventually if I get permission.
outcome -> nothing changes
The thing to take away from looking at the pitfalls of code debt is to follow best practice as much as possible.
I feel like so many programmers just implement their own design patterns, and when corrected respond with "yeah, but this is how we are doing it".
@TravisJ aha, so in other words, most common compared to the expected rate in the whole population
@TomW - correct
@TravisJ same with business practice, and many things more in the business world
Tuberculosis, that's pretty extreme. I guess that could just mean that Texas f.e. is extremely unremarkable and just happens to have a slightly higher rate of TB
@edc - Which is why the term technical debt applies to many things beyond code.
i pulled a tl;dr; there
admittedly, I created quite a substantial amount of technical debt in my career
yes! my internet connection is 94% saturated! time to upgrade
stop downloading porn
downloading new charts for my boat
You can't spell embarrass without ass.
plus vpn, tfs updating, deploying a website, spotify, stack chat
everything is just crawling now
so chat, slack chat
@CharlieBrown Sounds like the start to a Dr Seuss book about internet chat rooms
Internet costs are too high for what I'm getting
50/mo + 29/mo in fees for 2Mb/20Mb, time warner
That sounds like what we pay at work lol
Business accounts are expensive for some reason
We get like 15 down, 3 up for $190/month
yeah no doubt, its the fees that kill you at home
going to upgrade it to 5/50 for 69/mo
Time Warner added freaking Cinemax to my bill for 9 months until I noticed and had it removed.
I have the bill on auto pay and decided to look at it randomly and was like wtf?! =/
yeah, cable carriers, back to my favorite topic
I really dislike the way that cable companies do not have to compete.
The thing is, non cable internet sucks.
(aside from fiber which is only available in like < 1% of the US)
@TravisJ and is murderously expensive by the way :(
well, the fact is, when they compete, it just get ridiculous in another way
I had fiber in baltimore, it was 15/50 and only cost me $60/mo
my current apt support both fios and optimum, so there will be some dumbass knocking my door once every other saturday
@Jeremy - Yeah, I looked into fiber when I was thinking of starting a company. I found that it was cheaper to get 8 simultaneous lines of cable which performs rather similarly.
most stupid thing is that, i am on fios, yet those fios guy still knocking my door and ask what i'm on
Does this only happen to me? I see something really daunting to implement and my first reaction is to balk at it.
Step 2 is to break it into tiny non daunting pieces.
@ton.yeung Motorola
But the balking part is annoying at times
Time warner supplied
@TravisJ Whenever I see complex code I think the same. Even very complicated code can be written so its not a complete mess
I can only use the supplied modem
@ton.yeung - TWC
I have one of their fancy ones though
It does teh phone and is rated to 100 mbps
@TravisJ is TWC using regular Cat5 cable for the input line to the modem? or it's using something different?
@tweray - They use coax. Cat5 goes to the router
@ton.yeung nice, im not sure what the new ones are...but its way cheaper to buy your own, b/c they charge you 10$ a month to rent it
you could buy a new one every year for that amount
cant stand it when you have to call to cancel shit, makes my blood boil
@ton.yeung - Because it doesn't measure the actual length?
Clearly the correct answer is
E Frog.Length;
@ton.yeung don't get it. maybe i lack the sense of humor
@ton.yeung I'd argue that the correct answer should probably be 1.5" - though I suspect it's probably more like 1.75" :p
2 startup ideas now... which is more viable... sigh, analysis paralysis
because the frog isn't being stretched straight along the line
1.5 is the closest to correct there ;)
i'd argue that nothing on there is correct, the scale has no units.
+1 @NETscape ;)
@ton.yeung thats a good point actually
[I'm On A Boat!](www.youtube.com/watch?v=avaSdC0QOUM) - Lonely Island
laks teh protoCALL
war is yar hteateap?
in the natural progression of things, leetspeak has become derpspeak :P
related to the http issue: the reason IE had so many vulnerabilities is because when browsers were first invented they supported every protocol. IE had so much legacy code in it, that even though no one used the old protocols, it still supported them and as a result there were still paths to execute code on the system runtime by exploiting those old protocol hooks. In order to refactor this support they needed to completely gut the IE code base. #projectspartan #msedge
Got the offer letter from HP
Weekend bitches !! double fun. Beers :)
@codebrain - Nice :D
@TravisJ Thanks ;)
Hello.. i need some advice.. i want to develop android applications and i dont want to use xamarin .. thinking to switch to java .. but for my surprise i see vs 2015 gonna support android and IOS.. does that they integrate java sdk into vs?
no i dont think so
hello folks, need one help with the code review .I wrote a PUT method which involces three tables Site - Site_Menu(bridge table) - Menu tables
    [Route("api/Sites/{siteId}/menus/{menuId}", Name = "PutMenuBySite")]
    public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PutMenuBySite(int siteId, int menuId, MenuDTO menu)
        if (ModelState.IsValid && menuId == menu.Id)
            FMBP_Site site = await db.FMBP_Site.FindAsync(siteId);
            if (site == null)
                throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            FMBP_Menu fMBP_Menu = await db.FMBP_Menu.FindAsync(menuId);
is there need to check existence for bridge table entry when I am updating Menu row
Define "bridge table"
In database management systems following the relational model, a junction table is a database table that contains common fields from two or more other database tables within the same database. It is the standard way of creating a many-to-many relationship between tables. In most database systems, only one-to-one or one-to-many relationships between data tables can be created directly, usually by utilizing foreign keys. The Foreign Key (FK) usually is a Primary Key (PK) of another table and thus a unique constraint. A junction table maps two or more tables together by referencing the primary keys...
junction table is a database table that contains common fields from two or more other database tables within the same database. It is the standard way of creating a many-to-many relationship between tables
I am using web api2 and EF 6
@C4CodeE4Exe Why did you create an entity for it?
what do you mean?
In EF, you do not create an entity for bridge tables typically
actually I used Code First from Database and created all the entities
so we do it manually, if not defined the entity
for bridge table
I manually create the junction tables (I call them linking tables)
Mostly for one massive reason. There is logic in the many to many connection and it needs to have more than just a hidden table to support it.
EF will create the correct sQL for you, but the entity is not needed
Often there are opportunities to add information there that you would not otherwise have access to.
If your bridge has additional information, then yes it needs to be defined, and is no longer a bridge
yes.I have additonal info like publish,unpublish
so that means it make sense to have an entity here
So, if your just updating menu row, there should be no need to check. The db will throw invalid FK if its messed up
@CharlieBrown - I find that there is almost always opportunity for the bridge to contain information.
A simple many:many rarely needs it, i.e. "Tags" & "Questions" on SO
(it can be stored diff, thats just an example)
cool Thanks
u guys are so helpful :-)
@CharlieBrown - Yeah a simple one like that wont have anything else available to it
also I just discovered the "pin this tab" feature in Chrome
what's it do
makes tabs tiny, pins to left
yep. keeps the graphic
it's pretty rad
I pretty much always have Pandora, Gmail, GVoice, C# Chat open, so it gives me more real estate for other stuff
@Pheonixblade9 Viewing pornography is illegal if you are a sex offender?
@Nican - This is the message you finally post after lurking here? :P
@Pheonixblade9 - What was the name of that dev process you mentioned? HanKan?
@TravisJ I post very rarely, but not completely a lurker. :P
I know, was just amusing timing :)
@SpencerRuport kanban was discussed earlier
Ah thanks
I'm having a brain fart, if I have two variables that come across. One is CallForPricing the other is CallForPricingGuest. How can I make sure a true for CallForPricing isn't triggered for a CallForPricingGuest.
Never mind.
Figured it out, Equals failed due to ; at the end.
@SpencerRuport kanban.
Cool thanks.
I finished my document.
I think I ran out of steam by the end. I felt like I was on a roll at first and then kinda peetered out.
Oh well. I sent it anyway. :P
@Greg i couldn't make sense of this. What was your solution, i'm trying to understand your vocabulary via code.
@ReedCopsey override operator * right?!
and =
yeah, can override operator * and / and + and -
you can override any operator, can't you? Not just binary operators
That statement frightens me
@Pheonixblade9 nope - but you can override quite a few
well, weekend time :)
I will see you guys on tuesday :P
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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