I'm too embarrassed to ask this officially... I need to provide a 'percentage completed' value to backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(percentage); but I can't remember how to calculate percentage.
I call ReportProgress in a foreach loop. I know how many items there are and I know the current item's index in the list. How can I calculate the current percentage to give to ReportProgress?
hmm, I think I'm doing it wrong. The first item always fails with 'DividedByZeroException' because the first item is always 0, so I add a +1 but it still says that:
int nbr = Item.Items.IndexOf(item) / Item.Items.Count;
@BenjaminDiele Yeah that is a good idea, thanks. I usually do, but when I'm writing sometimes I just prefer to have a flow if you know what I mean and usually end up forgetting to fix these things up later :/
Well, actually I've gone backwards. I added background worker. Previously, everything was working fine. I didn't want to add the worker at the beginning because I was lazy and wanted to see results right away. But after I saved a 26MB file I realised, well now i'm going to need to do load this with the worker, so I added the worker, but there's sooo much code, there's roughly 2000 lines involved in processing this audio file before its corresponding listviewitem gets added. and now, some items
... aren't being loaded.
that may or may not have anything to do with my crappy math skills lol
@SE505 Well, check it step for step. Does the file get added correctly to the worker? Does the worker finish the file? Who adds the file to the list? (don't manually add a listviewitem, use databinding yo)
Can you consistenly reproduce it with a file? Put that file in a test case and run it like that. That way you can start using tests to make sure your stuff still works if you change it later.
@BenjaminDiele Thanks. :) You know... I've been doing winforms stuff for years, and I only realised there was a DataBinding component in the toolbox a few days ago lol
I played that game for a few hours but quickly grew tired of it. Sooo repeating and boring. No skills, no stats, nothing. I'd love it if Morrowind got updated. Great game
@SebastianL yeah, but i found the basic game itself lacking. Always "go do this cave. hey, draughrs. again."
The first cave, troll, dragon was fun. But after that? I expect more from a game. If you are the arch mage of that magic college, people should recognize you. People should react if you just killed a dragon. They should know what you have done.
I mean shit, talk to a character at lvl 1, and talk again when you're lvl 100 and done almost everything. Nothing changes.
I don't really find it fun to hunt for mods and try the arcane instructions to install it and get it all working. I game around 5 - 8 hours a week. Don't want to spend a week configuring a broken game.
Ideally games should be buy - install - play. Like Path of Exile on Steam, and The Witcher 1 & 2 (hyped for 3)
@BenjaminDiele Mods solve these issues, yeah. I much prefer FO3 though. It suffers from the same problems, but Wanderer of the Wastelands creates a truly engaging game.
@BenjaminDiele it should, youre perfectly right :D but if you can make something you would enjoy more AND you have the time for it i dont see a problem
I have a class with property get ,set userid .I inherit it in my loginform.I then set the userid property in that form.However when I call userid in another form which also inherits the same class it is set as 0.
I created a module common with the properties for userid in it.then in the login form I instantiated it as new common.myclass then in the export form I simply refer it as dim mycommonclass = common.myclass
all I need is to use the same class as you said Roel so once I have it instantiated all the other forms shouldnt try to instantiate it but use the existing one
@Gotalove You can do this through dependency injection (preferred solution) or singleton pattern (poor-man bad practice, but easier to get started with, harder to maintain).
I feel it to be very weird, that File.Exists doesnt have a check for the same, perhaps due to different casing aren't handled in Windows itself .. But there are scenarios where one would need the same. But for that there are Bull-Shit methods which they are for the same ..
yeah true .. but in the same case, Exists is a Check which says the Same file exists or not... I can understand it, calling for the first file for the same. but then in that case Suppose from my application i am supposed to Rename a File if its not already Renamed .. In that case how easy it will be to do the Same..
Then you would need the same thing for every environment that behaves a little differently, e.g. I/O and SQL. SQL is also case insensitive for a lot of parts, behaves differently for NULL, and we all know this. I/O simply behaves differently too, you should just get used to this, too.
Windows/Linux handle files different, it's just a fact. Just remember it.
@KendallFrey - as per i read the same, Either its a PInvoke which we need to Call for ... or we just need to get all the Files from the Directory and then check for the Same..
It's not a workaround. It's fixing your own broken code. You didn't think of case sensitivity? Tough. Deal with it, fix your code, and move on. It's not the APIs fault you did something wrong.
@KendallFrey It is if you don't think about case sensitivity. Try to access "hello.txt" as "Hello.txt" on Linux? Doesn't work, kaboom! Works fine on Windows. If you engineer something ala Windows you have a problem on Linux.
@bhuvin Engineer your application and protocol correctly. You should have known this was coming. Your system has a synchronization context doesn't it? It should already have mappings between virtual and physical entries. So just take care of the discrepancies by adding a clause in the protocol describing naming conflicting for Windows specific devices originating from non-sensitive environments.
Actually there many odd things which needs to be taken care of .. that file has been moved from the Source to Destination already, even File.Move is Case Insensitive ..
@RoelvanUden - I completely Understand what u are saying and its Already added. but when there is no 2 file Existing with names "File1.txt" and "fILE1.txt" This my Protocol wont allow, but the user can Rename his own file from the Previous to Latter, that's where the Issue Steps in ..
If any MVC master ;-) has some time to look at my question: stackoverflow.com/questions/30192930/… and point me in the right direction that would be very much appreciated
@KendallFrey - No currently my question is simple , So you have got one file which u stored, and Now you want to Rename the same, in that case should it be allowed the same to you or not ?
The concept known as the law of the instrument, Maslow's hammer, Gavel or a golden hammer is an over-reliance on a familiar tool; as Abraham Maslow said in 1966, "I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."
== History ==
The first recorded statement of the concept was Abraham Kaplan's, in 1964: "I call it the law of the instrument, and it may be formulated as follows: Give a small boy a hammer, and he will find that everything he encounters needs pounding."
Maslow's hammer, popularly phrased as "if all you have is a hammer, everything...
We currently have deliver times of ~1 day. What are they aiming for? Several hours? Or is it more focused on delivery times of USA that might be higher?
@BenjaminDiele Thanks! Everyone would love to live here? Except for, y'know, the country. And government. And the people. And facilities. Other than that, it's great!
Nah, I actually like the Netherlands. There is a lot of things I don't like, but, the work ethics and open mindedness of the people here is absolutely great. I don't like how fake everyone is in a lot of countries. If I don't like you, I'll tell you straight to your face. :P
@Gotalove Uhm. No. I'm not so keen to go somewhere where every little bug is capable of killing me, the economy is shit, and where I'd make a really nice target for literally anyone to rob. Sorry!
well Kenya has been the same al through but now with the terrorism from Somali Al shabaab guess thats all the international community seems to know about
hey, anyone know the relevant forum to post a question on Alpha Beta pruning? I was thinking Math.StackExchange but it's more of an algorithms question..