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please take a look at it
> Genius
Capita IT Enterprise Services
2012 – 2015 (3 years)
research shows that bass can raise blood pressure and alternatively cause relative heart disease, so this thing is even protecting your health. so it an awesome super light weight mobile healthy speaker for an earphone price
@ton.yeung no means no
Does it ever throw if it receives a response?
What part wasn't clear?
So are you talking about built-in retry when an exception condition occurs, or retry according to some other logic?
i'm guessing null is not a valid XML character?
Oh my dear lord Win10 programs run on smart phones
Or rather, Win10 dekstop is your phone
I read that as Universal Apps are intended to scale from phone to desktop and get os hints for that "continuum" of environments.
@ton.yeung I referenced Continuum deliberately as that's an OS service they were touting to adjust featureset based on capabilities. So I'm feeling more "progressive enhancement for apps" than media queries?
Universal apps, yeah, but you can just run all univeral apps on your phone
I wonder if VS Code will run on my phone
That'd be something. My own dev station in my pocket. OH THE FUN TIMES
@RoelvanUden - It will with an Ubuntu Edge
Fuck Ubuntu; yay for Windows.
@ton.yeung s/programs/programmers
@RoelvanUden I can see a Lumia branded Win10 developer phone that you can do phone dev on being a reality by launch.
I'll get one!
Sorry Spencer I just cant get excited over Ubuntu anymore :P
@RoelvanUden - Lol I'm not thrilled about ubuntu. I'm thrilled about a phone that doesn't lock me out.
@ton.yeung For example, I have a new project where given the intended deployment environment, I thought about it and said "Why would I not just keep the entire graph in memory and snapshot it as a serialized JSON tree... These records are tiny."
I'm back baby
@SpencerRuport Have they confirmed that you'll have root on an Ubuntu?
@KendallFrey - I'm assuming so because if they don't they're going to have a lot of pissed off backers.
@ton.yeung The constraints are pretty good for that one, and it lets me NOT worry about the "we backd up the old version by copying the MDB with a batch file" conversion to LocalDB story....
@SpencerRuport I'm already kind of pissed off
(I didn't back it)
@ton.yeung Yah. I'd rather give them simpler tools with real installation packages, and not have to include backup/restore in the application.
I didn't have that kind of money to drop on it either.
I'm just happy it's happening.
my roommate/best friend wants to pay me rent again, yay!
(she was having a rough time and I offered for her to be rent free for a few months)
that will help build up the house fund :D
why does everyone use var so much?
are people allergic to types?
Because they're Lazy<>
thats a good one
var is, well, debated
certain programmers (even great ones, like Reed) like it a lot
others (like me) don't
it's usually easier than typing the full name, then I usually just use resharper's Alt+Enter to convert var to the actual type.
I'm on the don't fence unless its a long type like KeyValuePair<string, List<MyCustomType>>
@ohmusama Because var doesn't change the type
why type more than necessary?
but, my typical code review tool at work (based on the archaic source depot) isn't visual studio, so I can't hover and understand the type easily.
and thus, this code kills me
@ohmusama that's an entirely different problem
var return = GetSomeValue()
that's more "why aren't you using a reasonable tool for code review?"
because source depot
yes - that's the crux of the problem
don't ignore language features because you are using the wrong tooling :p
@ohmusama GetSomeValue() likely needs a better name, and then it doesn't matter
@ton.yeung no
@ReedCopsey I agree, but it might be in a library we don't control or can't see the source of
@ReedCopsey Most code will be read more than it will be written. Readability time savings are more effective then saving on typing.
there are no simple branches allowed in our SD solution
but in any reasonably written code, the specific types shouldn't matter
trust in your compiler
(though, to be fair, that's harder in C# since it's got so many wonky rules for type conversions)
we aren't in F# land after all
types always "matter"
oo, universal apps can be from IoT to BigScreens
@KendallFrey not in a code review - the cmopiler's already checked them for you at that point
@ReedCopsey, that depends on if you trust that the other person actually compiled it...
that's what CI is for ;)
shouldn't get into the code base without it
@ReedCopsey I don't care about code review, I care about maintenance
again, don't cripple the use of your language based on lack of tooling
@KendallFrey yes, from a maintenance standpoint, variable type doesn't matter, provided it compiles and fills the contracts appropriately
if it does, it means you're not maintaining enough referential transparency
and you have a whole ball of other issues to deal with much more important than the declared type of a variable
you mean, don't save types in your database to be instantiated at run time????
"managed is compiled to native code for universal apps" -//build
@ReedCopsey, I use var extensively in javascript
Well, its not like you have much in the way of a choice...
I can just use:
a = 3;
I don't think I need var
seems to work for me, no compile errors
"javascript is supported for universal apps" -//build
winsock is back. o_O
Not sure how I feel about that. haha
@ohmusama - but if you do that you are going to have that variable set in the global namespace.
@ton.yeung oh, you mean how scope is stupid in javascript ;)
I have no idea what winsock is, all I know is that it's somehow involved in debugging 64-bit apps.
Scope makes perfect sense in JavaScript.
everything is a function in javascript as far as I can tell
There is a stack of execution contexts which each has a lexical and variable environment to control scoping.
objects are a lie
!!wiki winsock
@SpencerRuport No result found
This might sound like a stupid question, but I just want to get a single string value from a linq query of a list of objects. How might I do that?
In computing, the Windows Sockets API (WSA), which was later shortened to Winsock, is a technical specification that defines how Windows network software should access network services, especially TCP/IP. It defines a standard interface between a Windows TCP/IP client application (such as an FTP client or a web browser) and the underlying TCP/IP protocol stack. The nomenclature is based on the Berkeley sockets API model used in BSD for communications between programs. Initially, all the participating developers resisted the shortening of the name to Winsock for a long time, since there was much...
@BradGermain .First()
or .FirstOrDefault()
in c#6:
@BradGermain - Select( obj => obj.StringValue ).ToList(); ?
it's awesome @ton.yeung
Here is what I have:
socialMediaLinks.Select(m => m.socialLink).Where(m => m.langSCId.Equals("en") && m.socialId.Equals("Web"));
granted you get a nullable value so...
@KendallFrey - I did regex without consulting you :D
I'm getting an error with that.
Adding FirstOrDefault() doesn't seem to resolve it.
@BradGermain - You did it backwards. Where then Select
@TravisJ (y)a\1!
c# driving me nuts, ;/ all i wanted to do was produce each item in a list into a textbox at a button click, click populate item, click populate item .
"I dont' know anything specific" -//build in regards to f# for universal apps
@Kuzen - Is this a web app or a desktop app?
Heyyyy it's Hanselman!
in here?
@TravisJ Thank you!
Oh, on the live feed
@BradGermain :)
me three
"We don't want your pity applause" -//build
throws rest of sandwich
is IEnumerator what i should be looking into or is it over complicating things?
@BradGermain - Everything you ever wanted to know about linq: codeblog.jonskeet.uk/category/edulinq
@ton.yeung @Kuzen - Especially today haha
@TravisJ awesome, thanks again!
@Kuzen IEnumerable is probably more useful
"It might blow up. Nothing here is faked" -//build
@Kuzen what do you have so far?
do not feel like I am bitching honestly. Just getting beyond frustrated with something that should be simple, not finding anything on google/stack generally means i am up wrong tree
@Kuzen - You're using ASP.Net WebForms? You can bitch all you want about that. Everybody here will agree with you.
posted on April 29, 2015 by Scott Hanselman

What a wonderful time to be developer. I'm down here at the BUILD Conference in San Francisco and Microsoft has just launched Visual Studio Code - a code-optimized editor for Windows, Mac, and Linux and a new member of the Visual Studio Family. Visual Studio Code (I call it VSCode, myself) is a new free developer tool. It's a code editor, but a very smart one. It's cross-platform, built wit

man, so sore... you know what I need?
He blogged while live speaking?
@kuzen Try explaining your requirement again?
@Kuzen: is GridView what you're looking for?
@Kuzen - Get away from WebForms. Switch to ASP.Net MVC and use Razor or ASP.Net WebApi and use Angular/Knockout
i spent last 2 years, doing on and off python/django, then got a job for a .net company who just upgraded to .net4.5 ... learning this to get into dev work.... instead wanna melt my face because its just so insert swear word here
posted on April 29, 2015 by Visual FSharp Team [MSFT]

Today marks the release of Visual Studio 2015 RC, which includes the latest updates to the Visual F# 4.0 language and tools.  Download the RC here, and review the VS release notes here. Back in November, we described the F# 4.0 features that were completed in time for the Visual Studio 2015 Preview build. New features like constructors as first-class functions, simplified mutable/ref val

@Kuzen - That's how everybody feels about ASP.Net Forms.
"PHP, python, Go" now available in azure webapps -//build
its //build
//build is always RC stuff
@ton.yeung if the RC has a go-live license, it's good enough for me.
who is speaking next to Hanselman?
Another Scott. His boss.
Manley? :D
@ton.yeung yeah, for ASP.Net 4.6 and Windows 8.1 apps. Win10 and ASP.Net 5 are still preview.
biztalk? isn't that the bane of ryan's existence ?
jesus christ
@ton.yeung I've been using SourceTree for a while now and only use command line git once in a while (submodules, for one..)
I'm trying to explain to my coworker why rounding a timespan to hours instead of minutes can have an effect on the final value of a sum
!!slap ton.yeung
@SpencerRuport slaps @ton.yeung around a bit with a large trout!
@Pheonixblade9 oh jesus
@ton.yeung yeah, I'm pretty pleased with atlassian's release cadence on sourcetree since they're not historically a core Windows shop....
@Pheonixblade9 Remedial showing of Office Space and Superman 2?
Hey gang
got a space for a SQL query dilemma ?
@KendallFrey basically, I'm writing an API that returns a list of events that have a duration... we need to calculate the sum of hours for all events... and I want to pass the number of minutes for each event, rather than hours...
trying to explain that if you have 500 events with a duration of 29 minutes, sending each as hours will give you a total duration of 0 hours...
someone isn't an accountant
I would say that most people here would have encountered rounding errors before
this guy has 10 years more experience than me...
no, definitely in coding...
In being a retard?
not to mention
Yeah well my team lead thought Int32 was a reference type
I'm passing the goddamn startTime and endTime, why do we even need to pass the duration as well??????
@KendallFrey - I've had so many meetings that boiled down to: "Monthly expenditure average: $100 / 12"
@Pheonixblade9 Our story points are now 10 story points. Round to nearest, rounding half up. You have 40 old-story-points worth of tasks, all worth 4 old-story-points. How many story points of work are you signed up for now, slacker?
@SpencerRuport, that's $10 right?
he's just ignoring me now...
@ohmusama - Depends on the month.
Bit of code - do not have any even near working code relating to problem though. tried and deleted alsorts - pastebin.com/N4Q4gmQb
@Kuzen - Is this a new app you're developing or are you adding features to an existing app?
$50 for how many minutes of work?
i am just teaching my self
@Kuzen how about posting code that is something to do with what you're trying to achieve?
they are made up postcodes ;p
@Kuzen - Don't bother learning ASP.Net Forms.
Teach yourself ASP.Net MVC or ASP.Net WebApi
MVC would probably be better actually.
not sure my company make that move for years , sadly /
@kuzen you have posted a code fragment. WHAT IS YOUR ACTUAL GOAL?
@Kuzen - I'd find a different job then. I'm not even exaggerating here.
Click button - textbox1 gets first item in list, click button again, show second item from list in same textbox
So if you set the textbox text to a single value each time, how do you expect that to happen?
its supposed to update it to the next item in list
Oh, just the second item?
Why the random?
1/ Why in a textbox? 2/ From a fixed or dynamic list? 3/ With a server roundtrip and page post/render, post&redirect, partial postback, AJAXy lack of visible postback?
random code was used to just get something started that was less predictable
"We don't ever have bugs" -//build
@ton.yeung I charge $75/hr minimum.
"it sensed my fear" -//build
@ton.yeung I don't do work for friends
@Kuzen I suggest you read a tutorial on web forms
no friends/family work.
if this was python would just pop the items out of list and move on with my life lol
At the moment the question is "I typed random junk and it didn't do what I wanted, help"
yeah, that's generally minimum.
@Kuzen - You've done web development with Python?
only my own mini creations
posted on April 29, 2015 by Visual Studio Blog

The Microsoft BUILD conference is typically a time when we release a lot of developer tools. This year we may have outdone ourselves. I’m going to talk a little about what we released today, but you’ll probably want to look at the announcements on Scott Guthrie’s Blog and Terry Myerson’s post on the Windows blog as well as Soma’s blog and Brian Harry’s blog.

@Kuzen - Were you using an MVC framework?
django framework
apparently Scott Hanselman names his classes "poop"
he must have read too much of JHM
or Invader Zim
@Kuzen - Well you can set up ASP.Net web projects as hybrids so they're both WinForms and MVC.
But seriously I would not recommend trying to learn WebForms.
You will hate life and it will be worthless knowledge very soon.
they're dropping WebForms?
surely its a good base for .net 5 ? which apparently is dropping mvc and webforms
They were stil adding features, I thought....
Definitely not dropping MVC
@Kuzen - It's not really "dropping" MVC. It's still MVC it's just a different name.
oh god...
he's using floating point numbers to represent time spans...
nothing wrong with that in itself
@Pheonixblade9 Force in noda time or the real timespan type?
@TetsujinnoOni DateTime - DateTime
@Pheonixblade9 shouldn't that return TimeSpan?
ooo, Visual Studio Code looks cool
@TetsujinnoOni yes, for some reason he wants it to be a double with a unit of hours
@Pheonixblade9 what's the requirement want, the hell with what some developer wants
@TetsujinnoOni requirement? lol
you think requirements get that detailed?
have I mentioned I hate this project? Enough times yet?
Kill idiots. Kill them.
I love how they are using SublimeText at //build
@Pheonixblade9 well the user story that leads to the need for the method. I have presumed you knew what I meant by the "what's the requirement want".... If there's an actual reason for representing things using a double precision float instead of a timespan or moment
Oh damn. VS Code looks very similar to LightTable
thanks for the feedback guys, will look into MVC,
@TetsujinnoOni the requirement is that we return the total sum of hours for all events. doesn't care how it happens, so no idea why he wants floats
@Pheonixblade9 If I was doing anything i'd CEIL rather than FLOOR that, then.
@Kuzen - Good luck. And remember, if the company you're working for won't move to WebAPI or MVC they're dead in the water. Leave.
@TetsujinnoOni or just use the built-in serializable TimeSpan
@Pheonixblade9 I find myself feeling like a stuck record sometimes: Use it the way it's designed to be used. Call it what it's called.
And so on.
@Pheonixblade9 @TomW "Tell me what you want to do, not how you want me to do it."
@Pheonixblade9, you should demand it return it in Float16
these insurance people just need every fucking thing to be a floating point number
this was a fun one I saw in the model
return as ticks lololol.
"add up this flag for these events as 0 or 1 then divide it by the count. if the average is greater than 0, set flag. if the average is = 0, do not set flag" OR MAYBE JUST CHECK IF ANY OF THE FLAGS ARE SET, DUMBASSES
@TomW so, as a bare timespan.
@TetsujinnoOni POINT OH!
So double, not long
@Pheonixblade9 Are these devs who were writing FORTRAN or some other old procedural language until this project?
... I forget which non-COBOL is commonly used in insurance. That surely SOUNDS like a crufty bad C programmer kind of trick.
@Pheonixblade9 but for events = new Events[10] if the desired outcome is that iff events.Where(e => e.Flag).Count() <= 4 {doNotRaise}, == 5 {raiseOrNotDependingOnRounding}, >=6 {raise} .... then theirs has a purpose.
no, this was written by a bunch of shitty Java devs in C#
(shitty java) devs or (shitty) (java devs)?
Q: Insert Foreign key values into a table from a related table set (1-M)

Alundra the dreamwalkerLooking for the query that will allow me to perform the following: I have two tables Page and Section with 1-M relation (Each page has only one section, and each section can have multiple pages) I need to Insert into the table Page some default values but also the sectio_IDs retrieved from a S...

the logic app is pretty sweet
@TetsujinnoOni actually, that's a double negative. Let's just go with Java devs

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