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Spaghetti code. Is Agile to blame?
May be
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This is the first and last time that I create a design like this.. SVG, so easy. #nawt
I've probably posted this before, but... wtf
return isNew == true ? true : false;
@Squiggle badger badger badger badger
return isNew; ? :P
well it is actually a nullable, but still
set it to false on entry to the method?
um, no?
... Why would you want to do that?
if you are going to return it - and not do that check
pro tip?
I have no idea what you're thinking
is there a better way than just return isNew == true;?
return isNew.HasValue ? isNew.Value : false ?
still a stupid solution.
isNew.HasValue && isNew.Value
Still looks horrible.
Though it points out that isNew is a nullable
That it does.
My iPhone 6+ has a large screen resolution. How on earth do I check if it's a phone.. :S
You don't.
You set the view port size and pray to the mobile gods your phone respects it
I really, really hate webdesign :D
But it's fun!
@ErwinOkken for webapp?
If i add the meta viewport.. i still dont have a different resolution? So i don't get how i can create a different website
@tweray just a website
!!google media query pixel ratio
But what Roel says, works :S
@ErwinOkken that's something you want?
I'm running linux mint and have monodevelop 5.9 , I want to practice testing applications but I find it somewhat hard , now I understand there is unit testing and there is integration testing and I understand both
DPI is a huge problem though. :-)
@ErwinOkken you dont have to create a different web site. as roel said, set media queries for different port sizes.
what I find hard is the testing frameworks , like Nunit for example , is there some reference/guide to cover these issues ?
A 4" screen with a resolution of 1920x1080 and no static view port size is going to look bad. But you can have a tablet with that resolution and 13" and it would respect the same view port, which sucks, too.
When I add:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

Suddenly the website thinks the resolution width < 900, but it wasn't when I didn't had that meta viewport
That whole viewport thing is new for me, ima go read :P
@RoelvanUden using media query, and use em/rem as unit instead of px can somehow get around that issue
wow no wonder you were having trouble!
@tweray Sure, somewhat, you can. It also means all your other elements and frameworks (Bootstrap uses PX because it doesn't think of the cool kids) should respect that too. You can't ever set a static height for, say, a footer either. It's always going to be relative, and CSS doesn't always respect that for things like heights.
Anyway, DPI is a huge issue.
@ErwinOkken initial-scale is initial zoom level of your web app on the device. for further reading go here quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2010/09/combining_meta.html
yeah, it's pain in the butt, and that's why the more i work in responsive design, the more i feel mobile template is the way to go
Thanks @codebrain
"em" is a good relative measurement.
@ErwinOkken you're welcome
But I still don't get it why my mobile suddenly thinks it has a different resolution :P
hi guys, if I yield return a method call X from a method that return IEnumerable (say it needs to do this 100 times). When I iterate over that IEnumerable using foreach, does the method call X get called only at each iteration, or does it get called all 100 times at once and then the for each iterates over those results?
@ErwinOkken do you have media queries written on your style sheets ?
@media (min-width: 700px) and (max-width: 1280px)
So yes :)
what are the widths have you mentioned there ?
only one ?
< 700
between 700 and 1280
> 1280
@erotavlas That depends entirely on how you implement the enumerable. It uses the MoveNext and Current method/properties underneath. If you have an implementation that does something on each MoveNext, it will do that something for each iteration in the foreach loop (which just does movenext all the time). If you return, say, a List, you assembly everything and THEN start to loop
Without that meta name="viewport" line, my iPhone 6+ says it has a resolution between 700 and 1280. With that meta tag, it says it got the < 700px one.
yielding methods basically continue on each movenext
In the media queries I also have:

content: 'Mobile'; // for example

So I can instantly see what media query is active
IEnumerable is severely underused in our code.
That is all, thanks.
@RoelvanUden sorry I meant yield return the result of a method like "yield return method();" where method() is something lwith signature like "string method(...)"
Thanks for sharing that useful piece of information @KendallFrey
No problem Roel my friend
IEnumerable? Or IEnumerable<T>?
I don't think the first one can be underused
@ErwinOkken good luck :P
@codebrain The weird part is that its working fine now.. but I just don't know why :P
Siri listens you always.
Siri, go grab a can of beer. I'm sorry Erwin, I don't think I'm able to do that.
she's just listening, never said she's really going to follow every command
just like wife
Can someone tell me do Microsoft hire c# developers?
Can you give me a link to their pay scale? or give me some idea.
!!google microsoft c# developer pay scale
Are you thinking of applying to MS?
runs away
Yes I am.
When I am finished in university
@ErwinOkken :D
Good luck! Let us know how it turns out :-)
Oh, fresh out of Uni? Hm.
Thanks, and yes
Interview question: How you test yahoo messenger ?
Me: (thinking), why in the hell should i test yahoo messenger ? i stopped using it like 5 years ago.
I'm just looking at a few jobs at the moment, even if my idea of applying to Microsoft does fall back.
if out of uni, you have to try get a intern first, i hear they are pretty tough on that, especially in US
@tweray thanks for the tip.
I'm from UK, Not US btw
or for a better bet, join that imagine cup something and get through the qualifier, you may get a contract instantly
is it possible to check the number of pixels i scrolled left\right\up\down in System.Windows.Forms.panel ?
i'm not sure if MSFT is really recruiting in EU, @RoelvanUden?
@tweray I have no idea. I'm not interested so I never looked.
I don't like to travel far ahaha. Ahaha. Yeah....
How hard is the imagine cup?
Not hard, if you're a good programmer / problem solver.
@AshSimpson well, google it, it's kind of off topic already for here, see if you can get some help at programmer.se
So where did all of you learn C#?
where to start for beginner developer to be good developer?
@Harish google.com
@Harish it all starts with a dream...
@Pheonixblade9 I'm so sore, I've been riding my bike to work.
That will be huge site. @AshSimpson
I just.. tried. And I wrote code. Otherwise, ^ that is amazing.
(But get the MVC5 variant of the book for the love of...)
It's still a pretty good book
Hi! I am creating an editor page with about 50 variables. For each variable I have to copy the <div>*editor*</div>, paste and rename variables inside.
Now I am worried that what if I had to change the `div` structure in future. Is there any good way to do that?

using asp.net MVC 5 with razor view
does anyone know what would cause a public struct (in datalayer project) to lose its string values?
        public struct SortDirection {
            public static string Adescending = "asc";
            public static string Descending = "desc";
When peeking at definition it looks like:
        public struct SortDirection
            public static string Adescending;
            public static string Descending;
@JoJo Peeking?
just learned it, ALT+F12 in VS2013
Ctrl+F12 resharper <3
@JoJo You can't use field initializers in a struct
@RoelvanUden new feature i guess. start page of VS2013 has a video about peeking.
Also, you should make that a static class not a struct
@CharlieBrown ty
@ton.yeung that won't be a good idea if I had to change the structure inside that div later. I'll be needing multiple regex's probably to find replace
Has anyone used the C# JSON Wrapper for SalesForce?
<div class="form-group">
@Html.LabelFor(model => model.StudyDetail.StudyDate)
<div class="">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.StudyDetail.StudyDate, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control" } })
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.StudyDetail.StudyDate, "", new { @class = "text-danger" })
this whole thing is being repeated 50 times ..... there should be a better way
Is that a good idea to use partial for all major ui components to avoid repetition. I will need nearly 10 in my case.
anyone know where to get the best VS2013 themes?
I like only the dark black one of the default themes..
@JoJo definition of best?
i just use the theme plugin and work out my own
@LifeH2O - ew
I use the VS2013 blue one. Yay.
@LifeH2O - What is your understanding of html helpers?
@RoelvanUden the one with white editor background?
@JoJo StudioStyles I start with a theme from here and tweak as I go
lol, that's shining me to blind
AWESOME!! @CharlieBrown - bookmarking
VS should style its editor with CSS then we could write CSS to customize it
@KendallFrey that's genius idea lol
#unittest-menu > #run-all-unit-test:after{
content: "dont' fucking do this";
or just display:none
@ton.yeung I am trying to use partial view, I passed model to the partial view, how do I pass the variable name? e.g. @Html.Partial("partial",Model,variable1) for model.StudyDetail.variable1 ??

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