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nevermind... CancellationTokenSoure != CancellationTokenSource.
Thanks, intellisense.
@CharlieBrown - What if you oversimplify?
@CharlieBrown - Oversimplification can work rite?
@TravisJ I don't think you understood what I said
i.e. expressions that are different but have the same result
Were you not talking about Expression<Func<T,object>>?
Then I don't think you understood what I said.
We assume that e => e.Name == "John" to not equal e => "John" == e.Name
If you used the words the same way I did, what you said doesn't make sense
@CharlieBrown - Use ToString
@TravisJ they are equivalent, but not identical
@KendallFrey - Correct
@CharlieBrown -
    int hashCode = id;
    foreach(var e in includes){
       var code = e.ToString().GetHashCode();
       hashCode *= code;
    return hashCode;
@TravisJ So "assuming they are identical if they are not equivalent" is useless
Are we talking about comparing functions for equivalence?
pretty much, yeah
@TravisJ that wont happen, or lets say we dont need to worry about it
@TravisJ why *?
do you want all the constants?
Equals(IsProblemSolvableInPolynomialTime, IsProblemSolvableInNondeterministicPolynomialTime)
@JohanLarsson - Was just working with what was in place (constants)
@KendallFrey - Why to which part?
uh, the * part?
@KendallFrey - Oh that was Charlie's
lol, nice. passes all my tests cases
sometimes its the easy things
#winning :)
private class ConstantVisitor : ExpressionVisitor
    internal List<object> _constants = new List<object>();
    protected override Expression VisitConstant(ConstantExpression node)
        return base.VisitConstant(node);
^ will get all constants, not very nice
@TravisJ bah, failed new test cases
simple question, guys
@CharlieBrown - Can I see one of the failed expressions
var user = await userManager.FindAsync(...)

//is user null until FindAsync returns?
x => x.Name == name
x => x.Name == name2
because I might have found my bug...
@Pheonixblade9 why does it matter?
            var userManager = context.OwinContext.GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();

            User user = await userManager.FindAsync(context.UserName, context.Password);

            if (user == null)
                context.SetError("invalid_grant", "The user name or password is incorrect.");
@CharlieBrown - But they are different?
you won't be able to access it anyway
they both resolve to "John"
Ah, yeah, suddenly got too complex for a simple solution :P
AreFunctionsEqual(Func<int, int> f1, Func<int, int> f2)
	for(long x = int.MinValue; x <= int.MaxValue; x++)
		if(f1((int)x) != f2((int)x)) return false;
	return true;

//TODO: handle strings too (this might get tricky)
@Pheonixblade9 either .NET is broken, or you don't understand how async works
@KendallFrey probably the 2nd one
here's the whole method:
        public override async Task GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context)
            var userManager = context.OwinContext.GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();

            User user = await userManager.FindAsync(context.UserName, context.Password);

            if (user == null)
                context.SetError("invalid_grant", "The user name or password is incorrect.");

            ClaimsIdentity oAuthIdentity = await user.GenerateUserIdentityAsync(userManager,
@Pheonixblade9 - So what do you think is happening?
the user == null check will never be hit before FindAsync completes
@TravisJ well, the error I'm getting is invalid_grant
@Pheonixblade9 - It isn't finding the username and password in the userManager
Hence null
it definitely is - I'm debugging it
how do you know it is?
Are you sure the password is correct?
now it's working again...
what the hell is happening
What the heck, it says I've already added this key.
@Pheonixblade9 - Are you using that in a static class?
I think it's an angular thing
when I manually change the URL rather than clicking around, the locationChanged listener in angular is getting fired twice, maybe?
That sounds familiar
it totally is
Are you blocking the icon from starting a Session?
@Pheonixblade9 - routes.IgnoreRoute("favicon.ico");?
@TravisJ Who you talking to?
can you explain more?
@Greg - pb, not sure what key you are working with
ohhhh I see
I have an otherwise
so it hits the token once for the first route, then the otherwise occurs and it hits the token a 2nd time
@TravisJ I call a .ashx handler, but when I hit this line:
zip[Path.Combine("cutsheets", file)].FileName = String.Format(@"cutsheets/Product Number {0} [{1}].{2}", _product.ProductID.ToString(), (index + 1).ToString(), file.Substring((file.Length - 3)));
It states that the key already exist, and errors.
What states that?
Your question is horribly unclear
The compiler, when it hits that line while debugging.
um wtf
does the compiler throw that error, or does it happen while debugging?
An exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in mscorlib.dll but was not handled in user code

Additional information: An item with the same key has already been added.
While debugging, sorry,.
And where does that error occur, in relation to your code?
The line I posted.
where in that line?
you call ten billion methods and properties in that statement, which of those is throwing?
Well, only method I really call is the zip
zip has no uniqueness constraint iirc
@Greg uh, no, not at all
but zip is a dictionary?
but that could very well be where the error occurs
what type is zip?
ok I think I figured out what was making me crazy.
when a URL was manually changed, a redirect occurred, so the token refresh got cut off mid-stream, so it did not successfully complete and it got an HTTP error
OAuth is working just fine
It is a ZipFile : IEnumerable<ZipEntry>, IEnumerable, IDisposable
uh, ok
where exactly is the error occurring?
ok cool... now I just have to figure out how to do my Claims
@Greg get that junk outta here
it makes sense for a zipfile to require unique filenames
Yeah, I agree @JohanLarsson.
Have an issue with xml encoding. In vs13, the document is showing up as chinese characters. Any ideas?
I'm not sure what the wrong key is though.
is the FileName setter throwing the exception?
I'm checking that now.
Greg, split that code up a little and it will be trivial to find the error when debugging
@JohanLarsson I did, the Substring and _product.ProductID are fine.
var key = Path.Combine("cutsheets", file);
var zipFile = zip[key];
var newName = String.Format(@"cutsheets/Product Number {0} [{1}].{2}", _product.ProductID.ToString(), (index + 1).ToString(), file.Substring((file.Length - 3)));;
zipFile.FileName = newName;
or something
@JohanLarsson When I did: zip[...].FileName = 'Fuck' and it say Too many characrters in character literal.
omg noob
that's basic C# syntax
'' is chars, "" is strings
@KendallFrey I'm sorry I'm not an expert, I make careless errors.
@JohanLarsson Said null
yeah I reverted to a char
What is weird, another handler with similar code is working.
I wrote terrible code today
@KendallFrey what's it called again in a regex when you want to match a pattern but not include it in the replace? reverse match or something like that
we were doing this before
or I could just post my string and you could go "lol, regex" but I wanna get better at it
I unlearn regex completely between usages
    public List<LookupType> GetLookupTypesByModuleId(int id)
        Func<List<LookupType>> resolver = () =>
 this.DataContext.Where<LookupType>(x => x.LookupModuleId == id, x => x.LookupValues);
        return GetFromCache("GetLookupTypesByModuleId", id, resolver);
(8, 1, 'New Entity', 'A better description', 'icons/digging.png', '#ff6600', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', 5),

I want to match

, 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', 5
meh. i dont like the string in there
@CharlieBrown use callermembername?
any iOS mono developers around?
@JohanLarsson i wish .net 4
@AnthonyA are you using xamarin?
@KendallFrey Why are you a douche? Belittle people, you can't politely point out their error, instead you shatter their dreams? Why are you such a soul sucking abyss?
because it's past 5pm
Can you tell them to drop the prices please :)
Starred for "soul sucking abyss"
I'm trying to figure out the best path to take here. I need to recreate the iOS compass app. Wondering if there is an easier way than just writing it from scratch
@JohanLarsson I found the issue I think.
Convert it from C# compass app?
@Greg nice
No, not trying to convert anything
@JohanLarsson He does a split on / but he didn't use Path.Combine where I did, so it splits on the root directory rather then the full name!
Just wondering if there are any existing Xamarin repos for a compass or similar function
you gotta use sensors right?
and animation on top of it?
what is wrong with that?
@Greg that code will read much better and be more fun to debug when you split it up in chunks
I guess I'll just take a stab at it - thought maybe there would be something I could work with to save me some time
you do not know how to do it? or you are looking for an existing solution?
oh ok
just an existing solution to save time
I don't think that uses sensors
how do I match multiple?
I want to match all hex codes
#[\0-9a-z] is matching all but the first two characters
I want to match #ffffff
@JohanLarsson Well, I thought the method was simple:
public event EventHandler<CompassDataChangedEventArgs> DirectionChanged;
is this a fake event?
@Pheonixblade9 first, why are you using \0?
I'm not any more
    private void FindCutsheet(string product)
        var id = 0;
        var path = String.Empty;
        if (int.TryParse(product, out id))
            var _product = ZNodeProduct.Create(id, ZNodeConfigManager.SiteConfig.PortalID);
            for (var index = 0; index < _product.ZNodeHighlightCollection.Count; index++)
                var file = _product.ZNodeHighlightCollection[index].Hyperlink.Split(new char[] { '/' })[1];
                var host = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority.ToLower().Contains("localhost");
second why aren't you using * or + or {6}
@JohanLarsson That is the crap I'm having to look at :/
Oh interesting
@Greg not much fun
@JohanLarsson No, shit- That didn't fix it.
Unfortunately it's using xamarin.forms - but I can work with it. Thanks for the find @Teomanshipahi
figured it out
(?<='#[0-9a-z]{6})', [0-9],.*
why a-z?
actually @Teomanshipahi , isn't that the gps that it's using?
so to clarify, I'm actually not looking to recreate the compass but the level which doesn't use the gps
anyone know how to determine which version of identity I am using in my mvc project?
IdentityResult res = UserManager.Delete(userName);
throws error which is weird
should work
posted on March 10, 2015 by Scott Hanselman

Hanselminutes and CodeNewbie are teaming up to produce two new podcast episodes a week for the month of March, featuring incredible makers in the hardware space. There will be new content every weekday in March, so bookmark http://www.marchisformakers.com and join us! CodeNewbie is the most supportive community of programmers and people learning to code. Tune in every week for stories

@JohanLarsson You have a second?
yeah but sleepy here
Why wouldn't this actually save my zip file.
    public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
        var bid = context.Request["Bid"];
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bid))
            // Build Excel & Grab Documentation:

            // Finalize:
            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())

                // Build File & Context:
                var file = String.Format("Bid {0} Cutsheets.zip", bid);
And that is called via:
public void lbDownloadSubmittal_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var tooltip = Regex.Replace(((LinkButton)sender).ToolTip, @"\D+", String.Empty);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tooltip))
        var uri = String.Format(@"http://localhost/service/Bid.ashx?Bid={0}", tooltip);
        var request = WebRequest.Create(uri) as HttpWebRequest;
        var response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
dunno have only played with zip
zip.AddEntry("Bid Item.xls", stream.ToArray()); // looks strange
@KendallFrey isn't an optional match just ?
@JohanLarsson The one that is working has it that way.
@Greg is there any hint of a zip, or something?
is .Save async, in that after it is called the stream is disposed while its trying to save?
@Pheonixblade9 yup
@Greg Saved where? Is it coming across in the response?
Weird thing, I got it but it is malforming the stuff.
hi, is there a way to get all .NET assemblies ? or how to tell if an assembly is a .NET assembly ? i'm currently using this GAC wrapper to get all assemblies in the Global assembly cache
i want to get all .NET 3.5 assemblies for example i'm getting them currently via their version number which is Version= but i'm other assemblies that does not belong to the standard .NET library
I think your best bet is to check whether it contains the System namespace
yes i thought of that i think this is the best way to go. i needed to get something similar to the add reference viewer in visual studio the .NET tab
but PresentationFramework does not start with System :)
@someone I said contains the System namespace, not the name contains the word "System" :P
oh :)
if you guys were gonna have user uploaded images, would you store them in the DB? (within certain size restrictions, of course)
I have had user uploaded images before. I automatically shrunk them and then placed them inside of generated folders.
Yeah, I would just store a link
I don't think that's an option
@Pheonixblade9 - Why?
@TravisJ this is an internal app - it's client images, etc.
@Pheonixblade9 - Where is the server going to be
Azure most likely
And you wont have access to the filesystem?
I will... I think
it'll be an Azure website

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