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Your first guess was close
If there is a function called WriteAllLines, what do you think one line would be?
theres no WriteLine method available from file
Ah, good point
you won't be able to use File then :)
only WriteAll..text.line..bytes
Just open up a StreamWriter
(make sure to use a using block)
theres an example on the first link that spencer sent you
using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"C:\Users\Public\TestFolder\WriteLines2.txt"))
            foreach (string line in lines)
                // If the line doesn't contain the word 'Second', write the line to the file.
                if (!line.Contains("Second"))
that should do
what was that?
for each giving me an error in the above
Using a stream writer is good practice anyway. It's very rare that you can use the WriteAllLines/WriteAllText methods
can't convert char to string
On the "Contains"?
String is actually IEnumerable<char> so any LINQ method (like Contains) will be expecting a char
on the for each
 using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"C:\Users\Public\TestFolder\WriteLines2.txt"))
                foreach (string line in _itemString)
                    // If the line doesn't contain the word 'Second', write the line to the file.
                    if (!line.Contains("Second"))
well, what's itemString?
and besides, you already did a string.join to make it CSV, why would it have multiple lines anyways?
It sounds like you don't know what you want...
itemString is a csv essentially? after using the join
 using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"C:\Users\Public\TestFolder\WriteLines2.txt"))


just testing now, probably going to need to add new lines and headers to the file after this
won't make much sense otherwise
no, it probably wouldn't
which begs my next question, Googling as we speak
tested the file output, freezes on pressing the export button
This javascript linux emulator is awesome haha
I'm trying to compile a C battleship program I found.
It won't work.
oh well. Time to go home
6 hours later…
is anyone still online?
Nop, everybody is offline
morning guys :D
Bought myself a pluralsight account for a month yesterday. Their trial is very deceptive :(
"free for 10 days!"
*or 200 minutes
But you bought it, so...
yeah, because my trial was up. I watched more than 3 hours in the weekend =/
They have some weird artificial limitations though. Can't do an assessment more than 2 times in 30 days.
if (trial.isExpired()) { GenerateNewEmailAndTrial(); continue; } <-
wsup guys
Roel am still stuck with the partialviews and pagination
@RoelvanUden You need a CC to register for the trial and they charge 1$ to check if it's a real one though.
Sorry to hear it :-)
I switched from gridmv to try paginatedList mvc
@RoelvanUden Not really, but that makes generating trial accounts somewhat harder. And not really worth my time to figure out how to do that.
I can now get the list of other items from the partialview but when it treats the link like a view not a partialview
any idea what am doing wrong
Q: Using paging in partial view, asp.net mvc

Gyuzal RI'd greatly appreciate if someone could advise on following: In my view I display the list of items: @model PagedList.IPagedList<Items> @using PagedList.Mvc; @foreach (var item in Model) {//displaying data} my pager looks like this: @Html.PagedListPager(Model, page => Url.Action("...

the above seems to be handling it differently than I am
still nothing
There is just something wrong with the way am approaching it
but dont know what
Why do you care about hitting the partial instead of the entire page?
I wanted to have a page where I view logs when I click logs and users when I click users interchangeably but I've decided just to do away with the partialview
given up on it
I still don't quite get the problem. GridMvc paginates regardless of partials
@BenjaminDiele: Sounds like the linkedin "try premium for a month". Those bitches!
*monthly payments of 59,99 required.
hi @Squiggle
First month free (we hope that you forget that you added your credit card, so that we can charge that 1 month atleast)
helo guys
i have a problem related to linq so anybody can solve.
@Joy Questions q = from s in SenseMakingSentences where s.type == enums.LinqRelatedQuestions select s;
What happened to the CamelCase?
@scheien Screw the convention. :-P
How can I add Servicebehaviour to my lovely wcf ?#
this one
@Learner you need to add it as attribute of your class implementing the service interface
[ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Single)]
public class MyService : IMyServiceContract { }
I already did
but its still hitting break point in the method twice before first calls leave it
Are you sure only one service is created ? Try to use InstanceContextMode.Single also.
Woooooooooooohhhooooooooooooo! whats goin on?
@SteveG amuse me
I suppose my answer helped him have his concurrent wcf service working the way he wanted.
/me gives huhra a badge
^ that's a badge, btw.
@BenjaminDiele does a funny dance
also @huhra welcome to SO :) I see you're a new user
@SteveG dance faster!
ok this helped
thank you, I am amused now.
What the fuck Steve.
@RoelvanUden yes it does paginate but if your grid is in the partial view clicking the navigation links will give you a wrong url.Because it will use the url of the view where the partial view has been called.eg. if you are viewing it on index page and call the partial view page users inside your index page via ajax then the gridmvc navigation links will be index?page= instead of users?page=
Don't get the partial page via ajax? :-/
RenderPartial to the rescue
hai sippy
RenderPartial is what you ha e to use with gridmvc partials right?
Or it derps with paginations
Doesn't matter that much tbh, so long as the page you hit has a correct url
Hai roel :D
if you go all Request.IsAjaxRequest() and serve a partial on the correct url, power to you
(of course you can still just change the way pagination works and hook in your own ajax request to get the next page and replace only the table)
I made an attribute for ajaxy things :D
Really good for routing requests, surprising that .NET doesn't provide one
Fastest Ever Internet Speed of 1.4 Terabits Achieved in London. BT and Alcatel-Lucent have achieved the "fastest ever" broadband speed of 1.4 terabits per second during a field test in London, which is the equivalent to 44 HD films being downloaded in a single second.

Hm, what would you say is the theoretical limit?
I don't think there is one
Don't think there is one.? The limits of electric components hammer us atm.
The limit is based on ^
Also, 1.4 terabits is not the fastest ever...
I've seen petabits
How fast we can make how many lights flash
What do you mean @RoelvanUden?
Roel that might be intranet though
Light is fast. Electricity is slow. Processing signals with electric components is slow and requires expensive components etc.
@Sippy All depends on signal noise and propagation over distance
I think the petabits one was with 50km
(not sure, dont quote me on it)
also, characterisitics of the fibre. number of fibre cores, yadda yadda ya
So the lesson to take away is, we can always go faster!
vroom vroom
Well, if you go parallel, you go faster for sure.
Limits on a single core fibre exist tho.
I'd be a happy man if my latency was solved though. No need for more than 3MBps, but with the speed some sites work ..
Every time i enter this room i cry inside cause there islike no active vb.net room
And things like modi encodings increase the number of bits we can put onto a single pulse etc. It's not just on and off for 1 and 0, there is much more going on.
My point was basically that we are no where near the limitations of light yet, just electricity
Well there's your problem right there @Broken_Code
fun fact: most latency is from electrical components;-) (OBVIOUSLY)
@RoelvanUden you must be fun at parties :D
@Sippy yeah unfortunately for me while i do know c# i had some projects that i had made on vb.net so until i finish them I am bound to .net for a while
Convert VB => C# = Profit
@BenjaminDiele I doubt that.
.net != vb lol
sippy != fun lol
@RoelvanUden I have tried that without much success. @Sippy I was lazy there, probably why i am still using vb.net
The VB.NET name is confusing. We'd have to call our language C#.NET then. :D
@RoelvanUden that would be hectically confusing
in c# can you change the forecolor of controls programmatically. I'm attempting to do that in vb.net. However it only changes into one color instead of two
Italian tiiime
B jel guys
@Sippy i see
oh I wish you had understood and shot me that solution earlier
Not sure I want to redoit but next applicable spot am definitely gona try that thanks @RoelvanUden and @Sippy
@Sippy ????????
@SteveG ???????????
Steve pls
okay :)
I'm trying to use this code
For Each XObject As Object In TableLayoutPanel1.Controls

If TypeOf XObject Is Button Then
xbutton = XObject
If xbutton.Name = crlbuttonname And crlcourse = False Then
xbutton.ForeColor = Color.Green
ElseIf xbutton.Name = crlbuttonname And crlcourse = True Then
xbutton.ForeColor = Color.Red
End If
End If
to change the forecolor of my buttons based on my if statement but its not working because it only changes it for one color
yes yes i know vb.net lovely language right
but the internet has not helped much and I've hit a very tall brick wall
They were supposed to cut our power half an hour ago
i love searching no sql db's on something other than the pk/rk
fills my life with joy
@Squiggle thank you for the badge, I was afk.
@KendallFrey You could always take the first step yourself.
@Broken_Code your code could only match 2 buttons
c# and vb.net are nearly interchangable, haters
VB syntax is horrible though
@scheien It helps when you're drunk or blind I suppose. Preferably both?
anyone know why this code for returning a list from an Azure query would break, I set a break point on the line where the `List<Item> itemList = DatabaseModel.QueryTable().Result;` and it breaks after it returns from the method call.


@BenjaminDiele: Hehe, yeah.
I can read both VB and C# like its the same, the syntax is no worse than any other language. Lambdas are the only sketchy thing. everything else reads like english language
Being able to read something doesn't mean it's comfortable.
The only interesting feature of VB's language is XML literals. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb384629.aspx
woah I never knew about those
that's actually really handy (for a limited subset of use-cases)
Can someone help me with returning the list from this method? http://hastebin.com/miricinepi.xml I tried calling it like this, but it causes a crash:
`List<Item> itemList = DatabaseModel.QueryTable().Result;`
Hi All
I started with vb.net, then went to c#, so i dont mind either
I wanted to ask you if you know if Power Shell is worth spending time on it, or should I just do everything in C# like normal?
I don't need to perform tasks like exchange configuration, but rather I need to simply script some stuff on windows
how are c# and powershell related?
they both have bindings to windows API
what stuff 'do' you want to do?
And do you know/like vbscript or c# better?
1. Folder operations - small exe to count number of files and size of specified folder
2. File operations - to delete file, or move to another folder based on arguments (also small exe)
I... I... use nodejs for things like that! I'm sorry!
3. Also that would be "service" - tail the logfile and output datapoints to text file every minute
c# for sure. since it will handle priveleges easier
4. Read some WMI counters - not sure if this will be ok, because it might be just too slow to connect to WMI (WMI handshake is very long and slow)
5. Connect to SQL Server and sum the values from table and output result as string
then def c#
As that would run on hundreds of servers, I need portable exe file
I have at least .NET 2.0 on most machines
Most of them 2008 R2 but there are two clusters with 2003 server which is approx 50 machines only
im very scared to what your writing. any of those things running on 'hundreds of servers' sounds like a maintenance nightmare
well hundreds means that they do not have the same .net runtimes and it cannot be changed
even worse really
for example, the biggest cluster has .net 2.0 and it doesnt even take update to latest version with security patches because the application wont start because of some dongle encryption issues
So I'd do this even in C++ if needed, but there is now this powershell thing, but I don't think any of these cmdlets is useful
because I tried number of cmdlets and they have been very buggy, for example cmdlets with ftp are buggy in a way that in every unusual situation they just fail badly and doesnt handle the error like they should
for example, connect error is network exception, ftp error is exception on ftp server
Sounds like you need C#. Or a better design of your infrastructure. Maybe both?
so those are two different exceptions and that handling needs to be done in a way that after I logon, the file not found on remote server is also different error than unable to write to local file
and in pure C# it works ok, I can handle it all while with cmdlets it'sa disaster
there isnt much I can do with the infrastructure
I just need to put these utilities working, I think that would work just great locally from the windows machine and I have there service to invoke it remotely already
I am also sad that F# doesnt work by default and needs to be added
I would recommend getting a server management packaged software
which is somewhat reasonable, but I'd like to have some scripting engine for windows which is not powershell
as far as I am aware, I have such a brilliant design and implementation, that I am a lot more efficient with little exe
and systems management software in question still requires to write scripts to perform the above
and network management software as well
and those machines are some super-highly specialized systems, there is no permission to do anything except loading some little exe to them anyway
@CharlieBrown You have a quick second?
@CharlieBrown Will async and await speed up a traditional SqlDataReader implementation?
not neccessarily
@TravisJ ?
depends on the def of 'speed up'
if you mean, will it make the sql query faster, no
async and await are primarily useful for desktop systems so they don't block the UI while the db operation is running since it can take a few seconds.
But it wont make your query faster. If anything it adds overhead.
So it won't read faster?
Okay, not worth implementation.
On the web, not really that worth it. Can be good for things like scalability or massive parallel queries.
Wasn't sure if it was worth doing it.
On the web it's mostly for scaling yeah. Still a good thing.
So, should I worry about it?
Depends on how many concurrent requests you'll get :-P
And what hardware you have.
But generally -- no. I don't do it, even if we have 2 really DINOSAUR webservers.
Because we get maybe 100 concurrent requests if we're lucky
I don't either except for string searching because I overengineered something :P
Yeah, won't get much.
extreme anger face
(kirby flipping table)
Man C is hard.
@SpencerRuport ...?
Somebody here to help me?
I take for granted how in C# I can just load up someones project and bam. It compiles.
I need some explaination about a license
In C it's like... vague mysterious error messages when trying to compile.
can somebody tell me if the text below tells me that I can redistribute the components without the need of buying licenses for it:

A. The files o2s.components.pdfrender4net.dll, o2s.components.pdfview4net.dll, o2s.components.pdfrender4net.wpf.dll, o2s.components.pdfview4net.wpf.dll, o2s.components.pdfview4net.sl.dll are considered as REDISTRIBUTABLE DLLs.
B. In addition to the license and rights granted in Sections I and II, O2 Solutions grants you a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to reproduce and distribute the object code version of the SOFTWARE designated in the SOFTWARE as (i) those
My english aint that good :p
Ahhhhhhh rtfm
@SpencerRuport I tend to take memory management for granted.
I'm gonna say it
You ought to know better than to post a link to the code. — R Sahu 11 mins ago
Fuck stack overflow.
Taken over by a bunch of condescending assholes.
@FadeD O2 Solutions grants you a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to reproduce and distribute the object code version - meaning you can bundle the dll with the code when it is sent out
Did I read it wrong
Do we not bundle control lib into code when its sent out from vendors?
Programmer & Law = MEH
Could I get an honest critique of this implementation?
    private static string ValidateField(this IDataReader read, string column)
        var ordinal = 0;
        var content = String.Empty;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(column))
            if (int.TryParse(read.GetOrdinal(column).ToString(), out ordinal))
                content = read.GetString(ordinal);

        return content;
@ton.yeung Just a small static method.
Legal advice - Sure you can do that until you get caught :-p
@Greg Why no brackets :P
@RoelvanUden So small?
@ton.yeung I assumed ValidateField would make sense, as it is coupled to a data reader.
@ton.yeung It also grabs the value out of said column, to return the string representation. Otherwise it is null.
It seems like a TryGet yeah.
@ton.yeung Well, for me an empty is ideal.
Fair enough.
Okay, the code looks okay?
No way to optimize further?
Basically I can't get string value without ordinal, but who has the ordinal on the top of there head? So, I get that first basically.
I was under the impression you could GetString with a column name.
Why would that get an error?
@RoelvanUden MSDN says it requires an ordinal int for the column index.
Oh, sorry :-P
@CharlieBrown - 2 manned crota last night :)
is the expansion out yet
public override string GetString(
	int i
@ton.yeung Yeah, it said the same thing.
@ton.yeung I'll take a look, couldn't find it that is why I went that route.
@CharlieBrown - Not til like may or something
@ton.yeung So GetValue could accommodate.
anyone know a way to cross-platform profile a .NET 5.0 website?
@ton.yeung You have to check to make sure that doesn't return a DBNull.Value, otherwise it errors.
@ton.yeung :( Why you got to rub it in
I forgive you this time.
Everyone would be happier with out null in the table
That is why I have it trying to be parsed as a int, I might need to modify the second if, to account for DBNull.Value because I'm calling ToString(), but it says it would just give me a index out of range exception if it fails. That is why I thought I could do TryParse.
@juanvan - Not me!
@TravisJ it is nice as a key off at times
Exactly. null is important, because it allows for a break in the relationship for real world scenarios where a relationship should have existed but didn't
Q: Identifier Expected Compilation Error

Spencer RuportJust experimenting with this javascript linux emulator: http://bellard.org/jslinux/index.html I'm trying to compile this project: https://github.com/gabrieledcjr/Battleship/tree/master/Battleship But when I use the command tcc -o battleship main.c battleship.c I get the error "Identifier expect...

Pardon me for asking a question.
Woa, those reactions are pretty sad.
Just linking to the code and not posting the code
Yeah, I'll have to.
Wow. God forbid someone link the thing they are having troubles with.
He's not wrong, we're supposed to post code directly in case links die. But it's a pretty minor issue that a lot of people have the edit ability to fix if they think it's important.
So I answered a question, and the OP revised his question 4 times to include a new requirement each time
It was insanity! Eventually I just removed it and was like "Your edits represent a sort of scope creep that seems like it should either be in separate questions or should have been more defined originally. While this answer can be edited to support the now edited Gallery function, I am not going to continue making changes to this."
I felt like I was in the twilight zone
Linux on top of javascript sounds kinda neat.
could call it javasux
@ton.yeung - lol inorite
Or my favorite "perhaps you should hire a developer"
I need a business card with just that on it with a QR code on the back
@ton.yeung - For a while I had a donate button in my profile
But paypal got angry for some minutia and I never fixed the account
@TravisJ paypal got angry?
@ton.yeung - As long as it is less than 10k its fine
Just register your account?
@RoelvanUden - Over minutia because they wanted me to verify myself as a business entity and I need to mail them some documentation but I was like fkk it
@ton.yeung - Ah, I have that part all set up.
Oh, I have a personal account verified and all. They needed EU citizenship docs :P
I already have it verified as a normal user, but apparently not as a "business entity"
sweet sweet electricity
maintenance outage
^^ that

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