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And take full responsibility for our actions
And that includes leaving good documentation for the developer who will come after you
I am saying FOSS is the best thing to happen to software since the invention of the compiler.
@MoonOwlPrince Now you're mixing completely different points ..
@KendallFrey Not the network?
@sippy_bizzle Yep. SLAs and whatnot. Audits, big trial runs, etc, are not uncommon.
Oh btw, I'm currently installing more free software on my computer
@KendallFrey What free software you getting today? :D
@KendallFrey good for you as long as you respect the licenses
Why wouldn't I?
@sippy_bizzle Why you care, gimp?
I know you would
@KendallFrey very clever T_T
wink wink
I never thought I'd be making gifs for work
One of our senior developers put in a request for a photoshop license so he could rotate images
He got it
And he actually does just rotate images with it
@sippy_bizzle overkill
Paint would do for him
Even his smartphone would do that
The same dev suggested that we build an image editor into a piece of software so that 5 people could use it hahaha
Sometimes I wonder if this is real
@KendallFrey Can you make animated .ico files?
Because it doesn't make sense
I ask only because it'd be really annoying and it'd be fun to tell users that it's not something which can be changed.
@sippy_bizzle I did animated cursors a long time ago with AniFX
@KendallFrey Heheheheh even better
users are used to animated cursors
Maximum fade
Or trail
Or w/e it is
Has anyone used a FreeBSD?
That fucking awful settings that makes you trip out
@MoonOwlPrince No it's open source and I don't wanna pay for it
@sippy_bizzle I thought it was free of charge just like Linux
@sippy_bizzle OH GOD THAT
@KendallFrey kekekeke
Have any of you fighted much with inheritance context in wpf?
@JohanLarsson KISS
what do you mean?
@JohanLarsson What is the problem that you are facing regarding inheritance context in WPF
@JohanLarsson To answer that question, no. But what is your real question? :)
I often find myself wanting to inject it. DataGridColumn is one example.
@KendallFrey microscopic repro
inject KISSes?
I know ways to bind things in columns but only ugly ways.
But the real problem I'm trying to solve is writing something that is like a datatemplate for Visual3D's
My current implementation clones all bindings and rebinds them with new source.
It works but so much reflection.
Anyone pretty familiar with Model View Controller.
@JohanLarsson so you have something like public class MyV3D : Visual3D?
@Greg do you mean the product or the architecture because I want to listen in on the product
and you're have to manually do bindings in MyV3D
@Greg aye, I know a few flavors of MVC.
@Squiggle I want to ask
What is the difference between MVC and MVP
link me to a file @JohanLarsson
it is all spread out over a huge bloat :)
@JohanLarsson you talking like ItemsCollectionExt.cs
I tried to mimic the framework. It was a mistake.
@MoonOwlPrince they're different patterns. Controller and Presenter have different purposes.
@MoonOwlPrince Controllers contain model logic and decide which which view to provide based on the actions taken. Presenters are tied to a single view, and react on events from the view.
generally. There are of course exeptions and differences in implementations
@JohanLarsson i'm trying to understand but don't know where to specifically look
@Squiggle what do you think of
!!wiki flex
Flex or FLEX may refer to: == Science and technology == Bending, also known as flexure, as used in mechanics Power cord, or flex, a flexible electrical cable Flex, a flexible cable, as used on electrical appliances Flex circuit, a flexible printed circuit used in electronic assemblies Femtosecond Lenticule EXtraction, a form of refractive eye surgery Flex-fuel, a flexible-fuel vehicle FLEX mission, a potential satellite launch mission by the European Space Agency Frequency Level Expander, a Pioneer Corporation tape enhancement feature Flex temp, a reduced takeoff thrust setting which trades excess...
"LinkedIn: The Cool Kids guide to Finance and Banking"
linkedin pls
!!wiki flex architecture
@MoonOwlPrince The Wikipedia contains no knowledge of such a thing
@Squiggle I've got a Partial View, and I want to load it as a Popup.
got to afk, buying an ugly snowmobile.
@Greg Use bootstrap modal.
@Greg new window? or modal?
I know I can do @Html.Partial("Edit"); which I could put a Model.
bootstrap modal or a lightbox plugin
Would be my input.
I know I can do an Ajax .Get.
crisis people.
I need to paint my flat on monday and for that I need to shop for paint tomorrow. I'm a man and therefore have no perception of colour, but I do not want my home in poster paint primary colours
I have no idea how to choose a colour
No time to get a woman to decide for me
@TomW what furnishings do you have?
Literally nothing
@TomW Don't you have a missus?
@JohanLarsson why you do dat?
OK. How much natural sunlight do you have?
I'm going to have to buy everything
quite a lot, it's first floor and the windows are quite big
@sippy_bizzle nope.
I swear I remember you talking about one
@JohanLarsson why not just <DataGrid DataContext="{Binding}" ...
The people in whatever shop you go to buy paint from will be able to help you btw
If you go to a decent one
@TomW go for an off-white (but not cream) and get some bold coloured furniture.
if you want, paint the borders a darker colour.
Finally having ice cream tonight because we have visitors #NoMoreYoghurt
@TomW carpet?
Nope, shittily done cheap hard floors
those will need redoing in time, probably going to lay carpet when I can afford it
light or dark pine?
@sippy_bizzle Trying to use Vanilla Javascript.
So do something like:
yeah. Get some bold-coloured furniture and a paint the walls a bland colour like "apple white".
@Greg Then use a vanilla plugin
Like fancybox
They're not big, promise.
I have been meaning to ask @Greg are JQuery and Node.js languages different from JavaScript?
@Squiggle @TomW Just don't get white carpet.
Or you'll look strange.
@TomW avocado EVERYTHING
@MoonOwlPrince Node.js ...
is javascript.
They are libraries.
So why do people treat them as if they are different languages
@MoonOwlPrince they're the same language. Different runtimes and different platforms...
It is typical to hear someone say: Don't use JavaScript. Use JQuery
@MoonOwlPrince then that person is clueless
jQuery wraps a lot of functionality that Javascript provides to make it more noob friendly.
It's bloated as fuck and shouldn't be used for when you need to do a single thing though.
If you want to build a whole app using jQuery, fine.
But generally, jQuery code tends to be quite difficult to keep maintainable.
Something like this:
@sippy_bizzle so it is okay to use "vanilla" JavaScript
ARGH SUCH A HATELOVE... right now i hate LINQ, but sometimes its really nice to have ...
        var edit = $$('.Popup-Edit');
        $$('#lnkEditExisting').addEventListener('click', function () {
            var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
            request.onreadystatechange = function () {

                if (request.readyState != 4 || request.status !== 200) {

                edit.innerHTML = request.responseText;
                edit.style.display = 'block';

            request.open('GET', @Url.Content("~/Home/GetEditContent"));
(see full text)
HTML5 has the Query Selectors API, whic his looooooooovely
@MoonOwlPrince It's recommended, yes.
but not easy.
makes JQuery 90% redundant
Well, I don't care
You can quite easily implement something worse than jQuery with vanilla.
Which is why it's advisable that people who know nothing about vanilla to just use jQuery
I believe if something can be done it can be done
@MoonOwlPrince No, they are essentially Javascript. They're just different variations and libraries. That is why they hold similarities in structure and syntax.
So JavaScript borrows some things from Lisp
All programming languages borrow shit from all programming languages
Stop citing Lisp as the godfather language, please
@Squiggle Have you ever used Dropzone.js?
@sippy_bizzle never even heard of it
@MoonOwlPrince Seriously.
7 messages moved to Trash can
@MoonOwlPrince stop spamming.
2 messages moved to Trash can
Okay. I have stopped
@MoonOwlPrince Lisp is old and outdated, congrats for loving it but if you want to talk about it, join the Lisp chatroom.
So apparently boogie2988 has coded porn sites
@KendallFrey Seriously?
gotta make a living
I used to maintain a porn site.
@Squiggle Good money?
I wonder how one can code a porn site without being disgusted
didn't realise until I started the job and found 20GB of porn on my work desktop
@MoonOwlPrince Because most Westerners don't find porn disgusting.
@MoonOwlPrince s/being disgusted/fapping constantly/
Keep cultural differences out of chat please.
I was, like, "Woah. This previous developer wasn't very subtle"
and the other guy there was like "Oh, no that's the content for our porn site"
@Squiggle Hahaha
@Squiggle woop
I mean the good stuff is the stuff from the '90's
@MoonOwlPrince ... right.
@sippy_bizzle worst paid and dodgiest job I ever had. It was an ISP and telecomms operator that made most of its money from other people's porndialers
quit after 3 months
@Squiggle Pahahaha
What the fuck man
@Squiggle Basically, they were all like Trick or Treat, please avoiding beating your meat.
@Greg it was cheap Polish wholesale image sets. Nothing inventive at all.
@Squiggle Ah, I see...
That place was weird. The office was half a mile down the road from the boss' family house, but he lived in Kuala Lumpur with his mistress.
he was a shit
Anyway I'm out, seeya monday dudes.
A month after I started, the sales guy left to start his own business and took half of his clients with him :D
the court battle lasted 3 years and ended up bankrupting both companies
I laughed
seeya, sippy
loads of stories about that job. But that's for another day. I'm going home, where the beer is.
Later @sippy_bizzle and @Squiggle
Squiggle should have a blog
ciao, numpties.
Can someone explain me why LINQ handles null different in Win8 than 7?
@LewsTherin hi mate
@SebastianL Can you elaborate further?
@MoonOwlPrince Hey
This morning 3am I nearly shat my pants.
I saw a cat and its eyes were literally glowing. Took me a while to figure out the glow was coming from a cat.
Fecking hate those things
They are creepy at night
i have something like this: foreach (RegistryKey subkey in installKey.GetSubKeyNames().Select(keyName => installKey.OpenSubKey(keyName, true))) {
and if installkey.OpenSubKey returns null on win 8 its just going on
nope if installKey doesnt contains keyname
Someone help me with some Vanilla Javascript, I've got a question.
on win7 its throwing a wild error with a dubious stacktrace
@SebastianL Paste the error
I've got the following:

        <div class="Grid-Content">
            <div class="Container">
                @foreach (BCCP.Models.Card content in Model) {
                    <span><input type="radio" class="rdoBranch" name="ccid" value="@content.Id" />@content.Holder ending in @content.CardNumber</span>
                        @if (DateTime.Parse(content.Expiration) < DateTime.Now)
                            <span class="Expired">@content.Expiration</span>
(see full text)
When the edit href is clicked, I want to grab the value assigned to rdoBranch.
@LewsTherin just a moment i've to go to another pc to recreate the error
@Greg There should be a jquery thingy to parse out selected radiobutton. Did you check?
@LewsTherin No jQuery in this project.
@LewsTherin Plus, I'm trying to get more familiar with Vanilla.
You aren't allowed to use jQuery? Or you don't want to use it?
@Greg OK if IIRC correctly get all elements by name
I could, I just want to use Vanilla. Become more familiar, to make my Node.js better.
@LewsTherin I've got this so far:
var $$ = function (selector, context) {
    var element = (context || document).querySelectorAll(selector);
    if (element.length > 1) {
        return [].slice.call(element, 0);
    return element[0];
        var edit = $$('.Popup-Edit');
        $$('#lnkEditExisting').addEventListener('click', function () {
            var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
            request.onreadystatechange = function () {

                if (request.readyState != 4 || request.status !== 200) {

                edit.innerHTML = request.responseText;
                edit.style.display = 'block';

                request.open('GET', @Url.Content("~/Home/GetEditContent"));
(see full text)
@LewsTherin That if is where I'm trying to get it assigned so I can do that Ajax
Jeez, why is your variable $$? Lol interesting
@LewsTherin Not conflict if someone decides they want jQuery?
Oh I see what you are doing now
So this: if($$('#lnkEditExisting').pa
@LewsTherin That is where if edit clicked, then it grabs that particular inline .rdoBranch value.
Well the vanilla way I know how to do it, no doubt there is a better way:
Loop through and see which is selected.
Best to ask someone who works with JavaScript often
Kind of like I did here:
var preload = $$('#btnContinue');
preload.disabled = 'disabled';
var radio = $$('.rdoBranch');
for (var i in radio) {
    radio[i].addEventListener('click', function clickListener() {
        if (preload.disabled) {
            preload.setAttribute('onClick', 'location.href = "/Home/Billing?ccid=' + radio[i].value + '"');
@LewsTherin Here's the Error (i transated it cuz locale ^^): UnhandledException: System.NullReferenceException: There is no objectinstance for the objectreference. At Program.main(String[] args)
and thats all
Yeah like that
@SebastianL Means something is null, if you give me a second to figure out this Javascript thing you can paste your code I'll see if I can help you.
@SebastianL I'm surprised it isn't the same with Windows 8
yeah me too, thats why i'm asking ^^
Can you do a ToList on Windows 8 and see if any items are null?
Q: Problm with Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v12.0

Caffeine addictedI have error in my project that is The "ResolveComReference" task failed unexpectedly. System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v12.0' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. File name: 'Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v12.0' ...

any help with it guys
@Caffeineaddicted Do you have that NuGet Package Installed or referenced in your project?
@LewsTherin already did this, but no item is, just some subkeys are null. On win8 it just skips to the next item if a subkey is null on win 7 it crashes
@SebastianL This sounds like the Registry, are you working in the Registry?
@SebastianL But are you sure it is skipping them? Are you using the same keys on Win 7 and Win 8?
@Greg yep i am, but if something is not existing the registry is returning null, which is not that bad on win8 but on win7 :/
@LewsTherin yes i am i went through all keys by hand to proof this
@SebastianL Can I see your code?
@Greg this is the bad line of code ^^ : foreach (RegistryKey subkey in installKey.GetSubKeyNames().Select(keyName => installKey.OpenSubKey(keyName, true))) {
if i tear the LINQ apart it is working correct...
@SebastianL Was just to ask what happens when you remove the Linq.
@SebastianL So when you tear it apart what does it return?
That doesn't make sense
@SebastianL But, doesn't Linq Select only return a Single? Wouldn't you need SelectMany?
@SebastianL Working on Win 7?
I mean, otherwise why use a foreach if you only have one?
@Greg Nah, it returns an object that knows how to project a sequence of items
@LewsTherin thats why im asking, if i list all the subkeys in an array and i use them in the foreach it is working even on win7
@LewsTherin Ah, I see.
maybe its a bug in .NET for Win7?
So you are calling .ToList on Select?
Can you show the code that works?
Here: string[] subkeynames = skey.GetSubKeyNames();
				foreach (string keyname in subkeynames) {
					RegistryKey SIDkey = null;
					SIDkey = skey.OpenSubKey(keyname);
@greg i think no
can you guide me to do that
@SebastianL ctrl k
Well, what is the key your trying to find @SebastianL ?
Because 64 Bit vs 32 Bit are read in different locations if I remember correctly.
@SebastianL That makes sense on why it would work.
Not really
@Greg yeah i know, but all machines were 64bit
@LewsTherin when you are done with him I have a question
@SebastianL Try this:
and i cutted the code so it wouldnt too long ^^
i was using a registryView
@SebastianL How are you using SIDKey?
Are you checking for null?
yes i am and it crashes before it is really entering the code in the brackets of the foreach
I'm confused.. the working one is crashing?
nope ^^
the other one, but this is the only different line ^^
@SebastianL I think you need to do a ToList and check the count. Not just the items.
@MoonOwlPrince Yeah
@SebastianL What if in your Linq you don't do tthe OpenSubKey, basically use it to find the key?
@Caffeineaddicted Nuget Package Manager see if you can install it that way
@SebastianL I think your Linq is failing because that code above is able to set the value to null. Where the Linq tries to find, then doesn't find it and attempts to open something that doesn't exist.
Which kills your projection.
@Greg uhh that could be making sense ^^
but i still wonder why on win8 its working ^^
So your essentially saying This value projected exist, open. But it actually doesn't exist.
@LewsTherin do you have any experience using a C library in C#?
@SebastianL Different iteration of .Net Runtime by default?
Like one which does not compile with MSVC
@Greg maybe, im looking into this
@Greg and @LewsTherin you helped me alot thanks ;D
@MoonOwlPrince Nope. Try dllimport. But never had to do such a thing
what package i have to search man @juanvan
@LewsTherin how would you use dllimport if you can't get the library to compile to begin with
@SebastianL Let us know what you find
@MoonOwlPrince take a look here: codeproject.com/Articles/66245/…
@LewsTherin i will, but i dont know if i am able to do this today ^^
@SebastianL Ja, whenever. Ping
Oh thanks @SebastianL
@Caffeineaddicted Don't think Nuget is going to work but it is good to know that - M@.Build is what you need in the References of the Solution
Bit off topic but hoping someone can help ;)  I have this

  <div class="col-sm-3">
    Joe King
    <div class="hidden-xs">
       This is a description about Joe King
Joe King.. lmao
Using Bootstrap how do I make it so there isn't a line space between
Joe King

This is a description about Joe King
Was gonna use Wayne Kerr
@LewsTherin Hm, trying to decide the best way to do that loop.
@Tommo1977 xD
everyone loves Wayne Kerr
anyway don't worry about the name, just my problem ;)
Or should I say, Wayne King?
@Greg What did you try so far?
@Tommo1977 CSS and remove the margins for a div?
@juanvan just that div
@KendallFrey Someone who is a Wayne King eventually changes the last name to be a Wayne Kerr
Would you do it inline
if it was only there but that looks template
@LewsTherin Well, if I do a loop that's fine except for one thing.
I wish we could compile C++ using a C# compiler
The way C used to compile in C++
    <div class="Container">
        @foreach (BCCP.Models.Card content in Model) {
            <span><input type="radio" class="rdoBranch" name="ccid" value="@content.Id" />@content.Holder ending in @content.CardNumber</span>
                @if (DateTime.Parse(content.Expiration) < DateTime.Now)
                    <span class="Expired">@content.Expiration</span>
                } else { <span>@content.Expiration</span>}
(see full text)
@MoonOwlPrince Do you know how much sense that makes?
@MoonOwlPrince Wat Da Wa
@MoonOwlPrince ....
If you could compile C++ with the C# compiler, it would be C# and not C++
@juanvan let me do a try
@LewsTherin The problem is, if you click edit. I need the input value.
Which means C++ is an IL
@LewsTherin But I would need to anchor to the right element within the container.
@Caffeineaddicted do a try Well :")
Like it would be nice
And embedding IL in C# is a feature many people including me don't know of
I just don't know how to do it yet
@MoonOwlPrince I've wanted to do it, but it isn't possible
@Greg Right element?
Can you embed asm with C#?
Someone claims to have seen it
Why did you want to compile C++ like C#, anyway? You can compile C++ to .NET, if that's what you mean.
@LewsTherin Well, the model loops. So it would create more than one in some instances. So if I choose edit it needs to match the proper id.
@LewsTherin no
@juanvan I tried inline margin but didnt work
@Greg Yeah so you need to check if it is selected right?
@Greg Oh dang I see
@MoonOwlPrince you looked at ngen?
@KendallFrey then that means would borrow a lot of the features from C++
@Greg In this case use an indexed loop
@MoonOwlPrince What? Use English please.
@KendallFrey by supporting C++ we could easily get more people writing C# and C#'s features would be expanded
What's the point?
Just use C++ then
@MoonOwlPrince 1. Supported by what? 2. No, that would mean more people writing C++, not C#.
By the C# compilers
We would have multiple inheritance
for example
Exactly it is a C# compiler. Not a C#++ compiler or some frak
@LewsTherin Yeah, that make sense. Indexed Loop?
@Greg for loop
@SebastianL yeah I have
Multiple inheritance was specifically NOT included in C#
for good reasons
Dammit I hate it when a linkedin member chooses to be anonymous
@LewsTherin But how would that correctly anchor to a separate element when the edit? It's got to do essentially what:

.Find() in jQuery would do.
@MoonOwlPrince We have C++ compilers for supporting C++ features

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