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Btw I haven't seen a Lisp chatroom
The absence of one means we are few
But nonetheless we are all over the place
We have the JavaScript group
We also have the Haskell and C# groups
In those groups at least one other person loves Lisp
Too much work
I will do it next year
Also, there are a lot of them in the Python chatroom as well so we should be okay
Anyone here using office 365 for business?
@Bob I use it for email
I use it for school
hmm ok... Do you know if the 1tb per user would be a shared pool across all users in an enterprise setting?
gaming: 1 ultrawide non-4k, or dual 4ks
dual 4k = you cant play anything more complicated than minecraft at native res
@Steve for gaming, one big screen, everything else, more smaller screens
multiple monitors for gaming is usually crap
well, that solves that i suppose
its fun doing a 3-way setup for a while, but you quickly realize you are taking a perf and compatibility hit for something your eyes cant really use anyways.
Get a cineama
the best solution is to have one very nice monitor for gaming and a secondary for all your youtube/twitch.tv/teamspeak/steam stuff
that was my other thought, do a 3 way so i don't have the split right down the middle of my characters/toon/guy/whatever
If you have the space
yeah if you are doing multiple monitors for gaming you need 3 or 1
or 5
just use a rift, problem solved
Get the screens like the ones they have at Pixel
does the game(s) cover all 3? how many games won'twork on 3
The games that work on 3 well can be summarized as battlefield 4 and skyrim.
this is what i'm looking at, probably overkill
I hope you dont like to play shooters
i do on console, i'm switching over to pc so i'm building a rig
IPS panel with proprietary image processing in the chain = lots of latency
I have to ask: Are you going to have AMD do your graphics
gtx 980
Someone told me that they are good for game graphics
So you are good
Get a 3D TV
have a 4k tv, with no dp inputs
You need something that takes your GPU to the limits
if you dont play shooters you probably wont care as much
the first thing i'm going to buy is bf4
so i do, but i'm not sure if the input lag is just for 'picky people', or if its something i will definitely notice
watch that.
You will notice. My grandmother can tell the difference.
ok lol
you just saved me a grand
and since you have the 980gtx you can gsync
will have :p
yeah that looks like a sick monitor
what does gsync do?
i could google it, but i'm eating
video covers what gsync is
ughhhh not in stock
damn you newegg
haha yeah I got mine from tiger direct or something
frys has some in stock occassionally
demand has pushed resale prices to 1100+ on amazon marketplace lol
you can track inventory using this: nowinstock.net/computers/monitors/asus
I have a method which makes a webservice call to get some data. The method hasnt changed except that i made it and the class its in static. however the data returned from the service is null (empty object). If i open an older non-static version of the method it works fine (not the service). any ideas what could cause this behavior just because the class changed to static?
there shouldnt be any problems doing: "using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient())" from a static class is there?
@Bob I'll just add that to "the list of shit I can't afford"
@Pheonixblade9 Just add it to your list of things to buy when you can.
@Bob lol yeah i saw that
oh I got mine from ncixus.com... They are a smaller shop but they work really hard to get new units in.
you have no issues with it?
i'm trying to google pros/cons of WQHD and 4k
its the best thing I have ever bought for my computer setup
i've never even heard of wqhd
its a good compromise between 4K and 1080p. You can still run all of your games at 80+ fps on 1440p with good hardware.
4K is a nightmare to drive at native with some games.
you can easily run 2x visual studio IDEs side-by-side in a 1440p screen too
oh nice
@ton.yeung yes you do.
playing WoW at anything under 1080p is impossible.
its weird, because some 720's will look really nice, and others look like a big bag of ass
well that and just the number of pixels
I don't even have a desktop soooooo
I have a laptop with SLI'd 770m GT's and 1920x1080. It does fine.
Could use an SSD though...
yeah, but gaming laptops are more expensive, and if they have good video cards, you pretty much have to keep it plugged in
Has anyone tried the Surface Pro 3? Not necessarily as a desktop replacement but maybe a laptop one?
so i figured, screw it, going with a desktop
@Pheonixblade9 Yeah pop an SSD in there for sure. I have an asus g74 and it was night and day difference.
@James yup
@Steve Worthwile? I kind of liked the Surface 2, just too small screen for full productivity
@Steve You can play certain games on a laptop GPU if its configured correctly using battery.
lol, can
I can run league of legends with an 80fps cap on a mobile nvidia gpu running in adaptive power mode for 2 hours on battery
@James its not bad, i'm not a fan of it, its been sitting on my coffee table unused for like 2 months
its quicker than i expected, compiles faster than my laptop
Haha really? Fancy selling it on to a new owner?
but, its so tiny and the keyboard sucks when you're away from your desk and don't have it docked
it's not mine, my employer gave it to me to try out
I was also looking at a Surface 3
I've never owned a laptop
Ahh ok. The keyboard thing is something I think I personally got used to
idk, the keys are close together
The keyboard on SP3 is same as SP2 apart from mousepad which is apparently loads better
I highly recommend the 13" macbook pro for a mobile software development solution...
if I'm at home, I'd always use my desktop. If I desperately need to look something up, I've got my phone
Not as good as laptop keyboard Ill agree
so when you're in meetings or away from you desk and want to sling some code, its pretty terrible imo
Laptops just seem too bulky and annoying to carry around
I have to admit to being one of the minority it seems that thinks touch is very useful on more than just tablets and phones
@TomW 13" macbook. Go try one out at the store.
Whenever I use my Surface for a period if I go back to a laptop I jab at the screen like a complete idiot and get frustrated its not touch
Geeze why my eyes now hurt
I take this thing out with other devs to bars and shit to prototype code if we get bored. Its very unintrusive.
@James lol i could see that happening
macbooks are nice, i owned one, i played wow on one, with no mouse, for the longest time
OSX is also a killer operating system.
@Bob so a MacBook for .NET dveelopment
graphics card sucked in mine, but i got a hard-on over the power cord and how it attached to the laptop
seen devs bootcamp on it, would probably never use OSX
+ stupid overpriced proprietary peripherals
OSX is great if you are doing web development on the node stack.
Is there a viable way of coding for iOS without having a mac?
@James realistically no
also having access to my dropbox as a mounted directory on a unix-style shell is sick
Don't you need XCode
its free
I run windows in a VM or RDP to my desktop via VPN
the microsoft RDP client for OSX is very good
@Bob from your experience would you recommend I replace my PC with a Mac?
For .NET development
your desktop, no
that would be silly
My computer is slow
Then upgrade/purchase a new pc
I am looking for a way to convince my Mum to get me a Mac instead
in my experience the only way to justify the price of a mac is in the form of the macbook pro.
only because the hardware package is so well put together
7-8 hours battery life is hard to beat.
And OS X > Windows and Linux
@Bob the best I have gotten is 6
OSX is a GUI for unix.
But then that Retina display looks delicious
which is the biggest selling point for me. Having access to a native unix shell is so nice.
Why is a Unix shell important
What is it that it does that cannot be done with Powershell?
Because most of the infrastructure that drives the modern web runs on a variant of unix.
Oh I see
But I am sure Microsoft will drop NT and make Unix its main OS
I can write a bash script that deploys on my mac that would also work on a production EC2 Linux instance.
Oh I see why
You want interoperability
but for .NET development you need windows and VS
theres no way around that.
I thought VS was now cross-platform
It's very beta
oh, VS
Its going to be a very long road getting the CLR to run identically on multiple platforms
I can't wait to see little "caveat" sections in MSDN docs for various platforms :(
Most of the issues are going to stem from IO.
I bet they just add a new target framework like ".NET 5.0 - Cross Platform" to handle all that crap.
Or they will simply work with Mono
Don't do it
Don't wonder find out
If you want to test VS2015 your best bet is to install virtualbox and load a fresh copy of windows for testing.
It will mangle your shit
But why is VirtualBox nicer on Linux
There is too much discrimination against programmers who run Windows
virtualbox is not nicer on linux...
because you should be running a server OS on your workstation anyways :D
Quick question
Why would it be bad if Linux fans admitted OS X is better and Microsoft did more to support OS X
@MoonOwlPrince Because we dont run OSX on our servers.
osx is not better by any means
windows and linux run the server world.
@Bob why?
mostly linux
I thought Apple catered for that world as well
id say its probably 80/20 linux to windows
@MoonOwlPrince They do but its used in very niche environments
apple is just a proprietary linux/unix knock off which I am ashamed of
I am yet to come across an application running on Windows server
Apple is not a Linux knock off
ok, guess it's not
Apple is a company
they produce an operating system called OSX that is a native UNIX implementation
not Linux
Apple existed before Linus decided to start scripting his Unix clone
OS X is a BSD am I wrong?
osx is just a proprietary linux/unix knock off which I am ashamed of
OS X is not related to Linux in any way besides the Unix specification
^ uhh... yeah that's what I meant
@ton.yeung I thought it ran on a Java and Linux stack
@Nathvi that is nothing to be ashamed of
maybe not for you
Why is it shameful to you
not to me personally
That OS X is a Unix? And Windows just decided to have the NextThing or NewTechnology
NT carries no meaning anymore
@Bob enlighten us
It used to mean New Technology but it turned into one of those organizational labels to classify their products internally.
Proof that you can webscale the microsofts
I always thought that Microsoft technologies were to avoid for anything web related
I got that impression from people who posed security questions I couldn't answer
And they use C#????
why not use asp.net?
looks like they use cloudflare to do all the heavy lifting anyways
ASP.NET, I doubt, in it
I could run facebook off my macbook with a good cloudflare configuration.
Okay so I will partake on a project
Compile .NET to JVM
web forms have ruined so many good developers :(
What is bad about web forms
I haven't used them or found the need to
As a student
I always thought scripting my own programs that generate was better
The future is client-side html5/css/js-generated single page web applications.
@Bob that is the present
MVC is a good interim solution as well if you dont mind the server standing in for all user actions.
Have you used Trello
@ton.yeung what security issues
Trello deprecates e-mail in most cases
the fuck is trello
Trello is a free web-based project management application originally made by Fog Creek Software in 2011, that spun out to be its own company in 2014. According to Trello, it uses a paradigm for managing projects known as kanban, a method that had originally been popularized by Toyota in the 1980s for supply chain management. Projects are represented by boards, which contain lists (corresponding to task lists). Lists contain cards (corresponding to tasks). Cards are supposed to progress from one list to the next (via drag-and-drop), for instance mirroring the flow of a feature from idea to i...
ohh yeah ive used that
Trello has a Lisp feeling to it
kanban is the shit. Im glad you brought that up. We are having a 2015 project planning meeting this week
It has this Joel Spolsky feeling to it
I've dabbled with Trello
I'm not using it for its original purpose
so of limited usefulness, but quite nice anyway
What are you using it for anyway
it took them AGES to sort out a login bug on Android
just to do lists for stuff like christmas shopping, holidays etc
Anything that Joel Spolsky and Jeff Attwood touch is gold
It is truly a marvel
They saved us from Quora
Well, can you blame me
I always thought that if something was proprietary there was no way of knowing such detail
Isn't it Jeff Atwood is working on a community
That is like a forum but supposed to be better
Not SE
Jeff left SE
I am talking about an unrelated project
oh god, what's it called...
I've nearly got it
> Civilized Discussion. On the Internet.
Ha. You promise much, Atwood.
you guys wanna see the best recruiter mail I've gotten in awhile?
Does it matter? Because I think we're gonna.
A Seattle-based hedge fund is seeking a full-time programmer to update and maintain the firm’s proprietary software platform. This is a generalist programming role for an entrepreneurial person who enjoys problem solving. The firm is backed by a famous billionaire investor and has significant launch capital.

Job description:
The programmer will maintain and add features to an MS Access database system that links to Excel. Key skills required: VBA, OLE, Access, Excel, SQL Queries and web scraping using Python.
my questions were:

Thanks for the inquiry.

I have a couple questions.

1) Is this an existing product, or something to be built?

2) Would I be working alone or as part of a team? If I would be part of a team, how large is that team?

3) What is the size of the company?

4) What would the initial salary target be?
I get this back:
Just show up with a flamethrower
My client is backed by backed by one of the best hedge fund incubator.

This is a unique role for someone to be part of a stock market investment team -- not a typical programming role, but still heavily based on programming and IT fluency. This person would work closely with the founder with no management layers between you. There is no need for financial acumen, only the interest and motivation to learn.

The role is based around market hours (6:30 PT open) and will require a candidate flexible to that, as well as willing to put in long hours, most likely roughly 6am-6pm. It may be possib
As though that was what was meant to happen
so they want me to program VBA and Access for 12 hours a day for less money than I'm making now with the POSSIBILITY of a bonus. Yeah...
@Pheonixblade9 don't take it up
@MoonOwlPrince uhh... yeah. haha
The moment someone says IT, put your name out of it
Is anyone on blogoverflow
Sounds like a 'successful' hedge fund manager who got where he was by yelling at people and is technically illiterate
You are a software engineer not an IT professional who writes Unix scripts
my response:
Thanks for the response! Appreciate the detail.

Sounds like an interesting position but not really a fit for me - I'm compensated higher with less hours at my current position.

Good luck in finding a candidate!
that'll piss em off
nice one
I immediately got back
Can you share with me what you are making; I’m trying to collect intel to see if the money is right…
@ton.yeung it's in a recruiter's interest to get as high of a salary as possible, they're usually paid 30%-40% of their first year's salary.
my reply was...
I'd prefer not to, but to be honest my reluctance is more in the position.

Access/Excel projects are pretty painful for most high-end software engineers to work on. If you want a highly qualified candidate like me, you're likely going to have to offer higher than market rates for similar software engineering positions.

If you're just looking for someone to manage the IT side of the office with a bit of scripting on the side, a full-fledged software engineer might not be exactly what you want.
i wouldn't do that job for 150k

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