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@TravisJ Now I just have to make sure the check is changed on check / off check for tax issue.
@TravisJ Sigh-
@TravisJ You see any reason why the checkbox enable / disable isn't triggering correctly?
It seems to just be setting auto to true or false
But I do have the val('0.00') and it doesn't force the change.
Well, I'm assuming it isn't working because you have to be on the blur of the tax field.
How do I exclude the (400 points) part. With the 400 part being ever changing?
Stupid, stupid checkbox.
@TravisJ I'll ask about it later.
1 hour later…
A: TextBox selection color and selection brackets color

GregYou should be able to add a new resource to your application. Then you simply would reference that. <Application.Resources> <SolidColorBrush x:Key="AppAccentBrush" Color="#012345"/> </Application.Resources> Then you would reference such in your page: <TextBlock Text="Custom Accent" Style...

2 hours later…
Getting desperate, think I'll try HwndSource. Good idea, or bad?
2 hours later…
Q: set arraylist as default parameter in c#

Ángel Di MaríaI have function as: public DataTable ExecuteProcedureDataSet(string procedureName, ArrayList Parameters) { using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { conn.Open(); cmd.CommandText = procedureName; cmd.CommandTy...

2 hours later…
Q: Add method in que to later execution

user3111053I have this PerformTransaction(); method in my mvc banking application. and my requirment is insertTransaction(); and updatetransaction(); this are important methods to execute. After execution of this 2 to methods I want to show success message to user and in backgound remaining methods shoul...

@Greg Unware of, what?
1 hour later…
hello every1
do you people have blogs? imma follow it if you do
Considering starting one
"From noob to pro - life in code after university!"
sup soppy
@c0dem0nkey sup
good afternoon, people
we can use asp.net to change visiblity of controls
but can we remove them from page at all ?
^ Web Forms I suppose?
Q: Delete asp.net control from code-behind

daviooohI need to delete a control (a textbox) from my page when a certain condition is verified. Is it possible to do it from code-behind or I need to use JavaScript. NOTE I need to remove the control, not to hide...

Found it
Is this wise procedure to parse String that might be null or empty to Decimal?
 sqlcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param", string.IsNullOrEmpty(textbox.Text) ? "0.00" : decimal.Parse(textbox.Text,culture).ToString());
@Marek looks pretty solid
@KendallFrey I think I would do a little helper decimal parser because I would rather check if it is valid string for decimal parse.
And use TryParse instead.
@Marek I prefer using the Convert helper in C# - msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.convert(v=vs.110).aspx - although you will still need to make sure it's a valid string.
@Squiggle nasty
decimal.TryParse(str, out val) ? val : 0M is pretty good
I concede.
that's quite elegant :)
What do you think of this please?
public static decimal DecimalParse(string value)
            var culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
            var numberStyle = NumberStyles.Number;
            decimal output = 0M;

            if(decimal.TryParse(value, numberStyle, culture, out output))


            return output;
JavaScript has gone full-on serious mode today.
the JS room?
Whoah, the room is even suspended.
why by/what for?
news, I demand news gossip
@RoelvanUden You know that Gamergate thing?
Two guys made a lil joke last night about spamming her github inbox with PRs
And that has spawned all hell.
@TomW No idea! I just looked in the room at it was suspended for 1m :P
One of those guys is suspended from SO lol
@Sippy Gamergate?
whose inbox?
^ yeah whose inbox?
Yeah basically some female game developer who uses her internet fame for advocating gender equality as an a-typical feminist sleeps with game journalists to make her games more famous.
I think that her github is freebsdgirl or something
You know that didn't actually happen, right?
Not the original accusation that kicked it all off, I mean
I don't claim to be highly knowledgeable about the situation
For one I don't like feminists who use female privilege to get ahead.
@TomW yeah. Storm in a teacup in an echo chamber.
if (enableCheckbox.Checked == true)
labelToChange.Text = "Text changing is disabled.";
@Sippy Feminists are great. I love their principles. Except for that fact that most of them neglect the fact that their perceived "equality" should also apply to males...
Apparently, .Checked is not a thing... any solution?
@RoelvanUden That's my point, and I give up arguing with them about it.
see also "gender equality", which is what people should be campaigning for. It's called feminism just because the imbalance is skewed toward male privilege.
It's called feminism because the movement itself focuses solely on the advancement of female rights. It campaigns to remove men of their male privilege whilst retaining female privilege.
It is wrong at its core.
Equalism is what I believe in :D
@Sippy I think that is incorrect. A true feminist will promote actual gender equality. It's just that 99% of them do exactly as you said, but, that's not the problem of "feminism"
there was an ad in india at some point recentlyish, where a boy was shown throughout his life being told not to cry
@Sippy what type of feminists do you know? O.o that doesn't describe anyone I know
Internet feminists are....well, internet. You don't take seriously anything anybody else says on the internet, do you?
Then at the end of the advert some woman comes on and says 'We teach our boys not to cry, now let's teach them not to make girls cry'
And I was like this is so fucking sexist towards men
I can't even .. what?
also every feminist I've ever met sticks with "Why should we care about men when we're the ones at more of a disadvantage?"
there is a gradient of quality in the arguments for any popular position; listen to the good ones and ignore the BS, they aren't all the same person espousing the same views
I think I've probably met like 3 or 4 and had a convo about it in real life
And a fair few on the internet
And I don't for a minute pretend that all feminists are like that
Some of them are equalists :)
A lot of them are self-entitled princesses.
@TomW <3
@TomW espousing
I have not heard that word before but I like it.
i are lerned gud
Time to break the work laptop
Or, y'know, the feminist that starts raging when you hold open the door after you for her. It's not like it's common courtesy towards everyone or anything like that at all...
@RoelvanUden I've never had a full on rage, but I've had the look of disgust and the lack of thankyou before
Cos I smiled at her
@RoelvanUden Am I the only one that hold doors for guys too?
No, it's common courtesy to hold the door. That's my point.
The girls here hold the doors open for the gents as much as the other way round.
@Squiggle It's mostly the same back in your home country too :P
My workplace is pretty good for behavioral equality. But it's a pity about the hiring process. Still 3:1 ratio of men to women.
@RoelvanUden I recognise that you're scorning that idiot there, which is all fine with me, but the problem I have with it is that often people who say things like that are implicitly demanding that the people with reasonable arguments distinguish themselves from the idiots, rather than in other contentious arguments where the burden of separating the idiot from the reasonable is on the listener
Man warn people when you're gonna drop a bomb like that
My brain just had a heart attack
They're called words. Deal with it.
@Squiggle gah, that one gets me. You are not going to get a 50/50 gender split in tech work, not for generations. There are literally not enough women in existence in the marketplace with the right skills to bring the numbers up to what's being demanded
Only if you put glasses on
If you want to resolve that problem, start at school
@TomW 2 girls out of 60 people in my whole degree.
@TomW I know, I know. And all short-term solutions involve positive discrimination, which is... less than ideal. It doesn't stop it being frustrating.
I don't see the issue with it really.
What is the difference between .ToString("#.##") and .ToString("n2") ?
@Sippy if you don't see the issue with it, I will refer you back to #gamergate ;)
A thousand times yes. Making people work with someone who's there because of their gender, rather than because they're any good, will set back equality by generations in the minds of those people
What does gamergate have to do with women choosing tech careers?
I was never pushed in any way towards a tech career, being of the younger generations.
neither were the girls in my classes.
We were never pushed towards anything
We all did home economics, we all did woodwork
@TomW Indeed. We're on the same page.
@Sippy hostile environment. What profession would you assume the trolls have, if they have one?
@Sippy because the gender bias in the output of games developers is blatantly a direct result of the gender imbalance of the industry it's self...?
@Squiggle Oh yeah. That's very true.
But then again all the men coming out of those games are sexualised.
probably something to do with I.T. - and do you want to work with them? I don't, and I'm not the target of their really quite terrifying behaviour
Not to the same level though I guess.
We work with some female 'tech leads'
anybudy tell me how to create a custom event in c#
@Sippy io9.com/… orly?
any suggestion?
@Sippy Sucky employees are everywhere. Regardless of gender :P
@Squiggle You really think that would appeal to female gamers?
Boobs appeal to male gamers, that's why they sell.
@DurgpalSingh Try this public void customEvent() {}
@DurgpalSingh some pretty basic stuff. I'll refer you to the MSDN documentation. Read up on events and delegates, and experiment a bit. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/awbftdfh.aspx
@Sippy nah, it's just a pisstake
I know it's a pisstake
But it's semi-serious
Are video games art? If they are, surely feminist gamers demanding that studios make games that are less sexist and more appealing to them is like the gallery-going public telling painters what to paint.
And in the absolute wrong direction.
It just makes the creator of that article look a bit shortsighted and thick.
If women love bulges, add them to games. I'm not entirely sure that they care enough.
Men love boobs, hell even straight women love boobs, I don't get what the fuss is about.
Let's have this discussion again
I would rather better gameplay and storylines than boobs in modern games though tbh
Modern gaming is awful
Do straight women really love boobs?
If you can complete a storyline in 4 hours
It's not a storyline.
amen brotha
@KendallFrey I know plenty of straight girls who love boobs.
Maybe they're a bit gay I don't know, but they identify as straight.
@Sippy but then they must be lesbian or bi, yada yada yada
Boobs are magical dude.
They're not a part of sexuality.
They're above it.
They hail from another dimension!
the best ones do
cuz they don't fit in three
urgh. OK, guys. Back out of the gutter now.
But I like it down here :(
@Sippy stop quoting your mom
That wasn't bad.
@Squiggle Did you ever see that 'How would you like it?' kinda video where a bunch of feminists tried sexualising men using catcalls and stuff on the street? It really, really backfired.
no gooby
Morning everyone
Afternoon everyone
Evening everyone
Go to bed, it's late !
Google chrome is cracking down on SHA-1 today
Kickin' off again in JS
windows phone emulator is not running on my PC
I am using windows 10 preview
is that the reason?
Hmmm, a question about screen scraping if I may? I have already done screen scraping, but this time, I need to scrape a page after a post back! Is there a fixed way to do this? I can see the source of the page I'm stealing from, and it has 1 field with similar code: <input type='text' name='query' value='I need to enter this'>
I'm not sure anyone here would have the answer to that question.
does that make any sense at all?
@Dave ...sort of makes sense? I think?
This is what I@m trying (code only partly written)

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("someSite");
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
string postData = String.Format("text=TheData); //Is this right, or hsould it be query="TheData" since query is the input type NAME
byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData);
request.ContentLength = bytes.Length;

Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream();
requestStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
HTML forms are submitted with data in the format name=value;name=value;
e.g. firstname=John;lastname=Smith
Ah, ok
so it would be query="myValue"
so i your previous example it would be
"query=I need to enter this"
I believe so
one good way to confirm this is just do it manually, whilst logging the network traffic using Developer Tools (F12)
hmmm. i don't get any error, I only get 1 line of code back (Which is <!Doctype html>
I keep forgetting about dev tools...
Sounds like an awesome web service!
Excellent advice though about F12!!!
it's indispensable.
I met one of the guys who builds the IE dev tools last week. I almost kissed him because he makes my life so much easier.
ha ha ha, such an event though would have made thigns awkward I'm sure
Unfortunately he was too tall, and I couldn't reach.
what an excellent response :)
And just like that, the issue is solved!!
Thanks @Squiggle
'dm has stopped working' pops up on my windows server.
any idea what could be the issue ?
my wcf services are under a virtual directory named 'dm' in IIS
anything in the Event Viewer/error logs?
no, i dont see anything particularly related
and are the WCF services still running even after the popup?
they stopped :)
great. lol didnt see that thanks
the event viewer could have logged the time those services were stopped, perhaps. Might help you diagnose the reason.
yeah, i should probably check that though
Hm, weird... The Checkbox being changed works, but it isn't correctly changing the field.
Is this in plain HTML?
I had a similar issue when using angular...
It is JavaScript.
Yeah, stupid automated calculation.
Can I show you the method?
Basically, when I enter a value in the tax field. It doesn't actually pass the change in the field, so it doesn't calculate correctly.
            // Tax 'On Blur':
            $('#txtTax').on('blur', function () {
                if ($('#chkAutoTax').is(':checked')) {
                    tax = AutomaticTax(true, $(this).val()); // Automation Disabled.
                } else if (TaxExempetion($('#lblTotalTax').text())) {
                    tax = '0.00'; // Tax Exempt.
                } else {
                    tax = $(this).val().replace('$', '');

            // Verify Checkbox Change 'On Change':
        function AutomaticTax(status, amount) {
            if (amount !== '$0.00' && status === true && amount  !== '') {
                tax = $('#txtTax').val().replace('$', '');
                return tax;
            } else if (status === true) {
                tax = $('#txtTax').val('$0.00').replace('$', '');
                return tax;

        function TaxExemption(tax) {
            if (tax !== '' && tax == '$0.00') {
                return true;
sorry - was afk (doing real work)
How can you go from a Char[] to a string? ToString() does not work
preferably without looping
@Squiggle Hm.
@Greg hurgm.
@Squiggle On the second change it will trigger and work, on the first change it does the original value.
String.FromCharArray or something like that
@NateKerkhofs new string(char[]);
yeah, I figured out that the problem was completely unrelated
I was passing an Url instead of a username to my connection object
so instead of authenticating using the username, it did so using the url which it connected to
and since username and url both start with the letter U, it was another ducking autocorrect
@Greg is the blur event happening before the value changes, then? Try a different event?
Is there a way to avoid such incidents involving intellisense?
I mean as they happen, not while testing
clbuttic mistake
Session.Clear() vs Session.Abandon(). What's the difference, and which one should I use when redirecting the user to the login page when he navigates after inactivity?
Someone please help....
How do I make this happen:
@JLott Sup Dolly?
Where the app that you have installed is showing open...
Or Install or whatever all of those things say
@Squiggle Yeah, just asked a co-worker who works with Javascript all day. Had me change that and that was indeed the issue.
I just need that banner lol
You want an install button on your webpage?
@Greg +1 to the co-worker :)
An Open button on my web app that will take them to the app installed on their phone
Just like arcgis has
@Squiggle Yeah.
Wait... Found a howto
@JLott I think it's actually kinda hard
Or not native, at least
That might be useful, not sure.
@JLott That's the banner you're lookin' for, miss.
They are called Smart Banners, just didn't know the name haha
Thanks :)
many ping
@JLott Your still here, what in the hell! Your never in here!
@Sippy so pester, such annoy, wow
@TomW Lol
Why is the html checkbox so dumb.
Why do I have to add text after the > why can't I just use a Text="blah" like the asp.net one!
@ton.yeung There a fast way to make the space conjoined closer?
[]          Disable Auto Tax
An example, imagine [] is checkbox.
@Greg I guess she's gone
@Sippy It's okay, I'll call her and harass her.
@Sippy She's my doppleganger so, all good.
@Greg Don't say you're gonna harass women you'll get banned.
@Sippy I actually know her though.
@Greg If internet friends counts, then I know you too
@Greg I tried it, and I see about 5 pixels of space. That's not much
@KendallFrey I see more, I'm assuming there is some custom style some where.
@KendallFrey Sigh-
@KendallFrey How have you been, I haven't spoke to you in awhile.
@Greg I've been eating lunch :P
@Greg There must be, and the way to change the spacing would be to change the style
@Greg I am here occasionally lol
A lot of stuff is going on at work since i became full time
and we have to get a design mock up of a web app in a week
evenin' all. Time for me to go for an after-work rollercoaster ride.
@JLott Ah
What do you guys think of this solution for this question.
A: Textboxes Causing Problems in ASP.NET C# SQL

GregThe Ajax Control Toolkit is a viable solution, however support for it has become non-existent. I'm assuming there is a level of dynamic control on that field. In essence, the grid will display it at certain instances? Either way, you could add a specific class to the field: <asp:Textbox id="t...

posted on November 05, 2014 by Immo Landwerth [MSFT]

We've just released a major update to the SIMD vector types we've blogged about earlier (first announcement, second update). We've now made the vector library a lot more more useful for typical graphics operations. We added matrix types, a plane type, and a quaternion type. We've also added many methods that are often used on fixed size vectors, such as Lerp, DistanceSquared, Normalize, and Re

Is there a simple guide to learn about objects? Apparently, Head First guides are torture in this regard...
Everything is an object. Dismissed!
@Meraj99 Have you read about Plato's theory of ideas?
@user3557327 I have a feeling that's about huge space stuff and meteorites :3
Plato said for a horse to exist, there had to be the idea of a horse first
Classes are ideas, an object is the materialization of that idea
That is really tenuous
Plato was talking out of his ass, anyway
@user3557327 Yea... I think I should just go back to Head First...
Where in nature did someone or something say "You know, what we really need down here is a horse. Even though I don't know what one is because they don't exist yet"
OOP is easier than Ancient Greek Philosophy. I can tell you that.
I think Terry Pratchett said in one of his books that often the easiest way to understand why something happens is to imagine what the world would be like if it didn't
Following that idea; what's the purpose of a class? Well, languages without classes exist. One of the significant issues with coding in languages like C (which has structs, but not classes) is that grouping data logically is quite difficult
That's part of it; classes are definitions of a logical grouping of bits of data. But structs kind of have that as well.
Thinking about it, this is not such a useful line of inquiry. They're there because someone decided they should be. It's better for reasoning about nature, tbh.
@Meraj99, object oriented programming is about using the idea of hierarchical groups. It's 3 year old logic and there's nothing hard about it
of course, if you really want to get abstract, everything can be represented through information, so really, information is the highest level abstraction
or, you can view it as a way to keep things modular, ie, reasoning about a concept and related functionality is self contained within the idea of a class, or whatever the hell you want to call it
morning kids
Amazon is absurd.
Kendall, you around?
@Greg how is AMZN absurd?
ok everyone is Kendall today
@Pheonixblade9 Someone sent me a message, which I responded to. But because I sent a direct email to them, not using their system I got dinged as a seller.
@JohanLarsson hahahah
dumb things in the making here
I'm considering naming a xaml extension StaticExtension
@Greg lol. yeah AMZN is kind of a cluster
it fooles resharper into giving intellisense just like I want
I got an email from a recruiter only to get another email "actually uh... we have you on a list of companies we're not allowed to recruit from. sorry!"
<TextBlock Text="{l:Static p:Resources.TranslatedToAll}" />
@KendallFrey flame^
dunno what that does, but it looks cool
dunno what that means, but it sounds cool
There are other implementations
@Pheonixblade9 Totally absurd, oh well.
Hopefully someone writes some feedback for me.
dude, if you want a job at Amazon, you should have asked me :P
anyone going to Future Decoded?
I am!
I wish my company would pay for me to go to London. I'd be there
Looking forward to Brian Cox and David Braben
@Pheonixblade9 I don't want a job with them, I'm just selling stuff through their store.
anyone read Eric Evans' DDD?
@TomW No, I hear good things about it though.
@TomW From what I hear it is a great book, sort of verbose vs code sample though.
So did I, that's why I bought it
yeah, it's very wordy
It is all about the definitions of things, so that's fairly understandable
doesn't make it a compelling read though
who here watches the walking dead?
I play the game
you gotta watch this
it makes my sides hurt
pain is a sign of injury or sickness, both of which can cause death. you should be worried
If I don't specify a role manager and just have <roleManager enabled="true" /> in my web.config, does it default to using sqlserver express and creating a new database in app_data?
to beer or not to beer...
C# code snippets on demand: codesnippet.research.microsoft.com
What do you think of that?
would be interesting if it worked ;) doesn't seem to work when I try it
@ReedCopsey Does not work for me either.
yeah, same. Doesn't work except on their example :(
@ReedCopsey that mobile job crapped out. They said they were gonna wait until Jan/Feb to hire another Android dev
only had to wait 3 months for that decision :P
2 hours later…
Q: In Nlog how to limit one type of error from FileLog so it does not crowd out other errors

jaminatorI am trying to write a custom target for NLog that will let me limit the number of times a specific error is logged to file log for my mvc c# website. I know the basic idea that I need to make custom target like this. I have made a class library project build that into a dll which has the class i...

any ideas giys
A: When selected index changed in combo box, how to add this new index to another text box?

GregWell, that is indeed possible. However, your approach will require an Update Panel and all the agony that follows if you intend to avoid the lovely screen-flicker from those pesky Postback's. I would recommend doing this client side with JavaScript: $(document).ready(function() { $('.Chec...

You think though it isn't what he asked but this is technically the better way to do it.

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