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02:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@JohanLarsson Ok, so the issue is you want to generate an arbitrary data conversion framework without manually writing out the arbitrary data conversion operations?
(Lunch successful, Galaxy Note 4 preordered and Chipotle acquired)
@MrDoom dunno if I read that correctly
So you have code representations of a variety of measurements, yeah?
And you want to be able to use those to interact with each other and generate math formulas out of them?
(Making sure I understand the requirements)
Anyone here have experience with StraightTalk?
@JohanLarsson The best way I can think of going about it would be an absurd number of interfaces declaring something as able to operate against something else.
yeah that is the way I'm doing it now. Not feeling good about it.
ITime implements IDistanceComparable<ITime>, which requires the implementation of operator overloads that compare ITime to IDistance
ITime / IDistance = ISpeed, or something similar.
Can't really think of a way to not make that an absurd number of interfaces though. Which is apparently where you're stuck.
It's a neat project though, by the way. Are you doing this for work or is it just for giggles?
fun | giggles, one of them :)
@Greg Ubuntu.
@jay_t55 Linux is not 'shitty'. It's different, but I like it a lot.
aww yisss
up $8.95 on BTC :D
What is the best way to read a PDF document and extract text and preserve layout and formatting in C#?
using itextsharp
so I got asked an NP-complete problem in an interview a couple weeks ago. that was interesting.
@Pheonixblade9 - What was it?
@Pheonixblade9 Explain
The scheduling one?
@TravisJ I think I talked about it. The scheduling.
Oh yeah
I was thinking about it and I think it's NP-complete, or at least NP-hard
I am in the middle of writing / maintaining 3 of those
One of them took me a whole freaking month
yeah, and they were asking me to write an algorithm in 30 minutes :P
@Pheonixblade9 Only way I came up with a good way to solve it would be straight up brute forcing solutions in parallel. Not pretty.
I would share it, but since it took me so long it is proprietary :P
@Pheonixblade9 - Familiar with Razor?
I have just found out that all reports in WPF are generated using WinForms. Is that true?
I want to do this
@(Id == null ? null : Html.Raw("(<b>" + ("<script>console.log('insert')</script>"+Name).ToString() + "</b>)"))
Unfortunately the script is executed. I am worried that by using Raw, it introduces security risks. How should I combine these so that the script is output as a string
@TravisJ somewhat
well, Html.Raw is kind of like PHP's exec() isn't it?
It just dumps it to the screen
I tried to break it apart so that it was like
Html.Raw("(<b>") + ("<script>console.log('insert')</script>"+Name).ToString() + Html.Raw("</b>)")
but it gives errors about combining IHtmlString and string
I don't think you can run server side code with it regardless
Not worried about server side, worried about XSS vulnerability
which is what that log shows
why are you trying to use Raw if you are trying to avoid XSS
@juanvan - Because I want the <b> to show bolded
Is there another way? perhaps using @{}?
can you put the <b> out side the @HTML.Raw()
I could but I don't want the ( to be bolded
and the whole (Name) is only conditionally shown
ya it is not like the ActionLink you can't add (..., new { style="font-weight:bold;" })
@ton.yeung - Good idea :)
Winning solution
@(Id == null ? null : Html.Raw("(<b>" + Html.Encode("<script>console.log('insert')</script>" + Name) + "</b>)"))
is the result
@RoelvanUden Ubuntu is pretty solid.
@Greg - Pretty happy with Destiny so far
I did a backflip on the speeder which was fun, and managed to get like 7 pvp kills in only a few minutes on the same map with the sniper
@TravisJ you can use ?? instead of null ? null :
@TravisJ Hm, I thought you'd be bored by now.
@juanvan What are you trying to do?
@juanvan - No, because if there is a value it will just show the identifier
The identifier is an indication that there is a related entity, which is where the name comes from
otherwise though, yes
Nothing today @Greg going to do MVC tonight :)
Null coalesce is essentially "if this is null then do something", whereas I was looking for "if this is not null then do something"
@juanvan Wasn't sure if it was something you could do int? rather than painful ternary.
na just seeing if it would help Travis
I looked to see if it were possible too. I feel like sometimes trying to make everything minimized from javascript makes me apply the same thing to c#
Probably causes obfuscation at times
Isn't there a new operator coming in the next C# revision for that?
?. or something?
Yes, unless it was removed
Null Propagating Operator, apparently it's in CTP VS 2014
yeah - it's the one good feature that wasn't cut from C# 6
@MrDoom How does that work?
@ReedCopsey How does that work sir Copsey?
basically, it evaluates left to right, and if any portion is null, just propogates null through
As @Reed says, it evaluates the chain checking for nulls. Rather than throwing a null reference exception it'll just return null.
so var foo = bar?.Baz?.Value; will return an int? if .Value is an int
and it'll be null if any portion is null along the chain, or the value if it's not
It avoid long chains of null checks.
if( h?.d?.L? != null ) h.d.L.Foo()
@ReedCopsey That is pretty nice, so it would equate to int? or as int? for example?
I wonder if it will translate to SQL very nicely
@TravisJ just do h?.d?.L?.Foo();
null.Foo() fails? or does it not work like that
I'm not sure I'm happy that it's going in, to be honest
It is kind of a bandaid deal
because taking away the pain of using null values will likely lead to more people abusing null
There are other ways of doing it
@ReedCopsey @Greg Reed's line is equivalent to this
@TravisJ no - it won't call Foo() at all if it's null
int? val = null;
if (bar != null)
	if (bar.baz != null)
		val = bar.baz.Value
Will it cause an exception?
@TravisJ no - it's basically:
if (h != null) if ( h.d != null) if (h.d.L != null) h.d.L.Foo();
so pretty
not exactly that code, of course -but effectively that behavior
Personally, I love writing lines and lines of null checks. It really helps develop my carpal tunnel.
Don't you?
I like using a language where it's not necessary :)
Yeah yeah, not all of us get to work in F# ;)
when I'm working in C#, I try to design my APIs so null is never created as much as possible
So, rather than write a long line it is simply apply a ?. and it will do the null check.
So question then-
If you perform a database call:

int? id = command.ExecuteScalar() as int?

Currently, that would return a null.  So would you just be able to do a check on id like:

That's not really the use case. The null-propagating operator is more for calling child items on a parent that may not exist
Oh wait int? creates a Nullable<int> right?
Yes, it does.
Later on you'd be able to do id?.Value
So something like var foo = id?.Value;
@ReedCopsey - So if you have a property of an entity that isn't always set and they are related, how do you manage the relationship? For example

public class Item
 public int ItemId { get; set; }
 public virtual Discount Discount { get; set; }
 public int? DicountId { get; set; }

public class Discount
 public int DiscountId { get; set; }
 public int Description { get; set; }
 public double Rate { get; set; }
 public DateTime Expiration { get; set; }
That is how I am doing it when I have those situations
If the foreign key is not null then it has that relation
@MrDoom that's exactly the same as var foo = id; though - since both are int? :)
Do you do it differently?
@ReedCopsey Ah, wasn't aware you could directly reference the underlying type. I've actually never used nullable types in production yet.
@ReedCopsey Is there anyway to make a call like that cleaner?
@Greg Why is ExecuteScalar returning a null on you? that seems like a poor design...
I think that's the underlying problem
@ReedCopsey Well, if it doesn't return an id like it couldn't find something.
@ReedCopsey Maybe it didn't find any rows?
I thought if it didn't find rows it returned a null not an integer?
depends on how the query is written
it can also potentially return DbNull - depending on how things are returned
@ReedCopsey Yeah, that is also true.
What would happen if I generated thousands of overloads? Guess filesize would go up, quality of life down. But would runtime performance be affected?
@JohanLarsson - Probably not, but the compile time would be, as would any time the jit needed to run if the app pool had expired
@JohanLarsson Depends on how overload resolution works. Compile time would probably go up.
AFAIK overload resolution is compile time.
yeah, would make sense if it was compiletime
Maybe I should try to prototype/benchmark it
@JohanLarsson JIT perf can be effected
but mainly usability just goes to crap
I'm curious as to what the analyzer would have to say about the inheritance chains.
Nothing like slowly waiting for Visual Studio to finish loading its own symbols.
anybody help me please i have occured problem in sql server
@Pheonixblade9 do u know sql?
@JohanLarsson , @MrDoom
Did you try googling your error?
yeah i did but i havn't found any solution @MrDoom
What's the error?
You know what annoys me...
I hate when front-end people modify Javascript, "We made it better." How did you make it better, you broke the Ajax Post to my backend service? Now it doesn't work, I'd call that worst. Then they say "I don't think it ever worked." Yeah, it did. I tested it before I handed it off to you.
Then they go "Uh, I don't think it did."
@Greg Sounds like you need unit tests to point to ;)
@MrDoom actually i am creating the .bak file using VB.net code. After when i restore my file its giving me error
@MrDoom Yeah, I'm going to have to start doing that.
@vishuminhas So you're probably creating something wrong. Create the .BAK file using an official tool and compare the two.
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


The media family on device 'D:\sql backup\SQL2008R2_797817_headstart_backup_.bak' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family.
RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3241)
yeah i have compared. I analyse size of both are diffrent
@vishuminhas That would indicate you're doing something wrong in your code.
i thing something went wrong with the code
yup @MrDoom
can i show u my code
I'm a little busy at the moment with my own code to debug yours. Confirm the output is what you expect.
ok np @MrDoom
@MrDoom Yeah, he removed the tax parameter.
@Greg do u help me?
@vishuminhas yeah I do know SQL
ok @Pheonixblade9 np :(
@vishuminhas you probably wanna do what @MrDoom suggested
yeah but i want to show u code once @Pheonixblade9
i have done evrything with my code but no success yet
its again and again giving me same results
Please look at once below code:
Dim s As String = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy hh-mm tt")
Using wc As New System.Net.WebClient
If iPointer = 0 Then
wc.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential("UserName", "Password")
Dim SqlServer As String
SqlServer = wc.DownloadString("ftp://ftp.bluepearlreports.com/_database/SQL2008R2_797817_headstart_backup.bak")
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("c:/BluePearlsData" & "\SQL2008R2_797817_headstart_backup_" & s & ".bak", SqlServer, False)
I don't use VB.
ok can i give u same code in c#
you're downloading it as a string. a binary backup is not a string.
you want downloadFile.
why don't you ask an SO question?
yes @Pheonixblade9 i want to download file
Q: error: The media family on device is incorrectly formed

vishu minhashello friends i am downloading database backup. But occurs error The media family on device 'D:\sql backup\SQL2008R2_797817_headstart_backup_.bak' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family. RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3241)...

sidenote, you might want to make your directories unlistable... bluepearlreports.com/Internal
A: error: The media family on device is incorrectly formed

Pheonixblade9SqlServer = wc.DownloadString("ftp://ftp.bluepearlreports.com/_database/SQL2008R2_797817_headstart_backup.bak") My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("c:/BluePearlsData" & "\SQL2008R2_797817_headstart_backup_" & s & ".bak", SqlServer, False) You need to change these to `wc.DownloadBytes` and ...

02:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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