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@Pheonixblade9 Nice
@Pheonixblade9 Take a look at this:
                foreach(string invoice in invoices)
                    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[@"CommerceDB"].ConnectionString))
                        using(SqlCommand validateInvoice = new SqlCommand(query, connection))
                            validateInvoice.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Invoice", invoice);
                            using (SqlDataReader reader = validateInvoice.ExecuteReader())
what about it?
sorry, I leave for 2 weeks in 2 days... I'm trying to wrap stuff up
@Pheonixblade9 Is it good or bad.
uhm... I'm not sure without looking over it closely
I think if you do using(SqlCommand) it closes the connection but I'm not sure
Q: Is SqlCommand.Dispose enough?

Andrei RîneaCan I use this approach efficiently? using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetSomething", new SqlConnection(Config.ConnectionString)) { cmd.Connection.Open(); // set up parameters and CommandType to StoredProcedure etc. etc. cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } My concern is : Will the Dispos...

never mind, it doesn't.
@Pheonixblade9 Quick Linq question...
var printed = responses.FirstOrDefault(obj => obj.Label == "Printed Name").Value;
I'm getting null, I'm assuming because my boss added another word to the end of it. How can I just make sure it contains that still?
probably because it doesn't have any matches?
don't use so many pronouns, it's hard to tell what you're asking
@Pheonixblade9 Well, the problem is I occasionally get a null
ok, that means that you aren't finding any matches, and since you're returning a string, the default value is null... that's how FirstOrDefault works
@Pheonixblade9 So what could I do to resolve that?
I don't know, what are you trying to resolve?
if you don't know what the code is supposed to do, how am I supposed to tell you how to make it do that?
I have a label I want to display some information when an item in a listbox is selected, do I do it from xaml or do I have to write a method for it?
            foreach(var submission in model.Submissions)
                // Will use Ternary Operation, if Response.Response has a null will call secondary descendant.
                var responses = submission.Sections.SelectMany(obj =>
                    obj.Screens.Screen.Responses.Response == null ? obj.Screens.Screen.Responses.Responses.Response.Select(response => new { response.Label, response.Value, response.Type })
                    : obj.Screens.Screen.Responses.Response.Select(response => new { response.Label, response.Value, response.Type })).ToList();
@Pheonixblade9 That is the code, I'm parsing an XML Model and that model is taking values from label, value, and type to build properties.
Well, how can I handle null because it throws shit for a loop.
if youre getting null, then it doesn't exist...
you have to decide how to handle it
yeah, if the data isn't there, it's not there. You have to decide what to do in that case
@drch Well, making a value null is fine.
Well, passing the word null is fine but it isn't doing that. Instead if throws an exception.
because .FirstOrDefault() is returning null
Well, can I make it find a part rather than equal to the exact wording?
you can do whatever you like
but what you have there, is there's no responses with the label youre searching for
so firstordefualt returns null and youre trying to get null.Value
which gives you an NRE
@drch Well, is it possible to get like the keyword? Even if the other stuff changes.
i dont know what your data looks like mate
@drch Well, I have a large XML structure.
I essentially have:


Each one of those contain a value, so I'm building properties based on what it is parsing through the XML Data Model.
yeah you have a bunch of strings
and youre asking me what other strings you can use to search for the strings you want...
only you can answer that question =]
Yeah, sadly the third party api doesn't give me anything to go on except a label. So everything has a label but right now I have it == which I'm assuming it has to match. Is there a way to have it do a part of it?
@drch I'm trying to make it so: Signature and if my boss changes it to Signature: or Siangure (Rotate before Signing): my code won't crash
Could I do:
var signature = responses.FirstOrDefault(obj => obj.Label.Contains("Signature")).Value;
I know that returns a true or false, but would it get the value?
if the label contains Signature, then yes.
@drch That worked. I didn't know if that would of worked correctly.
Somehow a duplicate Id was able to pass, so yeah. Gotta figure that out.
@drch In that code above, shouldn't it avoid a duplicate?
it would take the first one, so yes
@drch Shouldn't the way it is structured always query to find if a value exist or not already in the db?
.First() gives you the first element in a collection
but throws an exception if its empty
.FirstOrDefault() returns default(T) instead of throwing the exception
@drch Well, as it is parsing it is working and doing what it should. But if it parses the XML and one of those orders have a duplicate it throws the error.
Because the one is empty.
Am I making sense?
Well, I think because it hasn't actually inserted those rows it is failing.
@drch Okay, what would be the best way to ensure it actually checks after each insert if a value exist or not?
finally convinced my boss to let me merge in 4 months of work on this branch...
127 commits
Is there a simple way to get this palette into a WPF BitmapPalette? BitmapPalettes.Halftone8 yields the same colors, but in a different order (presumably because the 8 halftones colors are in a different order than in the system palette).

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