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Is there a counterpart to GetLargestConsoleWindowSize, but that returns the minimum size of the buffer? For me it's behaving as though the minimum size is 14,1, but I expect that depends on the font and possibly misc other settings. I can resize the console window down to 1,1, even though the buffer seems to be limited by the actual Windows window, counterintuitively.
Maybe GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMIN) / GetConsoleFontSize(...).X?
I might have to try that later
3 hours later…
@ton.yeung Hey, any update on that millionaire startup thing?
Anyone here?
strange topic but I want to give a 5 min lighting talk at a python conference tomorrow and I've only been programming in C# lately. I was thinking about doing a talk on C# vs. Python but would I get boo'd for that? lol
What do you think I should include in my 5 min talk?
@KalaJ Is there any specific topic you're supposed to talk about?
python is a great language
It's a lighting talk
5 min talk (probably has to be dealing with python since it is a python conference)
but I really like C# and I think I would like to just give a high level overview of both languages
I could talk about any topic or heck even focus on one
Just a volunteered talk
nothing too special
@KalaJ eh, well if you wanted to focus on both languages I'd make sure to mention that C# is great for making full scale applications and python is an amazing testing / quick scripting language (from what I've seen)
1 hour later…
Can anyone go through the basics of visual studio professional 2013.2 with me? I am new to C# and like to know how to get started.
4 hours later…
Hey everyone.
1 hour later…
hey all
@PsychOPhobiA still online ?
such a weird position to be in
"new to c#"
@Wardy hi Wardy
can you help me with this?
i have a written treeview like in first position
and i want when i enter in a textbox "Answer2"
the treeview should show that little arrow in front of the treeview
ok have you done the treeview bit ?
ok so presumably you can get the answer text from the treeview or your model
so you have the text
then you just do textbox.Text = answerText;
textbox.text = "Answer2";
but i need a loop
in the button to whenever i press it
show an arrow in the treeview
coresponding to the string i typed in textbox
@Wardy any ideea?
oh ok
you're doing it the other way round
you set value in the box first
then match to tree
and if is matched then show an arrow in front of it
yes i want that but i dont know how to type
ok so when you setup the nodes in your tree how do you that ?
just manually for now
ok but how ?
treeview.??? = somevalue
just one sec
:18329249 treeView1.Invoke(myDelegateQuestion, new object[] { Question, Variants });
Invoke ?
you're using reflection to do databinding ?
yes it sets a question and 4 variants (answers)
Question = xmlParser.GetQuestion(xml);
 Variants = xmlParser.GetVariants(xml);
and then i tried putting an arrow to whenerver is the answer like this:
you should be able to bind the treeview to your xml
 Variants[byte.Parse(WARNumAns) - 1] = ">>> " + Variants[byte.Parse(WARNumAns) - 1];
warnumans is the answer
winforms or wpf ?
ok throw me your xml file
dump it on pastebin or something
i cant do that
is on a crypted server which isnt mine
why not ?
im just parsing it, very hard, its complicated
ok can you not give me a sample
i only need that little stuff to do
so i can get idea of the structure
but im already using a function which parses to the treeview
so there are already on the treeview 5 "strings"
node = question
and 4 child
and there is a string which represents
one child of those 4
and i need to rewrite that child
child = ">>> " + child
thats all
hang on im testing an idea
gonna mock something up for you
allrighty, then
im testing something too, with this
@Wardy hey dont bother yourself
i figure it out
i mad eit simple
you sorted it ?
very simple
for (int i = 0; i < Variants.Length; i++)
if (Variants[i] == WARNumAns) Variants[i] = ">>> " + WARNumAns;
been ages since i did winforms stuff
3 hours later…
@Wardy hey buddy, are you here?
yeh sup ?
i got bored with winforms and decided to go back to game programming
winforms databinding is backwards
my question is simple:
ok ?
so on that treeview i have 4 childs to one node
how can i get the position of them?
its a collection
so iterate them
can i do that?
i cant do that
if i have:
and if i enter in the textbox "Child3", i should get "It's on 3rd position"
you need to recursively iterate over the children
remember its a hirarchy
you need to get a reference to a node in a list of nodes that are part of a child list
ok thanks
1 hour later…
@ton.yeung I'm like.. half an hour out of downtown. And don't forget I'm a student so my schedule would be pretty tight.
In c# is it possible to convert a byte array to a blob?
sql blob ?
if so then yes ... that's exactly what a blob is
A blob is a byte array[]?
essentially yes
its a dumping ground for whatevery binary data you want to dump in there
Hm, I'm probably just not decoding it correctly then.
trying to store a file or something in the db ?
Trying to store a image into a db threw my php web service.
I am making my app in Xamarin (C#) and it calls to a php web service that stores the blob.
hi there
hmmm ok im not sure it works in php but in c# normally you use a sql command to append data to the blob and give it a small buffer
dumping a whole file in 1 go wont work i hit this when i was writing document Management Systems a few years back
I think I figured out the problem
Okay, I didn't figure out the problem.
The byte[] is being sent over fine, at least I think.
I'm sending it in a HTTP Post if that makes a difference
Q: PHP - byte[] to Blob

Destiny DawnI'm attempting so send over a byte[] using HTTP Post to store into a MySQL database as an image but it's not encoding the byte[] correctly or I'm simply doing something very wrong. C# Code string data = data = string.Format ("METHOD=post&Image={0}", Image); HttpWebRequest r = await Inf...

The latest edit of the post is more extensive, should explain it a little more
wow talk about complicated
use C# a webservice or something
you can simply post the file using a file input field
and it'll give you a httppostedfilebase object on the server
that has a stream property that you can use
then you can dump that to the db
@Wardy do you know implementing fiddler into c#?
@Wardy I would of, but, well it would of been smarter. Haha
no i just use the fiddler app as is
@DestinyDawn its not too late ... and its only like 5 lines of code from client to db
@Wardy Well for now, one problem after another. How could you make a progress bar with HttpWebRequest?
But the callback only happens in the end of it.
chunked async data transfers ?
you really need that ?
you pushing iso's or something ?
Nope, just images. Uploading images might take quite a while sometimes
bulk pushing ?
1 image upload wont take long
a 5MB image will
I figured out the problem
@Wardy hey, do you know how to send a message to a user?
what do you mean ?
MessageBox.Show("Your Message?")
@Wardy i saw on stackoverflow, a user who had the same problem as me, an he figured it out, so i wanted to send him a message if he can help me too
or like a particular user by say ... wnidows account info
oh you mean on here
click on his name
it'll give you the option to see his profile
then you can message from there
this is my problem too
Q: fiddlercore creating an auto response from file using C# (code wont work)

Landin MartensI am trying to intercept a http request to a website. I used the fiddler application, and found the response from the site and saved the entire response body as a file (txt). And the fiddler application allows me to select that file as an auto response. Doing this works great. How ever when I tr...

but i dont see where to click to send message
@Wardy can you tell me where?
pass this is not something ive ever tried to do before
oh, allright..
2 hours later…
guys I saved articles to db with ckeditor in mvc but when I try to show it at view the html tags appear. How can I solve?
anyone using TeamCity here?
2 hours later…
hello everyone
It's quite a while ago :P
I am working with GTK Sharp atm... and it's a pain really :P Can anyone explain me how to make a ListBox in GTK Sharp?
I can't seem to find anything about it on google :(
@ton.yeung Alright, cool.
Anyone, is there a way to write this that will be more efficient (unsafe code possibly)?
    private static uint hasher(string s)
        uint num1 = 5381U;
        foreach (byte num2 in s)
            num1 = (uint)num2 ^ 33U * num1;
        return num1;
So does anyone have experience with MonoDevelop and GTK Sharp?
ohhh I need to add a model inside the TreeView
So when I add this ListStore I can display columns and items right?
I'm not so experienced in MonoDevelop and GTK Sharp :P Normally I use Visual Studio 2012 Pro
Anybody there?
Whats up?
:) it's actually easy @CCInc
I got this code and it works :D
		TreeStore model = new TreeStore (typeof (bool), typeof(string), typeof (string), typeof (string));

		//TODO >>>>>
		//Load debs.list from FTP **TODO**
		model.AppendValues (false, "package", "des", "version");

		DEBS_LIST.HeadersVisible = true;
		DEBS_LIST.Model = model;

		DEBS_LIST.AppendColumn ("Install", new CellRendererToggle (), "toggle", 0);
		DEBS_LIST.AppendColumn ("Package", new CellRendererText (), "text", 1);
		DEBS_LIST.AppendColumn ("Description", new CellRendererText (), "text", 2);
well im off
Good night/day everyone

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