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Thanks, I deleted that one too
It's fun deleting all these images
you are having fun @KendallFrey
oh yeah
Please don't delete my uploaded image.
could you code in some emoticons for this chat room @KendallFrey
@user3216114 Then don't send me the delete link :P
@Darek Sure I could
Great news, I think I finally nailed down my WCF issue.
what was it @KendallFrey
and why did it require a nail
It was running a Dispose asynchronously
don't you ever dare to do that again
@user3216114 better :)
So please how to do this ?
I just want some hint.
Use google
Read a book by Jon Skeet
What is the book name?
C# in depth
@jbgonzal Welcome to chat. You'll need 20 reputation to chat, so go find a question and answer it.
is that a bot @KendallFrey ?
It's me not being an anus.
So, weird... Hm.
Figured it out.
* /\~
`\o/ party!
Oh BTW what was it?
@KendallFrey It was stupid, I had validation checking the content to see if it matched the txtbox first.
oh, lol
@KendallFrey Duh. Didn't see it because it was super small in all the logic.
sigh my chair back keeps falling over
I'm debating on the best way to enable the textbox to hit enter to trigger stuff.
You need thsi @KendallFrey encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/…
I don't know what that is, but it looks kinky.
How about this
That's mine
Well, I'm in a temporary office, so I'll take what I've got
How do you add an enter keypress?
Press the enter key on your keyboard
@KendallFrey Yeah, except it doesn't trigger the proper client event.
Why temporary office @KendallFrey
@Darek Because I'm not at home
I have no clue, I think it is a small fussion reactor
@ton.yeung Can't do that on a asp.net textbox.
Now that I think about it, I would love to see the face of the guy who invented the chair when he sees that.
fussion has no radiation @ton.yeung
@Darek Assuming you mean fusion, where does the light from the sun come from, if not fusion?
What on earth are you talking about.
Not phrased as a question because I'm not actually interested in the answer
I am trying to create an AuthorizationFilterAttribute for my Web API that will authorize another system to send requests. Is the safest way to simply make sure the request is coming from our own domain? Am I wrong for assuming O Auth and tokens are not needed for this job?
@KendallFrey Jesus fuels the Sun
@ton.yeung Jesus is whatever the hell He wants :P
His powers were upgraded a few thousand years ago
@ton.yeung wat
fussion === fusion with extra fizz @ton.yeung
( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)‎
Who is Jesus?
And why are we talking about him?
@ton.yeung Haha, you sure are
There is no hell, or actually there is, and we are all in it
Oh, you must be talking about Q @ton.yeung
No, Q the single and the many
Q Collective
@ton.yeung The Wikipedia contains no knowledge of such a thing
@ton.yeung Q What ghetto people use when typing to replace "g".
@ton.yeung No definition found for Q Collective
!!urban Rodrigo
@TomW Rodrigo A person who wants everything with reproductive organs. A walking hormone. Even though a rodrigo is usually harmless you must have firm handle on his outgoing attitude. But rodrigos are still usually well-liked, everyone knows a rodrigo.
That's why "mah niggah" sounds like "Monica"
Q is an anti-villain from Star Trek who is depicted as a rogue member of the Q Continuum - a society of godlike aliens who are nearly omnipotent by human-standards. Q loves to misuse his power and has the personality of a trickster villain: taking delight in causing mischief.
Q is awesome
I want to be a Q
LMAO @ton.yeung
I was offered to be in the Q continuum but when I realized that they would pretend to hurt people just to convince me I should join I got squeamish and decided to continue on the farpoint mission.
@TomW Apparently the word pornocracy is related to my name
!!urban pornocracy
@RodrigoSilva Pornocracy Government ruled by prostitues or harlots.
You made rlemon shut down Caprica
Caprica is up
In 2372, Q was sent by the Continuum to board the USS Voyager, whose crew had unintentionally released a renegade Q from confinement in a rogue comet. When the other Q (later known as "Quinn") asked for asylum on Voyager in order to fulfill his wish to commit suicide (an act considered illegal in the Continuum), Q was permitted to represent the Continuum at the hearing.
!!are you alive?
@KendallFrey Indubitably
in JavaScript :: emaG ehT, 1 min ago, by Caprica Six
I need a break. You people are constantly making me google shit for you and it is tiring. I'll be back in a few.
Caprica is always online for this room
not always
!!are you still alive?
Did you just kill Caprica?
no, lemon did
If you managed to have the bot google 50 times in 30 seconds then google would temporarily ban it
I know there's a hoje with that @KendallFrey
I just can't find it...
Here is another Q for you
Maggie Q
Commando anyone?
Anyone using Coverity?
you done posting pictures?
@Darek I like commando... on other people.
coverity, i hear, is very expensive
how expensive?
1k, 10k, 100k?
Yeah I'm done @NETscape
depends on LoC and company size
i would guess 10's to 100's of thousands USD
to try a free demo they will fly a rep to your location to setup a demo for repo and go over the product, and they don't charge you.
have you worked with it?
no. probably would be too expensive. we talked about a free trial, but don't know if that ever happened
I have
Not for years though
@ton.yeung - Sorry man, I misread that. Not sure why but I thought newegg.
I haven't used crazyegg
Hi all, I have a asp.net mvc web app "A" which is hosted on a different domain and is accessed by another client app "B" on another domain. "B" uses jquery to post to one of the "A"'s end-point where A has cross domain header support in the response like access-control-allow (origin, headers, methods). B is able to get successful response but is not able to load the external resources like scripts, css, images. Everything works well if B does regular http post without ajax. any advice?
@ton.yeung I'm not able to understand this issue as when using ajax, the browser looks for external resources in the current domain and not in the external domain. I've hosted both the sites on iis locally.
I've added this CORS support so as to enable ajax requests but it cannot load external resources.
Why is this still throwing exceptions?
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            Pipeline<bool, bool> pipeline = Pipeline.Create(new Func<bool, bool>(i => i));
            var l = new List<bool>();
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => pipeline.Process(Infinite(), cts.Token))
                .ContinueWith(t => { }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted).Wait();
@ton.yeung the client application "B" has an iframe where "A" need to be embedded. This works really well when B performs a regular form submit and form's target is set to iframe so the response is loaded in the iframe's inner html. However, B needs to track the http status codes of the http post action so I thought ajax is the way to go and added CORS support to A. But it does not load when both apps are on local IIS with localhost domain.
Shouldn't TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted "consume" the exception?
you still need to observe it
.ContinueWith(t => { Log.Write(t.Exception); }, ... or something
as soon as you "touch" t.Exception, it'll consume it
thats' a negative @ReedCopsey
are you trying to catch the cancelation, or some othe rexception?
If I want to use asynchronous callbacks for reading from sockets for n clients, should I really use a Factory.Run to begin that initial read? Doesn't it seem wasteful to use a thread from the thread pool just to begin reading? (e.g. await stream.ReadLineAsync)
if it's for the cancellation - use OnlyOnCanceled
I am trying to ignore the cancellation exception
OnlyOnCanceled, not OnlyOnFaulted, in that case
the task wasn't faulted - it was cancelled :)
Interestingly this works:
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            Pipeline<bool, bool> pipeline = Pipeline.Create(new Func<bool, bool>(i => i));
            var l = new List<bool>();
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { l.AddRange(pipeline.Process(Infinite(), cts.Token)); })
                .ContinueWith(t => {  }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted).Wait();
@RoelvanUden Why are you using a Factory.Run? Just use await on it directly
@ReedCopsey In the scenario of having a TcpListener and a bunch of accepted sockets.
await stream.ReadLineAsync() doesn't require a Task.Run or similar
this is weird
if I don't add the results of Pipeline to something, it fails
but if I do, l.AddRange() it works as expected
how peculiar
@ReedCopsey one listener, many sockets to accept and read from o_o
@RoelvanUden Yeah - accept async should let you do that
although going through Task Factory slows me down a little
so I will stick to my Cancelable Action Extension
        public static async Task Listen()
            var listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, 8000);
            while (true)
                var socket = await listener.AcceptSocketAsync();
                Task.Run(async () =>
                    using (var ns = new NetworkStream(socket))
                    using (var r = new StreamReader(ns))
                        string line;

                        while ((line = await r.ReadLineAsync()) != null)
As an example @ReedCopsey. Task.Run seems wasteful, isn't it?
How do I get the value of a dropdown (ddlYear.SelectedValue) within a form? It's a simple click on the hyperlink and get a report in a new window/page - so I am using a hyperlink instead of a button to launch the new page - but I need to pass a value as part of the URL
yeah - you should be able to do the same thing without it
I tried using Eval but it didn't work for me (hyperlink is not part of a gridview)
there has to be a simple solution for this
just push it into a separate async method, and don't await it
Isnt that the same thing as afactory run?
I tried a simple method:
    public string getSelectedYear()
        return ddlYear.SelectedValue;
Then I used:
<a href="reportAgencyCases.aspx?y=<% getSelectedYear(); %>" target="_blank">Run Report</a>
but that isn't returning any value whatsoever
I also tried simply <a href="reportAgencyCases.aspx?y=<% ddlYear.SelectedValue; %>" target="_blank">Run Report</a>
But that gave the error: CS0201: Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, await, and new object expressions can be used as a statement
I don't want to use a button because these need to open in a new window and the only way to get server side code to do that is too convoluted
has to be a simple way to get the dropdown value inside the hyperlink
what would be the best way to learn about Fluent ?
How to create Fluent APIs
@RoelvanUden No - it'll use the current thread up to the first await
Q: Creating extensions for Pipeline from Parallel Extensions Extras

DarekI truly enjoy working with Parallel Extensions Extras, but must admit, still find myself challenged when it comes to creating extensions for Fluent programming methods. I have a particular need, given this simple BusinessEntity following the Null Object Pattern public abstract class BusinessEnt...

but not consume another tp thread
How do I learn it?
there isn't much to "fluent" - in general, I'd avoid it :)
but it's basically jsut returning a type that exposes the method for the next thing in the chain
I think I must have set a record for most times typing System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch(); in one day.
Lies. You only typed it once.
Everything else was copy paste
I typed most of it, except for the autocomplete parts
y u no copy paste
too hard
@TravisJ How do you circumvent an issue in Chrome / Opera. Where when you hit enter within an <asp:Textbox> it automatically does a postback but misfires an event that is invalid.
I hear that the NASA Propulsion Lab specifically forbids copy and paste code
Anecdote #2: The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which makes the software and hardware for many NASA probes such as the rover running around on Mars right now, is a Coverity customer. JPL is very hard core about their usage of the static analyzer. For instance, they have fixed every defect found by static analysis regardless of its age
delete that Greg. lol
@Greg Like treating feet as metres? ;)
ohhh burnnnnnn....
@NETscape I deleted...
Anyone use Tapermonkey / Greasemonkey? Better yet just a question: Can java script running on www.mysite.com send a message to a web service running on www.foobar.com ?
Greasemonkey allows cross-site requests, yes
There's a special version of XMLHttpRequest IIRC
I have a greasemonkey script that i'm trying to modify so it sends a message to a web service set up on my website
@RyanTernier You know how I can have a textbox when enter is pressed fire a Client-Side event?
@Greg Yea, i know i can do that. I just know cross site scripting kicks in at times which is a no-no
@RyanTernier What can I do that is secure, I need to have it push to another page.
With a Query String.
@RyanTernier Right now Chrome and Opera just automate their own postback with enter key, so I need to fix that.
Anyone familiar with Razor? I'm trying to figure out how to print/echo/whatever a string that I pass from the controller. Seems like it should be dead simple.
@Greg Have you tried returning false in the keydown handler?
@KendallFrey No, but I need it to actually fire the proper event apparently.
@KendallFrey So I tried modifying the keydown for enter and it didn't actually fire.
Anyone up for some Javascript?
hello, citixens
Hi guys, please provide any advice for stackoverflow.com/q/24944353/1211329 CORS issue.
If that div doesn't have content in it. It should be hidden, instead it hides it all.
@Greg with div you should use text() not val(). its only for input types
and just compare '' with text()
@Yoda Still removes it on all other sites though.
what do you mean by other sites?
When the "Course-Text-To-Display" doesn't return anything, I want the box I create to be hidden.

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