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public interface IWebsiteParser {
   Foo ParseWebsite();

public class Website1Parser : IWebsiteParser { }
public class Website2Parser : IWebsiteParser { }
And what those be? DAL classes?
@drch ^
LINQ2Rum now...
.Select(r => r.Shots).Take(3)
bar.Select(r => r.Shots).Take(3).HitOn(w => Waitress.IsHot).Take(2).(d => doesntMatter).CabRide(cost => 15.0).WakeUp().Regret(a => a.Ugly)
beer inner join vodka
girls.ToList().ForEach(g => NotifyNobodyHome(g))
damnit... not sure if I should be resting or exercising
surely it's time to rest
@LINQ2Vodka well... I have a knee injury
3 hours later…
how to dropbox sharing process implement in my asp.net project can u help me @all Please reply me >........????
2 hours later…
@RoNss hi.. recently i have suggested to use sdk for dropbox to a user who also wants to download and upload file on dropbox.
try to findout the dropbox sdk for .net
in mvvm what type of property i need to take in order to bind the color properties
this.colorList.ItemsSource = typeof(Brushes).GetProperties();
what up @Shell?
@user3386790: Have you tried asking a question on SO?
everything is good @scheien
how about you?
@scheien tried below code
private System.Windows.Media.Color _colorlist;
public System.Windows.Media.Color ColorList
get { return _colorlist; }
_colorlist = value;
RaisePropertyChanged(() => _colorlist);

@user3386790: You want to bind a color to the brush? Like SolidColorBrush.Color?
ColorList = typeof(Color).GetProperties();
//gives error
Color is an enum, if i recall correctly.
i want to bind all colors to listbox
or a struct.
maybe this post could help you: stuff.seans.com/2011/02/14/…
no code of viewmodel only xaml code is given at this link @scheien
@Shell: everthing is fine here.
@user3386790: google.no/… browse it yourself.
Im just reading about Complex Type in EF. I am confused in scalar property and non-scalar property. in the definition of Complex Type **Complex types are non-scalar properties of entity types that enable scalar properties to be organized within entities.** But, i don't know what is scalar/non-scalar property of entity type?
You can see scalar properties as string,int,datetime etc.
I've never used complex types
why we need complex type?
where can we use it?
if you have loads of scalars, and want to group them maybe?
there are probably other people more qualified to answer that than me. :-)
but, i think it is enough me... otherwise it will bounce over my head :P
according to this article: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/jj680147.aspx it seems that it is just that you move some scalars out of an entity to create a sort of "section" within the entity.
like the details example. You can still map the details.* to columns of the given table.
there are some points to keep in mind when we are using object which represents the complex type.
Now i m getting it why r u not using complex type
Hm. This is interesting. My concurrent WebRequests are completing much faster with Fiddler2 (debugging proxy) running than without.
An order of magnitude, at least.
I wonder if request latency affects it somehow.
Ye, that sounds wierd :p
1 hour later…
Hello. I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs.
not possible... otherwise you will be melt.
I have my own private snow cloud, so I'm all good ;-)
Then i will get frozen... ;-/
Why do Devexpress implement their own bool, called DefaultBoolean
so stupid
there are three states true,false and default which will be inherited by parent object
but, i don't why we need it?
and where we can use it?
could have used a nullable bool
nullable boolean can have null value by default. but DefaultBoolean can have either true or false.
and DefaultBoolean could not be null.
but a null bool could act as default
if parent object default value is true then the child object will return default value as a true
They probably have their reasons for doing so
i think it has been using in Devexpress control only
ie. layoutcontrol
if the LayoutItem Enabled property is set to true then their child control enabled property also will be true
Default value inherits value from same property of parent object.
I'm building a lot of the devexpress controls programmatically
and when I see .AllowAddRow, it would assume that it is a bool
:D I have just stopped using devexpress month ago.
and in many cases, I can't rely on the default from some parent :p
view.OptionsBehavior.AllowDeleteRows = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.True;
view.OptionsBehavior.Editable = true;
That's just stupid
good morning
Is here sombody with testing knowledge in here
for testing purposes I need to create an instance of HttpFileCollection
but the constructor is protected
can somebody in here help me with that?
Which is better Lazy Loading or Explicit Loading?
Where we can use Lazy loading instead of Explicit loading?
@Shell It's called eager loading most of the time. You use whichever is appropriate. For example, if you are going to loop through all results of Person and access his House in each, you don't want lazy loading to make it n + 1 queries. On the other hand, if you do some calculations on Person and access the House of only the top result, lazy loading makes more sense, since it's just 2 small queries in total.
Thanks @RoelvanUden, but, is it good to use eager loading when relations are more complex?
actually Im new in EF.
nobody into testing ihttphandlers here?
@DisconnectYourNeighbours try to post your question on SO QA. I think u get better reply then any other room.
but, still i don't want to disscount my neighbour because she is too cute :D
@DisconnectYourNeighbours post a question and then post it here too
@Shell: Eager loading is loading the whole tree at once, while Lazy is loading the subsets on access.
Q: Testing a asp.net project IHttpHandler , issue with Request.Files

DisconnectYourNeighboursFor testing purposes I need to pass over an instance of HttpFileCollection to do a simulated upload. The thing is: I can't mock this because I need to download the document again to double check this as an integration test. The biggest problem is that the constructor of HttpFileCollection is pro...

yeah i hve just read that in an article.. but, still im confused in lazy loading... i found that eager loading is more faster than lazy loading. bcoz it uses single statement to load data. So my question is.. where can i use lazy loading?
Lazy is the default way in EF
anybody got any help with my question?+
ohh really.. then it would be problematic when we are going to do serialization. i have to disable it before doing serialization.
In EF you do eager loading with the Include() method
or disable lazyloading entirely in the designer
can we disable lazy loading temporarily by code?
yes, i think you can
@Shell If you need all that data, then yes, absolutely, eager load it.
LazyLoadingEnabled = false on ObjectContext
Probably some similar way to do it on dbcontext
thanks @scheien @RoelvanUden for the help..
i should practice to use eager loading rather than lazy loading
@Shell I recommend to keep a SQL profiler window open to see the amount of queries being fired to the database when you're running your code. If that is n + 1 (stackoverflow.com/questions/97197/what-is-the-n1-selects-issue), fix it asap.
yeah that is the best way to do sql optimization with sql profiler :)
is ASP.NET considered part of C# or as a separate entity?
c# is a language
asp.net is a framework
@HowlinWulf you can also develop application using vb language.
so ASP.NET is separate from code behind.
@Shell So you can do ASP.NET in VB?
VB is a language same as C# if you know VB language then you can also make ASP.NET application using VB language.
@HowlinWulf Yes. VB, C#, IronPython, AluminumLua, F#, etc, etc, etc.
@RoelvanUden i have just debugged my code and i have just realized that i am executing a query for each record of parent table and now i getting afraid of using lazy loading.
@Shell Exactly, and you should be very, very afraid :-)
yeah... I will prefer to use eager than lazy thnx again @RoelvanUden
O Canada!

Canadian national anthem

Feb 25 '13 at 18:34, 5 minutes total – 24 messages, 6 users, 2 stars

Bookmarked Feb 25 '13 at 18:40 by Kendall Frey

hi guys
bye friends see you tomorrow.. times to go home :-)
how can I upload image to sql db without having to use picturebox? kinda like this codeguru.com/vb/gen/vb_database/sqlserver/article.php/c7427/…
but without the picturebox
@Shell bye
@GotalovePHP use MemoryStream
any quick link you can post before u go?
Like my link above uses memory stream but relies on picturebox.save
what is the data type of field in your sql table?
am thinking like can I use the filepath+name to upload
you don't need picture box to store image...
you can hold picture object in Image data type in .net framework instead of PictureBox.Image
how would I do that?thats the part I don't know
coz all examples including yours are using a picturebox
is it like the recommended method to use picturebox?
picturebox is just for displaying image
it doesn't help to store image
download that source code and remove that picturebox from the form
okay let me post my code in vb then you tell me where to change
and remove both line to load image and save image
oh okay
if you dont know C# then you can convert it to vb on online converter
Q: Testing a asp.net project IHttpHandler , issue with Request.Files

DisconnectYourNeighboursFor testing purposes I need to pass over an instance of HttpFileCollection to do a simulated upload. The thing is: I can't mock this because I need to download the document again to double check this as an integration test. The biggest problem is that the constructor of HttpFileCollection is pro...

any help is appreciated
I've edited the code under test into the post
goodmorning all
is there anybody that has used CKEditor at ASP.NET MVC?
I have.
nope sorry @keremZaman
@AlexDresko have you ever created your custom upload module for ckeditor?
No, but I need to. :)
So if you figure it out, hook me up. :)
I did but I have an error of "Source URL is missing" :)
There is no problem at uploading image , but when the process is finished and I click OK , I take the error.
I used the solution at this link , but I cant get a positive result :(
So it's not quite a solution is it ;)
Yes, unfortunately.
I have 2 action result : one for saving text(SaveText) , another for uploading image(ImageUpload) but they use same view. My main problem is that ImageUpload contains URL in its view , but SaveText doesn't contain although they use same view.
@KeremZaman can you post the code for me
i have a problem: i have a text file with some lines written. And i need into a listview with 3 columns to put the ID of the line into the first column, in the 2n column every line which represents it's count an odd number, and in the 3rd column the non odd ones.
            string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("CollectedData.ini");
            var item = new ListViewItem();
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                item.Text = (i + 1).ToString();
                if (lines[i].Count() % 2 != 0)

it idn't helped me, all it those is putting in the 1st column the whole number count of lines
in the 2nd, odd number and in the 3d same
any ideeas?
@Skullomania my ImageUpload code

public ActionResult ImageUpload(HttpPostedFileBase upload)

string url = _fileUpload.FileUpload(upload);
ModelTutucu.modelim.CKEditorMsg = url;
return View("YaziEkle",ModelTutucu.modelim);
@KeremZaman Are you just wanting to upload an image?
or are you wanting to rename it as well?
@Skullomania no I want to provide ModelTutucu.modelim.CKEditorMsg's value for both ImageUpload and SaveText actions at the same view.
@Castiel the:
item.Text = (i +1).ToString();
looks to be the culprit
Q: Control, Postback Issue

GregI'm experiencing a unique problem within Asp.Net. The issue stems from the architecture I believe, but this style, and functionality should be accepted. The issue occurs when you have an area defined within an Update Panel. Here is the layout form I've built for the front-end. <div id="Cust...

@KeremZaman In my most recent project I had to perform 2 actions in one click. I ended up using hidden fields but also I created seperate functions for the events so when I clicked my button I called the events
private void
@Skullomania i wanted to track the lines from 1
@Greg Without knowing too much about asp.net, is there a function to hold a file, separate from the FileUpload control? Then you can test the the hold, rather than the control itself
@KeremZaman then do a if(!Page.IsPostback) in the form load
in this way you retain the values of your variables even when the page postback
Bleh. I tried.
@Castiel i think you need a new ListViewItem for each column
i can't use the same item with subistems?
hi all, Any WPF Guru's in here?
I can't find a way to insert a browse button into a textbox... Anyone know how to do this?
@RaZor You might do this with a regular button, and use Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog to implement the file browser
Use "DefaultExt" to set the default extension, and "Filter" to search only for specifi filetypes
but it's a browse button which needs to open a custom form
Can you provide an example? What form does it need to open? A browsing window?
@RaZor If I opened Notepad, and selected File>Open, would that window be similar to the form you are referring to?
Sort of... Just the part where I don't need to open a file
So what is the user browsing for?
data in SQL
I need to select a name in order to fill in a form with Contact information
the Browse button will be there to select a name and then Fill out the form based on the selected name
So the user opens a form with a list of names?
yes indeed
that's the browse window :)
Can you not use a dropdown list?
I don't want to use a dropdown list
800+ records...
too much for a drop downlist
And therefor, I create a datatemplate for viewing the names in the Browse window Listbox
I want an inline button for a textbox, which will open my custom form with Names of Contacts
Nothing more, nothing less
I see. Would it be a better idea for the user to input a starting letter to refine the contacts down to a smaller group? Then you could implement a new form window to search through a smaller group of contacts?
but that still needs a button in the textbox for the new window to open...
Yes. Your button needs the following:

`Form1 m = new Form1();
You're still not getting the point -_-
I want a button INSIDE a textbox
How is the question I asked a poor question? People on this site blow my mind.
@RaZor Let me do some research on that, back in 5
@Greg Your question was a bit difficult to comprehend, but nothing too bad. Trolls?
More than likely, it really isn't that hard.
The default file upload control doesn't work in an update panel, the way to get it to work with the trigger breaks another update panel with the grid. How do you make both play nicely without constantly breaking each other?
@RaZor is this closer to what you want? stackoverflow.com/questions/15868817/…
off-topic any parents here?
if so...have you guys seen this?
Fuck me, that's awesome! My little girl is four weeks, reckon she can use it? heh
im thinking of getting one for my kids...these are awesome!
@RoteKatze my thoughts exactly! my son is only 3 and hes a bit rough with some toys...by daughter though she has asked me several times for me to show her how to code...im seriously contemplating it
Aye, I even want one of these myself. I'm not even going into programming, but this is amazing
I reckon if I get into sysadmin work I should charge a few of these to the IT budget
Just build your own with Arduino and a 3D printer.
...after first building your own 3D printer
@Greg - Taking an extended lunch today?
@TravisJ ??
@Greg - usa v belgium 1230-3
@Greg - Well, I suppose it will go from 1 to 330 ish actually, but still. are you going to watch the game?
I'm watching it, dunno how many % game and how many % computer though
I can't watch it at work so I am going to have to run out of gas on my lunch break near a pub somewhere
@TravisJ My office is going to more than likely put it on, while we work
@TravisJ Do you have an example of how to push parameter to jQuery from ASP.NET?
So if I have an SQL Data Reader, push a column item to the jQuery
Q: How do i print page in its current state?

SkullomaniaI created an application that will run sql scripts based on user selection in C# and I am using pdfcrowd to print the page to PDF. When a user user gets to the page they see the chart as the "new state". After they make a selection the cells in columns Dataset 1 and Dataset 2 are filled with aver...

@Skullomania you're not getting the selected state
morning kids
I know...I am not sure why though
you're getting somelinksomewhere.com.
you're not getting any session state information
if I got to google.com and type in "I wish I was a little bit taller" then saved a pdf of www.google.com, I wouldn't expect to see my search typed in
its a fake link...i put that so as to not post my test page
i actually have a link to my page in the actual test
i know that
but if you want to save the state, you need to provide the state when converting uri I'd imagine
so in my example... i don't want to convert www.google.com, I want to convert [google.com/…
@Skullomania exactly what Tony Hopkinson commented
@TravisJ Is there a way that I could do like:

var text = reader[@"CourseLink"].ToString(); Then pass 'text' to the jQuery from code behind?
@NETscape i get your meaning I think...i have not done that with webforms though
@Greg - If anything goes server side -> client side and is not a single value it needs to be serialized into json.
@TravisJ Ugh...
@TravisJ What is the easiest way to do that? Without too much code?
@Greg - What kind of serializer do you guys use
Serialization is your friend, you should become accustomed to using it.
@ton.yeung That is a great price.
@TravisJ Good book on it?
@Greg - I think you should ask which serializer you guys use in case there is a custom one or something. Otherwise you should be using Json.NET and I can show how to do that without a book.
Hi all, I have a list of a type with two string properties say path and value. here a path can have values like “xyz” or “xyz[0].abc” or “xyz[0].abc[0].def” or “xyz[1].abc[1].pqr”. As you can see it can be a nested level scenario. I am able to do for one level - “xyz[0].abc” and grab index, path and value to add to a Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, string>> where int is the index. How should I approach for multi-dimensional path that can have n nested level?
eww magic strings
@TravisJ It is json.net I think.
@Greg - Okay, then that is pretty easy.
@Greg - Include the library with a using directive. Then, use
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(myObject);//myObject can also be `this`
you should prob post that as a question and then link it here
@Greg - Then pass the string client side, and use JSON.parse(jsonString) on it and it will act like a javascript object.
@Austinh100 yeah I was thinking to do it but I will need to clean all my code first as I m trying for about 3 hrs now!!
Haha yup thats how it goes
@Yoda - There is a design flaw there. That shouldn't really be handled by only one method. Too many cross cutting concerns.
Separate your concerns
Can you do it as one post? So code behind is:

string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(myObject);

Then Client Side all I do is type JSON.parse(<%= json.ClientId %>);
if i have no network connection going to my router (my PC would be connected), and connect an unmanaged switch to my router, will my devices on my switch get ip addresses dhcp'd?
@Greg - I am not very used to the <% %> syntax, but that looks correct. All you are passing is the Id?
Oh, I see, you want the id out of it. No not exactly like that.
@Greg -
var clientSideJson = JSON.parse(<%= json %>);
var clientId = clientSideJson.ClientId;
@TravisJ Well, the <%= is the evaluator that lets Javascript know it is a Asp.Net object.
@Greg - Right, but it should just be a string. Does it come out raw?
In which case it would just be
var clientSideJson = <%= json %>;
@Greg - Just view source and see what gets put on the page and that should let you know the exact format that it is arriving in.
I can double check that, but that is basically all there is to it?
Correct. Pretty straightforward right?
I have a pretty basic .net architecture question. I think I may have found a redundant piece ... since BindData() is a pretty "weighty" procedure especially..

Any reason to call the same BindData() procedure on both PageLoad() AND PagePreRender()? https://gist.github.com/Tesla1969/567c3e68dffd687d039a#file-2method-calls
gonna try and comment out the PageLoad() call and test the app..
the app still works fine.. why on Earth would they do that?? talk about killing performance...
@TravisJ Yeah.
@JoJo it's possible there's some caching.
also... ew. VB
inside BindData()? .. i know.. its blah.. but what I now inherit it.. lol
is BindData an ASP.NET method, or something they wrote?
I am the one that is going to be adding MemoryCaching, and during my investigation found BindData() being called twice!
lemme look
@JoJo it's possible they're exclusive of each other
yeah all it is is a SPROC call populating a DDL
app seems to be the same, will keep investigatin
looks like it's trying to bind when there's no session?
Oh I see.. but the first time it is being called twice? lemme see if i can correct
Just read a question, or at least tried to. It was entirely in Ukrainian. However, the awesome thing about the question was the only part that I could read. After a whole block of unreadable language, it ended with "jquery!!!!!!!!"
nothing happened
Any Tools of Awesome out there that helps me validate my async/await stuff in my code? Stuff like always returning awaiting on tasks (or at least use the Task in some way)?
@SimonSvensson - I believe coverity's analysis tool will do that
@SimonSvensson - Have you used coverity before?
Eric Lippert writes the software for it
At least for the c# one
Nope, I'm currently brainwashed with the Resharper analysis.
You can use both
You should test a free trial of it.
It is really well written, catches all sorts of things.
@TravisJ just read your separate your concerns advice. Actually I need to process those data from a service to create a table like structure for my view in asp.net mvc.
I've got a method returning a boolean, and want to execute an await within that method. Should I just call .Wait() instead?
I would personally never use .Wait()
It seems to be far to easy to deadlock when using it.
Can't you bubble the async up out of the method?
These are operations in a web service / script service, they don't really speak Modern.
@Yoda - So you have a service with data and you need to display it in a view? Which of those aspects do you yourself control?
@SimonSvensson - What version of the framework are you using?
@TravisJ, just switched from 4.0 to 4.5, there's a lot of manual Task stuff and old apm code that's being rewritten.
@TravisJ I have control over calling the service and processing those complex strings and need to process it to render in a vew and present it like a table row and column format. that is where I need multidimensional object. For now, I can work with 1 level nesting like "Xyz[0].abc"
Can it be modernized? If not, I would still advise avoiding using .Wait() in favor of using AsyncResult and EndInvoke with async callbacks.
@Yoda - So the strings that come back, you have no control over? Is it json format?
@TravisJ yeah I dont have control over those magic strings! I believe they are in that format after reading or parsing xml files or different sources and to make them flat for clients to consume..
@TravisJ, does webservices support the new async stuff in anyway, like mvc controllers suddenly support Task<T>?
@Yoda - Can you just take the string, pass it to the view as a string, use JSON.parse() on it, and then use for in to iterate it?
@SimonSvensson - MVC controllers support the new async stuff with Task<ActionResult>. So does web API. But "webservices" I am not sure because that could be many things.
I'm referring to old asmx-files with classes deriving from System.Web.Services.WebService
Ah, no.
In order to do that you must leave the method synchronous and then use the original async construct
@TravisJ I deserialize the whole json first because its very complex. I don't think just doing parse will help as the path can be any level deep which needs to be processed in special way. I'll clean my code and ask it as a question.
But those calls are several invocations deep. Argh.
@Simon - Want to see a demo I have of it? Or are you already using the old school async?
@Yoda - I realize it is complex. But once you have it parsed you can recurse into it.
It bothers me how poorly .net fiddle handles async
@TravisJ ok I'll give it a try. but I also need to perform some other processing on the object that has the row specific data i.e. Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, string>>.
@SimonSvensson - Here is a demo using old school async dotnetfiddle.net/ROF3eV
It needs to be run locally to fully appreciate though, as .netfiddle will not execute the async stuff
At least, not in time to show the output
@Yoda - Oh, you need to be able to know what certain parts are in your cs code?
IN SQL SERVER - is there any proof that Looping through and updating a dataset with WHILE loop is slower than using ROW_NUMBER()?
@TravisJ yup, I have different scenarios to check for all of those rows and columns as well. also thanks for sharing dotnetfiddle link above, its a new tool for me.
@TravisJ, I'm thinking of just exposing sync apis for those operations done by the web services. I'm currently going through everything, converting sync to async, I should just keep some of the sync methods.
Most of these services are called locally, hosting json apis called from javascript within the same application. Those can be rewritten with something cooler/more up-to-date. There are just a few lonely services that are called from external services which have fixed contracts, those could keep their sync operations...
What's the prefered way to wait/await for a task in a "public void Main() { ... }" ?
... guess those will use the old sync apis too.
@ReedCopsey - Have you ever made the C++ redistributable install automatically with a TFS build? I need it and I'm faced with the prospect of installing it on 50+ machines
I think this is just me going overkill with something new and shiny...
@SimonSvensson - I would suggest only using async on things where it saves you like 100ms or more
@SpencerRuport I don't use TFS :)
Not really my decision :)
@ReedCopsey - Do you have any idea if it's even possible?
@SpencerRuport are you talking about build machines? and you have a need to run the c++ redistributable installer on all of them?
@MikeAsdf - Not the build machines. Just the web servers that I'm publishing to.
I guess a more general question is if a build script can trigger the installation of an executable.
Which it's looking like it can.
I'll just have some mechanism for marking when they've already been installed on a server or something.
TFS2013 added easier integration of pre-build/post-build/pre-test/post-test powershell scripts
We just upgraded to that.
less rectangles to deal with
@SpencerRuport No idea
@SpencerRuport If you have a preexisting build template chock full of custom rectangles, it might be best to not migrate to the new TfvcTemplate.12 template just yet.
months back, a coworker and I spent a while converting our custom rectangles into more maintainable powershell code and only then switched to the new template
futbol time!
I am just taking the rest of the day off lol
c you guys tomorrow
is it possible to read the type from XML and then pass it to the class generic? E.g Configuration<T>. I loaded <type>Integer</type> from xml and I want to initialize that type to Configuration class
ill have to use reflection?
Sounds like a case of TypeConverter.
Assuming that you can get a Type object, in this case typeof(Int32), you could grab the associated TypeConverter and call ConvertFrom... but I realize now that I probably misunderstood you.
You want to create a closed generic type? Try typeof(Configuration<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(Int32))
@TravisJ gl
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