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morning all
2 hours later…
anyone know the difference between BPM and ESB ?
i'm not an export, i think that Business Process Management is more workflow oriented and requires the interaction of users to complete a flow, see: jbpm.jboss.org. And an Enterprise Service Bus is something that connects multiple applications together without user interaction, see mulesoft.com
yeh thats what i was thinking ... but why do people sell middleware that does "bpm"
surely you dont want users talking directly to your middleware server?
i thought the point was that your middleware was more of a message handler but could perform procedural workflows that perhaps required some user actions at different stages but the idea was that applications would handle that and inform the ESB platform of the outcome after such actions had taken place
@RoelvanUden Heey, zou jij me misschien kunnen helpen met een issue?
whats really odd is i see products saying they do both
i write software which does output management, which is kinda a mix between BPM and ESB, depending on which steps you place in a flow
yeh this is how biztalk is sold
i have worked on it before but ultimately i would not put a user on any front end directly on that server
i would build / deploy an app that the user talks to
have that talk to ports / endpoints
@Rovak does that sound right?
also ... what sort of questions should i be asking here ... im supposed to recommend to the business a middleware platform
you could write an app that directly talks to endpoints, but that would not make it very flexible. What if you made a form which directly talks to another endpoint / server, and some days later you want to make it work some other piece of software. then you have to modify the code.
If you use an ESB then you can retrieve the data of the form, do some steps with data transformation, and send that to different endpoints. The middleware makes it flexible to communicate between different endpoints which require different dataformats.
it really depends what the business needs, if you need to glue applications together then use an ESB, if you need workflows with different steps which requires interaction then use a BPM.
if you want to glue webapps together then use something like zapier.com
hmmm thanks :)
@JoeyDeLaat What is it? :P
Hi guys !
@Rovak - Thanks man for that day to suggest Reactive extensions ... It seems good .. !
Hi @RoelvanUden , @scheien !
Hows u guys doing ?
@bhuvin good to hear!
@bhuvin Sleeping longer on monday morning makes it more bearable, so decent. You? :P
hi @bhuvin. Not much. Just finished lunch
lol I think they prepared this diagram in word or powerpoint

notice the grammar underline
@RoelvanUden - Man ... Its MoanDAY !
eh whats that?
@Mahesha999 - :)
A Generic question, How do we regulate our Application from Hogging the Client's machine. I am designing (Architechture) but i am not able to make out Where to stop before moving ahead of the Execution ...
I should tell that to my girlfriend when i get home ^^
@JoeyDeLaat isnt that every day for women?
@bhuvin single thread it? most cpus these days have multiple cores ... so on a dual core system you would never use more than 50% of the cpu power available.
you can also yield a lot in loops / when accessing resources like hard drives
do work in small chunks instead of big loads
use "tasks" do 1 task at a time then allow a small break for the user to concel / intercept should they choose to
use a lower priority process
the list is endless
Hi every one
is there any property for textBox that I can seprate the entered data?
for exp it shown like is 111 222 333 instead of 111222333
I can do that by code, but I want to be sure that there is not any short way for that
you can set a display format
how can I use that @RoelvanUden ?
if using MVC i think you can set that on the Display atribute
my project is win form
[Display(format = "### ### ###")]
public string SomeProperty { get; set; }
@Wardy Good point :P
i have no idea with win forms
windows forms cant do anything that is semi-decent at all
i know wpf works similar to MVC
including display/binding formats
spose you could hook up a changed event on the field
then format the string
so.. its mean there is not any property for that, yeah?
win forms are so 1990's lol
Elahe you could write an attribute to do that yourself i spose
yeah, I can
thanks ;)
do you need it to display the value as typed or just when saved to the db make it in that state?
no I want to diplay value like that, but saved to db without sepration
ah ok ... prob best to use an on change event then
or on key press or something
1 hour later…
hey Rodrigo
i have written a client-server (tcp) winform and im stucked at something
this code (server side) i need to modify it to keep listening until the data is done receving, because like this it receives only 8kb from that [8192]
this is the code:
var buffer = new byte[_socket.ReceiveBufferSize];
var rec = _socket.Receive(buffer, buffer.Length, 0);
if (rec < buffer.Length)
Array.Resize(ref buffer, rec);
if (Received != null)
Received(this, buffer);
_socket.BeginReceive(new byte[] { 0 }, 0, 0, 0, Callback, null);
i need to put this into a loop to keep listening for incoming
can you help me putting this into a loop?
@Castiel I don't think I have ever done that, but dividing the total data's length by the buffer size and sending it chunk by chunk might work.
i have something for this
gimme a sec ... having trouble with my tfs server
ah here we go
1 socket client:
and 1 socket server:
then theres the message class:
oh and the object serialiser of course ...
that's basically the guts of my tried and tested async server / client framework
built it for an mmo game im making
by having a type implement this interface ...
public interface ISendableObject
void Serialize(Stream stream);
void DeSerialize(Stream stream);
you can serialise objects in their own specialised way
that will handle most situations :)
@Castiel you still there?
i have built 3 forms in visual c#
form 1 is the parent
form 2 and 3 are childs
how i navigate between 2 and 3 without changing the parent form's menubar
like navigating between excel sheets in MS excel
How will navigating in another form affect your main one? What do you mean?
i meant form 1 is the frame for others and it shouldn't be hide or disappear when navigating between child forms
Seems like you're describing a MDI application, is that it?
yeah, that is. sorry i forgot specific words
if i view form 2, i can not come to form 1 again. it disappears
Isn't form2 inside form1? How does it disappear?
parent form has footer bar at the bottom and menu bar on top
when i click the link to form 2 on menu bar, it override form 1
how i include form 2 in form 1?
Is that what you're looking for?
yes, but i don't want scrolls and title bar on childs
You can hide them.
when i remove them, they are not placed smoothly
i want to maximize the parent to get it focused in the body of parent
why is that?
You want the children to scale with the parent?
but contents on childs are not scaled
i want them to be responsive
i will try it. thanks
do you know stream videos from web to c# applications?
youtube downloader is streaming videos to PC and save it. i guess like that
What do you mean? Streaming media from a remote server?
it uses ffmpeg. but i don't have a point to start
Well, almost always someone has done what you're trying to do, so Google will help.
!!google C# media streaming
ok thanks
ah bot has googled it :)
I've got a Windsor IoC container which needs to ask a second IServiceLocator for every unknown type. Anyone know if that is possible?
Hi guys ...
when we write 'After Update' in trigger, in whch situations does it fire? means while inserting in tht table after delettion etc.....
@RodrigoSilva is MS Word an MDI application?
@JanakaRRajapaksha Streaming media is nothing more than a stream of bytes that is fed into a player that understands it. What exactly are you looking for?
@JanakaRRajapaksha Haven't worked with MS Word in a few years, I don't really know.
@RoelvanUden I wasn't looking for anything, really. Just trying to help @JanakaRRajapaksha
I ping'ed the wrong guy :-(
@RoelvanUden not he. I am. I want to stream videos from my website to my c# application when client installed it
Just embed Windows Media Player and let it open the URL of your content
I want a flash player
something like youtube downloader. difference is it saves videos
i want is to play videos
YT serves MP4 (among other things), just feed the URL into WMP and it will play.
but i use ffmpeg to stream. so could i use wmp?
using ffmpeg i can change video properties
but if i directly embed the url it will just play the video
can't resize the video too
@RoelvanUden what it means multi instance child?
I'm trying to add a shell command in windows 8 and it's not working. When i tried in windows xp & 7 it works fine. Any idea?
1 hour later…
So does async work inside of a dispose method for a using block?
what are you trying to asynchronously do in that context?
Does XAML uses all attribute names used in HTML?
Hey everyone, is there a way to allow 2 different pieces of code access to one COM port at the same time?
its different language @JanakaRRajapaksha so don't assume that
sounds like a daft question, but I just wondered if there was a way
@Reece yes i guess you could
but its like accessing a variable
Hey everyone.
you cant be sure of the right result
that said, doesn't the underlying OS lock up used com objects
I believe so, because every time I try to get my code to access one com port through 2 seperate objects, it throws an exception saying the resource is already in use
which really puts a spanner in the works for my project, because it's an SMS Sender/receiver, which means it has to use that com port to detect if the GSM modem is connected
why don't you create a com port wrapper then make that thread safe and access that from your 2 pieces of code ?
would that work?
if you are using best practice anyway you prob have some sort of dependency injection going on so you could use that to ensure you always give the same wrapper instance to any code wanting that port
i don't see why it wouldn't
the com object might be locked but its only locked once that way and for 1 instance of 1 object
what you do this side of that object is then entirely up to you
Shall I post my code? that might explain my problem better
I'm a beginner in c# so I'd really appreciate some guidance
@Wardy - Just trying to call an async method
public async Task MyAsync(){}
public void Dispose(){}
i dont see why not
at the end of the day although the task is async working away your call is effectively returning instantly
public partial class HermesServer : ServiceBase

private SmsServer server;
private string appDataDirectory;
private string logFilePath;
GsmCommMain Comm = new GsmCommMain("COM10", 115200, 30000);
public string COMPort;
public HermesServer()


// This is the Methods which Writes to the log using a StreamWriter, log is located in C:/ProgramData/RemotingServer

#region Logger
private void Log(string text)
StreamWriter logWriter = new StreamWriter(this.logFilePath, true);
so you are making a sync call if that makes sence
@Wardy - Yeah, I would like it to be sync when I call it
@Wardy - But the method needs to do some async work
@TravisJ so any call to public async Task MyAsync(){} should come back instantly with a task object
no reason why being in dispose should affect that
you see? I have 3 object which ideally would be using the same COM port
just dont drop out of dispose before the task ends or it goes out of scope and you lose it
but I haven't found a solution enabling me to do so
@Wardy - That is the trick though
@Wardy - How do I make sure to wait for MyAsync to complete while in Dispose
tasks have a wait method i believe
waitforall or something like that
Can't use it from a sync method
Ah, you can
Very nice
var task = MyAsync();
public async Task MyAsync(){}

var task = MyAsync();
something like that
makes the current thread wait for it
Didn't bark at me for being in a non async method
or you can do something like ...
Task.WaitForAll() to wait for all tasks
@Reece im not sure what the problem is there?
that code is getting a ref to a comm port
@Wardy - There is only one task being returned, the task running MyAsync
whats the issue?
it's getting a ref to a com port, but I need all 3 objects which use that com port, to be able to use them at the same time
@TravisJ yeh i know ... but i didn't know what other code you planned to run in dispose
without throwing an error like "The requested resource is in use"
you might do several async calls for all i know
@Reece create a wrapper class
have that get the comm port
then pass that around to all the bits of code using the port
could you give me an example?
@Wardy - Well for all you know I may not be! :P j/k though, it really is only two lines inside of the dispose method
whatever floats your boat @TravisJ lol
@Reece reece you telling me you don't know what i mean by a "wrapper class"
Yeah; O
*I've not been doing this for very long
never had to implement a wrapper class before
XAML has namespaces like xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
so it doesn't work if no internet access?
I would assume not
@Reece is this your comm object ...
GsmCommMain Comm = new GsmCommMain("COM10", 115200, 30000);
@Reece so my application will not run when the user has no connectivity to internet?
ok @Reece whats the code having the problem
clearly it must be code that is trying to do ...
GsmCommMain Comm = new GsmCommMain("COM10", 115200, 30000);
somewhere else ?
no no
so in the simplest form you could use a static class / the singleton model
no ?
it's other code that uses that same com port
like server.portname="COM10"
and GsmPhone GSM=new GsmPhone("COM10")
you can't access a port in 2 different places at the same time
so that's impossible?
so if you have the port locked somewhere you either have to free up the other comm object or wait
or use a wrapper then pass that around
public class ComWrapper {
public GsmCommMain Comm = new GsmCommMain("COM10", 115200, 30000);

then pass that around
I see!
but make sure you only ever have 1 instance in your app of that class
or itll go bang
so I could use a Singleton class?
to make sure?
that's what ive been saying :)
I see! I do apologize if I seem slow
meh ... prob just a wording thing
so I could instantiate that singleton object globally?
im not always the best at explaining stuff
so that all 3 pieces of code can get to it?
this is why i hinted at dependency injection
ok, the other thing is that
using a depend rule you can create an instance for the first time its needed then simply hand over the same object instance every follow up time
Oh I see!
ever used dependency injection?
No to be honest =P
have a look at something like ninject
I'm sorry, I feel absolutely stupid lmao
you can savea lot of time and headaches like this
ninject, is that available on NuGet?
public class whatever(Something foo, SomethingBar bar) { }
then you just say "ninject give me a whatever"
and it figures out how to make Something's
with your case you would never have that com problem
If you do Drop Database does it delete the file in SQL Express?
because you could have a rule for ninject say "always return this one"
I believe it drops the table, but not the database
@Greg no i dont think so
ahh I see!
thanks for your help, this is most useful!
gotta go drive home ... bbl
@Wardy Well, that sucks...
@Greg - It seems like it would to me.
Only drops the table is definitely not accurate.
@TravisJ Yeah, I'll have to research it a bit.
were you hoping to get the schema?
@juanvan I want the whole database to be deleted when I drop it.
But SQL Express creates individual database files for each database.
Those need to be purged also.
@Greg - From what I can see from msdn, the individual user created db file is deleted, but not the main file.
@TravisJ Yeah, the Master is what your speaking of right? The main instance essentially?
I think you would have to detach it from all processes and then actually delete the file as if it were a text file from the directory
@TravisJ Well, as long as Greg Database for instance is deleted when I do the Drop Database and the file associated is purged then perfect. The master is fine.
@Greg - That definitely is occurring.
@TravisJ If I create a new site with the same name will it bug out?
@Greg - Shouldn't
@TravisJ Thanks, I have a job interview today.
good luck! :)
I just had this happen to me in testing:
int time = watcha.Elapsed.Milliseconds;
int time2 = watcha.Elapsed.Milliseconds;//was a typo, meant to be watchb
time2 != time!!
I'm kind of stoked, I literally sent my resume to this guy in an hour he said can you interview tomorrow? I was like "My current job isn't flexible, I might be able to during my lunch hour. Would that be okay?" He said "Yes."
That sounds promising
@TravisJ Yeah, not sure about it though.
Pay cut?
Doubtful, but it is a large Electrical Company that sells electrical supplies / electrician contract work.
A shop of about ten guys.
Doing .NET web-forms for e-commerce.
Do they have an existing framework?
@TravisJ Yeah, I guess they used some CMS and they've been gradually killing it and redoing it as more of a custom build.
When he heard how I built an automation framework for CMS Deployment, he seemed interested especially since myself and framework manage it.
@Greg - It is better to come in to that than to have to create the commerce stuff yourself
@TravisJ Yeah, not sure about the career path. Seems promising, should build some skills though.
It is development though, right?
Yeah, ASP.NET Web-Forms.
"Full stack","backend","front end","qa","ux"? Which part do you get
@TravisJ I get to choose.
@Greg - How many devs do they have now
If I get bored, then I can do another area.
is there a PM
Holy @#!%@#% I hate house shopping in Vancouver
I'm assuming the guy I spoke to is, he is the Director Of Technology.
@RyanTernier Sorry...
Ah, not on the board though :P That makes sense
"Newly renovated 3 bedroom house"
Ryan: "You said it was newly renovated, this floor looks 10 years old"
Owner: "Yes, we renovated it 10 years ago to laminate"
do they do code review, daily builds, testing?
Call me whatever you want, but it kind of pisses me off that I have to pay non-Canadian Citizens $$ to live in Canada as a Canadian citizen
Pop quiz: How many men were President Of The United States before Barack Obama?
@ton.yeung We found a place. looking >$2000 a month for a 3 bedroom, or a 2 bedroom + den. minimium 1200sqft
@KendallFrey 2. Rosevelt and Lincoln. the rest were wussies
@TravisJ Not sure, I'll have to ask these questions at the interview.
Roosevelt you say...
Now I want the correct answer
crap, I think I killed the room
@TravisJ Question, what is the best way to build some Javascript object-oriented a bit so I don't have a ten thousand line Javascript file?
function ClassName(ctorArgs)
 //TODO: implement constructor
ClassName.prototype.PublicMethod = function(methodArgs)
 //TODO: implement public method
var classInstance = new ClassName();
That is the best way to make it more OOP like?
That is how you implement classes. Just use it as a facade to implement the design patterns you are familiar with.
Don't try to make JS OOP. It's not. Embrace it.
One word: Angular
wildly popular^
@RoelvanUden I don't want it to be unmanageable, Node is fairly OOP also.
Angular isn't OOP though. :)
Lol of course not. It is just designed to separate concerns, have re-usable code, polymorphism, and dependency injection.
@TravisJ You really have to have ctorArgs as a constructor argument?
Same thing with prototype?
@Greg - No those are optional in case you want some arguments to use in your constructor
@Greg - Same answer for prototype
@Greg - They can be named w/e you want
@Greg - On programmers I outlined how to setup an MVC model for a javascript game. While the mvc aspect isn't relevant, you can see a lot of the approach to implementing an OOP approach using js. programmers.stackexchange.com/a/238284/42934
@TravisJ Thanks.
@ton.yeung eh?
@TravisJ I'm debating, should I build this CSS Grid into a more object-oriented approach.
@Greg - I am not sure. When you say CSS Grid it has a lot of context to you. When I hear it, I do not know what it means.
@TravisJ Well, I'm trying to build a mobile, tablet, and desktop size convention for this grid, but I'm not sure if it is warranted to make it more Object-Oriented.
Honestly, if you are doing a grid, you are probably doing it wrong :P
So I could essentially build a window.width or whatever the syntax is, then when it determines it is within a particular size it invokes this particular grid css modification. Rather then load a ton of extra stuff.
@TravisJ ?
I'm building a metro style web-site with squares. How else would you keep that uniform?
Ah I see
so this isn't for data
No, it is to manipulate the interface a bit.
I just don't want to have to load a bunch of extra stylesheet data.
I would have them take 1/4 of the width desktop or 1/3 of the height mobile and then if they run off the screen wrap them to the next line
Well, right now I did something like this:

.Container {
     width: 90%;
     overflow: hidden;

.Content-Small {
     width: 22%;
     margin-left: 2%;
     margin-right: 2%;
     display: inline-block;

Then increased and modified a couple more sizes based on my needs.  Then would simply wrap the <div> like this:

<div class="Container">
      <div class="Content-Small"></div>
      <div class="Extra-Large"></div>

Bad approach?

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