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hy to all
Hey guys -- I'm trying to figure out how to open and play a file with the windows media player COM.
I've got a windows media player COM in my form -- what kind of file do I load in? Just a file? Or is there a specific "video" object or some such?
1 hour later…
Okay, got it working on my own.
3 hours later…
@yas4891 silly question, care to answe?
@Tanmay good morning. Give it a try. I'll do what I can
does the exe get updated everytime when i build the application. there are two setting where you can select to run from the release or the debug folder. if i build/ rebuild my application will all the necessary things in those two folders get updated?
this is pretty embarrassing!!
@AMH that permission question i had got solved. i was adding the database file to the same folder as my application (program files) that is why i had always run as admin to get the program to work correctly. i now use the appData folder
no, it's not
when you do a Debug build only build/Debuggets updated, the same applies to Release builds
yes yes, i meant in the specofoc configuration only. i didnt mean if i build in debug that release would get updated on its own
@Tanmay Hmm. I suppose I don't get your question
if i build in debug the bin/debug gets updated and same applies for release right?
ok. and it doesnt matter if i add the exe from my debug or the release to my final setup
It sure does matter
unless it is the one i want, i mean if the debug/release is updated completely
you should (normally) take the one from build/Release
as i want. it will matter if i update the exe in the debug config and the exe from the release config to my setup!! that would be stupid i guess
the file in build/Debugis different from the one in build/Release. It was build with different compiler settings (DEBUG, TRACE; no optimizations)
speaking of a project with no changes to the project settings
so how are those going to affect my final setup. i deployed a project and it gave me some errors when i run it. it said the JIT and all the error text stuff, i guess you know what it looks like. So this JIT thing is because added with the debug config!! :-o it wouldnt be there if i added my project with the release exe?
You need to be a lot more specific
what i meant was that the error handling would have been different if i added the exe using a debug config than adding using a release config
that is what i meant
It affects a lot of things
and error handling means the one that i see in the final exe not in VS
i shall read more on that. i guess that is important. as i have learnt C# by coding on my own and never read any text on it. i read VB and then some basic C# syntax and started off
What do you mean by error handling? What do you mean by 'final exe' ?

When you say things like "JIT and all the error text stuff", it gives me the feeling that you do not understand how .NET works. Specifically I am in doubt that you know how C# source code gets compiled into IL, and said IL gets bundled into modules, which go into assemblies, which eventually get interpreted and executed by the CLR
For now, if i am building a setup, i should use the release config and the right way to add an exe and all the dlls would be to add it from the bin/release folder after i have selected release from the "solution configuration" in VS C#
yes. That would be a step into the right direction
you are absolutely right i have a slight idea but as i said i came from VB 6 so i am new to .net and i haven't bothered getting into all the internal workings of .net. Any good book you could suggest?
wait a second
i am basically ok now with the programming stuff. what i need to know is the .net architecture and all details about the framework, its working, the way IL works and everything you mentioned above
CLR via C#
and regarding your build process, I'll quote from Joel on Software:
*"By this I mean: how many steps does it take to make a shipping build from the latest source snapshot? On good teams, there's a single script you can run that does a full checkout from scratch, rebuilds every line of code, makes the EXEs, in all their various versions, languages, and #ifdef combinations, creates the installation package, and creates the final media -- CDROM layout, download website, whatever."*
alright i shall buy it and most importantly read it. This thing now goes to the sticky notes on my desktop
true, i am actually not happy by the way C# handles its shipping build, but then i dont know much and can comment about it more once i finish reading this book. cheers!
@Tanmay this is not a C# issue. It is up to you to automate this build
yes. that is why i use Advanced Installer and not the clickonce thing. i am not a fan of click once.
Thanks yas
you're welcome.
Still: You're missing out on the 'checkout' and 'compile' part of the build process. You probably want to automate this as well
hmm. Is it mentioned in that book you gave me?
no. it is a concept that is not related to .NET
@CBarlow good morning
@yas4891 i thought jon skeet was just some random guy who didnt exist. my eyes are watering now, kept laughing. Hell he works at goggle. I checked out some question and it had a comment from jon skeet i was surprised when i found HE IS REAL!!!
lol Jon Skeet programs in binary, then compiles it into human-readable code.
good one :)
Jon Skeet does not use exceptions when programming. He has not been able to identify any of his code that is not exceptional.
ya that is amazing too also the null pointer one when null quakes in fear
@yas4891 Morning... =(
@yas4891 Another mid-night work call
@CBarlow ouch. Why would they do this?
@yas4891 I dunno - there's like... 4 servers in Alabama that can't connect to one in Texas and it's pissing off the world.
so what's your part in this? Aren't you just that average developer ?
@CBarlow that is sad. The world is unjust!
I mean: This sure sounds like some admin stuff
@yas4891 Yeah - my company is small enough that I do a little bit of everything, which is cool... I mean I get to develop a large set of skills and see the bigger picture in everything. But it sucks because I gotta deal with stuff like this. =)
@Tanmay Yes... Justice does not prevail!
@CBarlow ok. I don't like this admin stuff.
@yas4891 me neither
@CBarlow it shall do you good in the long run. I prefer that approach even though it is a bit of added headache. you get to learn!! :D Small companies are better than the larger ones but then who would turn down an offer from google or someone like that :D
@Tanmay I disagree. I worked at a small company. It can be a headache as well. It all depends on the way the company is set up
@Tanmay haha... Yeah there are definite advantages to wearing so many hats in the company. But it's hard to appreciate them at 3:30 AM with bloodshot eyes and a headache. =)
I did a voccational training in a small company, I started out as developer, did my time in sales, customizing, administration and quit the job when I was team leader of the testing team, admin and dev
@CBarlow true. I agree completely. @yas4891 I dont know but some how the idea of knowing many things and doing many thing excites me. but then doing that at 3.30 is just cruelty there should be a programmers welfare association. it can be called PETP
-People for the ethical treatment of Programmer :P
@Tanmay It sure is fun to learn a lot of things - if the organisations provides the right environment for it
but work can be a pain in the neck, if it is just not the right place for you
@yas4891 agreed! but then when you quit you can brag that you did so many thing and now u know about admin stuff, dev, sales and what not :D that is an advantage there.
I meant : when you quit and take up a new job
yes. perhaps you're right. But my new employer isn't too interested in neither development nor sales :)
then what does your company do!!
I'm in the security business now.
@ hi
@yas4891 ohh @SUJEET hii
@yas4891 hey whats up....
@Tanmay How are you...
@SUJEET good afternoon! i am fine. Enjoying! sup wid u?
where are you from
@Tanmay from kolkata india working on dot net platform as software developer
@Tanmay and what about you ..
@Tanmay u from
@SUJEET Mumbai
i am student but i take up projects for friends
@yas4891 so which platform you work on.......
@yas4891 and from where
@SUJEET what do you mean by platform?
@yas4891 r u software professional , then which technology you working on
@yas4891 Alright - i got the stupid thing working again. Gonna catch a few more z's before work. See you in a few hours? =)
@CBarlow perhaps. I'll leave for the Oktoberfest around 1200 hours UTC
@yas4891 NICE
@yas4891 Well you enjoy that haha
you bet I will :)
in case I don't see you...
@yas4891 lucky!! oktoberfest=beer!! drool!!!
@Tanmay Nice chatting with you too, take it easy!
living in Munich has its benefits :)
@CBarlow bye. sleep well
@CBarlow yup. Enjoy!! Gn. @yas4891 true. u have wacken too :'(
@Tanmay I bet there are some cool events in Mumbai as well
There are. beer aint cheap here :) it is a commodity rather than a necessity and you need to be 25 to have alcohol here. can you believe it 25. You can vote when you are 18, marry when you are 21 as a boy and 18 as a girl and have alcohol when you are 25
as i said @CBarlow this world aint just :)
@all hi
@yas4891 how r u
@all I am out for some time now! gonna have a bath and then lunch. cya in an hr or so!
@AMH i left a reply for you. check it out, it is there up on this page. and i got that permissions problem solved actually
@Tanmay ya I got it
how to check if Graphics contains lines
@AMH Hi. I'm fine. How are you?
@yas4891 fine, involved in many graphics tasks
he he. I noticed from the type of questions you ask :)
do you decode some file format?
no , I just draw, and get intersection of rectangle
silly question related to inheritance:
BaseClass { public virtual void foo() {...} }
DerivClass : BaseClass { public override void foo() {...}

is there a way to _force_ BaseClass foo() to call base.foo()?
what if I have many objects drawen in Graphics how to get it
You can't make DerivClass call the base function, no, but you can restructure the code so you don't "have to"
public void bar() { foo(); }
protected virtual void foo() { }
@PLane you would have to use the new keyword in the derived class
now you call bar() instead
but you can't make a call to the base class virtual method, on a derived object that overrides said method
@yas4891 Was that meant to comment my post?
@Patrick no. It was for @PLane
Q: Enumerate on graphics

AMHI have graphics object I draw a line on it using private void DrawRefLine(Graphics g ) { GraphicsPath myPath = new GraphicsPath(); myPath.AddLine(p1, p2); myPath.SetMarkers(); myPath.ClearMarkers(); //g.DrawPath(new Pen(Color.Ye...

@AMH You can't do that unless you save the image before the lines, or somehow save all the lines and "draw them again" using a different color.
The Graphics object doesn't save the lines, it is just pixels
@Patrick I don't get your restructuring solution
@PLane Since you can't force DerivClass to do a base.foo() in the foo method, you instead make the calls to foo protected so the Client can't call that method, but instead has to call bar which in turn calls foo. Now you can control other stuff in bar which you don't override
So the flow will be new DerivClass().bar() instead of new DerivClass().foo()
@Patrick so what's the solution to know if there line drawn or not
@AMH a flag perhaps.. I don't know how you keep track of it.
@Patrick ok
@PLane what @Patrick tries to explain is called a template-method pattern
maybe just read up on it on google
@yas4891 Yes, thank you :)
this might be the solution to your problem, if it differs from what I expected it to be
@yas4891 @Patrick Thanks, this template method pattern does exactly what i was hoping to achieve
@PLane you're more than welcome
@yas4891 did u work with graphics before
@AMH not too much
@yas4891 Ok, thanks a lot
Ah, System.Drawing.Graphics
I just realised that I implemented D&D using Graphics about 6-7 times in my 1,5 years on this job
@AMH You've got control over the whole drawing process and you want to know whether during the drawing process something painted a line?
@yas4891 yes
why not set a bool when DrawLine() gets called ?
but I guess the real question again is: What are you trying to do?
@yas4891 I want to draw line under certain condition, but I don't want to do refresh
you mean you don't want to refresh all drawn objects ?
@AMH are you talking about that question?
good morning to all
@username good morning to all
@yas4891 how are you doing? have you been to Oktoberfest?
@username 93 minutes and counting
I was there from sunday 0100 to about 0600 as a medic
but that's a whole different story
I planned to visit it, but it seems that it will be not this year
@yas4891 u there
i using textbox inside update panel ,and there is textchanged event for this text box .textchanged event firing first time and giving a alert box that email id is present when i giving email id in text box . but after clicking ok button in alert box again i give email id in text box this time textchanged event not firing . below there is HTML and code behind code is given. is there any solution?
<dt>Email:<span style="color: #FF0000;">*</span></dt>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel8" runat="server">
<cc1:OboutTextBox ID="txtEmail" class="input" runat="server"
ontextchanged="txtEmail_TextChanged" AutoPostBack="true"></cc1:OboutTextBox>

<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="txtEmail" EventName="TextChanged" />
code behind is
protected void txtEmail_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool flag = false;
if (txtEmail.Text.Trim() != "")
string _GlobalDB = Server.MapPath("~//DB//Global.accdb");
flag = Utility.isEmailExist(txtEmail.Text.Trim(), _GlobalDB);
if (flag)

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "MyScript", @"javascript:alert('Email ID Exist ,Please Use another Email ID.')", true);
txtEmail.Text = "";


please check this
@yas4891 please i posted a Q and HTML and Code behind code in asp.net is there any solution .....
frankly: I've never done ASP.
Secondly, this is a SO question. Not something to post in the chat.
And if you think this should go into the chat, at least give it as a single post, so that most of it stays hidden
@yas4891 ok,this is asp.net , not asp .
@username yes and this one
Q: Enumerate on graphics

AMHI have graphics object I draw a line on it using private void DrawRefLine(Graphics g ) { GraphicsPath myPath = new GraphicsPath(); myPath.AddLine(p1, p2); myPath.SetMarkers(); myPath.ClearMarkers(); //g.DrawPath(new Pen(Color.Ye...

@SUJEET If you have a question, you're more than welcome to ask on Stack Overflow.
@TimPost okm, thanks
@TimPost i have Q please see it ,
@TimPost any body know it?please tell

i using textbox inside update panel ,and there is textchanged event for this text box .textchanged event firing first time and giving a alert box that email id is present when i giving email id in text box . but after clicking ok button in alert box again i give email id in text box this time textchanged event not firing . below there is HTML and code behind code is given. is there any solution?


<dt>Email:<span style="color: #FF0000;">*</span></dt>
@SUJEET NOT in chat
Once in a while it's o.k. to ask a short question in chat, provided it is relevant to the room and people want to entertain it. Otherwise, it's really just a disruption. If you have a question, ask on SO.
ok , all right
plus: You might be able to get reputation on SO and surpass @TimPost :-)
That, sadly is not inordinately difficult to accomplish.
@TimPost I very much doubt so. You've got an awesome lot rep
The number of flags I've cleared just surpassed my reputation. I've got to make more time to answer questions :)
@TimPost ROFLMAO Dislikes: C# ^^
I HAD TO. I don't dislike C#, I just don't know much about it. But if you don't explicitly dislike it on Careers, recruiters somehow assume you love it.
I don't quite understand what else in my profile would lead them to that, but .. well, they're recruiters I suppose.
'tis the flags that summon me from room to room :)
@TimPost Well.. you like 'C'... so you like C#. Easy, isn't it?
I didn't even think of that. LOL! Thank you for the healthy chuckle, and rather viable explanation
@TimPost as you state in the CV you like virtualization. Do you know of a way to run Win7 x64 on a virtual machine?
@yas4891 Yeah, Xen should run it just fine
is Xen available for Windows?
No, Linux for stable / full support
gnaaah... Who wants to use Linux? ;-)
Today, right now, this minute? Not even me. I'm fighting something in my other monitor
@yas4891 that is enough yas please go and do not post Oktoberfest!! here!! i am pretty jealous as it is :( :D
have some mercy, i have to sit and code whereas others are having fun :(
@Tanmay But programming is fun. You have to sit there and code whereas others need to socialize and not having fun with their computers! ;P
I was hoping to have brewed a bit of my own for the occasion, but last month's experiment is something I never, ever want to taste again
@yas4891 ::still jealous::
But... enjoy. =)
I'm done early today. So what better way to kill some time?
3 hours later…
@Patrick @username @TimPost @CBarlow I'm back... :)
harroo :)

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