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@TravisJ When I can - though I typically prefer to snowboard
haven't done any this year, and very little last year, though, since I have a 1yr old now
Yeah, sleepless nights ;) That is good you spend time with him?her? though
him :)
and yes to the sleepless nights :(
@ReedCopsey yeah, Steven's Pass got 11" last night, it was crazy
sounds like there's going to be snow here Sat/Sun, too :p
well, I don't always love snow at the house
makes it a bit crazy getting around (I live on a very, very steep hill)
hmm. how do you LINQ-XML to get an element when the XNamespace is a URL?
is xdoc.Root.Descendants really the only way?
could you give sample input/output?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<item-class-library xmlns="http://seller.marketplace.sears.com/catalog/v1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="https://seller.marketplace.sears.com/SellerPortal/s/schema/rest/itemclass/export/v1/itemclass-library.xsd">
	<!--Generated on host [spapp430p.prod.ch4.s.com]-->
	<item-class id="20">
		<name><![CDATA[Shipping|Shipping Programs|Ship Vantage]]></name>
	<item-class id="40">
		<name><![CDATA[Appliances|Cooking Appliances|Range Hoods]]></name>
as an example
I want to grab all item-class nodes
@LewsTherin - v2 :) jsfiddle.net/P8rXU
var elements = xdoc.Root.Descendants("item-class");
is not working for some reason
var ns = XNamespace.Get("http://seller.marketplace.sears.com/catalog/v1")
var elements = xdoc.Root.Elements(ns + "item-class");
cool, I was missing a step
I've updated the code, use Elements instead
elements is better
Ahh RenderTargetBitmap is changing my layout!
Could just as easily be 223!

@Kian - Did you figure it out? :)
thats my ICQ number from like 1994
oh shit... I have no idea what mine was :(
Get it to 59 digits then I'll believe it's magic
js isn't accurate to that order of magnitude
Talk about abusing the free trial haha
@TravisJ - Ah HA! Now I find the source of your trickery! The scripts of java will not help you!
Well, its 5
be back tomorrow
later man
just in case you were wondering what the next few were
How does it ever reach zero in the ones place?
@TravisJ Nah I gave up
I don't understand - the layout is perfect before I render the bitmaap
hm. is there a way in a method to cause an enumeration to not add an entry in a LINQ statement?
e.g. this is my LINQ statement:
List<MarketplaceCategory> categories = elements.Select(x => ParseCategoryNode(x)).ToList();
		public static MarketplaceCategory ParseCategoryNode(XElement xe)
			string code = xe.Attribute("id").Value;
			string pipeDelimitedName = xe.Value;
			return null;
that's my code
You need Where
if the name contains "zz_Do_Not_Use", I do not want to include it in the List. Is there a better way than just adding a Where?
well, yeah, that's the obvious solution
eg Where(x = x != null)
I'm curious if there's a way to short circuit the method call
You can't make something not return in Select
that's what I thought
thanks :)
good morning
@Pheonixblade9 Why are you trying to avoid Where?
maybe I'll be lame and do a foreach {add}
@ReedCopsey yeah.
@KendallFrey Select has to return something
it can return null
but that's still something
.Where is nicer than doign a loop and adding
(and there's no downside - which is why I was confused - why are you trying to avoid it? It expresses intent very clearly)
hey kendall
sure, just curious if there was a fun trick :)
I'm off for the night. night everyone!
@c0dem0nkey hey punk
arg - VS 2013 is bugging me
hahahaha @KendallFrey
@KendallFrey oh i got a qustion for ya
fire away
its not programming related :3
is there any difference when tethering from a phone
than getting a pocket wifi and connecting to it
difference in what specifically? speed?
provided i avail of the same service, use the same sim
and same location
yeah speed
I've never tethered, and I've used a mobile hotspot once
you eat your phone batteries, but my experience has been that I get better bandwidth with my phone
coz once you tether , automatically the connection is just "shared"
If you use the same provider, I'd guess you get the same speed.
most of the pocket hotspots I've used are crappy hardware - I don't think they handle the switching well
(with multiple clients connected)
coz i have a wifi tablet
nah anyway.
thanks guys
Hey, how's it going?
morning there,
anyone familiar with entity framework db first?
I have a simple question. I am making a very simple console RPG in my spare time and I want to store an "item master list" that would store each item as a variable. Rather than have 500 lines of text that take up the entire screen, would there be a better solution? As I am not completely familiar with C#, I just learned about structs. Would that be bulkier than just having the variables by themselves, or better? I'm only asking here instead of SO because it's subjective by nature.
I'd use XML
when i change my db schema, and how to update it to my edmx
i just change a DateTime type to Nvarchar(200) type in a certain table
Sigh... And now I just learned how long you can edit messages. Is there anywhere explaining all of the shortcuts?
so sorry for doing that
what i wanna do is change a DateTime type to Nvarchar(200) type in a certain table, and then then change map property in my .edmx manually
instead of using update model from database option in .edmx diagram view
@paulcheung What is the Entity Framework? It sounds like SkyNet
u do make me sweat...
Lol. I heard it's supposed to replace Linq, but I'm not sure why or of anything else beyond that.
So I was just mildly curious if it would be worth it to learn Linq over Entity or vice versa (or are both in common use)
Thanks. So back to my original question: Is there a better way to store unique items than a large block of 500-some variables? This is more or less what it looks like right now:
class something {
public static Object[] item_001 = {"", "", 0, "", 0, 0.0, ""}
public static Object[] item_002 = {"", "", 0, "", 0, 0.0, ""}
public static Object[] item_003 = {"", "", 0, "", 0, 0.0, ""}
It's rather ugly
@Stopforgettingmyaccounts... entity framework is an object / relational mapper, it just converts database tables into c# objects, that you can then query with Linq to Entities. You use them in conjunction
Hm. That makes it much clearer, thanks.
yep, np
1 hour later…
lol what was that
Good Morning
@Steve I wanted to know if we can do the job of indexer by object initializer or not
1 hour later…
Hi, I'm working on a project with TCP. How should I construct messages? I am currently using serialization on custom objects. It's not working so well. Is this my only option? All the examples I've seen uses strings like "Welcome". I don't see this being a good method. What do you think? (Question to anyone)
1 hour later…
good morning
Very Good morning
@MRS1367: Hi
yo @no9
yo there
not much
still learning WCF
going for a smoke
@Daaksin One of the basic principles of a direct TCP/IP connection is that the protocol dictates how you are to handle data. Even when you're just sending strings, there is a lot to consider (e.g. character encoding, split characters, and so forth). Truthfully, that is often quite unreliable. One of the simplest, yet most robust methods, is to prefix a 'message' with the length and operation code.
@Daaksin For example, you could use two bytes to indicate the length of your message, followed by one byte for the operation identifier. The reader side just needs to wait for one byte to know the operation, and then wait for two bytes to know the payload length. Then it just needs to wait for n bytes, and there is no other splitting/parsing logic involved. That makes it very simple, and each op can store arbitrary data.
@Daaksin Finally you need to consider the endianness of the connection. Are you going to read/write in Little Endian or Big Endian? Make your protocol descriptive of this crucial change, because not considering this will thoroughly screw up your protocol. You also need to consider a payload that exceeds the size that can be contained in two bytes, perhaps you want a UTF8-like size indication ala LEB128 encoding.
@Daaksin You can also go for a string-based encoding ala HTTP and FTP. They use a separator character, \r\n, for each line. An empty line indicates the end of the headers. There are a ton of special cases for HTTP/FTP though, when dealing with character sets, file transfers, etc. Truthfully, that is a bit of a headache, so it depends on your needs and requirements.
hi, im looking for information how c# code is excetued during runtime. for instance, how the compiler excecutes line per line and how he "knows" where to move on after calling a method. ive looked up in clr c# but found nothing (strange).
@JulianHerbold Hm? It's the same basic principle as X86/X64 assembly, with the exception of compiling to MSIL and having a JIT to go native at runtime. What's unclear?
well its the first time im learning about this topic in detail. so since theres no difference between different languages can sb give me source where this topic is explained?
heya @DaImTo
@RoelvanUden Morning :)
how are you?
Fine thanks :P, job hunting again. You?
nice! Ow well, that shouldn't be hard right?
I'm good :)
still learning WCF :p
I want an ASP.NET MVC job, or JS/PHP, so Junior positions are a bit limited for that.
Ah cool. WCF is cool :D
A threading question
@RoelvanUden Hmm, that sucks......
can a background thread joined with main thread by saying backgroundThread.Join; ??
And wcf is cool, but it aint easy
@shakthi What.. no.
will main thread waits for this background thread to complete execution ?
@RoelvanUden so only foreground threads can be .join;
joined :P ?
@RaZor True, there is so much functionality and options. But then again, it's not like you need to understand everything to work with it :)
@RoelvanUden indeed, but understanding the basis: Service, Operation and Data Contract is a pain in the ass since all tutorials are in English
I don't mind to read english or what ever, but it makes it a bit more difficult for me
@shakthi The Thread.Join(targetThread) call merely blocks the calling thread until the target thread has completed execution. There is no actual joining going on, just a wait and that's it.
@RoelvanUden aww okay. so background/foreground threads can wait that way !?
@RaZor Ah yeah, that's why I actually prefer Web API, but DataContract attributes often aren't explicitly needed since WCF will attempt to infer the meaning. Operations are bascially methods, and services are endpoints (e.g. classes) that can be configured in how they can be called. I presume you are learning more than that :P
@shakthi Yes, but remember that threading is hard to get right. If you wait for a thread that hangs for whatever reason, the calling thread will hang too. It's exceptionally easy to get into a deadlock situation. Mastering threading is truly necessary to use threads effectively.
Yeah, i understand.
I am not going to do any complex stuff hopefully. Reading and watching videos from MS on multithreading..need to implement it :(
@RoelvanUden I guess haha, but currently I'm developing a Synchronisation Service which tells my client when to update certain data :)
@shakthi TPL makes your life so much easier. You actually don't want to deal with a thread directly, use the love that is known as a Task
@RaZor Oh, can WCF services be bi-directional? Or how are you doing it? Some kind of long-polling operation?
TPL ? huh never knew. if you want to suggest better things for my life say it now :P
@RoelvanUden Yes, WCF services can be bidirectional if you specify duplex binding.
@RoelvanUden not even polling. When user "x" adds new data, it tells the service that new data is added and the service will tell all other clients to update they're data
@shakthi TPL, or Task Parallel Library, is a library added to .NET 4. It consists of a thread model implementation that enables you to rapidly fire tasks, manage them, and have the best performance ever (much better than trying to balance CPU by yourself). :P
@RaZor Explain that to me, please. The client creates a communication channel to the WCF service and the service can then push updates over the channel. That will only work for SOAP-like endpoints, right?
@RoelvanUden I think I need to learn a little bit more to explain how it works lol
it's a NetTcpBinding
Oh right and then it can push multiple serialized updates over the existing channel?
Ah: "The client also has to facilitate hosting the callback object. Not all bindings support callback operations. Because of its connectionless nature, HTTP can't be used for callbacks and therefore you can't use callbacks over BasicHttpBinding or WSHttpBinding."
To support callbacks over HTTP, Windows Communication Foundation provides WSDualHttpBinding, which actually sets up two HTTP channels: one for the calls from the client to the service and one for the calls from the service to the client.
ah okay,
Where did you learn the WCF?? @RoelvanUden
Before I just played with it ahaha
yeah okay, but did you learned from a book or tutorials on the i-net?
I have only read one programming book, ever, and that was ASP.NET MVC :P
@RoelvanUden 2006 > October :)
@DaImTo And? :P
you like to keep uptodate I see
@RoelvanUden and the rest of your knowledge??
Basic technology principles rarely change. If you understand the pattern and intended use/thought process, everything that was added later is pretty much just sugar.
ah okay, well it's time for me to dig into WCF more then
@RaZor I believe in learn by doing :P It's really quite easy to pick up new technologies if you understand the bottom layer, which is what I learned first.
I still avoid all patterns. except maybe making a mess
@RoelvanUden I agree. But that takes to much time for me
I have concentration issues :P
ADHD you know :p
@DaImTo Patterns are beautiful. It's convenient to know how other programmers organized the code without having to ask. It also keeps everything clean, and logical. But indeed, don't use all kinds of patterns because it is cool, but because it is a necessity.
@RoelvanUden i don't work with other programmers that often. They don't understand me you think they have a chance understanding my code?
@RaZor Hah I see. Even then, nobody can concentrate for a long extended period of time on complicated matter. It's like saying that you're going to spend 8 hours at work effectively working on code, which is just pure nonsense. You're lucky to have 5~6 hours of effective use. Everyone has that afaik :D
@DaImTo I don't know of a programmer that understands me as a person, but they all understand my code. It just follows standard rules and conventions, and that makes it easy. :P
I wonder if that's why im having such a hard time learning android there appears to be a pattern in there some where.
@RoelvanUden Why is it that men find a need to organize code but organize the garage that's just to much to ask.
Android programming is dependent on your basic MVC principle. The Views(V) are XML layouts added to the resources and compiled at runtime. They have references for fields and so forth that can then be hooked into the Controller(C) class you have for the active code. The Model(M) are non-GUI code-behind files that are responsible for data storage and exchange (even between transitions). Services extend this by exposing those even when your app is not running. Ergo, Android is your basic MVC :P
The true pain in Android is the fact that it uses Java :P
why don't we have a close this because you don't have a clue flag?
A: how to make css work with php?

DaImToLet me try and explain why you cant do this. In websites there are two types of programs ones run on the server before the data is sent to the browser. The other type is sent to your browser and run there. PHP is server sided. All the code in a PHP script is run on the server processed format...

and why do i keep trying to help him.
Indeed, but everyone must begin somewhere. However, they should just read.
i know that's why i want to help but .... this is like trying to explain to my father for the 10th time why he cant open windows movies files on his iphone.
the thing is im not sure a lot of them want to learn i they just get this grate idea want to do it think its quick and eazy .
@RoelvanUden WOW ! thanks ;) I was like 'duck shooting' with threads :P
@RoelvanUden true haha, but still I need to learn this WCF stuff fast and simple
hello friends. i have one question regarding my web project is that i m creating website in which i needed windows explorer look which i got but my problem is that when i m uploading any file or folder then its saved in database not any folder in solution explorer so i need file or folder icon without storing it in any folder.
i found some solution but its all are saved in folder that i dont want.
anybody there
@SumitPathak What's the problem? You can store any arbitrary data blob inside a database and make a HTTP handler to serve the file from the database.
1 hour later…
happy (humpday++)++
not valid
quiet for a friday
@DaImTo have you seen Sales Guy vs Web Dude?
@Steve let me fix that...
is that the religious freak
IDependencyResolver vs ControllerFactory, discuss
I really prefer ControllerFactory, because it's so much shorter to type.
A very good video tutorial on Threading for beginners youtube.com/watch?v=RhLLxew4-TY
whats the point of the unit of work pattern, i realize i can google this, but it might just spur some discussion and socialization in this extremely quiet friday morning
@NinjaEcho find unit of work pattern
It was for me, not you
i read that message before reading it. am I psychic, or are you predictable
you read that message before reading it? what?
I just imagined you saying "oh"
you say that almost as much as your mom
So, UoW as opposed to what? immediate commits?
@BrockHensley working on project 36 months alone in the dark. And now new developer from chef!
@KendallFrey I was reading/looking at this specifically: asp.net/mvc/tutorials/getting-started-with-ef-5-using-mvc-4/…
<_< dat url
>_< cant look
and it looks like a UoW just wraps repositories
>_O ahhhh
whew `o_o
are you drinking this early?
wait, a repository on top of EF?
now I'm the one at a loss
I thought EF was the repository
EF produces a context, which you wrap in a repository
If I'm going to talk at all, it's going to have to be out of my ass at this point.
lol hey, thats how you learn though, right?
yeah i guess
I have this Asp.Net MVC page that calls child actions to render some sections. Each section gets it's part of the model. In the parent view, I can see that the models are all initialized with the data but in one of the child views, the model is null. What could possibly be the reason for this? Any ideas?
did someone mentioned EF?
WPF 4 lyfe
ppl still using crap like Asp.net MVC and EF and WCF
hey david!
@PLaine show some code
anyways AngularJs + NancyFx + Linq2Db = <3 <3 <3
@Steve Never mind. Resolved. I've been staring at this for hours and immediately after asking I notice that the childaction gives in an object of wrong type.
haha, that happens to me too
as soon as i ask somebody it hits me and i feel rere
Rubber duck debugging, rubber ducking, and the rubber duckie test are informal terms used in software engineering to refer to a method of debugging code. The name is a reference to a story in the book The Pragmatic Programmer in which a programmer would carry around a rubber duck and debug his code by forcing himself to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck. Many programmers have had the experience of explaining a programming problem to someone else, possibly even to someone who knows nothing about programming, and then hitting upon the solution in the process of explaining the problem. I...
should do that more often
any rubber or latex item that you have on hand will do btw
s/d/f/g on that article
i dont use vi!
no, s/d/f/g
@DavidDV condom debugging? :D
@Steve Stop making me sad. I'm gonna cry...
jk, I don't use it either
I hate the Immediate Window
such rubbish
Good morning everyone!!!!
I also hate these unit tests
because they're failing
@JLott good morning!
query = db.Employees;
query = query.Where(e => e.Employee_Id == 1);
ew double assignment
Does that get all employees in the 1st line then trim it down? or does it not apply the query until it is returned ? (linq to sql)
(its a simplified example of building a query)
it shouldn't run the query until you ask it to
just wanted to make sure
p.s. fuck you for beating 'murica in hockey.
:) Our pleasure
today is the tough one though
@BrockHensley Deferred execution is what you should know about linq before using it
oh wait, wasnt that just womens? nevermind.
I never have failing unit tests
@DavidDV thats what I thought, I just wanted to confirm as I refactor this method :)
@BrockHensley lol
Hi. :3
Go To Definition works on var. Awesome.
I become a lurker at work :P
womens what?
hockey? :D
That would be brutal
you're just sore because of that comeback
Ahh you know when you're working on a problem for like 2 solid work days
aaand I'm an idiot
@Kian YES
and it feels like the language, the computer, everything is laughing at you
er, no
Ru, bik!
probably not :(
canada cheated, i don't want to hear anymore
did they cheat
and when you close your eyes to sleep all you see is your code being printed out and burnt by a scary clown and then it jumbled up to form ASCII art of a picture of you standing on top of a building
i asked how, not why
Then you finally solve it and it's like standing on top of the world
they used slave labor for training, saw it on Fox, must be legit
They had Wickenheiser and Hefford. The win is legit.
Am I a nerd for recognizing those names?
in what sport is the US any good btw? basketball?
i'm guessing the ones where we swept gold silver and bronze
like... what
they all look the same
so idk
memorizing the 20 different types of ski/snowboarding events they have at the Olympics isn't that important to me
All the winter Olympics is is different kinds of sliding
Speed sliding, sliding with jumps, sliding with fights.
face sliding was my fav
does that make luge butt sliding?
frick its windy here

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