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@TravisJ All good. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this.
!!afk my precious, precious, noms
@Greg - So this is essentially how I decided to implement it in my application: pastebin.com/JUHcwcvF . Note that Box is the actual database table. It is the only one in the demo, everything else is support. Also notice that Box only has the two properties but has a lot of extended capabilities through the inheritance.
isn't it kind of weird for the caller to decide where the log data is persisted?
@drch - I was unsure about that part, it is definitely a best guess of what he was trying to do. I would have the caller take the entity and persist it.
And just have the entity class take care of the markup for persistence
This is one of the methods in my repo that does that
public void LightAdd<T>(T te) where T : Entity
            te.ActionRecord("add", this.UserId);
Once the information is marked up, it is placed in the context, and persisted when SaveChanges is called.
lol omfg
theres a penalty called 'Women Body Checking' in womens hockey
@drch - Does it include some hard time in the box?
@drch - At first I thought you were talking about the method I posted
@drch what exactly is that? boob checking?
haha implementation successful!
i think its just that theyre not allowed to bodycheck
it looked fine to me
thats kinda lame imo
no hitting? That's like... our level of hockey
I have a Webmethod with Json problem ,Anyone Good for those ?
@user850307 - Lots of us. What's the question?
@SpencerRuport Here i post my question to Stackoverflow .pls look stackoverflow.com/questions/21914086/…
when you implement a production factory, i'm guessing you use enums instead of hard-coded strings in the conditionals/switch?
It's easy to understand you
@Steve In your case, yes
@Steve depends on what's involved
it could be a method per type in some cases
@SpencerRuport - It's messy ? my question
@user850307 - You really should be using an ORM. Having DB code sitting right in your controller is unmaintainable and since you're using MVC your code could greatly benefit from some data models.
@SpencerRuport its not mvc. it looks like a .ASMX
@SpencerRuport But thisone needs to do using asp.net
@drch - Ah you're right.
@user850307 youre calling .ExecuteScalar() and trying to get 2 values?
@drch - Looks like c# to me.
@drch - SelectEventDate() can't have access to a db abstraction?
Still, it's pretty close to the same approach you'd use in ASP.Net MVC so you might as well take advantage of the pattern.
@TravisJ ?
@drch In there i need News & Speaker values.But when i commened line Speaker then it's successfully get News values
@drch - You said it was not mvc, but it seems that wouldn't affect being able to use a support class instead of manually try catch finally
oh yeah its just an observation
@drch How do i get both those values ?
@TravisJ - I don't think he was disagreeing with everything I said. Just pointing out that it's not ASP.Net MVC.
the problem is that he's doing Select * from SomeTable, and then calling .ExecuteScalar() and somehow expecting to get both columns
@drch yes
@drch - Ah, my bad then
@drch @TravisJ How do i get both values ?
@user850307 youre getting a result set from the db, not a scalar. you need to use .ExecuteReader() and then extract the data from the columns.
@drch you mean it needs a loop ?
@TravisJ I'll check it out.
@TravisJ Will that work well, even without entity framework implementation>
@user850307 er no...
@drch newbie need help :(
string news = string.Empty;
string speaker = string.Empty;

var reader = comld.ExecuteReader();
if (reader.HasRows) {
   news = reader.GetString(0);
   speaker = reader.GetString(1);
@Greg - Yes, I just called it entity by my convention, but it could be renamed anything. Note that the demo in pastebin kind of leaves where to store them up to you. You could have the abstract class just do the markup, and then have a different class do the file storage or db storage
Question for everyone: How often do you have methods with 5+ arguments? What do you do when it gets even larger?
@SpencerRuport - Never. Make arguments into a class.
@SpencerRuport - Ooh, I found one.
@SpencerRuport now and then
@SpencerRuport - But most of the arguments are optional and set to null
Do you think it would be nice if there were a way to define a class as a parameter list?
what do you mean?
public IQueryable<T> Get<T>(
            IEnumerable<Expression<Func<T, object>>> includeExpressions = null,
            Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter = null,
            List<Expression<Func<T, bool>>> filters = null,
            List<Expression<Func<T, bool>>> unions = null,
            List<List<Expression<Func<T, bool>>>> junction = null,
            Func<IQueryable<T>, IOrderedQueryable<T>> order = null,
            int skip = 0,
            int take = 0,
            bool DisableProxy = false,
@TravisJ Thanks, I'll definitely check this approach out.
i don't usually create a class just because i have a bunch of parameters
I will if I have a lot of parameters that are required and they are the same type
So that the order doesn't get mixed up when calling
yeah perhaps in that case
you can also used named params instead
MyMethod(secondParam = "foo", firstParam="bar");
When calling, but there is no way to enforce that
It uses a colon :P
so women's hockey is as boring as it sounds
@drch When i add your code it shows the error like this "There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first."
@user850307 call reader.Close() after the data has been grabbed
@SpencerRuport careful not to hide the code smell by changing 15 parameters into 1 class
@drch yes.correct thanks
@drch - "Where's that smell"
is there anyway to retrieve the number of affected rows when using db.CreateSqlStringAccessor()?
And just because I can't help myself...
@SpencerRuport This is trivial in F# ;)
@ReedCopsey - I think I got confused about you speaking at the vslive event because you said you "got the call for speakers." I am fairly certain I am going to attend. Are you familiar with any of the speakers (can you recommend any?)?
Haven't looked into it
when I try to perform an UPDATE on database, by using db.CreateSqlStringAccessor(), I don't see how to retrieve the number of affected rows with this method.
@rogcg what is db ?
db is new SqlDatabase(connectionString);
@rogcg SqlStringAccessor is used for processing a resultset
so it's wrong to perform an UPDATE operation on database with SqlStringAccessor.
right, UPDATE does not provide a ResultSet
you'd need to do a sproc and return a scalar of the affected rows, I think
just use int rowsAffected = db.ExecuteNonQuery();
or use a DataContext, update the object through ORM, and call dbContext.GetChangeSet.Updates
@drch does that work for UPDATEs?
What does evangelist mean in the context of a developer?
@TravisJ Developer Evangalist?
@TravisJ someone who tries to get other developers to use their technology
it means you evangelize your product to developers
I see
A technical term for "salesman"
yeah, but a tecchie salesman
tbh if the product/tech was really cool, i wouldn't mind having that as a gig
for example, @ReedCopsey would probably qualify as an F# evangelist :D
@drch - Philip Japikse Evangelism Lead, Telerik
poor guy
typically, tech evangelists at good companies are awesome jobs
David Giard Technical Evangelist, Microsoft
you're basically paid to play with the latest and greatest tech, do community stuff online, and talk at user groups/conferences/etc
you go around and do demos for companies, but mostly promote new tech
@TravisJ I'm looking through the list...
Billy Hollis typically does good talks
David Giard is interesting, too
Deborah Kurata is good
I met the program manager for typescript. crazy smart guy.
Rocky Lhotka, Brian Noyes,
@Pheonixblade9 Which one?
how do I do css compression without using php?
@ReedCopsey Luke Hoban
@Skullomania - No one ever does css compression. Not sure why.
I mean, if you minimize your js, why not minimize your .css?
@TravisJ this bites!
@Pheonixblade9 yeah - he was an old F# guy ;)
I think Jonathan Turner is still the main PM for TypeScript, though
you can to css compression but its not gonna be all that much better than gzip
Hi. Now that you guys are talking about jobs and stuff, I've been wondering... The language I like the most is C#, however if you'd ask me one big product written in C# I wouldn't know. Are people really looking for C# developers?
cause all it can really do is get rid of whitespace
@TravisJ look at this
@RodrigoSilva - C# dev unemployment rate is probably something like 1%
@RodrigoSilva .NET developers are pretty high demand in most markets
I got an email today asking about a Software Engineer II position at Amazon using Java...
@RodrigoSilva how about Stack Overflow?
C# is the most common language for it, too
its kinda new, you might not have heard of it ;)
@Pheonixblade9 - Well, it was nice knowing you :P
@TravisJ I'm going to speak to the team, at least.
@Pheonixblade9 are you considering the switch?
@Pheonixblade9 - To be honest, coding in Java at Amazon would probably be pretty cool if you got the opportunity
@Steve only if it's one of the Amazon teams that doesn't force you to work 80 hours/week.
What would be the most common type of jobs as C# developer? Is it reasonable to think of big software developing companies? Or just small office programs, and stuff
I work hard in the 40 hours I put in, but I want it to stay at 40 hours
@ton.yeung I'm just curious, I'm not looking for a job right now, still got much to learn.
cool cool
And I'm in Portugal btw.
@RodrigoSilva that's the beauty of .NET. You can get a job doing almost anything - web dev, app dev, back end, whatever. It's all reachable for you
Hm, seems nice. I've recently switched from C++, linux, etc. I always liked C# though
huh, just sent Luke Hoban a LinkedIn request and he accepted. Neat!
@ton.yeung The Gods of Wikipedia did not bless us
@ton.yeung do you know in which university?
@ReedCopsey - Thanks for the tips on the speakers
@Pheonixblade9 Try to talk to other people (not just the interviewer), and schedule your interview for end of the day
because they don't always tell you in advance there ;)
@ton.yeung In here, there pretty much like 4/5 universities which will guarantee you a job
@ReedCopsey tell you that it's going to be a sweatshop in advance, you mean?
@ton.yeung there are other good ones. But the top universities... I don't think there are more than 5.
@ReedCopsey - Why do you recommend scheduling at the end of the day?
@SpencerRuport people are less likely to be thinking about their own projects
@SpencerRuport because you can ask lots of questions, and end up sticking around after hours
and see how people "leave" the dept
without having to ask
@ton.yeung usually when graduating in Computer engineering, students have a job in their 3rd year already, some of them at the biggest companies here
(and if they leave)
@ReedCopsey ahh, like see WHEN they leave. good call :)
Makes sense.
4:30 interview time is perfect - you can typically string it out (if you're actually interested) past normal work times
@ton.yeung uh, I'm not really into that, idk about the best ones :D Wish him luck anyway hehe
@ton.yeung bellingham is a nice city :)
very different from Seattle
But it is colder than Cairo
@TravisJ so is your mother, and that didn't stop me from entering her, heyoooo
!!weather cairo egypt
@drch Cairo: 20C (293.15K), Sky is Clear
Egypt is cold?
Oh yeah I forgot about that.
@ton.yeung 68F
!!convert 20C to K
@Pheonixblade9 293.15K
!!convert 293.15K to C
@TravisJ 20C
@ReedCopsey good advice, thank you :)
@ton.yeung You'd end up with me scheduling it earlier, so I have time to get home :)
@ton.yeung hm, should be fine. I do know, there's a good university in Lisbon (of computer engineering
working on it, I think
I think I made my edit feature a little too dynamic even for highly authorized users.
@ReedCopsey where ya guys going? :)
Probably going to have to clamp down on changing foreign relations
@Pheonixblade9 nowhere for a while - but we're planning a trip to visit my wife's family at some point
in the midwest
@ton.yeung - Yeah I could see that
cool :)
@ReedCopsey - Don't go during tornado season :P
if you're ever in Grand Rapids, MI and you like beer, go to Founder's
reed seems like a scotch kind of a guy
@Steve I am :) but I like beer, too
frankly, though, I'm a red wine guy most of the time I have alcohol
i enjoy wine, but i dont drink it often because i ... i had a bad experience when i was drunk one time lol
@Steve everyone has one alchohol that they just can't drink any more. For most, it's tequila. For me, it's vodka.
i can't drink cheap vodka anymore, too many Popov's and Five O'Clock pukings when I was young
@Steve too much Burnette's for me.
wine gives me headaches
Or at least, more than a few glasses will
I used to drink wine. This girl asked me, "Doesn't wine give you a headache?" "Yeah, eventually, but the first and the middle part are amazing!"
I'm not gonna stop doing something 'cause of what's gonna happen at the end. "Mitch, you want an apple?" "No, eventually it'll be a core."
-Mitch Hedberg
@ton.yeung You probably will, I've never seen a game bought through steam which didn't need the steam client to run
-Michael Scott
@ton.yeung Why?
Anyone have any timecard system suggestions?
@ton.yeung steam is quite awesome, I've bought the entire GTA collection for 6€ some time ago
@ton.yeung neither do I, but I couldn't resist buying it xD
steam is f'n awesome
i can't believe it took me so long to get into it
theres this poster of a really hot girl on the wall in the place im staying
turns out to be the landlords daughter
think she's living in berlin now
@ton.yeung lol, thats how awesome it is, even with my shitty internet
@Steve what are you playing?
a lot
free games or are you spending like a fiend
For those interested, g2play.net has REALLY nice prices
skyrim, rome 2, might and magic v, other stuff
I love getting positive feedback from clients. <3
Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.
hmm i should fire up skyrim again
What's your line of work @SpencerRuport? That could get multiple interpretations
altho changing it to german was a stupid idea
i have no idea what im doing
@ton.yeung what do you mean? €? xD

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