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I'll have to keep that in mind.
@TravisJ I'm a fan of Killer Insinct.
@ReedCopsey Hey. How is your weather?
Cold ;)
been nice, but clouds are rolling in now
It is snowing here.
(just below freezing and a bit windy)
it's supposed to here on Saturday
@ReedCopsey So I've simplified our cell initialization to new DataBox( cell.DisplayNameFromMetadata( e => e.OrderNumber ), cell.OrderNumber )... public DataBox( string displayName, object displayValue )
Now, since the first argument is an expression, can I be greedy and get both displayName and displayValue at once now? :)
should be able to do that
they're both in the metadata
Yeah, kind of miserable. Hopefully it doesn't get too bad.
@Pheonixblade9 amazon?
@ton.yeung Neat concept.
> Tam Fry, of the National Obesity Forum (NOF), said:
The irony is that Tam Fry sounds like a kind of donut
@drch nope, startup. and they're looking for someone to transition to lead Android engineer, too. so I'd be a candidate for that
@TomW imgur.com/Hu4Mjs9 fried Tim Tam
@Pheonixblade9 the dreaded java
@drch possibly.
Good grief, I just read a little more of that article. The best areas in the UK are close to 50% obese. What is wrong with people?
well, they're fat, obviously.
so that means theyre the normal ones
@ton.yeung wha? I thought the government is supposed to be stifling innovation
yet to find a satisfactory answer for this one stackoverflow.com/questions/21506793/…
@jaminator create a base AdminController and put the attribute on that one
public abstract class AdminController : Controller { }
@drch the inherited controller wont need any
90% sure that it won't
if it doesn't work, you can still put that logic in the ActionExecuting method in the controller. works the same as an action filter attribute
@drch this does sort of solve the first part of question but what about
Also what if i have tens of roles to work with. Code line will look like below:

[MyAuthorize(Roles = "Admin, Role A, Role B... Role Z")]
And what if down the road I decide to rename one of the role name should I use role id's instead?
hmm. if I have a method that takes in A and B, and makes changes to B, is the best way to do B = MyMethod(A, B); or is there a better way? I'm guessing ref is not considered best practice. @ReedCopsey perhaps?
@jaminator Perhaps an enum. You'll get better refactoring support that way
@TravisJ I'm not sure why, I'm still drawn to the member expression.
you can also use attributes in enums btw.

enum Role {
[DisplayName("Super Administrator")]

[DisplayName("Component Administrator")]

so you can still have friendly strings defined there, rather than being forced to use names that are valid enums (eg: Admin_1, Super_User, etc)
@Pheonixblade9 I could see ref being a legit choice.
@drch how would i use this enum in [MyAuthorize(Roles = "Admin, Role A, Role B... Role Z")] code line
because Roles is just a string
will have to use the enum in action code which i am trying to avoid.
@Pheonixblade9 Is B a mutable object? Could you just alter it without returning/ref-ing it?
public MyAuthorize(param Role[] roles) { }
[MyAuthorize(Admin, SuperAdmin, SomethingElse)]
ref sucks
B = MyMethod(A,B) tells you that B is changing
ref makes it possible to do something like:
var b = new B();
var c = MyMethod(ref b);
b.Foo(); //Null reference
@drch nice
will have to try it, I think it will work
never mind; I'm dumb.
It's a reference type, I don't need ref
@Pheonixblade9 And be sure to be nice to code maintainers of christmas future by leaving a comment saying "btw this method modifies B"
@Pheonixblade9 another thing to consider is if you would want to be able to perform the operation but still leave the original intact
ref and out cause assignment to behave differently. That's it, that's the whole story, nothing more to it.
Couldn't be simpler.
@Mike good idea :) in the call, you mean
ref makes for hard to read code. out not so much.
@drch thank you sir, please post this as an answer
well, out is used in TryGetValue, which is a very very good function
Someone really needs to invent a pattern to replace out
@KendallFrey Tuples
There are languages that support returning tuples, right?
@KendallFrey C# does if you make it a tuple.
As in success, value = int.TryParse(str)
@Pheonixblade9 I mean natively
It's a cool concept, but I don't know if it works well in practice.
@KendallFrey it makes it really hard to be strongly typed.
things like method overloading get very complicated
In what way?
If a tuple is strongly typed, I don't see how it would break anything.
Languages need more primitives. Like sets and tuples.
regexes like javascript
@KendallFrey if the language can look at an object and say "this is a tuple", it is easier than if you have a primitive construct of tuples. how do you know how much memory to reserve for a tuple object? how do you maintain pointers?
not saying it's impossible, just very difficult
Just do what C# does, but allow assigning a,b,c to a tuple and vice versa
The only use for tuples that I can see is for fodder when lunch room bullies come by to beat yo up
just point and laugh, and the bullies leave you alone.
@Pheonixblade9 Ideally, you'd do it that wya, and return a new B (keep it immutable)
Tuples are a good idea for skiing (terrible pun)
@KendallFrey F# does it :)
@ReedCopsey method chaining FTW!
@ReedCopsey even though I'm just making a copy of the object anyways?
@ReedCopsey good on him
you can write let success, value = Int32.TryParse str
@KendallFrey I wrote a blogpost about that lately: marcinjuraszek.com/2014/01/…
@Pheonixblade9 No it doesn't - you just need language support for it (and pattern matching) :)
@ReedCopsey whoa, it works with .NET methods? how?
@Pheonixblade9 You're modifying the object, though, aren't you?
@ReedCopsey yes.
@KendallFrey Yeah - the language automatically maps out params to tuple results for you ;)
I am taking the original object, applying values if they exist, and using it later in the caller method
@ReedCopsey Can you assign the result to a tuple?
@KendallFrey Yeah - the result is a tuple in that case
so you can do things like:
pervert that type system much
F# is a great language on a bad platform.
match Int32.TryParse(str) with
| true, value -> ProcessValue value
| false, _ -> failwith "Enter a real number, damnit!"
(I can't believe I just said that)
@KendallFrey Why do you say that? I actually think its a great platform, for the most part
.NET is fantastic, makes me so much more productive
@ReedCopsey Me too, but F# might be better off with a different type system.
@KendallFrey How so?
Because it uses .NET, which is way different.
it actually gets some huge benefits for being on .NET vs. most of the other functional platforms - the fact that CLR supports value types natively is a huge benefit in many cases
It's like brainfuck using .NET
@KendallFrey It's really not, though - it was designed to support .NET from day 1, so it works quite well
Disclaimer: I wrote a brainfuck compiler to .NET
and having access to the libraries is a huge advantage
port all the things
from a language standpoint, there aren't really many disadvantages to .NET vs. other platforms (there used to be, but Don Syme got them fixed in CLR 2 ;) )
(F# is a big part of why .NET got generics, tail call support, etc)
what up
hey , I have a question , I have an object that has a list<Users> in it
so I have a list of these objects
I want to find listofobjects.Where( x => x.Users.Where(y => y.UserID == userid))
use .Any
Is there a naming convention for abstract classes?
!!afk probably not eating a hotdog
I actually used .any() @ReedCopsey
var matches = listofobjects.Where(x => x.Users.Any(y => y.UserID == userid));
@TravisJ I suffix Base to the name at times
I just am not sure about nested lambda's
@TravisJ I try to just give it a meaningful name - usually that's all that's required ;)
the fact that the name won't be concrete is enough IMO
@ReedCopsey - thanks
@JohanLarsson Does it really add any value (the "Base" suffix)?
true, I do it at times though, not really sure when. Maybe to avoid clashes idk
it's pretty common - but I'm not sure it's really valuable - ie: a common one I see is "ViewModelBase"
I use that kind of stuff too
I agree in general
but really, you shouldn't ever name a specific VM "ViewModel" anyways, so "ViewModel" is pretty abstract to begin with
@MarcinJuraszek you base 'em?
hey @ReedCopsey , you have any suggestions for any cool open source c# projects that need help?
yes, I use Base suffix for some of abstract classes
@Reed Copsey - I suffix view models with VM based on the action name usually.
@TravisJ yeah - and I don't mind that, so much - but I don't see the point in "Base" (which I see frequently)
I found two classe AbcPLC and AbcPlc in my code last week, almost puked
I don't use base. I had considered using something for this abstract class because it will be part of 3 interfaces inheriting, and then the abstract, and I was thinking maybe I should make it more distinct
But I just left it alone
you got a new picture Travis
@JohanLarsson StyleCop would have prevented that one ;)
@Scott Selby - Yup :) It is a collage of 13 hats from the holidays
@Scott Selby - I made it then and kind of just stuck with it
@ReedCopsey I ran StyleCop on the project, supressed rules for a while but never got under 1k warnings :D
I remember there were mustaches too :)
@ton.yeung - I did it in paint :P
When I added stylecop to a customer's project, I had to generate an exclusion list of hundreds if not thousands of files.
I never saw any mustaches :( Except for ryan's batman mustache
yeah :)
@JohanLarsson You just have to fix them :)
@ReedCopsey one thing could be intellisense, you could type in : base and probably get suggestions for the classes with base in the name. Minor advantage if any at all.
I set up a script whereupon I'd pipe the current batch of stylecop errors into a regex that extracted the filenames, paste them into the "ignore" list in the msbuild script, and run to get another batch of stylecop errors.
what's the point of using it if you'r ejust going to ignore and not correct the errors?
The idea being that new files would have to meet the standards, and that the exclusion list would be fixed over time.
I mean, it's annoying as hell, but you can do it in a day or two
@ReedCopsey I will, no lack of OCD here I think, might be better now also. Had a huge session on Friday night.
@ton.yeung - It started from trying to get the transformer's fake hat on to boba fett's mask. Kind of went downhill from there. Added the atwood hair, the unicorn, the snorkel, the headphones and the rep cap ribbon.
So that's really only 7
is there any real difference between using Boolean vs bool to declare a property in a class?
@abhi With Boolean, you need using System;, and it's more typing
so there's really no reason to not use bool instead ;)
one common convention is to use lowercase for types, and uppercase for static methods
string s = "foo";
altho stylecop gripes at that one
scary, am about to add 2 tables, and 4 new columns to every table in the db
begin tran;
Created/Modified/CreatedBy/ModifiedBy ?
backup all teh things
UserKey, TenantId, ActionType, LastModified
Once the tenancy is setup I am going to try to push this to beta
don't forget your sticker
you mean that one?
ha sure
The beta will be a private invite only beta at first
@drch Do you know where this convention come from? I heard about that but never actually does it that way.
(asking about this string/String thing)
@JohanLarsson Use PHP! ideone.com/D3PLef
don't recall. thought it was in the aspnet webstack coding guidelines but it's not
@rightfold :)
class Abstract {} is a syntax error because the abstract keyword is case-insensitive. :)
@rightfold works for me
compile time anyways
PHP, not C#.
in c# you can call your class abstract as well if you so desire
With @.
class var {} is evil.
using var = System.Object;
var var = new var();
using var = dynamic;
wow. lots of new stuff on Pandora today, I like it
grooveshark is cool, as is last.fm, but Pandora is the best I find
I'll put a techno station on last.fm and it'll start playing justin bieber or one direction or something (yes that has actually happened)
@Pheonixblade9 - So you have listened to Bieber!
@TravisJ did you know that if you slow bieber down 800%, it sounds like Enya?
@ton.yeung - I think they caught him in the act.
@ton.yeung no, he's Canadian.
@ton.yeung KendallFrey is afk: probably not eating a hotdog
quick, somebody shop @KendallFrey onto JBieb's body
pandora is probably the one blocked site that i wish we had in the rest of the world
can someone please help me with mysql?
@mamtarani probably not, but go ahead
I cant connect to my public IP address, can only connect to localhost and LAN
keep getting 10061 error
been told might need to port forward the IP, is that true?
is the mysql db on your local machine?
I am testing it on the same computer but I will be accessing this from a computer outside of the local network as soon as it is working
I am just testing it by specifying my public ip as the host name for mysql on the same computer
and it wont let me connect
@mamtarani - Looping back on a public IP doesn't always work depending on your router and a number of other configuration possibilities.
yes you need to port forward to ip
what does that mean exactly, I just heard that I need to port forward dont know anything about it
you pretty much need to create a tunnel from the outside world to your mysql db
is it hard to do?
@mamtarani - If you don't know how it's challenging to figure out.
And like I said, even if you do it correctly it may not work just because of the way routing works.
Looping back on a public IP is a bit of a gamble.
they are accessing it from a computer from the outside...
The loop back is just for testing, accessing will be done from the outside once working
That's fine. I'm just saying it may not work from the same machine even if it would work from another external computer.
Is this guide something that I should be following? enginsite.com/tunnel_howto.htm
you'll probably need something from your ISP
that's part of it i guess, if you haven't done that already
@NETscape - No you don't.
You have to configure the router that stands between the computer and the cloud and pinhole it (aka port forward)
I have to do that with RDP for my home machine.
I had to do it with the gateway from my ISP
However, if I try to connect to mymachine.somedomain.com from my home network it doesn't work.
If I'm on an external network it connects just fine.
@NETscape - That's an unusual circumstance.
the gateway has a built in router.
And I used to think learning MySql would be simple :p
MySQL is pretty simple. Network configuration and routing is complicated.
been struggling with it for days
check your windows firewall
I kept them off
and your router's firewall settings
Home/private network and public network firewalls have both been down
make sure that tcp port 3306 is forwarded to your machine
how do I check that?
3306 is allowed to pass through the firewall
I can use the database from other computers on the LAN
but thats using the ip
do you have a router or is your computer connected directly to the internet
sky broadband
right so when a request comes to your router, how does it know which computer to forward to?
you have to set it up
you need to your routers IP
you can't type in from an external machine
go to your router ( and there should be a tab with 'forwarding'
thats what I have been trying to connect to
oh ok, proceed drch, sorry.
forward tcp 3306 to your internal ip of your machine
trying to find the tab, it has took me to my sky broadband page
@mamtarani should be a process similar to this: helpforum.sky.com/t5/Broadband-Setup-Connection-WiFi/…
thanks, I will see if I can find it. Is that what is called port forwarding?
yeah, it tells the router which machine to forward requests to
for example, you could also listen externally on port 12345 and forward internally on port 3306
so it doesnt listen and forward on the same port?
nah its fine
sorry for the curve ball :P
but 3306 is the default port for mysql... you may not want to leave that open just in case of hax0rs ;)
but you can worry about that after you get it working in the first place ;)
will do, thank you :)
@TravisJ That code you gave me, won't it only work for Properties?

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