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I liked this answer - Narcissism
@CharlieBrown now that the cookie has expiry date on it i am noticing ir not honoring it as it expired at 3:51 but it still lets me refresh the page, the controller that is calling is [Authorize]
Is the action marked up as [AllowAnonymous]?
@jaminator when you use slidingexpiration, each refresh bumps it one more minute out
Why didn't they make Array have .Count just like List does? Instead it is .Length and it always annoys me. They both inherit from IEnumerable for goodness sake =/
but i tried the first refresh after 2 minute cookie was expired by that ime
@TravisJ IEnumerable has Count()
@jaminator try closing the browser first
@TravisJ because they do different things. .Count actually counts the items. .Length is a property that has to be maintained internally.
don't think Count counts anything,Count() might
Q: count vs length vs size in a collection

molassesFrom using a number of programming languages and libraries I have noticed various terms used for the total number of elements in a collection. The most common seem to be length, count, and size. eg. array.length vector.size() collection.count Is there any preferred term to be used? Does it d...

@Pheonixblade9 Count on List<T> is a property and it does not count the items
@Shoe its decorated with [Authorize] and there is no Allow anon
@JohanLarsson well, actually, I lied. It depends on implementation.
@Pheonixblade9 - Count for a List is O(1)
@MarcinJuraszek is correct.
In some cases, .Count will just output whatever is stored in .Length. In some cases, like when you're doing DB access, .Count will enumerate through the elements
.Count(), as a method, will if the set has not been enumerated
But once it has been enumerated, as is the case with both List and Array it makes no sense that they are named differently.
@TravisJ To be pedantic, it's not List but ICollection
@TravisJ Because for historical reasons and language idiom. Arrays are stored contiguously which makes Length a good word. a List is individual items so Count was used
@Kendall - When being pedantic, it would make more sense to directly state your reference instead of using it's.
How is that in any way ambiguous?
@Kendall - What is not a List? The actual list being used, or the location of Count?
That ambiguity.
I'm confused
Perhaps that is because of your vague statement :)
Were you referring to List.Count or Enumerable.Count?
Then ignore what I said
@TravisJ If List.Length were a thing, tell me how you can automatically tell you're talking about the number of items and not the Capacity
@Shoe If you have a shopping list, what do you call the length of the list? The number of items or the height of the paper?
@Shoe seems array has the same issue
@CharlieBrown Array.length is the capacity and the count
@KendallFrey Depends on the context, which is my point
@Shoe just capacity, indexes might not be initialized
Those are still items in the array though
Array has Count() which gives the same value as Length. I just don't see why it doesn't also have Count. I suppose making an extension would be trivial but still. Why have Count() with Length and not Count.
Array does have a Count property ;)
You just gotta look in the right place
Cast it as IList?
ICollection works too
Seems excessive though. Anyway, it doesn't really affect anything. It is just annoying that I have to change Length to Count sometimes when switching between [] and List<> (tends to happens if I start using params as an input).
So what's the argument again?
@Shoe - It was more of a rant sorry :(
Is there an idiomatic way to check if a string is all uppercase? So far I'm thinking either: x == x.ToUpper()or x.All(c => Char.IsUpper(c))... thoughts?
Would that make good question on programmers.SE?
@TravisJ I personally think Length vs Count is a design flaw
@JeffBridgman The first one
How long is x?
@JeffBridgman I doubt it, because it's not about programmers or programming
@JeffBridgman a more performant way might be to convert to char array, then check if the value is between the ASCII values for uppercase english letters
@Pheonixblade9 You mean not between the values for lowercase
or this:
@TravisJ x is a max of 8 characters in this case.
@KendallFrey no, because then other characters would get through.
@Pheonixblade9 I assumed that was what he wanted
If x isn't longer than 1000 characters then just do the first version and move on :) So 8 there should be no reason to worry about performance.
Unless you loop 120 times.
should try string.compare so you can set the culture correctly
Yea, it's more just for consistency on how we're storing an ID on a database table.
...A string ID?
Ah, culture :) If you have to compare turkish letters then you are in trouble :P
Tony the Pony is going to roll over in his sock drawer
@JeroldHaas Yea... don't ask :P We have exactly 8 characters user ids.
Why does that stink of Great Plains?
we had that in as400, its so yesterday
Tony the Pony wasn't a reference to this was it?
@Jeff - Well, that also references Tony the Pony who was Jon Skeet's sock puppet he used during a presentation to represent the average programmer.
@TravisJ Ah, cool. Thanks, I didn't know Jon Skeet had a sock puppet. I guess that's what you get from only being a .NET programmer less than 3 years... and being in Arkansas :P
haha :)
@TravisJ FYI, Tony is also Jon's SO sock puppet
if i showed up at a conference talk with a sock puppet people would look at me weird... well, more weird anyway
@Kendall - That one?
Johns' a great artist
lol @Shoe
@TravisJ probably
@kendall - Interesting.
What does it say that Jon's sock puppet has 11K rep?
that he should be owner here
JonSkeet has more important things to do than CHAT!
@Pheonixblade9 mind blown
@ton.yeung im doing a proof of concept site in the major mvvm frameworks, same site, 10 different ways
@Pheonixblade9 But if the inferiority complex thing is true he could come here for a fix every night. Don't think we would get bored.
@TravisJ That post was great! :D
@Jeff - :)
That is one epic blog post
posted on January 22, 2014 by The .NET Team

This post describes .NET NuGet library servicing support in the .NET Framework 4.5.1. It was written by Alok Shriram, a Program Manager on the .NET Core Framework Team. In the .NET Framework 4.5.1, we extended our .NET Framework security update capability to our NuGet libraries, enabling us to deliver security updates for those libraries on Microsoft Update (MU). The update experience is

Turns out manually building a string version of a js object using String.Format can cause issues.
meaning serializing it?
@Johan - Yeah,ish. Kind of manually serializing using StringBuilder and String.Format inside of a loop :(
I have to convert a recursive tree structure into an object that has two properties which are both arrays.
stringbuilder has appendformat btw
only need 90 more rep for mortarboard...
appendformat? cool :D
And append is chainable :)
@TravisJ I imagine format and the { in json is gonna look pretty ugly
var bs = new StringBuilder();
bs.AppendFormat("{{{0}}}", "meh");
@Johan - nodeString.Append("{").AppendFormat("\"x\": 0,\"y\": 0,\"text\": \"{0}\",\"isAcceptState\": false", allNodes[i].Name).Append("}");
@ton ahhh
@TravisJ are you going to do it much? Creating a jsonwriter could perhaps make sense
maybe there is a writer in the framework
@Johan - No, just in this one spot like this in order to use a js plugin for creating state machines in a canvas.
@Johan - And that one append line and another very similar one is the totality of the serialization
Buy a house so I can egg it @ton.yeung
@Johan - This is the end result that the user gets to look at though. It is dynamically produced. i.imgur.com/sQLrt0f.png
@BrockHensley-FKAdirt That didn't turn out so well for Justin Bieber.
@Johan - 3 -> 5 -> 4 was just part of order testing.
Ever since I was a wee lad, I wanted to see a movie with all my favorite action stars. Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Van Damme... etc. The movie, The Expendables, has satisfied that dream. Now, what i'm hopping for, is where they will take all the bad-ass old-school action stars, and make them fight the princessified action stars of today (Channing Tatum, Taylor Lautner etc.). What would be epic if it started at a Bieber concert where he got shot a few times. Is that too much to ask for?
@TravisJ looks sweet, think I need to write something similar soon, not web though
@Ryan - dap.u is starting to look strong again
@ton.yeung I had to google them too, don't worry
I would be happy if it just ended after the concert scene.
Speaking of sense of humor, Arnold has been all over Reddit if you hadn't seen
can we just have a movie that's 90 minutes of Justin Bieber getting his ass beat? I'd pay $12 to watch that.
@Pheonixblade9 - It would be awesome to hand out eggs at one of his concerts and just watch the mayhem.
Everyone gets a dozen at the door
@TravisJ I don't know if you caught on, but Bieber concerts are generally attended by Bieber fans.
@Brock - "You'll earn the chance to fly to LA from anywhere in the world to ride a tank and crush things together." That would be sweet.
@Kendall - Yeah, by the most idiotic people on the planet.
Give a bunch of idiots eggs, ✓
Yes, a day in the life of DA GUVUHNUH
Yeah mine isn't that rewarding :x
@Pheonixblade9 careful how you phrase that request...
what? I'd give Justin Bieber's ass a beating myself if I could
I'd love to pound that ass
(you were asking for it)
I think this is right:
A: HTML/JavaScript/CSS: Change a picture by clicking on it

Pheonixblade9You don't need return in your onclick attribute. <input type="image" src = "http://i.imgur.com/gitHhmZ.png" onclick="toggleMe('para3')" value="Toggle"><br>

return is to stop normal execution of the event beyond your function no?
(not that it is needed in this example)
@RyanTernier preferably to be watched whilst eating a bloody rare steak and a heavy bock or stout beer.
@Pheonixblade9 - None of the images have ids...
oh god, I didn't even notice
I didn't think someone could be that dumb
@Pheonixblade9 - It gets worse.. :P
The id he passes to the function is the paragraph element he is wanting to toggle displaying. He then tries to search for an elementById underneath that element.
HtmlElements do not expose getElementById
The question is tagged jquery and I don't see any jquery
"Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLDivElement> has no method 'getElementById' " is the first error shown from his fiddle.
Seriously, the wtf meter is topping out on that question lol
@ton - I liked that post too
oh... oh god
runs away
@Pheonixblade9 - I mean, it is cool you are putting in the effort, but that question needs an entire refactor to work. Different html, different js, it is just pure pain.
I just need 70 more rep :(
just answered
A: json jquery .. get value number of duplicate

Pheonixblade9Just add this to your array prototype and you can return a unique subset from the array: Array.prototype.getUnique = function(){ var u = {}, a = []; for(var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; ++i){ if(u.hasOwnProperty(this[i])) { continue; } a.push(this[i]); u[...

@Pheonixblade9 70 rep for?
@Pheonixblade9 - Lol somewhat ironically I linked it as you were answering
I'm outta here, l8rs
Has anyone ever used LINQ to CSV library?
Nope, sounds pretty interesting though.
I once tried to write a parser of the XLS bit stream.
@MarcinJuraszek yeah, I have
@TravisJ - I feel like everyone has thought about doing that at one point.
The office API is such a joke.
@Spencer - Oh, the pain. It was face smashingly awful.
I can imagine.
One of the happiest days of my programming career was when I realized that Excel understands HTML table structures and limited styling.
Haven't had a need to touch the Office API since.
@TravisJ You mean something like LINQ to Excel?
@MarcinJuraszek lol you just answered one I was about to
either you type to slow or you tried to test it in VS first :)
@MarcinJuraszek - Actually I was trying to construct an excel to pdf process at the time.
MS created a whole operating system of sub streams in the xls and xlsx formats.
I've never heard of that
Open an xls file in a bitstream :)
It will have a substream
In fact, it will have a whole structured series of substreams which are very similar to an OS
How is a zip file full of XML anything like an OS?
@Kendall - Sadly the xml is not verbose enough to fully mock the file although you can read certain data in that format. But that isn't what I was referring to.
@TravisJ They're on the move down :P
Alll my other stocks areup
@Ryan - Yeah I think they are not too desirable as it is. You got out at the perfect time.
I just applied for a car loan online... instantly approved for $60k
silly banks trying to get me to buy a BMW
@RyanTernier which of your stocks are you happiest with?
@Pheonixblade9 - At only 12.5% APR you can have this brand new beamer!
@TravisJ haha, I'd probably get the lowest possible interest rate
@Pheonixblade9 - Car loans come with ridiculous finance rates. The bank would love to repo that for you.
@TravisJ I have high income, perfect credit, and good employment history... if they don't give me a good rate, they are silly
@Pheonixblade9 CGI (Gib.A) is one of my faves (I'm biased). They went from 21-40 in 2013. Down to 35, they'll go up again. With XPel Technologies I bought 800 shares at $0.50, and sold at 1.23, 1.40 and around 1.70
@MarcinJuraszek - Have a blast :) msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg615597.aspx (.xls binary file format)
ZDV ETF has been good to me
@RyanTernier neat
So has ERF
I'm sad I sold TASR. It doubled in the last 6 months since I sold it.
@Pheonixblade9 - Even with good credit I highly doubt you can find a low rate on a car loan.
@TravisJ my bank offers 1.84% as their lowest rate
1.84? Who do you bank with?
boeing employee credit union
So a beamer then?
I think the m5's are nice :)
@Pheonixblade9 Have you decided what to buy?
@MarcinJuraszek it's down to the WRX, BRZ, Civic Si, and Golf.
I am going to test drive one or both of the Subarus tonight
have to prepare a development kickoff pres/meeting. No idea where to start. Searching the internet for other ones people have done then will Jack Sparrow them into something awesome
so mazda 3 is gone from the list?
get a Fiat
yeah. too small
@RyanTernier overpriced for what you get
I got a 2011 Kia Rio. Love it.
and if the Mazda3 is too small for me, the Fiat definitely will be
I looked at the Rio5 but I can get a Civic Si for the same price, or less
Civic Si lacks power in all the wrong places.
get a ford ranger
@RyanTernier I. Live. In. Seattle.
that's not my fault
I'm going to test drive one of the Subarus tonight
@Pheonixblade9 - What kind of WRX?
the base model
hell no
if I was gonna spend $40k on a car I'd get a 135i
+1 to @RyanTernier for ford ranger
why would you not buy a ford ranger?
because I live in a large city.
its a small truck
lol so my coworker asked how to see his mac address for his wireless card. I told him to win-r, type cmd, type ipconfig -all, and write it down. He comes and tells me he can't do it. He tried a bunch of times and it wasn't working. So I go check.. He had used "command prompt" in the run dialog. sigh
if I asked you guys to define "process" and "thread", what would you say?
pretty sure my OS professor just defined a thread as a process
Isn't a process more of a task?
the Mach-O definition of a process (being the only one I've ever looked up) is that it's a bag of resources
@TravisJ I had a junior dev that did the following:

Select star from Services.Users U
Inner join Services.Organizations O on U.ID = O.ID

then raised a bug saying the database was broken
a thread is code running using that bag of resources (and sharing it with the other threads)
a process is an operating system level method of splitting up a program - it's the level where you have to have interop to communicate with other processes. A thread is an item within a process that is able to communicate with other threads without interop
@TravisJ From a software standpoint, a process has many threads. A thread can also spawn a new process
I think that's correct
From a hardware perspective it's different.
as CPU's have specific #'s of threads
168 rep gain... almost there
If you just say that you can have multiple threads in your process, the requestee should be happy (most of the time, unless he's a nut-job, like us, and wants to discuss details).
@Pheonixblade9, then which level executes code?
It gets trickier when you're working in ASP.NET land, where the Worker Process/app Pool has a limited # of threads (based on cores and threading model of the CPU).
@RoelvanUden, he said that a process executes code, so I'm looking forward to see what a thread does.
I believe a process has to have a thread underneath it in order to execute code. A thread can execute code by itself, but it needs to have a process above it
nah, that's not right...
it has more to do with memory
I think threads share the same virtual memory space, processes don't. Does that sound right?
this is probably where it joins the Mach-O definition that a process is a bag of resources and a thread is code executing
yes, threads share the same address space
i spawned 10 threads which each spawned a new process (my app) which spawned 10 more threads which created a dragon and it ate my computer. what?
Isn't the handle the bag of resources?
the handle would be a handle to a bag of resources, but indirection aside I think that's right
I'm just trying to answer a question asked by someone who describes himself as ".net programmer with extensive knowledge of .net, C# and SQL server." in his profile, and he's asking me whats "x" in x => lambda, and why First(x => x.Price) doesn't work...
is there another meaning for extensive I'm not aware of?
Right now my chrome instance is running 68 threads over 3 processes.
sounds about right
Each of those threads can house a set of tasks as well though right?
Or is that cross context
I don't think a task is a low-level context
if you're talking .NET Tasks, then it's running on a thread somewhere
Yeah, too much .NET :(
Hey, got a badge for a question on the food exchange :) cooking.stackexchange.com/q/34266/18418
Why does TFS say that auto resolve failed and put a file in the resolve conflict list and then when I go to look at it then it says "Automerged: 1"

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