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@rightfold united kingdom van nederland? :P
hahah goed bezig hahah
@RaZor shoot
I sent you invite for priv chat ;)
This room is full of Dutch people.
Lounge<C++> is full of people who are not Dutch but do speak Dutch.
LOL there aren't much dutch people in here
as far as I know
just you and me ;)
And Roel.
nah Roel is belgium
@RaZor That's quite insulting.
Heesch is in the best province of the world: Noord-Brabant.
And why is that?? I just said your belgium not dutch
That cannot be in Belgium.
@rightfold so is Lieshout :p
Saying somebody is Belgium is like saying somebody is the United States.
I'm Dutch; I never said I was from Belgium. Rightfold is correct :D
@RaZor You live there? That's quite nearby.
@RoelvanUden I've asked you earlier if you we're dutch and you said no Belgium
hold on
I’ve been playing with Scala last week.
It was very fun.
Wish there was something like it for .NET.
@RoelvanUden nvm, can't find the history xD
Anyway my mistake sorry
and yes I live in Lieshout
@rightfold then what's the correct word for explaining that someone is from the country Belgium?
“He is Belgian.”
my mistake
@rightfold the rep cap hat fits your gravatar perfectly :)
I know. :>
@rightfold - last year there was a hat for 5 rep caps (Monarch By Right), and so I went out and capped 5 times but no hat :(
I was hoping that was how you get the autobots hat
I repcapped from four answers yesterday.
All in . :3
c++ is cool too :)
I wish you could c# on an arduino
hobby project?
@Johan - We have 6 active arduino units at work :)
@TravisJ Write a CIL interpreter that runs on it. :v
what do they do?
Mostly for measuring C02
@rightfold - Oh, that sounds easy and not a large waste of time :P
It shouldn’t be extremely difficult.
It’s only difficult when you want it to be fast. :P
I want to implement a JVM with LLVM.
JVM is more primitive than CLR and easier to implement. No generics, for one.
Java uses generics though.
They are type-erased.
They exist purely at compile-time.
So ArrayList<Integer> and ArrayList<String> in Java are the same types in the JVM.
And you cannot have ArrayList<int> because generic arguments can only be reference types! :D
So it has to do some sort of extra logic to use the arraylist during runtime?
So if you want a resizable array of ints, you’ll have to box them! :D
@TravisJ No, only at compile-time.
ArrayList<Integer> and ArrayList<String> both compile to just ArrayList.
Bleh, java runs too slow for me.
Same program in c++ as java probably runs at 20% more efficiency.
At least.
It depends on how you write the C++ code.
JVMs can inline virtual methods at runtime, but virtual methods rarely occur in well-written C++ programs. In Java, public and protected methods are virtual by default.
It’s comparing apples to oranges—C++ and Java are completely different languages that follow completely different programming styles and paradigms.
Java’s paradigm is inherimanagerfactoryton and C++’ paradigm object-orientation and imperative programming.
Take an algorithm for example. Like the one we did for the simple moving average. Do you think Java really could have competed with those runtimes?
Maybe if the JVM has been running for a while.
There is a reason that all the successful competitors at the ACM programming contests choose C++ over Java.
Well, I doubt it’ll be as fast as a binary compiled from C++ with clang or Intel’s compiler.
Since those do epic things like loop unrolling, vectorisation, loop interchanging, lots of inlining, branch prediction optimisations and whatnot.
JVM doesn’t have much time for that because it has to run your code RIGHT NOW so it can’t spend five seconds optimising.
Whereas for ahead-of-time compilation there is plenty of time since you only have to do it once, not on every run.
Time to shit.
@Johan - That song was, well, awful.
I made it about 40 seconds in
there are worse ime
but my pun was rock bottom
There really are
I got the reference :)
@Johan - You don't like hats? :(
Does anyone know how to make a C# WinForms TreeView scroll up and down when dragging a node???
I never opted in, dunno why really except for much work lately perhaps
@Razor - That sounds like there would have to be manual observation of the mouse position versus the scroll position.
@Johan - Its not too late! :D
yes, I've been trying that for quite a while now but it's harder than I thought
@Razor - It is not very easy that is for sure.
@AlexanderZolotaryov where did you got that logo from that you are using as profile picture?? It's awesome!!
@TravisJ I figured :p
What is the picture of? Halo related?
Dunno, but it's awesome
I looks a bit like the helmets from Daftpunk :p
I am stickin with the Fett hat :)
Scrummastering is fun.
@KendallFrey Welcome back!
I like this 1 very much
My brother is making 1 of the Dafpunk Helmets :D
@KendallFrey I had to do that in college and it was not fun.
Working with terrible people is never fun.
@rightfold you did HBO?
Yeah, one year. I quit out of boredom.
did mbo before that or also hbo?
I did havo, then HBO.
je hebt havo gedaan? daarna hbo maar naar 1 jaar gestopt?
A okay, clear:)
Hmm. I’m going to have to write some deserialisation code in Scala… which lacks unsigned integers. :<
It should not be too difficult to write custom unsigned types, though.
dude, management studio is such a piece of shit, why when i make changes does the intellisense never pick them up until i restart management studio
making me fucking rage
Didn't even know it has Intellisense
i swear to christ
You do?
Please, let's not have religious discussion in both the JS and C# rooms at once.
I swear to rightfold.
I just swear.
table already exists, table already exists, no bitch, i just dropped the mother fucker
@KendallFrey - How did you adjust the location of your hat?
Mine is off kilter and it's bugging me. :(
What do you think of Ruby?
If even Berlusconi uses Ruby, it must be very good, right?
@SpencerRuport click and drag
It's there when you set the hat
arg. I can't remember where to set the hat.
wtfffff the small icon is oriented differently than the big one.
someone didn't use percentages!
yeah, that's goofy
I got a new hat :)
I got a new hate
+69* cv6c
banging my monitor because i can't get the god damned contrast menu to go away
are you retarded
clearly said contrast
you mean the one built in?
The first thing my brain matched was context :/
sorry, this morning isnt my morning
brain regex fail
@Steve I noticed :/
@TravisJ My regexes never fail
Just your brain :P
fucking TFS
i know, but it should comfort you to know that i was only joking
merge conflicts, so I merge them, and those files get updated, but not the other ones, so half of my stuff is one version and half is another version which OBVIUOSLY IS BROKEN
fucking 45 errors
fuckity fuckfuck
when you merged, it didn't give you an option to compare changes and select which ones you want? :/
Only the conflicts
the thing is it merged files that i had updated but not the ones i didn't touch
So I did a get latest and it's still broken to pieces
that sucks
well, started with 45 errors, fixed 2 and have 4 left
head desk bang bang gorilla
> Build succeeded
dat status bar
Aug 29 at 12:55, by Kendall Frey
TFS? That's not bad.
lol punches
And of course it's perfectly normal to have 5 failed tests, just run them again.
i dont understand, when i'm using ssms, database designer, when i create a foreign key from one empty table to another, it tells me that i can't do it, it has to drop and recreate the db, which would be fine, if it would do that, but then it only offers me a cancel button
same data type, ijust wanted to create an association, but nooooooo
Lets be angry together
Suddenly, I don't feel angry anymore
Oh, I do again.
@KendallFrey Nobody cares.
@CapricaSix And yet, nobody talks while I am gone
@KendallFrey There goes the neighbourhood.
could anyone answer my question? It has been a week or something now, and I just can't fix it. It is about programmatically adding startup (which is not working)
I'm not sure if I can post it here though? But I think it would be the right place
Basically when trying out the code, every "Startup file" gets named "Visual" instead of my own name. It also doesn't actually start, while it IS addedto the startup-up list in windows (as "Visual")
1 hour later…
So today is the obamacare deadline. I checked it out, ridiculously priced. WTF. I could go and buy a new freaking car, pay out of pocket, and still win in the end assuming that I do not randomly need some massive surgery.
@TravisJ Yeah - I had to go through it for myself and my employees - at least here, it was horrid on small business :(
@Reed - Yeah we deferred from our consultant to wait for the exchanges. What a freaking waste of time. I am going to wait until march and then just manually sign us up with a provider because it is like 30% cheaper.
Not only cheaper, but the plans are better.
@TravisJ Here, there is no exchange :(
so you have to do it manually, and the rates went up anywhere from 20-200% for similar plans
For me, it wanted $250/month for a PPO 60.
and there's no option in this state to defer for small business
hehehe - $250 is cheap ;)
only thing I could get us at that price would be basic catastrophic care
The consultant showed us a lot cheaper for this area. I think mine was 133 for PPO 30.
I mean, my primary care doctor is only $60 per visit, and I usually only go to him like 3 times a year if that.
That is with no insurance
@TravisJ Question.
@Greg Answer.
win! ;)
If I utilize the document.title in Javascript; will I be avoiding standard SEO practice?
Mostly because our customers want to see their name in the title for our application.
Pass it in when you are constructing the html if you can.
@TravisJ If I can't?
Unless they don't want to be included in searches.
Well, the system is a Content Management System. So I can only pass our skin file; the title is passed through an Administrator Panel. Which we don't give access to our customers.
So I'm trying to dynamically modify it.
@Greg - The web crawlers do not have javascript engines in them. All they get is the text of the page before any script runs.
@TravisJ I personally don't think our customers want SEO to really crawl anyways.
Okay, then just modify it with js and don't worry about it.
Otherwise, you can inject the title when the response is being constructed.
Kind of what I thought. Awesome, thank you.
<title><%Viewbag.Title %></title> in your master layout
and then
Viewbag.Title = titleFromAdminPanel
in the child view to inject it
Either way :)
This CMS utilizes web-forms; not MVC.
Otherwise I would of totally used razor.
@TravisJ Web crawlers have been executing JavaScript for a few years now. At the very least, Google does. It will run the initial state of JavaScript and whatever it renders to the document, but will not fire off additional interactions after the initial document render completion.
So then as long as it was run inline
document.title = "I has a bucket";
it will properly get crawled?
@Greg - See Roel's comments ^
@RoelvanUden - "Search engines do not include JS interpreters in their crawlers for good reason, they don’t need to and it slows them down and makes them more inefficient for crawling the web." ? I don't see where it says how to get the page's js content crawled. It just indicates that it can get parameters crawled.
Well, that works.
Hm, wrong link? Hang on.
There is more, but it's pretty new but I've had trivial JS indexed as well.
Before, it would run an initial state and ignore AJAX
Now it is at the point that if you initiate the AJAX request in the document load event, it will handle it (with a limited amount of time).
I suspect that future improvements will bring that technology much further.
We see the gradual shift to JS MVC with API back-ends; they have to start indexing
@TravisJ That guy had a question that was really open to discussion.
@Greg - Which guy?
The one who asked about committing to a database only after the final confirmation; for a game.
Yeah, you could write a book on that.
@TravisJ Looks like I might have to fix a Regular Expression for validating an email. Sigh-
Is this the right place to post paid freelance C# gigs?
I'm going to say, more then likely not. As we are just C# developers who chat with each other and answer peoples questions as they arise. Only a couple handful come in here everyday.
Yeah, not really the place. However, one quick post (not spammed) and not trolling, probably wont hurt.
@TravisJ That is true.
@TravisJ I need 22 more First Post Reviews.
@Greg - I need to somehow get 5 more votes on ton's post: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/212746/178816
I helped.
Thanks guys.
Just gave you 1 @TravisJ
I just got +10 for this post: stackoverflow.com/questions/17435224/…
Would of thought it would generate more; I thought I was pretty clear.
im beginning to hate sqlite
@Greg Sadly, short answers generate more votes.
@bizzehdee Why? Though I don't blame you.
@KendallFrey Yeah, sigh.
@KendallFrey How have you been, you seem quiet today.
@Greg: well, not sqlite its self, sqlite-csharp. cannot access the same database from multiple threads, even at different times
@bizzehdee Oh.
@KendallFrey Well then...
@Shiva @Greg Sweet :D
are there any local, file based, database engines that are easily embed-able within C# apps?
@Greg - I guess that is the problem with answering questions that get closed. They don't get much attention.
@bizzehdee - NoSQL?
@bizzehdee SqlExpress?
You could try Mongo.
would prefer not having to use sql, and the ability to use ORM instead, yes
How about one really really huge json object stored in a text file
@TravisJ: i could go for a huge csv :P
you would need one csv per table though
and it wouldn't deserialize as well
if i was feeling particularly suicidal, i could go for embedding excel within the app, and write it all out as a huge spreadsheet.
@bizzehdee - How many records are you thinking of having in there?
Anything more than a few thousand is going to get cramped if it is all stored in one text file.
about half a million :P
Good luck with that :P
i might just stick with sqlite, and use a single thread, and have things run slower than i was hoping for now
@bizzehdee I think that is part of how they entice you to upgrade.
hmmn, of the 2 main tables, one will have around half a million rows, the other, could have upwards of 25 million rows
more than i thought
Does it really need to be embedded instead of, say, running a process?
it needs to be part of the application, so yes, embedded. i do not want a separate database server running, otherwise i would have gone straight to sqlserver or mysql
@RoelvanUden you there?
@bizzehdee The most accessible options would then remain to be sqlite and sqlexpress. Especially sqlite is extremely accessible due the binaries being literally contained in your assembly (after merging them in)..
posted on December 23, 2013 by Eric Lippert

Overload resolution is of course the process of taking a bunch of things with the same name and figuring out which of them the user meant. Different languages use different heuristics to try to figure this out. A "heuristic" is … Continue reading →

@RodrigoSilva For a bit, ye
@RoelvanUden hm, in the code you gave me, when calling the function in the DataLayer namespace, you passed an int named progress, did you forget to declare it? Or is it not an int?
@RodrigoSilva The callback function I presume? It was an anonymous function. It will take on the properties of the code it is supposed to call. Since I declared an Action<int> as parameter for that method, it would indeed become an int.\
@RoelvanUden something is wrong then, the compiler doesn't recognize "progress"
yet, I've already created the function in the DataLayer, which takes 2 arguments: a string and an Action<int>
Oh that there is a typo. Progres instead of progress.
hm, if I try to add another argument it won't compile
for instance: Data.Process( (ImAString, progress)...
@RodrigoSilva Did you change the Data.Process signature to accept an Action<string, int>?
@RoelvanUden I did, but did it wrong. I never used anonymous functions before. But Will I access the argument? For instance Process (Action<string, int> callback) how can I access the passed string?
Hello, @RoelvanUden must I create an object of the VM to access the property passed to the DataLayer's function?
@RodrigoSilva An Action is a delegate type. This means that is just a reference to a method. For example:
Does anyone know how can I block a website like www.youtube.com without editing 'hosts' file?
// declare
public void DoSomething(Action callback) {
public void ThisSomething() {

// run
@RodrigoSilva ^
// declare
public void DoSomething(Action<int> callback) {
public void ThisSomething(int blaat) {

// run
Now an anonymous function just extends on that. It is a function, but declared within a scope. Like so:
// declare
public void DoSomething(Action<int> callback) {

// run
DoSomething((blaat) => {

@RoelvanUden hm, let me process things a bit xD
@RoelvanUden I'll read it, thank you mate :)
@RodrigoSilva Oh and this one, too :D msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb397687.aspx
It's quite a bit I know, but the concepts are extremely powerful and will help you in the future
@RoelvanUden mhm, I should have already know it, but it's one of those things we'll just to later :P
Now is the time though
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