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@JLott A spider, I hope.
@KendallFrey Yes. I would rather have the Marvel character
Not familiar with Marvel
Iron Man...
oh, ok
All of the best comic book heros
I prefer comics like Garfield
Dilbert ftw
I do enjoy Dilbert
iphone pics are terrible, i need a new phone
@JLott u look like a mini-rogue
!!urban mini-rogue
@CCInc No definition found for mini-rogue
@CharlieBrown I was rogue for Halloween!
oh thats right, i remember the pics
@ton.yeung You saw that whore again, didn't you!?
I only posted the pic of my Ironman costume...
@ton.yeung Right!
this day sucks
i canceled the download
downloading 7 gigs at 20k/sec sucks
@Steve What for?
Is it any good? Shoudl I buy it?
ah, my mistake
i would love anything other than wireless wan and dialup
@JLott wait, how many costumes do you have !?!
@RoelvanUden I am now trying to make that bitArray
@ton.yeung They won't notice, lol
where you do read comics?
What's it about?
@ton.yeung Ha!
today we are getting wine in the workplace.
Is EVE ONLINE any good?
Super sale on steam
its like 15 years old
It is?!?
never played it
i remember wanting to try it around year 2000
Yes we do, but I am talking about Chardonnay and Savignon Blanc
I misspelled the Sauvignon.
@CCInc EVE is hedge funds IN SPACE
I've played it on and off since about 2003
the only mint i know is a money manager
and ones in my pocket.
i eat a couple a day.
i use mint linux myself
Is mixing wine with work a good idea>
@abhi YES balmers peak
@CCInc Be warned, there are lots of in-game purchases.
especially when doing an UAT sign off.
Is that what Stevie did?
How do I reverse this?
var result = Convert.ToInt32("01110101", 2);
Console.WriteLine("Result : {0}",result);
@KendallFrey Can I play it at all without buying anything more?
@CharlieBrown Just my halloween ones
@CCInc you have to buy game time. IIRC the paid content is all cosmetic though
What does this photograph remind of you of?

@ton.yeung What is a great story?
@TomW wtf buy game time? forget it
how else do you expect its enormous server resources to be paid for?
Buying the game?
Let me show you a video from a great guy.
tldr: yes, but it takes a crazy amount of dedication
@Steve You love that Steam chat, eh?
i just removed you
because you never talk to me, you don't even care
sometimes he even comes in here and tells us how little he cares.
i know
so sad, right?
Why should I talk to people who ask me about the size of my penis?
okay, some people might not know that i'm joking
If you don't want to have me as a Steam friend, that's fine. I have other friends.
whoa things just got weird
@ton.yeung That makes me happy :)
weirder than usual even
i asked him if he was a man, what size his penis would be, small or extra small
I guess I am newer then I thought lol
you noob indeed
@ton.yeung newb A term used to describe a inexperienced gamer/person/etc. Unlike a noob, a newb is someone who actually wants to get better.
!!urban nub
@Steve [nub](http://nub.urbanup.com/1269215) one who sucks at a particular video game, they are not new to the game, but possess some determent that prevents them from playing well, no matter how long they practice playing the game.
synonyms- a Dan Wood, noob, newbie, newb
antonyms- an Alex, elite, 1337, leet
yeah that was a long one
@ton.yeung That's what she said
@Steve You too
Now I am eating Godiva chocolates.
I am going to make a chicken sandwich \
Did anyone else see this?

@ton.yeung what is OP?
overpriced I presume?
@abhi goat's backwards
over powered
that photo was taken by yours truly at the Smithsonian in D.C.
I think it is a symbolic representation of the need for man to dominate and control others around him.
@ton.yeung Lindt has the best chocolate IMO
anyway the chocolates were a gift from the hardware guy.
@abhi did you get your question resolved?
OFC my idea of "fine chocolates" is different than most. Good quality (little fillers) with a high cocoa content is what's important.
@KSdev Nope.
Still stucjk
wrong pasta**
@ton.yeung it's the only way to roll.
i love dark chocolate.
@abhi sorry had a work meeting, let me supply you a link
@ton.yeung made me tear up a little with that article (norad one)
	var result = Convert.ToInt32("01110101", 2);
	Console.WriteLine("Result : {0}",result);
Thanks @KSdev
@ton.yeung adding milk to chocolate ruins the heavenly glory inherent therein.
@abhi two approaches, built in functions like convert or manual function?
@JeroldHaas I agree with you.
built in would be helpful.
@abhi simple matter of neurochemistry.
Nothing can ruin chocolate
What's the best way to go about understanding the C# Language Specifications? Scott Allen from PluralSight says to do it in "parts". Have any of you done this? How did you go about it? Did you write console apps for each specification?
^except fruit
@KendallFrey You haven't met my offspring.
they can ruin any food item.
@KendallFrey milk prevents chocolate from being as psychoactive.
@Shiva I only read it when I have questions
@Shiva best way is to join a forum
and attempt to solve questions.
@ton.yeung ruin chocolate?
There's annotated version of the C# spec
no need to pay. they do it for free.
@Shiva I am self taught C#, and just jumping in, using stackoverflow and MSDN will help
I already do that on Stackoverflow and MSDN forums. I guess my question is, how do you "Master the C# Language"? I've been working on it for 10+ years, but everyone says that you should be a master of atleast 1 major programming language.
Reading the spec is a horrible way to learn a language
@Shiva That's not possible by reading the spec.
The best thing is just to make stuff
He doesn't need to learn the language though
Reading the spec may not allow you to solve practical problems.
he wants to learn all the little things
Think of something cool to make, and make it
@JoshVarty Where's the annotated Version of C# language Specs?
Write an implementation for the language in question in the language in question. :lol:
why master anything, its going to change or become obsolete and then so are you
@CharlieBrown That's the spirit.
Exactly what @JoshVarty has stated. I want to learn all the "little things" so I can master it (for myself).
The only thing worth mastering is learning.
Yes. master the ability to learn
Jon Skeet's book is another great one
and then you're set for life.
so @abhi convert will do what you are trying, you have a binary number and you want it base 10, so Convert.ToString(binaryNumber, base10)
A master carpenter doesn't study all the specifications of his tools: He builds.
that goes through the details you might not encounter in everyday programming.
I already have alzheimers
If you're a fisherman, it's a good idea to master baiting a hook.
sorry my bad, I meant Parkisons.
See what I did there?
Yes. I did.
Are you a master baiter then?
@abhi you use the Convert.ToString to go to base 2, but using the 2 after the binary string, go back the other way; Convert.ToString(result, 10)
@KendallFrey figures your still thinking about master baiting
That's doing, not learning specifications, @KendallFrey
I'm not a fisherman :/
let me try that out @KSDev
@JoshVarty Thanks for the book link. Jon Skeet (SO TopDog) has also reviewed it with 5 Stars. That by itself says something :)
I think it'd be worth learning those details just for the sake of learning.
And there's nothing wrong with that. Especially if you have 10+ years of experience with it.
@Shiva no one here knows who Jon Skeet is.
clr via c# is a good book
So many books. So little time ):
If I could choose a superpower, that'd be the one I'd choose.
As dull as that sounds in the context of superpowers
@JoshVarty wouldn't you rather learn to fly?
@abhi did that work?
FACT: People who dream of flying, suffer from flatulence.
I'll take the ability to see through clothes
Not really. If I was the only one getting a superpower, I'd want something that made me only marginally different than everything else.
@KSDev Nope.
@abhi don't think those with flatulence are the ones suffering.
    	var result = Convert.ToInt32("01110101", 2);
	Console.WriteLine("Result : {0}",result);
 	var xOut = Convert.ToString(result, 10);
@JeroldHaas Good Point.
The others around them are.
@JeroldHaas "No one"? Jon Skeet is #2 Top Answerer on SO. He used to be #1. I've read a lot of his answers that go into great detail and help you understand inner workings of C#. stackoverflow.com/tags/c%23/topusers
> "3 out of 4 people suffer from diarrhea." Does that mean the other people enjoy it?
@Shiva - we know jon skeet and tony and pony.
@Shiva Jon Skeet is not #2
Yeah but what do I need rapid healing for. Realistically, that would mean I'd need to undergo incredible amounts of pain.
!!define sarcasm
@JeroldHaas sarcasm (uncountable) A form of humor that is marked by mocking with irony, sometimes conveyed in speech with vocal over-emphasis. Insincerely saying something which is the opposite of one's intended meaning, often to emphasize how unbelievable or unlikely it sounds if taken literally, thereby illustrating the obvious nature of one's intended meaning.
I've broken bones before and it sucks haha
@abhi What does var xOut = Convert.ToString(117, 10) produce?
@JoshVarty only when their your own
Wolverine should have post traumatic stress disorder consider the stuff he's been through lol
@KSdev download and use linqpad
Thanks for the info guys, esp @JoshVarty I got what I needed. Bye!
Hello Gentlemen
@CharlieBrown @KSdev or Roslyn CTP
err, Gentlepeople
Man can you imagine how much immortality would suck in about 10 billion years?
These are the practical questions comic book authors never asked themselves.
Assuming the earth freezes over, you'd be subject to torturous freezing then healing. Repeated forever.
Has anyone here ever setup multiple Azure services under a single domain? I am having issues with this and it would be awesome if someone here has experience with that.
He, who?
If you have immortality, you should have time to figure out a solution, involving leaving Earth if need be
@karbon yes
The Kerbals can do it!
If entropy always increases, there will come a time where no matter what you do, there is no place habitable.
Infinity is a long time.
@karbon i have a ton of azure accounts for work, what are you trying to setup?
@abhi Sorry, im a dumbie. You need Convert.ToString(result, 2)
If you are immortal, entropy can no longer continue to increase indefinitely
@JoshVarty Nope.
That's true.
!!> typeof Infinity
@KendallFrey "number"
not "time"
Infinity is a long number. lol
It's a LongNotLong
Learn this one cool trick to define Infinity. Mathematicians hate him!
@abhi that should work for you, let me know
@CharlieBrown I basically have a web running as a web role that communicates with our services. In IIS we simply setup sub applications. We do not want to scale uniformly across all services, so I have several cloud services hosting our web services. The problem is that I cannot seem to get data to appear to come from one domain so that we don't have to deal with CORS
Long walk, short pier. Facebook.
@JoshVarty lol
@karbon do you have A records for all your services?
Have you heard the Canadian test? Intentionally run into someone with a shopping cart, and see if they apologize.
@CharlieBrown I can
if you make A records, and give each one a subdomain you should be ok
I lied, that's the British test, from Henning Wehn
@ton.yeung exactly
@CharlieBrown isn't there an issue with subdomains? That was my initial thought and then I started reading about it. Perhaps I should just try it in our dev environment?
@karbon cors can be configrued to allow * wildcard
@ton.yeung You still coming Monday?
@CharlieBrown Also, when in staging I get CORS errors and urls are all <guid>.cloudapp.net
lol, yeah that ones a bitch
me too. @RyanTernier will you be my bestie?
Bring Schroeder with you and sure @CharlieBrown
Badump tsssh
@CharlieBrown so am I digging up the wrong tree w/ url rewrite in your opinion?
he is now
@karbon i have used that too when I had too, but usually we just setup subdomains and change teh access policy to allow . Honestly that stuff can be a pain, so I would use what is the most maintainable later on/less hassle *for your company
I didn't even want it until @ton.yeung suggested it be removed.
1 message moved to Trash can
I really don't care about it that much. My cell phone # is extremely public
Not much someone can do with it...
White Pages.ca -> Ryan Ternier
They can, IDK, call you
@RyanTernier that you that its talking about with "for a good time call"?
What, cell phone numbers are listed in CA?
@CharlieBrown thank you for the help. I think it is worth at least trying another option. Url rewrite + mvc routing was not doing it for me.
I get like 10 calls a day with "Hi, you won a cruise ship contest. Press 1 (and we'll bill you eleventy million dollars!) to accept it"
Now you're going to get 11. (:
@JeroldHaas Very easy to get cell phone numbers
@RyanTernier It's amazing the things GVoice can do...
I get like two calls a month
@Ryan - number was probably safer here than the trash can :P
@ton.yeung Hrm... not really. VIsa works :)
@TravisJ I just flagged it to have it removed
They won't give you the exchange rate on it if you do @ton.yeung
If that matters.
Canadians hate dollar bills too
and pennies
and other pointless currency
@ton.yeung give it to meeee
Well we hate your nonsensical Canadian quarters and pennies!
I have more american cash than canadian
me too
@JeroldHaas what are canadian pennies?
Odd, that.
Oh had you gotten rid of them?
of course
I should probably spend my american money before I come back to canada tomorrow.
@ton - It will be close. You need to make some sort of minor edit to the post to get it bumped
@ton - Add the caption of the hat below the image. It will bump it to the front page.
What's the hat for?
"edit a community wiki post"
@ton.yeung I love how the cat backs up :)
@TravisJ Where's the community wiki and how do you edit one? Is a minimum reputation needed?
@Shiva There is no "community wiki"
It's a property of a post
oh. Duh. Ok.
well it looks like @abhi left, so if he comes back and has his question, someone tell him Convert.ToString(result, 2);
I got the "Chatty Chatty" Cat Hat today :) Anyone here interested in beta testing a Cat website I am building? It's going to feature popular cats from the internets and rank them etc.

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