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@SteffenWinkler Hey hey
@ton.yeung Neato
silly Japanese
Can barely resist racist joke
sounds tasty
A cup of rice is two meals? No wonder you're skinny.
raw rice isn't healthy
you should cook it first
that's an eye popper
that's an thigh popper
Just like Eskimo has more words for snow than for trees.
I imagine they had more words for snow than lion and tiger as well.
Now that Thanksgiving is over, I have not been able to eat much lol
turkey put your appetite to sleep?
All the food...
There was just too many large meals last week
Thanksgiving food is awesome though :)
Besides, as long as you are constantly getting good exercise you can eat what you want
Unless I burn like 3000 calories
I want a metabolism transplant
3000 calories isn't that hard of a target
Don't be close minded ;) Open your thighs and eat out!
lol damnit
3000 calories is a lot of running
@TravisJ You did that on purpose.
Like 200..
calories burn a lot of sex
@Kendall - I blame @rlemon
It was actually Zirak I think
probably is my fault.
@rlemon - Did you open Caprica's eyes?
@rlemon - Did you open Caprica's thighs?
> Giving oral sex
Uhhh, nope
Both face down. Anal?
heh, I am afraid to uncollapse those
Get rid of those pics
Also, she's on top
Unless she has super hairy legs
@JLott - Usually you burn 10 calories per minute when active. 5 per minute when just moving around. And 20 per minute when pushing yourself. So if you have an intense workout or activity then you could burn 3000 calories in only 2-3 hours
@TravisJ I can't work out intensely for 5 minutes, let alone hours.
@KendallFrey you sir should have been a detective.
but the answer is clearly that she is pegging him
@Kendall - When I was in college they made us run 35 miles per week.
@rlemon could be, but look at the angles. She's pointing at his right asscheek, and he's turned the other way.
Maybe they just have a really flexible strapon
"omg the word sex" flag flag flag <- douche
@rlemon - Please, we have women and children here.
I can but that means they have to be on my screen...
So I waited for them to be gone...
perfect time for my boss to walk by...
they are still not completely gone
I swear boss it is just Stackoverflow...
not acceptable for the web: perfectly fine for the stack of magazines in your lobby.
@TravisJ Psssh
in fact, the crap that gets flagged in here (the chats overall) is often not as 'offensive' than the magazines shoved in your face at the grocery store checkouts
just walked in into gold
Some people don't go grocery shopping
amazon shopping!
until your room gets filled with cardboard boxes
my cats love amazon
my cats love dying
I love Pentatonix
I love ... teehee
jk, jk
why I love amazon -> Ordered some crap last night at 5pm, got an email at 10pm telling me it was already shipped and I should expect it later today or tomorrow
30 minutes
semi-serious question. I name my Databases after pokemons. Should I follow some naming pattern? e.g. bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur for dev, test, production?
one day..
apparently UPS is 'working on' something similar
@rlemon The technology is not new.
Those things tend to take forever to come out. Amazon just announced it to get all of the media hype. And it worked
Same way Windows 8 supports finger prints for login/authentication but apple stole the hype
I never said it was new. The overhead of it all is mind-boggling. The FAA is probably going to be giving them a super hard time
well .. "stole"
@ton - Yeah they made us because I was a starter on our soccer team.
the amount of quality assurance testing that will need to be done to ensure they are accurate / safe / reliable is going to also cost a crap load and take a long time
@rlemon Plus when people think about what happens when one breaks over my house while delivering to my neighbor.
what about the people who will just sit there trying to shoot them down knowing they contain goods and are un manned
Amazon-police will come after you
My neighbor said he is getting a big net ready...
Yeah, like UPS doesn't beat my package up enough now it has to be flown in.
Reason for damage? [ ./ ] Drone crashed.
what happens when the first seagul goes head first into your package.
you get charged for animal abuse AND you lose your package?
@ton.yeung fair. It is a duckhunt game where you shoot amazon drones
@ton - Or maybe they just fly in and drop it from 30 feet up
Like an egg drop from those ridiculous science fairs
My shotgun can aim that far
how much battery do they have on those drones anyway? I can't think they can go that far
What if I taze it
don't taze me bro
I'm not bro, I'm tazing your drone
Dude that was my moms Christmas present!
@JLott - Why the pshh? You don't like the idea of images collapsing on their own? You can still open them
what if the drones had tazers in them
What if the drones had cameras on them to drive (they will), and they fly to your door (they said they will), and then catch weird shit (inevitable).
Two words: paparazzi drones.
Be just like the book Daemon
@TravisJ what if Jehovah witness start using drones to deliver agenda to your door?
@TravisJ I was just messing lol
posted on December 04, 2013 by Eric Lippert

Today on the Coverity Development Testing Blog's continuing series Ask The Bug Guys, I take a question from an "Eric L", who is confused about one of the subtle rules of method type inference despite having written the rule himself. My … Continue reading →

Another Eric L post. Hopefully about casting metal
nope. :(
Telerik takes so long to answer my questions
So for some reason none of my required field validators are working.
But there's a range validator that is.
I love black box development.
@SpencerRuport - aren't working client side or server side
Actually client side isn't working at all but I think that's something to do with the page.
Did you try turning it off and then on again?
If the project wasn't rebuilt then the testing version could have the old .dll still and not see the new validation attributes.
@ton - Depends on the first figure ;)
Well they exist in the ASP.Net forms javascript.
I just have no idea why they aren't ever executing.
can someone pls help me on this stackoverflow.com/questions/20380530/…
Q: ListCollectionView BindingSource Refresh

techknackblogsI am binding ListCollectionView to BindingSource which in turn is binded to DataGridView (winforms). But Whenever new object is added to ListCollectionView BindingSource is not getting updated automatically. I need to make it NULL and re-bind again. //Binding to Datagrid bindingProvider.DataSour...

@SpencerRuport - If the controls are added after the page loads then the jquery validation wont trigger
@ton - No, we are talking about numbers. And the first number is the most significant digit.
no its not WPF its Winforms
Ah, no :( Sometimes the internet has problems conveying tone and intent
I can't even figure out where this alert is coming from.
There's no way to break on alert in firebug?
any suggestions?
@SpencerRuport - Not really, alerts are a pain in the ass. What I would do is search the loaded javascript for the string in the alert
Well it's grabbing it from a span title
So that doesn't help.
search the javascript for "validat"
look for any custom rules
The fact that telerik is at the top of this list is BS
@TravisJ - I'm doing that.
There's about 3000 lines of javascript.
how many validat matches?
you aren't searching the jquery.min file I hope, that is a custom library rite?
No this is the generated javascript by ASP.Net Forms.
That is from | 09 June 2011
@Spencer Ruport - You could also search for validate({rules:{
I think that is the hook used
@ton.yeung Is Selenium good? When have been looking at other options.
Selenium is freaking awesome
I need something for C# WPF apps..
This isn't just for web right?
I have only used it for web, not sure if it works for desktop testing.
"Selenium automates browsers. That's it." - seleniumhq.org
Oh my god.
Did you find the source, Neo?
public override void Validate()

foreach(IValidator vld in Validators)
((Label)vld).ToolTip = vld.ErrorMessage;
Someone shoot me in the head.
Shouldn't have taken the red pill
Jesus Christ. This is in production!
Nobody noticed only one error was reported at a time?
No idea.
So glad I spent the last 40 minutes tracking this down though.
Totally why I got into development.
I remember years ago I was working for this guy who had this PDF generator that, to be fair, had some rather complex business requirements.
Unfortunately he brute forced the thing and had a 6000 line long loop.
Not even exaggerating.
I looked at manually converting excel files into pdfs once.
It was terrifying
He was getting frustrated with me because I was "too slow". Really I'm just the kind of developer who likes to be aware of the side effects I'm causing when I make a change. Something difficult to do in a 6000 line loop.
He told me that I needed to start "appreciating the beauty of the code".
I couldn't help it. I laughed. =x
I got fired the next day.
Q: ListCollectionView BindingSource Refresh

techknackblogsI am binding ListCollectionView to BindingSource which in turn is binded to DataGridView (winforms). But Whenever new object is added to ListCollectionView BindingSource is not getting updated automatically. I need to make it NULL and re-bind again. //Binding to Datagrid bindingProvider.DataSour...

Don't cut the wrong wire. But there are so many. Cut the magenta tinted red one with the blue and light blue dotted 15 degree stripe with off white bordered orange poka dots!
Oh wait we switched the function of the magenta with the red last week...
@techknackblogs We saw your question. Please don't continuously link it.
And only after the third "junction" where we hacked away at the insulation with a pocket knife and just wrapped a bunch of blue wires that go off in crazy directions.
"Why didn't you keep with the color scheme?"
"Because radio shack was having a sale on this blue wire! We have 50 rolls of it!"
"We saved $100."
"You know I make $65/hr right?"
I read a pretty awesome book about refactoring yesterday
What's it called?
@TravisJ multiline?
Potentially. Nice catch
@TravisJ - Nice thanks. I'll take a look at it.
what does soooo making bank mean?
It means literally going out and creating your own bank.
That's why people talk about how they'd like to "make bank".
@techknackblogs Posted an answer for you ;)
The first step towards making bank is buying concrete. Have to have a good foundation.
You certainly wouldn't want your bank to collapse.
@JLott Have you tried coded UI testing?
Nope, if it went under water then it may have to be bailed out.
Scalability /skāləˈbilitē/ (noun) 1. Requires constant testing and refactoring.
Me: TFS, come here.
TFS: Why?
Me: Never mind, just come here and face that way.
TFS: *does so*
Me: Now bend over.
TFS: Why? What are you doing with that broom? AAAAUUUUUUUGH!!!!!! OWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!
Me: That's for what you did to me today. I hope you remember this every time you take a crap.
TFS: *sobs*
Is there any way to have multiple authenticated users in one session in ASP.NET?
I think you are misunderstanding a Session.
A Session is used for one user at a time.
@ReedCopsey I am using ObservableCollection and have implemented INotifyPropertyChange too
@TravisJ I know under normal cirucmstances yes
but I'm wondering if it's possible to have mulitple users logged in on the same browser at once?
@techknackblogs How are you adding items?
@ReedCopsey Through Dapper ORM I am populating the ObservableCollection. And using that in ListCollectionView. And ListCollectionView is binded to Datagridview through BindinSource
@dav_i: well then how would you know who's logged in?
@dav_i - That sounds like a bad idea. One possible way to implement it would be to require logging in at every page request. This would mean every time a user navigated they would need to resubmit their credentials though.
jesus, this guy must be invested in Samsung or something, every day he's talking about the PC apocalypse
@TravisJ @JeroenVannevel One example would be a hot-seat game where by multiple users log in at the start and then play shifts to each player
@techknackblogs you said that adding items later isn't showing up - how are you adding those new items after it's initially populated?
@ReedCopsey That I am directly adding it to ObservableCollection i.e. Providers.Add(AddEditedProvider);
@dav_i - Does this game involve not trusting another user to move so you can have a turn?
@techknackblogs well, that should work then - but Winforms binding is dumb, so it doesn't surprise me you're having problems ;)
@TravisJ No, the users would trust each other
@dav_i - There are other ways of doing this.
All users log in at once before the game starts, and the turns rotate in one tab.
All users log in at once before the game starts using their own devices.
All users play without logging in and if they wish to save their score/data/results then they log in or subscribe to have the information sent to them
These are hypothetical human beings.
@TravisJ The first was was what I was thinking
@ReedCopsey But When I bind datagridview directly to ObservableCollection it works fine. It gives issue only with ListCollectionView
but obviously authenticating multiple users in one browser on the same site is... unusual... so no information on doing it anywhere!

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