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Haha I'm no one in the C# world.
Hahaha more or less.
mmm, dat feel when you can go "wtf... that doesn't do anything!" and delete it
That feeling when you realize you're angry as hell at shapes
...stupid shapes...
1 hour later…
hey there..
anybdy here?
hi folks, what is the correct syntax to invoke dir to a sub directory? I tried the following but always failed.
dir /b 'sub dir/" *.png > output.txt
the output contains all files including .png and other format.
were missing me? Here I am
morning all
@DonutE.Knot are you building the command from .NET? If so, why not to use System.IO.*?
how it's going?
@jim No. I am coding in TeX. The question was posted as follows.
Q: How to list all PNG images in a sub directory?

Donut E. KnotLet sub dir be my sub directory in which many images of various format exist. I tried the following but the output contains not only PNG but also other formats. cmd /c dir /b "sub dir" *.png > output.txt My question is what is the correct syntax to list all PNG images in sub dir? Note that I...

hey guys. help me... pls or i ll go crazy tonight
i have a problem with sharpsvn
please please somebody
i spent all night long for that, for playing with sharpsvn, while hoping that ill find a reason
but now i am totally mad
just like on picture http://cs413820.vk.me/v413820207/59db/1xOtA2akDHw.jpg
@DonutE.Knot just tried Start-Run cmd /c dir /b "art" . > c:\output.txt and it worked
oops, 2 asterisks didnt display here
ah, 1 sec
ok, you've got the answer :)
its sounds funny, but i don't know what to do to pay more attention
50 bounties, 80% of all my rep.
@Greag.Deay I never worked with sharpsvn :(
@jim and dont't try, not userfriendly lib, without good wiki, not appropriate to solve your problem fast wihthout learning a tonns of information
@Greag.Deay the worst thing is when the very popular and complex library doesnt allow to perform a simple but very needed thing...
i've got the one
i just want to override all my files from head rev, sharpsvn, please, why can't u just do it :cccccccccccccc
decrementing the session value in master page, In my page load event the session value is decrementing properly, when i redirect to another page, the session value is again starting from initial value. how can i solve this
3 hours later…
hi all
Gud Morning
1 hour later…
morning guys and galls
any ppl around?
still me
hi @RaZor
gud aft noon..
and me :)
Hey @JasperManickaraj
hi all! does anyone know how to set @Html.DropDownListFor a selected value?
i have this : @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Governorate, (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)@ViewBag.Governorates, new { style = "width: 200px;" })
i need to set the selected item to model.GovernorateID
in MVC? @Hanady
@JasperManickaraj yeah
did u try this @Html.DropDownList("ID", Model.overlap_name, new { OnChange = "overlapChange(this)" })
Hi @RaZor.. How was the day
@RaZor check this guy. Posted the same question again... Why not check your anwsers first. Or is he just after code. stackoverflow.com/questions/20368452/…
Pffff hahahahahaha downvote?
i flaged it as dup.
Downvoting scares me apears i loose points when i downvote
I think the guy is just after code. and i cba right now to do a javascript example.
Hi Guys.. Is there any way we can decide at runtime on 'number of for-loops(nested)'?
u there?
i have found a solution for ur question.
@JasperManickaraj what is it?
see this link
Q: Hmtl.DropDownList using only ViewBag for selected value

jaffaI can create a dropdown list with items from the ViewBag, but there doesn't seem to be a way to select the current item. I'm not using the model to achieve this, just want to use ViewBag, otherwise I'd have to create another model class just to wrap the select items and the actual data to display...

okay thanks i'll try it
fix it ???
@JasperManickaraj the value is selected but the problem is that the selected value is also in the select list of the drop down
so it's duplicating
i will try something maybe it will work
yup sure..
Hi everyone
How's everyone doing
Im creating a function in sql which im going to use in my asp.net program
Im creating query builder
which generates sql code automaticly, the thing here is of there is a way to control the AND statement in my code??? So at the end of my query it does not add and AND, if u understand what i mean
hey guys
hey smbdy help
i haven't sleep for 30 hours while trying to make my sharpsvn work right
@Greag.Deay wish I could help, good luck tho ;)
Hi, does anyone know why Microsoft when they created C# decided to use uppercase method names when mostly every other language uses camel case method names?
@Rickyfox wait i refresh my actual code
if i write all program, would it be helpful?
~120 lines
@Greag.Deay guess I can't help you, I havn't used sharpsvn before
o sh~ my english.. sry.
@Sythnet dunno, but I like it!
@Greag.Deay also, you should consider taking a break. With 30 hours awake as you said, I doubt your performance will get better ;)
i need to release my server manager at friday, but ur right, i ll take a sleep for several hours.
thank u anyway C:
well, urgency doesn't justify replacing working approaches with not-working ones ;)
Last time I did some overtime like that it didn't really help the project much haha
Q: Multiple pages with multiple subreport by crystal reports

dinesh KumarAny body have an idea how to set multiple sub-report with multiple pages using crystal reports. i have a two sub-report placing with one main report but when displaying this are showing in one page with on by on. So how can i avoid this? Thank you,

Please help me this issue
i think i have reached a new level of insanty when trying to find data in the database. Create a select that search for all the numaric columns in the DB then run a select against all the columns looking for a value....
any one up to help
i have an issue
can any one help me i have an issue
and what's that ?
Can some one tell me do i need excel installed on my machine in order to use Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel if yes, do also need excel installed on each and every machine on which the software will be used.
@Arbaaz what's the issue..?
I am importing excel and i get...
Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80040154
I am getting the error at

Dim ws As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet
Dim Obj As Object

ws = DirectCast(workbook.Worksheets(1), Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet) <---error here
don't you have excel installed..??
yo anyone here
 columns.Bound(t => t.AppointmentDate).Title("Date & Time");
i wanna add t.AppointmentTime to above column. any clue ?
@manish no i dont
We use LibreOffice
well, am not sure but if we don't have anything installed then logically speaking we might not be able ti use it
@manish i have a problem with google map
i want to show map on popup window
Q: How to show google map in modal popup

VIPUL PARMARI have a repeater control and bind all data in that and also has a link for show map for that data. Now what i want when user click on link button to show map then modal popup is show and in that map is display for that particular location stored in database. so please help me how to do this. ...

Q: How to modify and presist member / embedded array in "dynamic" object (the one declared with dynamic keyword)

AnnieI have: dynamic dObj = System.Web.Helpers.Json.Decode(contentsOfJsonFile) // returns dynamic.. where: dObj.title // is a flat sting dObj.description // is a flat sting dObj.tags // is an array! ["videos", "pictures", "other assets"] Now in dynamic variable, how to modify the embedded array?...

@anne have you tried for(int i =0 ; i <dObj.tags.count; i++ ) { dObj.tags[i] }
Personaly i use newtonsoft json so im just guressing here.
guys anyone can help me with the following: I need to upload a Folder Structure from the local Drive into a database.. and all documents from the folders should be imported aswell.
What I have so far: I've managed to load all folders into a treeview and all documents from the folders into a ListView
but here comes the tricky part...: I have to upload the folderstructure from the treeView into the Database first while adding the UniqueID of the Inserted folder as tag of the Node in the treeview when that is done
I need to import all documents into the right folder that is in the database...
how should I do this?
@razor i would kinda do it like google drive does. I have come to the decission that it was smart. Basicly everthing is a file. They just have diffrent types and some files have the type of directory. Then each file has a parent. Top parent is just root.
Hi guys!!!
I have this line in my sql function and i was wondering how do I trim the (AND) statement in the beginning, so it does not appear at the start only if there are multiple data

set @Query = @Query + ' AND ('+ (case when(@CountryDelivery = 1) then 'Delivery' else 'pickup' end) +'.CountryUK '+ (case(@CountryExcl) when 1 then ' <> ''' else ' = ''' end) + @country + ''')'
and how does Google Drive do it?
as for storing the file as scarry as that sounds it does need to be done just have a blob column read the file and dump it in. Depending upon what RDBMS you are using depends on how you insert into a blob column.
@DaImTo few questions: what is RDBMS?, I've got already a varbinary(max) column...
One table. File (id, filename, Mimetype(of the file or DIR for a dierctory), ParentId, fileblobcrap)
@razor RDBMS = relational Database Managment System
The problem is that I already have my final version of the Database... Can't change it anymor...
@DaImTo thanks @RDBMS explaination
Then whats your question?
How to insert a file into a column in the db?
@DaImTo, yes I tried.. it gives me the same

A first chance exception of type 'Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException' occurred in System.Core.dll
.count .length ... both doesn't work
nope, how to use C# to insert the folder structure first and than add the documents into the database with the correct reference to the corresponding folder
@Annie: I have looked into it. The problem is that you're retrieving an Object[] array and each entry is a Dictionary<String, Object>. And your array's value is another nested Dictionary<String, Object>.
@JeroenVannevel, can you please tell me how did you inspect the types?
Turning it into an ExpandoObject will be difficult. However you can use the JSON.NET provided methods or use long code. Relevant links to follow in a sec
Q: Deserialize json object into dynamic object using Json.net

ryudiceIs it possible to return a dynamic object from a json deserialization using json.net? I would like to do something like this: dynamic jsonResponse = JsonConvert.Deserialize(json); Console.WriteLine(jsonResponse.message);

Q: Deserialize JSON into C# dynamic object?

jswansonIs there a way to deserialize JSON content into a C# 4 dynamic type? It would be nice to skip creating a bunch of classes in order to use the DataContractJsonSerializer.

It doesn't show anything in immediate window... can't run dynamic at runtime..
thanks, leme take a look.
I'm using LINQPad. Printing an object to the console shows a visual representation like this.: i.imgur.com/Vy3jdET.png
just wasted a hole day becouse i was connected to the wrong db...
nice one @DaImTo
@razor ..... Insert colorful words here
@DaImTo blue, red, green
you may choose
But it explains why i couldnt find the data i was looking for....
and i managed to write a query that can take down sql server 'System.OutOfMemoryException'
Highlight of my week that
@DaImTo That is a .NET exception, not a SQL one. Why would SQL crash?
@RoelvanUden acutaly i think its an error from managment studio isnt it.
More than likely
My hole system wasnt happy after that.
Hey everyone I need your help with something kinda trivial
@DaImTo if that's the case then I'm confident it was just management studio that craped out on you :)
@JeroenVannevel, thanks it worked with newtonking's json
Glad I could point you to the answer
hey guys, can I check (without compiling and executing a sample application in C#) what Assembly.Location returns?
@SteffenWinkler Gets the full path or UNC location of the loaded file that contains the manifest.
@RoelvanUden yeah but
does it end with a backslash?
is the name of the executeable included?
@SteffenWinkler It said loaded file, not directory, thus it will end with yourAssembly.exe or yourAssembly.dll
Last one.
well but it says 'location'
Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.Location) ;)
a location, to me, means a directory
To me it doesn't :)
MDNA is pretty clear about it, too.
MSDN.. I typo'd okay? Sheesh!
@RoelvanUden so you don't know any website where I can see the output without trying myself
@RoelvanUden would that end with a \ or not?
@SteffenWinkler Unfortunately not, no.
MSDN is your friend! msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/… -> GetDirectoryName('C:\MyDir\MySubDir\myfile.ext') returns 'C:\MyDir\MySubDir'
@SteffenWinkler Why does it matter if it has a slash on the end anyway?
How can you typo so badly lol? MDNA is nothing like MSDN :P
@demonicode It was in my head :-(
Now I'm curious, what was in your head lol *runs to google mdna*
@RoelvanUden because I want to access a file in a subdirectory in that folder, so I've to do something like GetDirectoryName(@"C:\myexe.exe") + @"mySubDir\test.file";
ok it was either netball or Madonna's latest album :P lol
@demonicode ?? uhh, no. It's an amphetamine
@SteffenWinkler Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(a), "tralalal.txt")
3,4-Methylendioxy-N-methylamphetamin to be specific
ohhh... like speed?
Whoops! Fixed.
MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine) is an empathogenic drug of the phenethylamine and amphetamine classes of drugs. MDMA has become widely known as "ecstasy" (shortened to "E", "X", or "XTC"), usually referring to its street pill form, although this term may also include the presence of possible adulterants. The terms "mandy" or "molly" colloquially refer to MDMA in powder or crystalline form, usually implying a higher level of purity. MDMA can induce euphoria, a sense of intimacy with others, diminished anxiety, and mild psychedelia. Many studies, particularly in the fields o...
it's ecstasy
didn't knew that.
oh ok
I always wanted to try that :P
And now you know why I typo'd... :|
too bad my health is bad nowadays
now I want to know why ecstasy was in @RoelvanUden 's head....
me too! lol
@RoelvanUden wait...it's been there this whole time? GAAAAAAARGH
excuse me...I'm in that corner over there...crying
hey guys... what blogging platform should I use to start a programmer-like blog? I don't like the well known ones cause they're all changing now. the templates are so dumbed down to the point where a button takes up about 14 inches of screen space
Ahahahaha well remember that .NET is a beautiful managed language that can run on Linux-based machines as well. This also kind of implies that assuming Windows-style directory separators is bad practice and that there is a better alternative. Path is one of those utilities to learn and love when you target Linux/mono as well :3
@RoelvanUden yeah I usually use Path.DirectorySeperatorChar.ToString() but in this case, the program will sadly never make it onto a Linux machine :(
Well I can tell you horror stories about Linux/mono performance, too, but Path is nice.
had some headaches at first since I confused it constantly with PathSeperatorChar
(which usually is a ; )
hey everyone,

I am working with a foreach loop, trying to figure out the syntax for if a variable has occured for 'x' amount of time e.g. 15 minutes, then do something...
@Ebikeneser How does a variable "occur"
It just does
I am reading through my emails using 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook' so whilst iterating through the mails, if a specific email header doesnt occur after 15 minutes, i want to flag that
creation date of the email
Why are you counting iterations with wall clock time instead of iteration count?
because the wall clock time tells me how often the email is getting created, if it hasnt been created, i need to be alerted of this
Morning everyone!
@ton.yeung That workshop would be awesome!!!
@Greg It was pretty odd.. but I would like to see it
@RyanTernier If you go to ACM ICPC's website there are all of the competition problems from the past.
good morning
@LewsTherin Yep :)
^ aww :)
I missed an opportunity to go there. I heard it was OK
@demonicode Hands off!
Hands off what?
@LewsTherin I love competing. It was stressful, but a great feeling to kick everyone in the face.
omg I love kicking people in the face!
@JLott :O That's not very feminine :(
@demonicode Do you like being kicked in the face?
@LewsTherin I have to show my wild side occasionally
@JLott In bed, granted. I'm all for that.
Geeze -_-
Has anyone here ever seen or written a query builder?
@LewsTherin what kind of ?
hey @JLott

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