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Hi, All
Hi @ognale88 lol
Hi, @Tommy
@ognale88 how's things?
Someday I'm going to put a clause in a License Agreement that entitles me to half of the user's income. I'll be rich.
Yeah, everything s good. How abt tar ?
yeah everything's cool and stuff
@Tommy, War r u from ?
I have a migraine at the moment. can't wait for it to go away lol
how bout u?
I'm from perth
Tat's Cool man, @Tommy
Iam from Chennai
Is that in India?
Yea, ofcourse @Tommy
cool :)
@ton.yeung you into rollercoaster sim games?
@Tommy, Hav u ever came to India (or) Chennai ?
Nah, @ognale88. Unfortunately I'm too impatient to fly that far lol. The farthest I can stand to travel is about a couple hours, then I just get really anxious and wanna stop and do stuff
Ok, @Tommy. What is your source of Income ?
@ton.yeung yep... sims do lack good story lines
I have a program running all the time. And everyime that I press the print screen key, i want to save the image to a list and serialize that list to a file. Is there any way that I can only save the "adjustments" to the file. Because, what if I already have 200 screenshot.. those will all be serialized and saved to a file if I press print screen once.. :s
I just got to play with the mobile version of our app... oh god...
I feel like they should just scrap it and start over lol
Well that isn't very nice
posted on October 23, 2013 by Eric Lippert

In the latest episode of the Coverity Development Testing Blog's continuing series "Ask the Bug Guys", I dig into two questions about the null coalescing operator. This handy little operator is probably the least well understood of all the C# … Continue reading →

@ton - Sounds like a good way to get your data snooped
Problem with being in the room with everyone: I have to bob my head to music.
@JLott - Do you scrunch your face and get a little shoulder movement in there too? Maybe work your way up to a shout out with the song or two?
@ton - I meant that who is the provider? There is no oversight for a small company like that and they will have access to all of your data.
@ton.yeung My music lol
@TravisJ I'll get there
@ton - Oh they aren't just their own ISP? Then that seems pretty cool :)
@ton.yeung Everyone can see me jamming
Yeah, but the idea seems pretty cool. Although I would bet with spotty coverage comes slow data rates.
@ton.yeung What if I get to into it
@JLott - Air drums? Gotta work in tossing one in the air and catching it behind your back!
@TravisJ I keep a guitar pick at my desk for when it gets intense
@ton.yeung I started on electric, but I prefer acoustic. I also don't want to destroy my fingers.
Yes nylon lol. But I still use a pick regardless.
I want to learn steel guitar
I would just use finger picks lol
@ton.yeung I love telling someone "Stop working on it, I need to modify stuff."
They ignore me and continue working on it, so I shut the entire site down. They email me and say "The site is down, I can't work."
Then I respond "I said not to, for a reason."
@ton.yeung Especially since my dog loves them
@ton.yeung I just put my picks in my fretboard.
@Greg Finger picks make that difficult
@ton.yeung Yeah
How much should I sell my iPad 3 for?
You can buy it new for that lol
16GB, Wifi, Black
I put $300
That is what I paid for it lol
@TravisJ iPads, haha- They just lowered a bunch of prices; why don't you check the Apple Store for refurbished ones. That will give you a good idea.
how do I declare a SearchResult in C# in VB i could simply do
Dim Result as SearchResult
i tried SearchResult Result as SearchResult;
@Greg - Cool! Didn't know there was a refurb site. I still stand by my 450
it doesnt like the "as"
@JLott - Well if you don't mark it up then how are you going to make a profit? :P
@TravisJ Haha not my interest. I got it for a good deal because I was helping a friend out
He needed money for rent and I was decent on cash at that point.
@Skullomania Looks like you have to declare a DirectorySearcher first
@JLott I would of saved the money, or bought it and turned around and sold it for more.
@Greg Well I also sort of wanted an iPad for cooking and travel. I want the mini now though
With 4G
@JLott I'm not a fan of the iPad, after I bought my Galaxy Note I literally stopped using my Note 10.1 and iPad. Wasn't worth the head ache of carrying more items.
I like it. It works for its intended use
Thanks @JLott
Someone find me a cheap thunderbolt to ethernet cord
I love my surface.
@ton.yeung I never read books anymore.
It has vs2012 on it and I can troubleshoot on the go if I am demoing a project to a client. It is nice to just bring a tablet.
@JLott I ended up with SearchResult Result = Searcher.FindOne();
@ton.yeung No, the 5.6 inch phone.
All though I'm going to get the new Nokia Lumia 1520; get a full 6" phone upgrade from my Nokia Lumia 1020. I've noticed the 1020's 4.5" screen doesn't quite cut it, so I've been using my Kindle / Laptop a bit more.
It handles most stuff, but I do want a bigger screen some time.
@Skullomania Does it work?
why do people have such a negative knee jerk reaction to reflection?
@TravisJ It's not very readable or performant.
@JLott no errors yet, I am trying to improve a authentication provider for DNN using some old code from our previous extranet
@Kendall - True, it shouldn't be done a zillion times. Avoiding it once is a micro optimization though. I think that it reads just fine. Moreover, it is very good for solving a small set of problems.
@JLott i know very little about the dnn authentication provider, but I know how the old extranet login worked. If I can figure out a way to duplicate the login free of using ektron CMS variables then I will have it half way done
sucky part of this is all of the code is in VB.
Woo! VB!
@JLott I hate Visual Basic.
I TA the VB class lol
How are you feeling by the way, your thyroid better?
I don't go back until Dec 23rd
Lol! [This question](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19547153/getting-fade-in-out-into-a-continual-loop) has this
if( isApple ) alert("It is NOT recommended that you view this site at this time. I am working on a fix. Please leave this site now.")
? y u no linkify
That is kind of funny, "I'm sorry user, but your shit is broken go away while I fix it." Customer is like, But, Apple said this was better. :(
rofl that message =D
Hi all
Hi Reed :)
Wow. Disposing a Bitmap on Mono doesn't actually free memory. Impressive mono, good game.
Good thing bitmaps are only used for small things
Until you download images and manipulate them that is :P
That was the "sarcastic" font :)
wow. talk about ignorance.
yeah - well, if you're doing work for national labs
you kind of should know better
you have to be far more careful about language, etc, especially in public venues
(we run into that in my job - I wouldn't ever put that on our company's website...)
granted, it's total ignorance, but national security issues tend to take away all of your rights, so you've got to be careful - and dealing with national labs pretty much guarantees extra scrutiny
but that's a term that's only used that way in our industry - in the world at large, the term "hacker" still has other connotations
for right or wrong
Code review, does this look wrong in any way?
	// Initialize a new instance of the MemoryStream class.
	using (MemoryStream MemoryStream = new MemoryStream(Buffer)) {
		// Create the bitmap from the strea.
		using (Bitmap Bitmap = Bitmap.FromStream(MemoryStream) as Bitmap) {
			// Create the bitmap clone.
			return new Bitmap(Bitmap);
I usually say something is an ugly hack if it is a workaround that can be improved with best practice.
But I agree with @Reed, I wouldn't say that I like hacking on my website because at the very least it implies I avoid best practice.
@RoelvanUden Why clone?
using (MemoryStream MemoryStream = new MemoryStream(Buffer))
     return Bitmap.FromStream(MemoryStream) As Bitmap;
@ReedCopsey When the stream leaves the using block, the image is gone.
@ton.yeung Yes - but the population at large doesn't care about RFC's
Yes, I am a criminal.  My crime is that of curiosity.  My crime is
that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like.
My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me
the hacker manifesto
@RoelvanUden Oh, yeah - forgot that GDI is stupid about that
@ReedCopsey The weird bit here is that the code I linked works fine on .NET, but will leak memory like a total madman on Mono. Mono is a big piece of shit, that I knew, but I'd like a solution. :P
be curious what's actually leaking on mono there
Just creating and disposing a bitmap like that will leak.
@ton.yeung I do love my Nokia Windows Phone, I got rid of my Note for the Windows Phone. I do really love both devices.
I accidentally flagged a comment as "not constructive" instead of "other: what have you tried" and it didn't get removed (it actually got several votes). Can someone remove it from here? stackoverflow.com/questions/19548032/…
		/// <summary>
		/// Create an bitmap from the byte array.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="Buffer">Each byte.</param>
		public static Bitmap ToBitmap(this byte[] Buffer) {
			// Attempt the following code.
			try {
				// Initialize a new instance of the MemoryStream class.
				using (MemoryStream MemoryStream = new MemoryStream(Buffer)) {
					// Create the bitmap from the strea.
					using (Bitmap Bitmap = Bitmap.FromStream(MemoryStream) as Bitmap) {
						// Create the bitmap clone.
						return Bitmap.Clone() as Bitmap;
@ReedCopsey ^ That, then look a while(true) to create images and call dispose.
Use some sleep or whatever.
Call GC.Collect if you must.
It will leak.
where are you disposing the return value?
Well, shit. Visual Studio is broken again.
@ReedCopsey Immediately.
odd - file a bug report?
It's not like Microsoft would do anything about it...
It's not like anyone is going to care about my app needing bitmaps.
No- a Mono bug report with Xamarin : mono-project.com/Bugs
Bitmaps not disposing is a pretty significant bug if it's real
Oh, I thought it was odd that you would tell me a VS bug was odd.
I'm fully expecting a "Use a real language" or "Use a real image library" from a retarded open source community, as always. I'm not going to submit anything to open-source shit like that.
@RoelvanUden Xamarin includes real support - and they're not bad about it
it's not like an open source community bug issue - that's a core library feature
Is this on Android?
Ubuntu 13.10
the power of lightness
@ReedCopsey Both JPEG and PNG
Let me trace this problem further.. confusing stuff.
Time for yet another VS reinstall...
Hey Guys is this the right room to ask for a little assistance with MVC3?
Let me fire away... Silly problem...
@ton - Should be obvious though, right? You are essentially trusting all of your uploaded information to reside on a companies hard drive and not be affected by an outside influence. However, the assumption that there is no outside influence is a farce since from the very second you handed the data over the service was influencing where it resided and how it was accessed.
I cant get a DropDownlist to select the correct value at load...
Here is a sample code:
public class HomeController : Controller
        // GET: /Home/

        public ActionResult Index()
            var model = new MyViewModel();

            model.SomeCollection.Add(new SomeCollection() {Index = 1, SomeValue = "One"});
            model.SomeCollection.Add(new SomeCollection() { Index = 2, SomeValue = "Two" });
            model.SomeCollection.Add(new SomeCollection() { Index = 3, SomeValue = "Three" });

            model.SelectedValue = 3;

            return View(model);
Above are the Controller and ViewModels
@model MvcApplication5.Controllers.MyViewModel

    @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.SomeCollection, new SelectList(Model.SomeCollection, "Index", "SomeValue", Model.SelectedValue.ToString()))
Above is the View
I was expecting "Three" to be display in the dropdow at render...
But its juts showing "One"
Try removing the tostring after Model.SelectedValue
I added on purpose..same without it
can you show the rendered html
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <link href="/Content/Site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="/Scripts/jquery-1.5.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="/Scripts/modernizr-1.7.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


    <select id="SomeCollection" name="SomeCollection"><option value="1">One</option>
<option value="2">Two</option>
<option value="3">Three</option>
The property you are binding to should probably be an int and not a List. Try binding it to the selectedvalue or introducing a new int to hold it
@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.SelectedValue, new SelectList(...
Fantastic!!! Thank you!!!
I thought it was used to generate the values in the dropdown..
good and simple lesson.
Another trick with those, since dropdowns can be rather tricky, is that you can use a nullable int if you want to have a display message at the top.
int? bindVal
@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.bindVal, new SelectList(),"Message")
but keep in mind when you get it back in the controller you will need to use bindVal.Value in order to get the int out
Mono wasn't leaking from the base image implementation, but from a Grayscale filter. Instead of doing anything remotely related to something that can be considered sane, it decided to continue with a bunch of clones for no apparent reason.
Yes, I raged, but damn, Mono deserves it nonetheless for its stupid behavior.
When do you have to use const?
@JonyKale You never have to use const
const is the same as final in java?
sealed or readonly is like final in Java
depending on context (java uses final to mean 2 different things)
Then when do you really use const? what for? I just dont understand the documentation very much.
How are you supposed to uninstall .NET 4.5.1?
I see that.
I've lost track of how many times I've restarted today.
@Kendall - Some things that come to mind (if possible). Use system restore to rollback changes to the system. Check in control panel -> programs and features -> installed updates.
What I did was went in Programs and Features and Uninstalled it.
Of course, now I'm left with .NET 3.5 and lower. >:(
So I reinstalled 4.5
@ReedCopsey After reading some documentations now, I find out that sealed has nothing to do with finals, readonly is final but can be modified in constructor if Im not wrong
And Visual Studio runs half decently again
@JonyKale Correct
Something tells me that const is basically a final, that can't be modified
A const is just a convenient name for a value.
It's replaced with its value at compilation time.
@JonyKale No - readonly is final - you can only set it in the constructor, then it's not modifyable
const is a compile time substitution
const doesn't actually show up in the IL at all
Except the definition
so it's an unmodifiable constant
and const only works with compile time constant values
If you change the value of the constant between builds, old versions of other projects that use it will have outdated values.
@KendallFrey Yes - the definition is there ;) but the usage goes away
final variables in Java are effectively the same as readonly in C#
the usage has subtle differences, but they serve the same purpose
(Java's compiler enforces that final variables are only set once, but only allowed within the constructor or inline - C# only allows them to be set inline or in the constructor, but you can actually set them >1 time [though there's no reason to])
const is different - there is no Java equivelent
Java doesn't have consts?
Why is it that all the basic things are left out of Java?
im probly the last one to see this but this is wicked!
and spooky
Soo.. my dog sitter broke the power button on her desktop. Anyone know an easy fix?
@JLott probably. How is it broken?
all the power button does is short 2 headers on the motherboard usually... so you could wire up another switch to it
ghetto way of restarting a computer is shorting those 2 pins with a screwdriver
re-wire it to a honking great kill-switch handle
like the one that turns off the containment machine in Ghostbusters
That sounds dangerous... and she broke the button off she said
I have to go look at it this afternoon
She thinks I am like the goddess of computers....I am a programmer.

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