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no such file
What is your output file? Do ls
newest version of ubunti
I have a.out in the fir
then ./a.out should do it
I am on the computer
Are you running the Terminal application, or are you in TTY mode?
GAH the 'microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine
strange it worked for no reason
segmentation fault now
face my wrath MS :[
@ton.yeung I have to get it working on a command line to test it with the given test parameters
oh simple. Just compile as 32 bit
who knew MS drivers were that old.... rolls eyes
I can't run it on this machine it is 32 and it have to be run on 64
fuck my life
ill make a question o nthe mai nsite
if I call a 64 bit itenger type on a 32 bit machine would that cause problems?
The only problem would be non-atomic operations
@ReedCopsey How is the government shutdown affecting you?
Is it still down?
@Mike You know what, that comic isn't at all scary, except for one thing. #
@ton.yeung Visual Studio ;) I use it for everything
@Greg It's killing some of our maintenance plans - even before the shutdown
@ton.yeung yes
@ReedCopsey Really? Ah, that isn't good. So it is pretty substantial?
@Greg All of the govt. agencies were forced to eliminate anything that wasn't "critical spending" starting a couple of months back
@ton.yeung You have to use VS's compilers
as of VS 2012, they support most C++11 features, but not all
and very few C++14
so if you can use clang or gcc, you get "better/newer" C++ features
I support none of those features!
otherwise, not really - it works quite well
@RyanTernier C++11 features? They're awesome - they make C++ decent again
@ReedCopsey One thing nice about C++ is you don't need to use any type of client framework to get it working
@ton.yeung VS doesn't support class_name ( class_name && ) = default; or class_name ( class_name && ) = delete;, for example
@RyanTernier In reality, you do, though :( library/dependency issues with C++ are far worse than any framework install
@Mike credible source?
@JohanLarsson I'm not sure how exactly they retrieve that boolean data
@ton.yeung C++ has evolved a LOT recently, and it's a completely different animal than in 2002
@ReedCopsey True, if you use global locations for these libraries, and get into DLL Hell again. .NET fixes that with the GAC... sorry "Fixes" that... but if you keep all your libraries local, you don't run into it.
(and much, much nicer)
I never learned to separate C and C++, so I always use C because it's simpler.
@RyanTernier Even getting dependency builds is a pain in C++, though, unless you're only dealing with fairly simple libraries
@KendallFrey It's tough to have clean abstractions in C that stay decent performance, though
C++11, especially, really changes how you should think in C++ - things like move construction are game changers
they can avoid a huge number of copies, which can significantly increase performance
so reed, what does RaisePropertyChanged(() => this.TryAgainEnabled) do? (if not tell my command that is using the property that it has changed)
and the nice thing is that the code to use them is almost always simpler than the code before
@dirt That raises PropertyChanged for "TryAgainEnabled", which will update anything bound to that property, but won't help the command's internal usage
I see, so it does update the UI elements bound to the property but just not in the command like im using it
@dirt yes
the command has to raise CanExecuteChanged for it to update the UI
I'm finding we're doing more and more in C++ nowadays
ok, not sure why this isnt triggering it to update either ((DelegateCommand<bool>)TryAgainCommand).RaiseCanExecuteChanged();
it's just so much faster/cleaner
but Im just going with a custom RelayCommand anyways
@ReedCopsey C++ is cleaner?
@dirt That should - put a breakpoint inside of your lambda for fetching the property.
@ton.yeung C# ;)
@MillieSmith It depends on what you're doing - but for many problem domains, yes
out of curiosity, can you give me some problem domains?
that make c++ cleaner?
@MillieSmith Templates allow a different level of code reuse
@ton.yeung C# -by far
and most senior level programmers are the same way ;)
@ton.yeung you have to be experienced in design patterns to create cleaner, faster code period.
well, ok, maybe not faster
well, the answer is yes then
@ton.yeung Bjarne Stroustrup said it best, I think - "If you understand int and vector, you understand C++. The rest is details. 1300 pages of details."
that's really what it boils down to - once you really understand std::vector inside and out
you'll likely be fairly competent - but there's still a ton of crap you end up having ot learn to be effective :(
it's by far the toughest language to learn IMO
heh same goes for PHP only 14000 pages of details written by 100000 different people using different formats?
Sad that learning one data structure is all you need to know to know the whole language...
I actually think the design patterns is a different issue - C++ actually can allow you to write a lot of code in ways that violate typical "design patterns" but are more flexible and reusable
@ton.yeung It's a lot easier to design yourself into problems in C#, though, in what I've seen
but it's also easier to refactor out of the problem ;)
I often will write stuff in C#, then optimize it there, then port it to C++ afterwards :S
which is a complete violation of DRY
Wouldn't it make more sense to port then optimize?
@ton.yeung Sometimes, yes
there are a lot of things where C# shines, though
and I use it completely for those
That way you have simpler code to port, and access to specific optimizations.
@KendallFrey Yes, and it's so much easier to profile C# than C++ ;)
Hello Everyone...
@ton.yeung Yes - and it's been a lot shorter dev time (with better end results) than trying to write directly, in many cases
but we end up with 2-3 versions of the same routine ;)
Raise your hand if you think setjmp and longjmp are totally cool.
@KendallFrey My hand is definitely lowered for that one ;)
is there any way to do this inside an itemTemplate with TemplateControl.Eval:

Label Text = '<%# Eval("Column1, Column2, etc", "Format {0}, Word {1}, etc") %>

Or I will have to bind the data on the code behind?
I always use longjmp, because exceptions cause errors.
Where did my sarcasm go? :(
Stylish seemed to have bugged out for a minute
It said, F U @KendallFrey
na na na na batman
I am bad, and I should feel bad.
PS is a good idea but a less-than-optimal implementation.
They're going to have do it perfectly to outdo text with objects.
PS is built on objects instead of text
You lose. "taken" and "wrong" are not antonyms
I picked the most logical set of rules based on your play.
Stop smoking the happy leaves.
I'd like to delete isolated storage. How can I identify and kill all applications using files in isolated storage (or otherwise remove their lock on my files in isolated storage) so I can delete files in isolated storage?
@ton.yeung um, ?
use process explorer to find all processes that have a handle open in a specific folder
@ton.yeung yeah
I dunno if it works on this newfangled "isolated storage" though
@ton.yeung Yeah, put a substring to search for, like the file path prefix
Here's a small console app I wrote to test this...
namespace ConcurrentPDF
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
                string fileName = string.Format("C:\\a\\sample{0}.pdf", i);
                Program program = new Program();
                //assume the files are open in an unknown program (acrobat)
                //System.Diagnostics.Process ProcessName = program.OpenToPrintDocument(szFileName: fileName);
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(fileName)) { MoveFileEx(fileName, null, "(0x4)"); }
Now is a bad time to enter the JS room if you're at work. Just sayin'.
A: MoveFileEx not working properly?

David HeffernanError code 3 is ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND. It seems that you made a simple mistake in your file names: one of the directories in one of your file names does not exist. In a comment, you state that the call that fails is of the form: MoveFileEx(newFile, "", 4); This will certainly fail. What you ar...

I found what I was doing wrong
I think
oh yeah?
Who you gonna call?
@ton.yeung can't afford that!
sometimes when the RaiseCanExecuteChanged line is hit it doesnt get to the messagebox test
nvm they get queued up at end
why can nothing ever go right
how do I run a makefile? I made a simpel one, I tpye make and it says no targets specified
fuck you
no still fuck you
A: No targets specified and no makefile found

bbumMmm... makefiles. Whee. All that whitespace at the beginning of the line. That has to be tabs. Or Make will barf up a really obscure error. Make sure those are tabs and try again. See the button on the left side of the keyboard labeled "tab". Delete the spaces and hit that once to ins...

@ton.yeung umm...can you provide some context?
oh, The Source
my mind thought "source" meant "source code" lol
and that made absolutely no sense
how do I make a make file?
I have makefile.txt but it isn't working
with vim
I dont know how to use vim
just call it "makefile", no ".txt"
and I dont feel like figuring it out
how do I do that?
oh in that case we'll do it for you....
umm...depends on what editor you are using
or you can rename it on the command line or in Windows Explorer
why do I have to use vim?
because I said so!
@PaulthePirate what do you use?
I dont know how to use it, I don't feel like learning some archaic guiless thing right now
@PaulthePirate If you don't put any effort forward; we won't help you. This isn't a site where we do your work for you. You also need to be specific in your question.
full featured IDEs
to be honest, your question was quite vague, so I gave some off-the-cuff answer.
why do you want a makefile if you are using an IDE?
makefiles are usually used with command-line tools
because I have to submit it for grading with a makefile
@ton.yeung well...it is
at least I can use my mouse in notepad
vim / nano are linux text editors.....
and have mouse support.
I could use my mouse back in Dos Edit with Windows 3.11
@PaulthePirate so let's back up. What do you need a makefile for?
just use nano paul.
I don't know why I need it, just a grading requirement so the autgrader can grad it I think
@PaulthePirate Did you come to this room to troll us? Or did you actually have a legitimate problem and do your homework for you?
that makes a little more sense...
I finished my homework
I just can't figure out the makefile
@PaulthePirate What have you tried? Aside from nothing.
did they give you instructions?
A makefile is a plain text file, it's usually called "makefile" without any extension
what if the test is a trick question and there is no makefile?
@ton.yeung Yeah? What has he tried to do?
@greg making a makefile in notepad and importing it over but it won't open because it is a .txt and I can't figure out how to drop it
its not the file that makes, its you
I ran your mom too
@PaulthePirate Then you need to remove the ".txt" from the end.
I can't do it in windows, it defaults to txt
@PaulthePirate mv makefile.txt makefile will do the job.
you can rename it using mv makefile.txt makefile
@ton.yeung :(
make -me pancakes
so you're doing makefile on windows?
well that got rid of it
I am using windows but connected to linux through putty
so where is the makefile?
i prefer silly putty myself
the linux directory, but I am creating it on my PC
I just blacked out a little, what?
can someone please check this question
Q: SQL server table to Array and than update different table using the same data using C#

mubiI am trying to solve this problem. Inserting in SQL Server Table based on Different Table I used a store Procedure to solve this but it didn't work. So, i am just wondering if it is possible to do this in C#. Now, is it Possible to get data from each row of table in an Array. Assign a number(s...

@ton.yeung So have you read the Game of Thrones series?
spoiler alert, GRRM dies before he finishes the series
@ton.yeung what projects do you got?
so now I get a missing seperator for my makefile
spoiler alert, you fail your assignment!
makes sense, these two lines are fairly complex
@PaulthePirate <-- This fucking guy.
George R R Martin is the author
@ton.yeung I was just thinking that to, he is such a douche I don't even want to help him.
@user2345661 I would use linqpad
@ton.yeung Not really being uncivil, just making a simple remark.
how was I a douche?
@ton.yeung I've got to get into Game Of Thrones; everyone says I would like it.
I just want to be "one of the guys"
@ton.yeung apparently it can cost thousands to call 911
@kush not if you hang up and dont answer when they call you back!
@CharlieBrown if i can get some examples, than i won't matter what i use
@PaulthePirate Coming into the room and being vague, not helpful, getting hostile, and randomly spilling spoilers isn't the way to become one of the guys. We all try be respectful and helpful; but we don't expect others to do our work.
@dirt one of my friend's mum was a dispatcher. I wouldn't do that.
@user2345661 linqpad is the example
@kush naw just kidding, I only do that when the baby calls on accident :x
@ton.yeung no I meant as in I was told they would send a whole parade of firetruck, ambulances and what not
@user2345661 your question/problem is far too complex to simply help you. Someone would literally have to do the work for you, which we normally get paid to do. If there is an error in something you have tried, then yes, we can help.
George R R MArtin is the author of the series, he is still living but the series isn't complete yet
1 message moved to Trash can
@ton.yeung what if I have appendicitis? I think the person who told me this only meant to say "get a cab unless you think you're going to die on the way to the hospital"
George R R Martin is the author, and he is still alive
@CharlieBrown i tried doing it with stored procedure and it work. I am checking LinqPad.
@ton.yeung I wonder how much it costs in Canada
@ton.yeung Yeah, they charge $2,900 dollars.
@user2345661 you could use a sproc, or c#, or javascript, or probably aseembly if you were really feeling lucky... the problem isnt your choice of technology.
It is some ungodly amount for every mile they drive.
I wonder if the cost will go down with Obamacare?
I heard in canada everyone gets their own cloud and there is no such thing as disease
ambulances cost like $500-$800 but insurance should cover most of it
@ton.yeung I got a ambulance bill; was like Holy shit! Of course my military insurance didn't cover it, so I had to pay it.
@CharlieBrown i was just trying to get it done. If you think it is easy to do this in LinqPad i can try and check some tutorials.
393 errors :-/
@ton.yeung sorry, didn't mean to get into Obama care
Due to increasing economic hardship, the 5 second rule will now be extended to 10 seconds.
@CharlieBrown :D
@CharlieBrown five second rule doesn't apply to infants
everytime i drop a baby, i pick it up right away anyway
This happened in one of the most liberal states in the United States. One of the states where All republicans are the anti-Christ
anyone seen a button not become clickable... until you click it?
since I am stupid: testFile: test2.c
gcc -o testFile test2.c -I. should create a makefile that lets me just type testFile right?
@Greg Arkansas?
@kush Isn't Arkansas Republican?

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