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anyone knows how my condition will work with or without whitespacE?
sample for this regex
will work on var aaa = new Array();
but i want it to be flexible to work also on var aaa=new Array();
---without space before and after =
how can i do that
@Elegiac Instead of \s+, which is 1 or more white space, use \s*, which is 0 or more whitespace.
thanks @RoelvanUden
can we set connectionstring after open the connection
as in
A: C# - What are Some High Performance Best Practices/Tips for ADO.NET

Alfred MyersOne error I see repeated over and over again: Instantiating and setting up everything (DbConnection, DbCommand, DbParameters) inside a method which is called repeatedly in a tight loop. Most of the time you can refactor those local variables as class members instantiating them only once and kee...

using (DbConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection()) {

connection.ConnectionString = "Whatever";

using (DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand()) {
How are you connecting first and then setting a connection string?
@AdamHouldsworth thats what I'm asking
Oh, easy, you can't as you need the connection string to connect.
I'm not sure if you can change it on the same connection instance once connected.
have u look at that post
But then again, I'm not sure why you'd want to do that. If the method is called in a tight loop, you might be able to invert the situation to contain the loop within the connection.
i got doubt when i look this code in that post, it may be a typo
I think his code just has a little bug, but the idea is probably relevant.
However, I'd only worry about this if profiling shows it is a problem. Sql connections are pooled so using one in a tight loop and discarding it is likely to only keep plucking the same connection from the pool each time.
Also, properly abstracting the database technology via something like the repository pattern will allow you at a later date to change what the storage mechanism is.
How do we pass value from code behind to <asp:Label>
myLabel.Text = "foo";
didn't work
Well that was informative.
That would have worked given a postback, so presumably something else is occurring?
also youll have to compile it of course
Does anyone remember those hilarious Joe Cartoon toons lol?
guys i need halp
i cant find which/where popup is used in this code
yea lol
@MAD4RA what u need help with?
i have a code to this website that i need to work on
i cant find the code for popup's
i know this is kinda vast
but still ive been tryin to figure it out f rom morning
Popups? In JavaScript?
nope the aspx page has onclick which calls a javascript function and from there everything is latin :/
and this is the javascript function that gets called
It does an ajax call? How is that related to a popup?
and everything is nested inside div's
i'm assuming divFinancialsSplit would be the popup
i think i figured it out :)
thx @RoelvanUden @Giovani
great work team!
@RoelvanUden HaHa :)
for popup, there are so many inbuilt scripts available.
best taxi ever ? Stupid video i could say. usadoller.com/video-171-which-is-worlds-best-taxi-.html
@codebrain hi
holy fuck
this dude has 6k rep from asking 800 questions
that should give you the opposite of rep
That's also a way to get rep I suppose..
this guy on the other hand is actually a guy who was in my program: stackoverflow.com/users/130015/chobo2
dude doesn't even need a blog. if i want to know what he's currently working on, i just check his recent SO questions
if anyone remembers me talking about the worst dude in the program tutoring the new students, this is the dude who was doin it.
935 Questions
Holy. Fucking. Crap.
yeah dude
he's absolutely useless
junior dev 4 life
The million dollar question; does he make good coffee?
is there a coffee.stackexchange ?
I don't know :O
SODD; Stack Overflow Driven Development
yeah really
One General Question to all. Can i send DataTable to .NET web service from Android ?
@RoelvanUden You joke, but I see questions all the time that could involve basic debugging.
Someone should make a VS extension that works while debugging to hot link debug output into an SO question, and immediately apply a downvote.
any c# guru here ?
@AdamHouldsworth yeah - like "why does this linq query throw a NullReferenceException" or "why do I get this compiler error"
@drch There was a "why does this linq null ref" yesterday in fact.
@user13814 Possibly.
yeah i saw one as well - if it was the same one, there were like 8 different things that could have been null
@AdamHouldsworth Hi, I am a dirty c# programmer and today I am going through a senior developer's code, I realized they made every "thing" an object "a class" and followed patterns like "abstract factory" and created interfaces, abstract base classes etc
I am finding it bit hard to get it all in my mind
to understand the code, and reasons behind relationship of abstracts and interfaces + factory
I looked at videos and understand them individually but all together when I am trying to understand them in this scenario, it winds me up
Hmmm, that topic is probably quite complex for a chat room. Generally speaking interfaces enforce abstraction of implementation, factories enforce abstraction of creation of concrete types to fulfill the implementation.
That isn't a definition pulled from anywhere, that's just my own explanation based on what you describe.
in simple terms:
interface - a contract that a class must implement
abstract class - a class that can not exist on its own, but can provide some functionality
factory - a class/method that hides/abstracts the creation details of an objet
also a good way to justify your 'senor dev' title ;)
@user13814 It is probably done this way to make the code more testable.
Because you can provide test factories, mock or stub interfaces, etc.
@AdamHouldsworth you are right, and thats what senior dev said to me as well
@drch thanks, i do understand the definitions but its really hard when you try to make it sense with 200 classes
@user13814 That dev should be able to mentor on the design and why that design was chosen, and introduce you to the concepts of abstraction, programming to interfaces, the factory pattern.
It's a bit too broad to definitively answer in here.
I was looking for some must-watch videos to be honest
e.g. getting onto next level @.Net frame work and design patterns
the walkthrough on the ninject wiki gives a really good overview of IoC and how it facilitates testing
I've never seen videos on these topics specifically, I've just picked up the concepts over time with experience and reading various books. Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, Refactoring to Patterns, Domain Driven Design, etc.
Read up on SOLID
and yagni
"You aren't gonna need it" (acronym: YAGNI) is a principle of extreme programming (XP) that states a programmer should not add functionality until deemed necessary. Ron Jeffries writes, "Always implement things when you actually need them, never when you just foresee that you need them." The phrase also appears altered as, "You aren't going to need it" or sometimes interpreted as, "You ain't gonna need it". YAGNI is a principle behind the XP practice of "do the simplest thing that could possibly work" (DTSTTCPW). It is meant to be used in combination with several other practices, such as...
ha thats cool
Didn't realise the chat room did that.
thanks, both of you, going to go through links now
@AdamHouldsworth yeah. wiki, amazon, images, SO questions/answers, and chat permalinks
Morning ev'one
@drch going through Ninject article, its the best I read so far since last 2 days, I def owe you 1 :D
no problem mate. yeah they do a good job of describing the problem before presenting the solution
too bad its the slowest fucking IoC container out there
i still use it though because ninjas
Hi All,
Question on Web Service please...
I have created two separate projects, one Web Forms, one Silverlight.
I have implemented a Web Service in the Web Project that I call through a ServiceReference from Silverlight to pass some values back to the Web Project.

In testing it works 100% if I start my Web Project in one VS instance, and Silverlight Project i another VS instance - Silverlights calls the service and I receive the call in the Web Project,etc, etc.

I have now included the Silverlight project in the same solution as the Web Project and now it is not working - No Erro
it might be a really confusing scenario but does this class makes any sense to anyone at all

    internal sealed class Mango : GenericMango, IMango
        public static readonly IMangoFactory<IMango> Factory;

	static Mango()
            Factory = new MangoFactory<IMango>((aBC, eatableMango) => new Mango(aBC, eatableMango));

        private Mango(string aBC, bool eatableMango)
            : base(aBC, eatableMango)

		// more methods and properties in here etc..
that looks like an overarchitected steaming pile
@drch I think the term you are looking for is "enterprisey"...
if that was the code for the USS Enterprise, id still say wtf
I changed names of objects because of privacy lol
its not actually a mango
line I am confused with is

Factory = new MangoFactory<IMango>((aBC, eatableMango) => new Mango(aBC, eatableMango));
the idea is that whatever class has a dependency on Mango doesn't need to know how to create tehem
so i don't need to worry about what this particular line is doing
or if its more like auto-generated syntax type
public class MangoEater {
   public MangoEater(IMangoFactory factory) { this.factory = factory; }
   public void EatNextMango() {
      IMango mango = factory.CreateMango("mymango", true);
depending on the type of mango, the factory might have to go to a database or a web service or the mango store etc.
I hope that abstraction is only used when necessary though. too much of that is a bit of a smell but it really depends on the complexity of the system you're building
it's already built, I am just trying to understand it so if i make any changes in future :)
can i ask how can i make a regex/match as a variable?
sample this:
//converting a new match for ToolTip Description
                        Regex function_m2 = new Regex(@"Function\s+(\w+)\((\w+),(\w+)\);");
                        MatchCollection function_match2 = function_m.Matches(rtb_JS.Text);
i get it now thanks
can anyone help me :)))) mvc
that doesn't look like the right way to setup the form
you are passing route valuse
what does the generated form tag look like in the html?
A: Why is my HttpPostedFileBase always empty?

MohammadRBI think you are using wrong overloaded version on BeginForm Instead Html.BeginForm(null, null, FormMethod.Post, new { ReturnUrl = ViewBag.ReturnUrl, enctype = "multipart/form-data" })

that is the right answer
XmlException: The element with name 'html' and namespace '' is not an allowed feed format. gist.github.com/dirte/2c958a8363824ec02086
I'm not sure how to format the feed xml I guess....
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xml:lang="en-us" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
Q: How to force windows phone 8 app to be run in light theme

Kd Singhi have developed a windows phone application, i want that app to be run in light theme, irrespective of what user have set. means is there any way to set a default theme for the windows phone 8 app.

plz help
@KdSingh Do you hate your users?
Well said Kendall.
@KendallFrey no its not, u did u feel so?
anyone use SyndicationFeed before?
@KdSingh You're overriding users' preferences. Seems hateful to me.
@dirt yes ages ago
to consume rss
Yeah I'm trying to get WiX to read an RSS feed to see if there is an update to download, but not sure how to format the xml feed as I just keep getting invalid html element
I have 2 try catch inside of a page_load and the second one does not execute. Is it not possible to have 2 in this instance
Q: Having trouble with try catch

SkullomaniaI have a asp:GridView set up on the client side like so: <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" AutoGenerateColumns="true" AutoGenerateDeleteButton="true" AutoGenerateEditButton="true" CssClass="GV" PagerStyle-CssClass="pgr" AlternatingRowStyle-CssCla...

does your catch throw?
@dirt content-type = xml
when I insert break points it tells me that the second select is blank
but it shouldnt be
the first is set up the same and it works
@Skullomania your query is wrong.
I'm not sure actually
The first one LIKE'" + id + "'
Will this execute ? With the ' attached to the LIKE ?
the id is from this
string qs = Request.QueryString["param"];
string id = Request.QueryString["id"];
@AndréSilva Hey, look, a security hole the size of your mom!
Yeah but if you check the final string the query would be as SELECT (...) LIKE'myId' (..)
@KendallFrey I'm not your brother.
Eat that
And the parameters you're sending on the second query has the same problem I guess
@drch oh duh .xml would help huh... was .html
is there ny win phon developer ?
Department_Name=@Department_Name, Phone=@Phone, " + "Fax=@Fax, Contact=@Contact, Address=@Address, City=@City, State=@State
come on coffee lets go
but why does it work?
hilaheas wae of.speln
Add a space between each equal sign
@KdSingh I just answered ya.
@Skullomania It does ? I thought it wouldn't. :X
no...thats why I am confused
I'm going to analyze it. ( I think analyze is the correct word )
What happens ?
its a custom gridview search the application finds an employee based on his last name
Ok, but it isn't returning ?
the application has 2 critereia set up by a radiobuttonlist...you can either select to find departments or employees
the employees query work...the departments does not
but im not sure why...they are set up the same
when breakpoints are inserted to check the employees try catch the querys return data....when I check the breakpoint for departments the query goes blank
Can you see it if it goes into the if condition ?
This lack of spaces between the query lines are making my OCD explode :X
PS Sql Injection warning
@drch I see the injection warning...im still testing it and have not deployed it for any user
First make things work, second make things useful.
@AndréSilva I can see that it is hitting the if statement
But it goes in ?
but it shows that the query is blank
Add a space between LIKE and the apostrophe
I'm not a SQL Expert but LIKE 'abc' won't match anything that cointains abc .. I think you need % as LIKE '%abc%'
Could you test it for us @Skullomania
var updates = from entry in feed.Items
          from link in entry.Links
          from extension in entry.ElementExtensions
          where String.Equals(link.RelationshipType, "enclosure", StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                String.Equals(extension.OuterNamespace, this.AppSyndicationNamespace, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                String.Equals(extension.OuterName, "version", StringComparison.Ordinal)
          select new Update()
              Url = link.Uri.AbsoluteUri,
@drch any idea how I'm to format my xml based on that code
feed.Items -- what defines an Item?
guess I can google atom stuff
@Skullomania So, any news ?
yes...I apologize...I think you are right...I am trying to fix my statement...its not liking the as
but you are correct on the %%
posted on October 09, 2013 by The .NET Team

This post introduces ASP.NET App Suspend, which is a game-changing feature in the .NET Framework 4.5.1. It radically changes the user experience and economic model for hosting large numbers of ASP.NET sites on a single machine. This post was written by Rich Lander, a Program Manager on the .NET team. Sharing can be hard. In my early days, I had trouble sharing lego bricks. Now, it’s web

So let me know if what I suggested is working so I can post as answer so others will find it helpful.
@AndréSilva i am getting an "too many charecters in litteral" when I try
when I try
LIKE '" + '"%"'+ id + '"%"';
Yeah dude
is that not the correct way?
It should be LIKE '%" + id + "%'
What ?
Are you really connecting SQL statements in code? Are you mad?
Drugs are bad for you
He is already doing it
In database management systems, a prepared statement or parameterized statement is a feature used to execute the same or similar database statements repeatedly with high efficiency. Typically used with SQL statements such as queries or updates, the prepared statement takes the form of a template into which certain constant values are substituted during each execution. The typical workflow of using a prepared statement is as follows: # Prepare: The statement template is created by the application and sent to the database management system (DBMS). Certain values are left unspecified, called...
Safer, faster, better.
I'm not encouraging it. I'm just making his code work.
you're helping him light the fuse on his suicide bomber jacket
He said about it
i asked a question purely just to understand why something was not functioning
It is not sent to the client yet
i have not deployed anything
nor would I

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