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or better yet, can you ask the person who created it what version of .net it's built for?
mono only supports asp.net 2.0
hey all
need a help with ajax control calendar extender
what do u need neha
i tried it once :D
@MishMish Actually its position changes when my page ends up with validation
it is showing on top of my browser window
instead with control target to
you mean the pop ud of the calender? have u checked ur css?
It annoying that it again show at control when I open my developer tool window in browser
@MishMish yeah.. prev. it is working
am not sure what's causing this now.
I can give u my control and css which i usually use and it works fine for me
.cal_Theme1 .ajax__calendar_container
background-color: White;
border: solid 1px #cccccc;

.cal_Theme1 .ajax__calendar_header
background-color: #ffffff;
margin-bottom: 4px;

.cal_Theme1 .ajax__calendar_title, .cal_Theme1 .ajax__calendar_next, .cal_Theme1 .ajax__calendar_prev
color: #004080;
padding-top: 3px;

.cal_Theme1 .ajax__calendar_body
background-color: #F5F5F5;
border: solid 1px #cccccc;

.cal_Theme1 .ajax__calendar_dayname
always used this without problems
@MishMish It happens only when I scroll my page to top
not all the time
What does exacly happen when u scroll to the top? have u tried adding everything again
on a normal page load it is on position
but when there are some validation message apperas on page & I scroll top
it show calendar on top
& scroll down show on proper place
Probably there is some height issue it is facing
my fcking head hurts
@c0dem0nkey what happns?
try with float maybe?
float: left
@Neha crappy program
@MishMish no change
@c0dem0nkey :)
@drch the targetframework is 4.0
i just check inside config file
that's really weird, it shouldnt move when u use float, maybe give it some static height and width?
@MishMish It's having dynamic top -210px with absolute postion on scroll top in browser
trying remove the absalout pos
why don't u use som standard positioning
like margin: 10px 0 10px 0
@drch Mono supports only ASP.NET 2.0? Here I was thinking it supported everything. o_o
@MishMish not done :(
mono-project.com/Compatibility supports up to 4.0, 4.5 not yet.
well what do you know
put a div around ur calender same siz as the calender also
@MishMish its there already
same css is working on my staging
<div style="float:left; Margin:210px 0 0 0; height 23px; width 80px;">
and it keep moving?
@Jes see here for next steps: mono-project.com/Mod_mono
scroll down to 'requirements' and continue from there
@NinjaEcho Should I pee or code?
Mono 3.2 has some interesting new stuff in there...
@Dinesh_Dini Code definitely.
@drch i have both installed
@MishMish not still
basically u have a calender that changes position by it self on pagheload?
@MishMish not on load
it loads at right place first
aftr validation the controls.. it happns
@NinjaEcho shitty bot
can u be more specifc when u say validation the controls?
<div id="jas"></div>
@MishMish like I have req validatiors on my page which fails on some condition & show error message to user
i need to add dynamic id like jas1,jas2 etc.
How to establish this?
hmm that's weird..
i have the value in 'i'..
@Neha u there
@Elegiac hey man can you help me with this problem
Q: Looping through an sql server Table, counting values and inseritng data in another table. C#/SQL erver

user2345661This is the structure of tables in my database. I need to Check Preferences value for each Student in "Preferences Column" and insert a "Group ID" ins "Students Table" for, for example "Stud A" and and all entries in "Preferences column" for "Stud A". I need to generate "group ID" using a Loop or...

@user2345661 wasn't that due last night?
it was tonight, and i asked for 2 days exyension
but doesn't look like it will help though
i am dumbfounded
@user2345661 what is the actual requirement? are you just adding this for fun? cause it's a fairly hard problem to give an optimal solution for
seriously man not for fun, i wouldn't do this for fun. It's an actual project.
right - but what does it say in the assignment about the preferences
make groups/teams of 5-8 students. Let users enter maximum 7 preferences and group them on the basis of those preferences.
I have been writing autocomplete for text box to add preferences
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
function SearchText() {
source: function (request, response) {
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
url: "Preferences.aspx/GetAutoCompleteData",
data: "{'Name':'" + document.getElementById('txtSearch').value + "'}",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
error: function (result) {
This took me hours to make it work
not my code though, grabbed from here and there
@user2345661 That sounds horrible.
@drch and also if some students left without a group that's not a problem.
@KendallFrey I know and i probably have to hang myself in a bit
I have studied Geology and i don't know why in the world i took this unit
1. Why are you posting JS in the C# room? 2. Why are you posting unformatted code?
Oops, can't delete it, sorry
yeah but why javascript?
@user2345661 did you take a database course in May?
i did it last year in novemeber
@drch i did it last year in novemeber it wasn't exactly a database only, php and mysql, intro to web programming and database
forgot both
here's an easy approach. Pick a person at random. Of their preferences, pick the first student still available. then do the same thing with the new member. repeat until you have 8 members
Don't lean on your keyboard -_-
you could give a higher priority in the field to students who also preferred the current picker.
so, should i use sql queries to do this or fill a datatable and use foreach loop?
sup guys
@user23456 your question has a C# tag, does this mean that your data can all be handled in a WinForm for instance? Then use update/insert/delete statements etc????
so you need a C# database client?
C# client?
just an application that uses say an SQL server driver, that would allow the app to talk to your database
i think so
well you are talking about looping over records, updating columns etc, perhaps trough user input? I am ust trying to get a better understanding of what you actually require...
i have written some parts of application, logins, adding preferences to table, i now need to create teams
@Ebikneser let me explain
Application i am writing is suppose to create groups of 5-8 students. (Total number of students are unknown.)
Hi all
Q: How to Pass Telerik Grid column value to its ClientTemplate Function in MVC3

PrakashI have the Following Code in my View @(Html.Telerik().Grid<DatabaseModel.RMAItemModel>() .Name("RMAItemsGrid") .DataKeys(keys => keys.Add(u => u.RmaID).RouteKey("RmaID")) .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding.Ajax().Select("SelectRMAItemList", "Order")) .Columns(columns => { v...

plz help me to fix this issue.
use mvc4
@Ebikeneser Students will use Add Preference.aspx, to add there preferred team/mates. Now i have to take this preferences in account as much as possible and create student groups.
@Jon most of the project was almost done in mvc3.. Now how mvc4
@Ebikeneser not all students are going to add preferences, and some student can be left without a group, which can be added manually (No Problem). No other rules, no need for cross checking etc.
is this a good way to get single query result in variable
int result = ((int)GetPreferenceIDCommand.ExecuteScalar());
Morning everyone
good afternoon
I wish it was 15:00 here...
2 hours left of work for mysefl and im guessing @drch as well..... XD
im stuck here till 6
1:00 here
@Ebikeneser i thought you was gonna give some idea
ton yes, not lately
ftp> prompt
Interactive mode Off .
hello can i ask
16.05 here, my time zone closest to go-home-time, bwhaha
you sonovabitch
i have this event in rtb_KeyUp Event
 foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(rtb_JS.Text, @"Function\s+(\w+)(([^,)]+),([^,)]+))")) //initial intellisense for tooltip added by raymart as of 10/8/13
                if (FindKeyword(rtb_JS, e.KeyValue, @"Function\s+(\w+)\(".TrimEnd('(')) == @"Function\s+(\w+)\(".TrimEnd('('))
                    ShowHint(ttipHint, rtb_JS, e.KeyValue, @"Function\s+(\w+)\(".TrimEnd('('), /*@"Function\s+(\w+)(([^,)]+),([^,)]+))"*/"test");
problem was the tooltip doesnt show unlike this:
if (FindKeyword(rtb_JS, e.KeyValue, "Parameter") == "Parameter")
                ShowHint(ttipHint, rtb_JS, e.KeyValue, "Parameter", "/*[Parameter(Robot, value)]*/");
that worked
coz i use regex to get string/word
from thisSyntax:
Object aaaaa = new Function Person(ooooo,aaabbbbb);
any advice whats wrong?
sorry to interrupt
its ok @ton.yeung
theres something wrong within this line:
if (FindKeyword(rtb_JS, e.KeyValue, @"Function\s+(\w+)\(".TrimEnd('(')) == @"Function\s+(\w+)\(".TrimEnd('('))
                    ShowHint(ttipHint, rtb_JS, e.KeyValue, @"Function\s+(\w+)\(".TrimEnd('('), /*@"Function\s+(\w+)(([^,)]+),([^,)]+))"*/"test");
your right
ok ill try it @ton.yeung thanks
@ton.yeung i already try to make it var, but still doesnt work
and no return in breakpoint
does mget take a param like that?
thought it was just mget *
can i make my expression to string?
it match with Function Person then tooltip should appear after (
@Elegiac Why do you have 2 accounts?
maybe use ncftp :P
or wget
@KendallFrey this account was main (higher rep), 2nd account was for questioning(since my main account cant ask anymore) haha
@Elegiac er... You're not supposed to do that
i try to ask mod to merge, but till now they have no rep
You're supposed to ask decent questions. Question bans are there for a reason.
ok sowri
ncftp is nice for command line
does autocomplete n shit
at least on linux
btw @KendallFrey what will happen if i make a regex to string?
Aren't all programmers?
I fight the dang computer all day long.
I wont even get into printers.
@drch i have a question
if you not busy
@ton.yeung can i ask you than?
I wish the data explorer could use linq
@ton.yeung remember the group/team preference problem we were talking about yesterday i think
Q: Looping through an sql server Table, counting values and inseritng data in another table. C#/SQL erver

user2345661This is the structure of tables in my database. I need to Check Preferences value for each Student in "Preferences Column" and insert a "Group ID" ins "Students Table" for, for example "Stud A" and and all entries in "Preferences column" for "Stud A". I need to generate "group ID" using a Loop or...

and i haven't slept since then
i know that too man
I did and got -1 on that as well than on this one.
I have a question
say if Preference table is full, and i order it by student_id, this way all entries for each student will be in order and together.
Why can't you just throw everyone in their preferred group and start going through groups that are too large to throw people out to their second preference, etc. Re-balance accordingly after each complete iteration, you'll come to an answer... eventually.
Now how can i just do something like, if student has 4 to 7 entries just enter group id 1 for that student in student table, and all of its preferneces, than count to check if the group id=1 count is between 5-8, than do the same for next student.
@RoelvanUden how would you do that? how will you design your table for that?
The same as you have it now, pull it in, do code, push new stuff back.
what's wrong with the 5 suggestions ive given? :D
@drch They involve having to think and write code?
jsut group them randomly
call it the placebo sorting algorithm
I have become too used to using linq instead of plain sql
Then use damn linq
@drch can you give me an example of code?
@drch - Do you think you would know how to convert a simple linq into sql?
@roel - Data explorer only takes sql
@ton - How so?
the [SQL] button? How do I get the linq to trigger that?
@TravisJ you can tostring it i think
@drch - tostring the linq statement? But then don't I have to mock some other values?
This is the linq
double ar = db.Posts.Where( u => u.OwnerUserId == UserId && u.PostTypeId == 1 && u.AcceptedAnswerId == null ).Count() / db.Posts.Where( u => u.OwnerUserId == UserId && u.PostTypeId == 1 ).Count();
does event resolveassembly raise for assembly.loadfrom method if specified path is wrong
it will be executed on the data explorer :)
so just a raw query
can any one help me in VBA?
I know @ton.yeung

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