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@MRS1367 your still there sir?
yes @Elegiac
sir i found another bug ... for mousemove
and what is that?
everytime i type new words on richtextbox ...
and hover words .... for farline like ... i type in line100 then i hoverup keyword... it goes back to number1
like it magnetize text
but its ok sir ... i know your busy now
I'll check this new issue and when I can solve it
I update my codes and send it to u
85 abstract
like when i hover text abstract line 85
it goes up back to number index sir (number1)
i mean if i hover up like line number1
then theres a text in 85
it scroll up then scroll down like it magnetized sir ...
ok mate
sorry to disturb
I'll check it ans will send u optimized codes
just prioritized your proj and your sister's proj sir and classmate hehe
*former classmate
i think its the blink cursor sir ... (textcursor)
you need to click word 1st then hover and its ok ... but if the lastindexcursor was on lastline and you hover the 1stline ... it will scrolldown and scrollup
for my observation ...
aha, u gimme a good point about problem
ok sir ;)
sorry for my english was bad hehe
im just reading articles now ...
also this sir:
in my codes, I'm wrote some codes for returning cursor to its position before selecting words for checking them to show their keyword-tips.
the problem exactly for that part of codes.
i see ok sir :)
u checked the logic very well in end-user testing and told me good and clear information about the problem; so, I could figure it out quickly and tell u where the problem is.
morning user
ok sir thanks a lot! @MRS1367
hello to all!
hey .. am back...
what a silence in this room 2day.. wow!!
i guess if we solve this problem we can use also the nestedtooltip with hovering tooltip if im not mistaken sir ...
can anyone help me with little sql?
i want to convert string '200712' to sqldate time
to compare
is SQL has one more form name Little sql ;)
:p sorry sir.. ok what you want to compare
200712 converts to July, 12 2020 00:00:00+0000
hmm.. dat I can see
@Amitd you want in some other format
i want to convert to 2007 - 12 - 01
i want to write something like select num, tdate, convert(datetime,tdate,111)
from mytable where tdate between date1 and date2
but tdate doesnt always have date part..
hmm.. ok give me a sec
I ll check & get back to you
@Amitd what about this:
CONVERT(varchar, DATEPART(yyyy, tdate)) + '-' + CONVERT(varchar, DATEPART(mm, tdate)) + '-' + CONVERT(varchar, DATEPART(dd, tdate))
:p it won't work for not date condi
@MRS1367 hi can u please help me out with this question stackoverflow.com/questions/18504178/…
@Amitd but with no date .. isn't it a invalid datetime conversion
its assumed to be 01
200712 -> 2007 12 01
i can do length check and add 01..guess there is better way
hmm. lemme see if there is
@MRS1367 r u there sir?
hi there,
need suggestions on WCF service context
@Durga @Suraj @Du
i have implemented file download functionality, but when i finish download operation, that file has encode mess
what should i do to address my problem
im using asp.net mvc
public ActionResult Download(string project)
return File(fileName, contentType, downloadFileName);
@tiru yup
as i guess,setting correct 'content type' may the solution
hi @Neha
i use correct content type
Resource not found for the segment 'Documents'
while working with WCF data service Context.
@paulcheung try changing 'ActionResult' to 'FileResult'.
filetring at Service using "QueryInterceptor"
@tiru wait..
@tiru ya say now what happens
@Amitd hey .. I last got the length solution only .. like LEFT(tdate, 4) + '-' +
SUBSTRING(tdate, 5, 2) +'-'+
Right(tdate, 2)
am tryin.. still ok
Working with WCf DataService Contexts
Implementing logic using QueryInterceptor for Documents Entity
@Neha it runs..
if no results found for that, it returs 'DataServiceRequestException' saying
Resource not found for the segment 'Documents'
Very happy @Neha
@JasperManickaraj congo.. using serialize ??
Yup Serialize dear
hmm @JasperManickaraj
@tiru ok.. have some code to view?
@tiru there is some IgnoreResourceNotFoundException kind of thing for EF wcf
context.IgnoreResourceNotFoundException = true;

context.SetSaveStream(newDocument, file.InputStream, true, newDocument.ContentType, file.FileName);
@JasperManickaraj welcome :)
at save changed getting exception
mm Address @Neha
@JasperManickaraj ??
@tiru ok.. let me chk
public Expression<Func<Document, bool>> OnQueryDocuments()

//some logic
U asked me to welcome la
lol.. ok
I tried that and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/505761/resource-not-found-for-segment-property
as well
but no use
ok.. as I found for such error msdn setaccessrule in initialize service
set this : config.SetServiceOperationAccessRule("Documents", ServiceOperationRights.All);
and " config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("Documents", EntitySetRights.All);"
this as well. But no results
bye to all!
bye sir @MRS1367 thanks!
@Elegiac bbye
@tiru what if you push it like config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("", EntitySetRights.All); as in given link
let me check @NEha
Just for fun.. @Neha
@Neha Story repeating..
@Neha one doubt..
how to add the dynamic fieldname in linq query var tprice= from st in sss where st.[manufacturer] select st;
hmm.. recovery from DataServiceRequestException using try catch...The trick was to add a finally-clause, and reinitialize the context.... Sorry but am also givin u google solution... not have or not reminded such exception may be I have this in early times not sure @tiru
@JasperManickaraj dynamic field name means what can you giv example what you want
You can use select new
for any field name
Any sample query
hmm.. u can use it in select new { manufacturer="GLI" }
@Neha, can you elaborate try-finally logoc?
omg.. u know that guy.. @Meds? well he said that I don't exist in the current context. how mean, right? :P
how to retain particular list<T> items after postback in MVC 4 ?
@jAsOn :D
@tiru on savechanges
place try.. catch block
@codebrain viewdata.. view bag... something sumthing like this there is in mvc
catch (DataServiceRequestException exce)
like this?
oops wrong window
@Neha huh i wanna keep lots of data, that is List<T> Viewbag makes it heavier ? I looking for options like singleton classes ?
bye @Elegiac
@Durga -> I'm here
@That was a stupid question that i was looking for an answer :\ Silly me.
hello there
can anyone help me in regex
@MohamadY.Dbouk say
in finally how to re-initialize?
I have this string: "hello word\n1-this is a line\na-this is another one\nb-this is another one\n2-test\na-testing\nb-test"
I need it to be like this
@tiru what you have as entity
I did this regex
that replace 1- or a- to <ul><li>
this is my code
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
var matches = regex.Matches(field);
bool isNullOrWhiteSpace = false;

if (matches.Count > 0) //bulleted items exist
foreach (Match match in matches)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match.Groups["line"].ToString()))
isNullOrWhiteSpace = true;
if (isNullOrWhiteSpace == false)
if (matches.Count > 1)
outputMessage = "<ol>";
foreach (Match match in matches)
outputMessage += "<li>" + match.Groups["line"] + "</li>";
outputMessage += "</ol>";

but in the string I send it you first, will make it all <ul><li> without verifying all the string
any help will be thankfull
@Neha still there?
take this string as example: > At the level of Trades - Purchase - Maintenance, create a new record where:
TD: 01/01/2008
VD: 10/01/2008
Security: 9-10
Currency: 3 LBP
Qty : 20000
Price: 100
Price(Prem/Disc): 120
Premium: 4000
Total amount: 24000
Coupon Rate: 10
Previous Coupon due Date: 01/12/2007
Next Coupon due Date: 01/06/2008
Accrual basis: Actual/365
Press new distribution and specify the portfolio as 3333-1
> Update and approve the record.
> At the level of Periodical Processing - run the revluation process as of 10/01/2008
@MohamadY.Dbouk am in some other work..ping @kendell.. he is expert on this regex
ok.. C Ya guys...
@Neha look at the above picture
need a query to fetch the price when user gives the value is GLI and 20Mil?
for me to help..?
You mean this? select gli from from <set> where manufacturerer = subject
material=GLI,Latham., etc and Manufacturer=20Mil,..etc..
i fetch the row where Manufacturer=20Mil.
Now i need to fetch the price , that will be choosen by the user.. @RoelvanUden
@Amitd get here: CAST(LEFT(tdate,6) + COALESCE(NULLIF(SUBSTRING(CAST(tdate AS VARCHAR(8)),7,8),''),'01') AS Date)
Suppose if i select the material=GLI means the price is $411.68
@RoelvanUden and @Neha
What, exactly, are you using? MSSQL? And you want to a query?
@JasperManickaraj come fast... I have indulge into work
linq query i neede
look the above picture neha.. and read the below chat
not clear
click on the picture
what the material here is
GLI refers to price as per you are sayin
ok.. so there are two entities u have
ya.. it refers to price..
i fetch the row where Manufacturer=20Mil.
Now i need to fetch the price , that will be choosen by the user..
price b e choosen by user?
means GLI term
ya.. if user chooses Latham means that price will be displayed
ok.. what the structure of other entity
Manufacturer: 20Mil, GLI: $411.68,Latham: $400 etc..
how to fetch the GLI value when user chooses GLI?
ok, wait givin
its going to be bore now
guys can someone pls try help me with my problem?
jason name it
I've been at it for hours but I just can't get it: stackoverflow.com/questions/18508945/…
thank u @AdilsAdils
@JasperManickaraj reflection is ur ans
@Neha let me check it now..
@JasperManickaraj example :

private static object GetPropertyValue(object obj, string property)
System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyInfo=obj.GetType().GetProperty(property);
return propertyInfo.GetValue(obj, null);

public IList<EventsTbl> GetRows (IEnumerable<string> searchColumn, string searchValue)


string[] searchCrit = searchColumn.ToArray();

string searchStr = searchValue.Trim();

IList<EventsTbl> myRows = (from mrow iin base.Context.Select<EventsTbl>()

where (searchStr.Contains(GetPropertyValue(mrow, searchCrit))
modify adding ur manufacturere
in where clause too
does anyone know how to force paypal to return customers back to website after payment?
        private object _selectedItem;
        public object SelectedItem
            get { return _selectedItem; }
                if (value == _selectedItem)

                _selectedItem = value;

        public Workspace SelectedWorkspace
                return (_selectedItem != null) && (_selectedItem is WorkspaceViewModel) ? ((WorkspaceViewModel)_selectedItem).Workspace : null;
any reason my SelectedWorkspace.get isn't getting called when I click a WorkspaceViewModel?
jason can u share ur code otherwise express check out always redirects without delay after transaction
@KendallFrey hey
@MohamadY.Dbouk needs some help with regex
@Neha ho
What's the question?
I need to re - paste .. look above chats na
@NETscape nothing is listening to the propertychanged? class is not inheriting from INotif...
Q: Merging Objects in C#

user13814I want to merge two objects of a partial class generated by XSD2Code tool but not able to find out how. I find this post which doesn't help either How to combine a Partial Class Object in C#? as Partial class I have has like hundred of properties and attributes. Also this code is copying not mer...

Merging objects or classes?
objects of classes ?
Can you provide examples of the objects you want to merge, and the expected result?
Is there any difference between these :
using System;
namespace Test
    class MyTest
        string a;
namespace Test
    class MyTest
        System.String a;
After compiled of course
@AndréSilva Yes. I absolutely hate the latter.
After it's compiled, they are identical.
Oh ok..
Because I have this :
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

namespace Scan
    public class reportMap
        public ObservableCollection<ListaUnidade> Map { get; set; }
You should know that using System; is not required for either of them.
And I thought, is there a real need for the using statement there ?
Yes, there is.
Because I thought it could have a performance difference or something
string is like an alias for String I think?
Only when compiling, but it won't be noticeable.
Yeah, I'll just follow the pattern..
@softarn For System.String, to be precise
But for primitive types, always use the keyword.
Why did you have to be precise? Are there any other strings ?
That is one of my worst pet peeves.
@AndréSilva Well, if it was JUST for String, you'd need the using statement. But you don't.
The only time I use the namespace in place is when I know I'll be deleting the code again soon, and I don't want to clean up usings.
Right click in any part of the code, Organize Usings, Remove and Sort
I know :P
But if you're using source control, that just causes noise.
That is true..
And if you're not using source control, go jump into a volcano.
@KendallFrey I updated my question
omg I like volcanos
@KendallFrey Nah, I use SourceSafe..
I mean.. this company uses it.
@user13814 I refuse to help someone who posts code so wrong. Is that broken VB or broken C#?
@AndréSilva AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!1
@KendallFrey :( I can't change that..
But I'm leaving this job so..
I'm almost sure that this new company uses TF
TFS? That's not bad.
I'm a git man, myself.
I can't see big companies handling github
GIT is good, but I'm guessing TFS is better integrated
By big I mean, big four companies..
I work at Deloitte and I'm going to PwC
> Note: ALL code is hand written so syntax might be wrong I don't know
FFS dude, post some real code.
@CCInc Yes, if you're doing .NET exclusively, in VS, TFS is the way to go.
._. You have projects with different languages all-in-one ?
Yeah, we have a C++ base with JS extensions.
A few Python utilities.
Maybe some more.
5 languages isn't ridiculous for one large project.
Python and C# ( at least the little I know ) are very similar..
Erm... what?
Aren't they ?
Not the last time I checked.
So forget about it..
But why use different languages?
I'm not criticizing, I'm really curious.
Some languages work better than others for certain tasks.
and some work on windows phone, most don't
So is a performance thing..
Windows Phone can run C++ meaning that almost anything can run on it. With some work.
In our case, it's hard to develop large complex UIs with JS (at least it was when they first wrote it.) It's also hard to write extensions in C++, because you require all the libraries to link to.
@AndréSilva No, not really.
@Roel van With some work, all languages can work everywhere.
@softarn Nope~
We're sticking with C# for as much as we can on our new project.
@RoelvanUden If everywhere means on any Turing machine.
Don't start in quantum computing please
I'll get too interested :(
I might, or I might not, or I might do both at once.
@AndréSilva try a functional language like erlang and you'll see some big differences
<3 erlang
Functional isn't even close to the same.
So it seems Jack Black just visited the music store I frequent at, in my town.
@softarn If you want a really cool paradigm, try REBEL.
Sometimes I miss the old days of printf and scanf ;/
Only attempt if you like regexes...
@AndréSilva cout << "FTW"
haha cout<< and cin>>
Those were the days...
I remember feeling the best in my class because I was the only one who did a C program that calculates Fibonacci u.u
I made an entry for IOCCC once.
Googling IOCCC
Oh ok
@NinjaEcho find ioccc
The International Obfuscated C Code Contest (abbreviated IOCCC) is a computer programming contest for the most creatively obfuscated C code. Held annually between 1984 and 1996, and thereafter in 1998, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2011, and 2012, it is described as "celebrating [C's] syntactical opaqueness". The winning code for the 18th and 19th contests, held in 2005 and 2006, was released in November 2011. Prior to 2004, entries were submitted by email. In 2004, for the 17th IOCCC, the competition switched to using a web-based submission process. Entries are evaluated anonymously by...
What the ..
98 ? Kendall wasn't even born yet..
I think it was 2011 or something
You were 15/16yo ?
I should still have the code somewhere...
@AndréSilva Yeah, prob
What the heck man..
It was a very noobish entry
Yep, I still got the code.
Give us !
If you don't mind obviously..
hi there
how to shelve pending changes in vs2012?
Would anyone mind going through the first draft of a proposed API and telling me what you think? gist.github.com/benjamingr/6377965
Such poor obfuscation...
Haha you did that with 15yo ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum What's the purpose?
@AndréSilva Yeah, something like that.
@KendallFrey Offer an API to business partners to embed TipRanks in their sites, for example tipranks.com/resources/finance.yahoo.com/MSFT.html?code=gilad
I think that was the one I invented a clever endianness detector.
@BenjaminGruenbaum No idea
@BenjaminGruenbaum the user provides its own token?
on login?
is this going to be SSL?
it also doesn't really say how that is supposed to be passed in the cookie. it might be better to just have your response drop the session cookie on successful login and tell them to include that on subsequent requests
@paulcheung is that really a valid question?
@ton.yeung I don't know. I was trying to see if he has a deeper question to that question - I mean, googling will answer his current question easily.
googling for answers is soooooooooooooo mainstream
@ton.yeung oh ok. sorry, I didn't have the context.
It boggles my mind to describe programming in Chinese, even though I know Chinese.
good point!
europeans rule
just saying
stupid europeans. wait till we have a Chinese version of C#.
Hitler ruled. Harshly.
He was European.
Just saying.

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