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hi all
Good afternoon..
gud afternoon
@JasperManickaraj GA
@kumar hey
Hi How is going on today
good goin
do u have any idea about the value fetching in xml
hi @neha
@JasperManickaraj in xml.. frm xml?
from xml..
@JasperManickaraj yeah
I have done this
Actually i used a webservice for login authentication... It works but i need to fetch the customer details from the returned <string xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
read the root from xmlreader
<string xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
{"Method":"LOGIN_AUTHENTICATE Start :8/28/2013 2:22:20 AM B2B :8/28/2013 2:22:21 AM P21 :8/28/2013 2:22:21 AM End :8/28/2013 2:22:21 AM","ResponseCode":0,"ResponseText":"","HomeBannerURL":"http://kinaracorp.com/responsivebanner/","resAccount":[{"shopper_uid":1877,"customer_code":"10950","customer_name":"BEL-AQUA INTERNAL ACCOUNT","contact_id":6449,"first_name":"frank","last_name":"squeo","email_address":"[email protected]","password_hint":"name","default_shipping_method_uid":110,"password":"83F2BAF5E632F2E1CB52229CE3665AE7","default_ship_to_address_id":"10
omg is it a xml
seems json array
here i need to fetch the customer_name, first_name,last_name
oh i think yes..
Actually i also doubted it at first , whether its a XML? or something else nu
I don't think so..
it mixed with json
@JasperManickaraj I guess this webservice response
@RoelvanUden there ?
I done using XML parsing Windows.Data.Xml.Dom;
hey, was at lunch
yes it response.... But it returns full values.. but i need to fetch that particular values
@kumar how u done this..
@JasperManickaraj select ur data only in successful response
@codebrain ?
Oh, no. U understand like that
I worked for only XML.
@JasperManickaraj stackoverflow.com/questions/10824471/… same as you have issue
@RoelvanUden Is it possible to display images that are in local drive C:\Somefolder\image.jpeg ?
cz the url rendered is perfect for me but it doesnt show up the image.
@codebrain In a browser?
If i have the Image inside my application i can display, otherwise not ?
btw what is file:// type url ?
It's not recommended to do something like this though, it makes very little sense.
oh now, i have a application like a shopping cart. I dont want to store so many images in db as byte[] /
If you want to host a lot of images, write the images to a file host folder.
Possibly replicated to act a CDN
so when i retrieve i have to convert them back to image and display. I prefer storing it in a server folder. Now, storing it inside the application preferable ?
file host folder ?
You're serving files aren't you? Then you have a file host.
Throw them in there, hook up the proper URL and be done with it.
file host ? I dont know.
i ll google that part.
@MAD4RA done??
So when admin uploads a product with image and spec, host folder should store the image. huh, can you tell me what is it ? Just a normal folder ?
@Neha still bugging
@codebrain Yes, a normal folder.. Look I don't want to sound like an ass, but I have to ask. Do you know the basics of the web (HTTP, MiME, file hosting, dynamic content, etc)?
not all
Look it up :3
Requires to read a lot.
I will look up all the above, CDN too. Thanks :)
i detect now the error but i dunno how i can solve it dmn
@MAD4RA what's now?
still the same @Neha
when i click the button the page just refreshes
i dont see the popup at all
i checked the source files that u linked also
that worked fine, but not this on
oops.. ok just get the code again here.. pastie link. I ll do & send back
cool async code :) vs 4.5
@MAD4RA ok
I will check it out @Neha
@codebrain afaik asp.net mvc has a 'content' folder that already serves as a file host
But I don't use ASP.NET often so look it up :3
yeah it handles static contents. i will check. :)
remove cssclass from panel
it is workin
that alone ?
yeah.. I just remove cssclass from ur code
& it works
:/ i tried it, still no go
@Elegiac -> what's ur problem?
wait I ll give you the working one
is it not working coz my page is refreshing every 5 seconds ?
will look into it :)
@MRS1367 i detect the problem why findreplace seems not working in my form sir
it doesnt accept this code:
so, why?
dbSearch.RichTextBoxForm = this;
thats why
@Neha i tried substituting the code
still the same :/
i think theres too many codes conflict with = this;
so thats why the findreplace dont work properly
ok :)
but im happy that i detect it atlast
ok :)
what should i do for that sir
i use watch and breakpoint to detect what keeps blocking this code
but i failed to find it
private void rtb_CS_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F && ModifierKeys == Keys.Control)
                frmSearch dbSearch = new frmSearch();
                dbSearch.SyntaxHighlightingTextBoxControl = rtb_CS;
                dbSearch.RichTextBoxControl = rtb1;
                dbSearch.RichTextBoxForm = this;

                rtb1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

Morning all
r u sure about ur bug location?
yes sir im 100% sure
all things is ok with this line of code:
dbSearch.RichTextBoxForm = this;
i test it already
yes sir
lemme review it
try to delete that line on code sir
youll see what happen to my frmMain :)
plz see this:
/// <summary>
/// Sets a Form that is the parent of the RichTextBox control [RichTextBoxControl].
/// </summary>
public Form RichTextBoxForm
    protected get
        return richTextBoxForm;
        richTextBoxForm = value;
hey @AndréSilva
i already find it sir
it receives only a form control
yes sir ...
so, this keyword in ur code refer to what?
for frmMain to be frmSearch
for frmMain to adopt value of frmSearch
since were using 2forms ayt?
    public partial class frmSearch : Form
            private Form richTextBoxForm;
I'm confused.
confuse of what sir
lol i suppose to star that msg hahaha
which is why I removed it :p
fasthands .xD
it's just...I tried to do something the 'correct' way only to find out that it would be so complicated that it'd be stupid to pull through
so I've to revert back to how my boss did it
then? lol
you should kill your boss the correct way
he's a nice guy
we've a folder/file like structure in one of our applications. His way to do it was to just write the path into the table with the 'files' (he had an extra column for that). I decided that that isn't good and wanted to rewrite it in such a way that the entire folder structure is represented by nice objects that are stored in a database table. At first that wasn't a problem and while it added some overhead, it wasn't really bad.

Now I've hit a problem: What if user1 is renaming folderXYZ while user2 drags a folder with the name folderXYZ into the same parent folder? What action get's done f
The stupid thing ist that I invested such amounts of time into that, that it's painful to hit 'delete' here.. :(
and out of utter frustration i had to 'mutter' the 'f' word
"the correct way should never be complicated"
strong arguments grasshopper
"the correct way is not the best way in practice"
the 'correct' way is usually more complicated.

an example: To get rid of your garbage, you could dig it in your neighbour's garden, that takes roughly 10 to 20 minutes.

the correct way is, to sort your garbage into stuff that can be recycled, stuff that needs to be put into special containers (glass for example) and you generally want to have metals seperated from all of that.

That is pretty complicated and takes a huge chunk of your time (one to sort it and second to get it to the different facilities)
programming is not garbage disposal
the underlying principle is the same
complicated code sucks
not really
undocumentated code sucks
and code that makes no sense
complicated code = code that makes no sense
why make something complicated?
but if it's done the correct way, code will usually be longer but easily to read
makes no sense
you don't understand what I wrote
code is not complicated when it is the simplest way to solve the problem
you argue that code is either complicated or not complicated
that is entirely wrong
complicated for solving a problem
most problems can't be solved in an 'easy' way
code must be generalizable
and understandable
hello guys
generalizable is bad
specific code = good
when you write a function it should be written in such a way that it can be reused
i am in a prob
no, wrong
depends on the function
the type does not appear to implement microsoft.practices.servicelocation.iservicelocator
I'm not discussing with you
I'm simply stating why I'm right
i am new to MVC
to bad you are wrong then :p
accept the truth or write horrible code forever
(at least I don't have to read it)
you mean generalized crap
can someone let me know why it omes
oh but please get off of this website, since this site is all about generalizing code
hi there....
excuse me,,
and how to resolve this
Do you know the game Braid?
no but I know the ignore button :)
if you don't want to learn then go ahead
please give me a hand, my question is: how can i serizlize a string then insert the that stream into a serialized xml file node?
i dunt wanna deserialize that xml file
thank you in advance
can that be achieved?
OMFG i did it !
:) ?
removed removed?
stuff goes missing today
Q: How to resolve error :the type does not appear to implement microsoft.practices.servicelocation.iservicelocator?

ramanI am new to MVC, i am following "PRO ASP.NET MVC 4 by Adam Freeman". I am currently working on its 6th chapter. In which i am learning how to use Ninject in MVC 4 for Dependency Injection. I have created the application as described in the book. Now i am not getting why the following Error Comes:...

please help me
nice tag
could anyone halp me please?
Could anyone help with this? The data binding only seems to be one way - it doesn't set the value after it has been updated:
Q: Templated user control not binding to textbox

TimmI need the value in a textbox to be bound to a property in the item. I store the value in the session and then try to read it back out, but it never seems to get set - when I reload the page the value in the session is still blank. The templated user control: [TemplateContainer(typeof(TestT...

 List<string> poolAB=new List<string>();

            foreach (var nt in ActiveData.Instance.PoolShape_Details)
                int a = 0;
                if (nt.TBvalues == "DEPTH" || nt.TBvalues == "WALLHEIGHT")
                    poolAB[a] = nt.TBvalues+ "-" + nt.PSFeet + "-" + nt.PSInch;
the above code is possible..
sir @MRS1367 your still there?
It throws an error "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." on assigning values to poolAB[a]
please help me to fix this error..
var poolAB = ActiveData.Instance.PoolShape_Details.Where(nt => nt.TBvalues != "DEPTH" &&
							       nt.TBvalues != "WALLHEIGHT")
				     .Select(nt => nt.TBvalues + "-" + nt.PSFeet + "-" + nt.PSInch)
@JasperManickaraj you cant use list[n] = foo; to add to a list, only to change the value at that position
So the position value be ?
@JasperManickaraj you cant program without knowing how to program
DavidDV's code will give you a list, but note that it will likely have a different size than PoolShape_Details
is windows8 good?
Q: How to resolve error :the type does not appear to implement microsoft.practices.servicelocation.iservicelocator?

ramanI am new to MVC, i am following "PRO ASP.NET MVC 4 by Adam Freeman". I am currently working on its 6th chapter. In which i am learning how to use Ninject in MVC 4 for Dependency Injection. I have created the application as described in the book. Now i am not getting why the following Error Comes:...

please help me
Q: ninject depency resolver and service locator implementation

MasterPI am learning ASP.NE4 MVC3. I have created a NinjectDependencyResolver class, but I want to know how I would go about implementing the ServiceLocator class. Currently I get this error "The type SportsStore.WebUI.Infrastructure.NinjectDependencyResolver does not appear to implement Microsoft.Prac...

any bootstrap experts ?
@codebrain i know a bit about it shoot :)
omg u guys r still on here? this whole time I went out with my friend and we went to buy some cardboard and pencils from office works - then we went to kmart and the whole shopping centre got evacuated because of a fire - and we stood outside for an hour watching the 3 firetrucks and the firefighters do their thing, and I just get back and you're all still here lol.i would've thought you'd all be in bed or something by now lmao
in bed? it's 1:45 PM
it's 9:45pm here lol
I thought it was much later than that
i wish i could be in your timezone right now - would give me more time to finish some work before bed
9:45 pm you still got time left :p
@jAsOn wer u from
i know but i been awake for 28 hours already :(
I'm from down under
@MAD4RA I have thumbnails of images using bootstrap, It seems like broken from second row. Alignment is good. from second row the thumbnails are a little right aligned,,
are the image sizes same ?
if the span and row tags are used correctly they'll look the same :)
they are span3, images are same size
<div class="row-fluid">
  <div class="span12">
    <div class="inline lead">@ViewBag.Title</div>
        <div class="row-fluid">
            <ul class="thumbnails">
             @foreach(var item in Model.swatchItems)
                     string filePath = item.swatchImage;
                     <li class="span2">
                         <div class="thumbnail">
                             <img src='@Url.Content(filePath)' alt=""/>
                             <h3 class="text-center">@item.swatchStyle</h3>
@codebrain can u show me a ss ?
yeah sure
mmmm i really like Swatch4
swatch4 is like regae haha
just buy a theme for bootstrap its easier :p
i was thinking more like retro... but regae fits too lol
i dont get it :/ sorry so you mean swatch was made by apple?
i dunno lol I'm confused and sleep deprived lol
bbye to all
@Elegiac bye.. :)
luv u all
igot to eattahong
bbye ;DDD
sorry, please take a look
code snippet
@using(Html.BeginForm("Download", "Manager", FormMethod.Post))
Html.DropDownList("platform", (List<SelectListItem>)ViewData["platform"], new { @class="editor-field"});
Html.DropDownList("version", (List<SelectListItem>)ViewData["version"], new { @class="editor-field"});
Html.ActionLink("Download", "Download", new { name = item.Name });
@paulcheung what seems to be the problem?
i want to add a seprator char, such as '|' at the end of the Html.DropdownList statement, i mean after the comma
what should i do
thank you
so much
ohhhhhh i get it
is this razor code?
ok, fine
yap, you got that
Html.DropDownList("platform", (List<SelectListItem>)ViewData["platform"], new { @class="editor-field"}); <text>|</text>
Html.DropDownList("version", (List<SelectListItem>)ViewData["version"], new { @class="editor-field"});
let me have a try
so great....
lemme know if its working good. its been months since i had to do that iim a little rusty
oh. haha :)))
did it work for u?
please wait
i am testing
sorry lol
its ok take ur time :) no rush
it works fine
thank you my friend...
awesome ,ur welcome :)
:))) have a great day...
u too
Have anyone done alternate row color in ReportViewer for .NET ?
@AndréSilva =IIF((RowNumber(nothing) MOD 2)=1,"Yellow","Transparent")
Erm, not excel, but no problem.
No need for it too..
y r u askin up then damn
hi there anyone Messanging API developer here?
me me me .....
@Neha u know nything about MAPI one used to talk with Exchange server?
@Neha I was willing to use it, but there is actually no need and it would take time debating and googling so I rather not bother.
Q: Where MAPI fields of mails are stored

Mahesha999I was trying to programatically achieve Communication thread tracking for Outlook. I have found this article on MSDN. And I fiddled with it a bit. It seems that it is possible to do it by tracking PR_CONVERSATION_INDEX by developing Outlook Add In. However I would like to achieve the similar fun...

So if I make a List<Control> and populate with a list of all controls on a form ... say I come across derived controls like ListBox or ComboBox ... is it possible for me to cast back to the derived type? (Listbox[index] as ComboBox).DataSource?
To me, this shouldnt be possible
@Mahesha999 I can't help .. sorry
Just a few lines:

How could I write that so I could use ServerResponse.STATUS_OK?
and keep the generic features I have now ofcourse
The fundamental issue is that ServerResponse is not a class. The class defined is actually named ServerResponse`1
oh ok
If you make a base class, you could do it. public class ServerResponse<T> : ServerResponse
Thank you very much @KendallFrey! Learned something new
No problem
best feeling
Just to clarify, you can't use that generated class name in C#. Only in MSIL.
in JavaScript, 20 hours ago, by SomeKittens
I do believe that Java was born out of wedlock to a mother that didn't quite care for it.
@KendallFrey No, it was planned, but the parents just didn't know how to raise a child properly.
So it turned into one of those super-confused, awkward young people with social problems.
Who everyone takes advantage of, but no one likes.
Sounds like me, except they don't come near enough to take advantage of me.

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