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@Html.TextBox("q", Request("q"),
New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From
{ "data-autocomplete-source", Url.Action("QuickSearchTransactionNumber", "Home")},
{"class", "form-control"}, {"id", "TransactionNumber"},
{"placeholder", "Transaction Number"}
This outputs the following HTML:

<input class="form-control" data-autocomplete-source="/Home/QuickSearchTransactionNumber" id="TransactionNumber" name="q" placeholder="Transaction Number" type="text" value="" />
new to learn for me
I ususally gone second one not aware with first way
At some point, you should just pass in the dictionary object as a parameter.
@Html.TextBox("q", Request("q"), myParameters)
or, how I usually build helpers:
    @Html.TextBox("q", Request("q"),
    new {
        data-autocomplete-source = Url.Action("QuickSearchTransactionNumber", "Home"),
        @class = "form-control",
        id = "TransactionNumber",
        placeholder = "Transaction Number"
Lo guys
@codebrain When you log on, that's when I know I've been up too late.
4 am... Another 90 mins and the sun will be up.
Its evening here, i was late here too.
What are you doing so late ? or So early ?
@RyanJMcGowan hmm... helpers... good defination for mvc :)
Hello Neha
@codebrain aayiye janab
janab ? :P
@codebrain :) most welcoming person
very tired of work :\ thought i would spend some parallel time here..
@codebrain I come on here to ask a simple question that I don't even really need the answer to to get anything done, but I end up answering questions, googling different things, getting nothing done for the next 3 hours. #ADHD
hai all plz help me to fix this issue..
Q: Controller Action cannot be called from $.Ajax javascript

Jasper ManickarajIn MVC, I have written a action in controller for getting the values. the action is as follows.. public void poolshapepdf(List<String> values) { } To pass the parameter values to the controller action i pass the values from javascript.. the code is the below, $.ajax({ ...

@JasperManickaraj Your action method returns a void.
ya.... @RyanJMcGowan.. in that one i just assign the values only..
Are you expecting to get data back to the browser?
no not needed,.. i will use the assigned values in next controller action method
I guess you can do that. What happens if you navigate to that URL? Will it call the method?
If so, it's in the AJAX call.
@RyanJMcGowan :P , you're turning wise. God bless you.
if navigate to the URL, it doesn't call the action..
What is the name of your controller class?
I feel pity for you otherwise i would ask few questions from my side.
@Neha Thank you Dear :)
@Code haha I'll be in bed soon though
@JasperManickaraj Do you have other methods in that controller? Do they not get called if you navigate to them?
If not, it's the routing.
Controller name is : IngroundCalculationController.
@RyanJMcGowan Sounds good :)
you tagged code, in few hours other "code..." get freaked out.
And it inherits from Controller?
function InGround_Result() {

    var poolrows = $("#pooltable  tr:gt(0)");
    var poolbool = true;

    //Get PoolShape Values
    var poolshapeValue = new Array();
    var psFeet = new Array();
    var psInch = new Array();
    var collectionPSElmt = new Array();

    //Get BottomShape Values
    var bottomshapeValue = new Array();
    var bsFeet = new Array();
    var bsInch = new Array();
    var collectionBSElmt = new Array();

    poolrows.each(function (index) {

        poolshapeValue[index] = $("td:nth-child(1) input", this).val() == "" ? 0 : $("td:nth-child(1) input", this).val(
(see full text)
@RyanJMcGowan this is my full js function..
I wouldn't worry about the AJAX. If you can't get that method to hit a breakpoint by just typing it in the browser, the AJAX won't either.
if i put the breakpoint in firebug and run means it will hit the actionMethod.. but if breakpoint is removed means it wont work..
I mean a breakpoint in Visual Studio on the method.
Hi, can somebody help me with regex? Wht do i have to do to check for an exact part of text. For example the following regex @"(/d\s([0-9]{1,100})\s/s)" would work for "/d 15 /s" but also for "/d 15 /sxxxxxx"
ya i put the brkpoint on the method means that also don't hit
And you typed the URL into the browser?
http:// localhost:[the port number]/Controller/Action
Image type comes under which namespace ? C# ?
http:// localhost:XXXXXX/IngroundCalculation/poolshapepdf and replace XXXXXX with whatever port you're running on.
That method should get called.
If it doesn't get called, it's routing. Which means you played with the global.asax file or App_Start classes (MVC 4).
Or, you might have another method called poolshapepdf() that is getting called instead. If not, then it's the AJAX. At that point, I'd ask someone in the JavaScript chat for help.
oh.. but if i put alert("jj") inside the js function means it get called
And does the alert work?
@JasperManickaraj stay with me for a minute because I'm about to log out.
yeah i'm waiting
@RyanJMcGowan tell me ur mailid
yes it worked..
OK. So forget javascript. Forget all of it for a second and look at the MVC app
You need to see if MVC is receiving data from anything.
In Visual Studio, start debugging and let it open in your browser.
And tell me what the URL says.
http:// localhost:??????
What numbers does it say?
OK so go into the controller, right click on the poolshapedf method, and add a breakpoint.
Then type this in: http://localhost:50500/IngroundCalculation/poolshapepdf
on your browser
And Visual Studio should show an arrow on the breakpoint.
a little yellow one
The resource cannot be found.
OK so it's MVC. All your javascript is probably working.
breakpoint not hit
MVC isn't navigating to that URL.
How did you create that controller?
Actually, just make a new one like this:
right click on the controller and then create it..
OK cool. That's the right way.
Is there any other methods in it?
Can you paste the entire controller in here?
ya posted
pasted in our new room
Gotta go to bed. Maybe someone else can help you. Just tell them the url doesn't call the method. Later everyone...
mornin all
Anyone to help with a little for and foreach loop for me ?
@codebrain ?
@codebrain say what d issue is
will you help ??
i have a list with N number of items..
@codebrain ok
in MVC view i have to loop through the list and create items
@codebrain hm
     if(Model.swatchItems != null)
          <div class="row-fluid">
            @foreach (var item in Model.swatchItems)
                 for (int i = 0; i % 4 = 0; i++)
                   <div class="span3">
                     <img src="Image from swatch item here" />
for every for images (span3 class div) i want to exit that loop and create row(row-fluid) and continue to create the element till the list ends
for every four images
i couldnt get that loop :(
create a partial view for your row with 4 items & place in for loop
is this help
a loop first with four items & outer loop with one increamented aftr evry four exit
is this if am not wrong
a kind of repeater
yeah, can you get me some code help ?
i cant figure out. Lemme try what you said!
Hey guys, I'm connecting to a remote database using System.Data.SqlClient etc. Works fine, but once every week or two the connection drops (probably some sql server restart or network outage) which results in a timeout exception. Is there some easy way to get my application to automatically reconnect after this timeout and continue with what it was doing?
hi.....Can anyone tell me how to get sum of values from textbox which is inside a dynamically bound table.
Q: Syntax for ASP.Net MVC Phil Haack's Repeater syntax using Razor (MVC 3)?

didiHammanI have recently started using ASP.Net MVC 3 RC 2 and have attempted to migrate an existing website in MVC 2 across using the Razor syntax. In the MVC 2 application I am using the code base repeater that Phil Haack kindly provided in the following: Phil Haack's Code Based Repeater My question is...

@Neha :)
@codebrain ye
@coder place a common class to your dynamic objects & then sum from jquery using class for elements in same form with class
like I have four dynamic textbox
can u get some code help..this is how i bind my table var url1 = '@Url.Content("~/controllername/Somemethod")';
$.getJSON(url1, { id: id }, function (data) {
$.each(data, function (index, optionData) {

var html = "<td>" + optionData.value1+ "</td>";
html += "<td>" + optionData.value2 + "</td>";
html += "<td><input type='txt' id='txt' value=" + optionData.Value3 + " name='txt' class='halfTextBox'/></td>";
like I have four dynamic textbox decorate each with class "SumMe". ok
@coder then in jquery get all these elemnets from ur table
which is having class SumMe
& add them there
@Neha I am Binding my table in jquery itself..
@coder it's ok with this get ur table some ID
& in this code add class to ur inputs
got my point?
@Neha ye..
add class like this
@Neha k lemme have have a look at ur fiddle..
@BharatBhushan hey
HI @Neha,How are you
good am
I want to get frames from video files,But I am not sure how can i achieve this
I have file upload control and from where i want to upload a video and from that video we need to get images or frames
@BharatBhushan ask @codebrain he worked with video before .. he can help u
@codebrain can you please help me
hi @codebrain,Can you please me out
Bharath ?
I have file upload control and from where i want to upload a video and from that video we need to get images or frames
@Neha this worked
  @for (int i = 0; i < (Model.swatchItems.Count - 1) / 4; ++i)
             <div class="row-fluid">
             @for (int j = 0; j < 4 && i + j < Model.swatchItems.Count; ++j)
                 <div class="span3">
                   <img src="https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQSlkfizo8Zj0MGNAt2p9g4JFnjOT4017-sR0Cjodujh5Yqb8JJ" />
             <div class="row-fluid">&nbsp;</div>
@codebrain congo
@BharatBhushan Thats a lot of work actually
@Neha Thank you :) your link was indeed helpful
@BharatBhushan you want to save both video and images ?
@Neha you cut the call before i could even pickup :P
and busy right now
:11464595 rath ko call karro je
@codebrain no way
no i just want to get the images in bytes and want to match the images,neither i want to save image or video
@Neha lets see today
Yo yo yo
is it an adult chat room i thought it is for friggin c#
i can help you in getting the images and converting it into byte[]
@jlott Hey
Yes I want that much
I don't want saving work
@AdilsAdils Jlott is here, try to get her if got some.
no need :P
I just want images or images in byte,please help me
so kind of you
@BharatBhushan MVC ?
bharat bhushan are u scarred of google?
Yes MVC4
it removes lots of dependencies
okay how do you get image to controller form <input type="file"> ?
@AdilsAdils lol
HttpPostedFileBase will get you the uploaded image in post action if you call formcollection with it.
        public ActionResult Add(SwatchVM objSwatchVM, HttpPostedFileBase Image1)
Yes right
byte[] byt = null;
                using (Stream s = Image1.InputStream)
                    MemoryStream ms = s as MemoryStream;
                    if (ms == null) ms = new MemoryStream();
                    byt = ms.ToArray();
I am doing the same
this will convert it into bytes
 byte[] ImageArray = rdr["SwatchStyle"] as byte[];
                Image returnImage = null;
                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(ImageArray))
                    returnImage = Image.FromStream(ms);
that will convert it back to image.
you need system.drawing to use Image type.
done, thank you all. Gotta go. Bye @Neha , @Bharat , @Jlott , @AdilsAdils and everybody :)
so it will give me bytes of all images in video
@codebrain bye
yeah all images
@codebrain u are awesome man have gg day bye
OK thanks ,Thank you very much
bharth drop me your mail
to sakthishock@gmail.com or facebook.// see ya there
sakthi nvr miss this chance
Yes sure,Thanks a lot :)
@InderpalSingh hey
@Neha hi..
@InderpalSingh how u r with jquery?
@Neha you wanted to say something? i saw notifications
yeah.. @JasperManickaraj needs some help with jq ajax
I had similar issue in my experience but nt now have the solution
possibly u can help him
@Neha have started with it few weeks back. before i was happy with javascript only
@InderpalSingh ohh ok
:) no issue
@codebrain you there
@Neha what problem he is facing?
@InderpalSingh actually the url is not working for him but in random behaviour. As he place any brkpoint it works & if not iw won't call that url.. I guess that could be some load issue which is genrally have with jquery
@BharatBhushan tell me
@Neha did he provide some code?
@InderpalSingh yeah he posted ques in SO too
I am getting byte there but I am not sure how can get byte for a single imag
@BharatBhushan Bharath i didnt much with video
@Neha link?
use OpenCV it wil be helpful
bye all for now
can you please send me reference link so that i can work on it
hmm okay codebrain,thanks
@ neha use async in ur request
@AdilsAdils ? sorry
yeah the question u posted above which is having ajax issue needs an async call to server
@AdilsAdils I guess you are responding to @JasperManickaraj, please ping him or ans question on post
hi @Neha it works on chrome..
but not worked on firefox..
@JasperManickaraj hey here so many to ans you now
@InderpalSingh @AdilsAdils
@jasper try adding async:false property in ur ajax request
@AdilsAdils i will try it
@Neha @JasperManickaraj sorry.. i just do page designing type of things in jquery..
it will help u alot and if it does not try finding error by network tab in developers tool of chrome or i.e it helps alot
@InderpalSingh thanks for ur response..
@Neha, @InderpalSingh and @AdilsAdils Thanks a lot for ur helps.. It runs....
glad to know that :D
@JasperManickaraj kya kiya?
hello guys good evening
whats going on?
    class ModelBase
        public virtual int ID { get; set; }

    class ModelChild : ModelBase
        public virtual string ID { get; set; }

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var o = new ModelChild();
            o.ID = Console.ReadLine();
Can anybody see the point of this code? As far as I can see it does nothing (except waste CPU cycles and cause potential culture problems)

    private DateTime GetDateToSave(DateTime d)
        string Day = d.Day.ToString();
        if (Day.Length == 1) Day = "0" + Day;
        string Month = d.Month.ToString();
        if (Month.Length == 1) Month = "0" + Month;
        string Hour = d.Hour.ToString();
        if (Hour.Length == 1) Hour = "0" + Hour;
        string Minute = d.Minute.ToString();
(see full text)
It turns day 5 to day 05
but doesn't change day 12.
@kush yes, but look at the input and output of the method
@dav_i suggestion is for you.. ask question then paste the link here
@dav_i What do you get when you remove the if statements?
@raman it might get closed for being localized :(
@kush hmmmmm but rooms not to paste the codes dear
@ton.yeung i am not saying he is doing it in wrong way
i am just suggesting me
@raman No, we've been doing that here for years
@kush hmm as you wish
@ton.yeung ok no issue
I wonder who is the author of this:
// If a tree falls in the forest, but no one is around, does it make a noise?
I posted here because it's not SO question worthy and just wanted a quick clarification that I'm not being an idiot in thinking the person who wrote the code was an idiot.
No, I meant the code.
@dav_i thats ok
The code I posted.
C++ to be exact.
if (bool_FixedFont)
    IsCode = True;
Everything is code in some language.
It's in our C++ codebase.
My favorite one is where somebody just commented out the logging part in a service and basically wrote "If infrastructure doesn't care about the logs, why write them?" or something similar.
I don't care that much.
And I wouldn't be surprised if it comes from before there were logs.
EF Code First Question: In my UsersContext I have defined a few DbSets that relate to models I might want to access directly (companies, folders, and files). I think each of these dbsets are maintained independently from each other, so that if I make a new folder and add it via the folder dbset, it won't be seen when I try to access it via the company dbset, even though there are relationships between them. Am I right?
I think I'm deriving too much enjoyment out of abbreviating "Assessment" for some variable names.
if (Ass.Open) { doAss(); }
It does have a parameter "Passing", though.
So I'm trying to Clear existing associations and make new associations and I get an error about trying to remove a relationship/setting a FK to null... How can I delete and insert at same time? gist.github.com/dirte/f8e33d414ba76ef13a49
@dirt Is the Authorizations on line 4 correct? Because it looks like it should be securityGroup.Authorizations like on line 10.

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