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prob just whip it up in wpf or signalr quick
I was thinking create a market with a bunch of buyers and sellers and have them wanting to buy & sell at different prices. Then add a distribution to them.
console apps ftw
in this scenario, i have only 1 seller, unlimited anonymous buyers. the same as if this was a 711
If you really want to model human behaviour, make them adjust to prices. e.g. more willing to buy if the price has just dropped
yeah that would be a good test, for now it will be me and my clicky finger
That's also a good test
stock market is most likely to continue down if momentum is down I think
Yeah, there's the other thing.
Considering strictly retail sales, there are an enormous number of factors
For example, a high price can actually encourage sales.
the upside is that when you solve it you can buy an island
there must be some price thats min, so we dont sell $0
It'll never hit 0 if you do exponential decay
I suppose it would just get closer then slow down
God, what's the term for when high prices increase sales.
@CharlieBrown Yep
Economically there is prob an artificial zero so we don't have negative net, but even a couple buys will bring the price back up
No, there's an economic term for it
Johan has the right idea in mind though
@CharlieBrown Not if the price rises exponentially
right, the jumps would be based on the math
what prices rise exponentially o_O
I must write a text to daily WTF. two things happened here that cant be forgotten. I was laughing about this guy here a lot!
In economics, a Veblen good is a member of a group of commodities for which people's preference for buying them increases as their price increases (as greater price confers greater status) instead of decreasing according to the law of demand. A Veblen good is often also a positional good. The Veblen effect is named after economist Thorstein Veblen, who first identified the concepts of conspicuous consumption and status-seeking in 1899. Rationale Some types of luxury goods, such as high-end wines, designer handbags, and luxury cars, are Veblen goods, in that decreasing their prices de...
each second, decrease the price by F(x) where x is time since last purchase
@Steve I was talking about Charlie's model
@CharlieBrown no.
@KendallFrey ah
Each second, decrease the price by price/x
each purchase, increase price by price/y
x time, y ?
X and Y control supply/demand
the higher x/y is, the lower the price equilibrium will be and the more purchases are made
we want exp decay though right, so if x was a set value, then it would be linear
I said price/x
Wait, i got something backwards
"the higher x/y is" make that lower
For example, every second, decrease price by 1%, and every purchase increase it by 1%.
yes, right, im dumb. kept looking at price as original_price
If you change the price decrease to 5%, price equilibrium will be lower
is x^2 exponential growth
2^x is
just testing ya ;)
dt/d(e^x) = e^x
derivative of e^x is indeed e^x
See if i remember more.
dt/d(y^x) = (log(y)y)^x
or (e^x)' = e^x
I don't know if that's right.
derivative of e^x is e*i^x-i
@Steve Or that, yeah
isnt there a plus c somewhere?
@BriOnH powers + complex numbers = brain meltdown
whats the integral of e^x ;)
derative of ln(x)? :)
@CharlieBrown E=mc^2
the integral is the opposite
@Steve e^x of course
@kaser 1/x if i remember right
@kaser 1/x?
e/i ^ x+i
@Steve @KendallFrey yup yup
havent done calc since 2001
i kind of miss it
Note that e/i == -ei
since 1998 for me :)
at the time i thought it was death between two covers
i use trig at work mostly
I learned it voluntarily
I never use trig anymore
ditto @KendallFrey
i was a bio major
maybe if i did computer science instead I wouldnt be in chat rooms asking for help all the time hehe
I am a high school graduate.
@kaser Don't remember anything but sin-cos-tan
@BriOnH - You still would be. Your questions would just be different ;)
education isn't from school - alone.
Tell that to an MIT graduate.
or solely from school
you either know how to learn or you don't
@TravisJ yeah true
that would be +-inf or undefined
I agree with that. Self learning is important. That is why @Kendall is so sharp.
@BriOnH Best thing about uni is that you learn how to learn there imo
but he also teaches well too
At times :P
i see him helping in here while i am coding all day
ty @KendallFrey
Hello, sorry to interrupt but is there any way to modify the current iterator of a dictionary ...? For example, if my current iteration is at 100, can i make it skip 20 iterations so that it goes directly at 120?
you da man.
@TravisJ @*, that is
@Alex Call MoveNext 20 times
@Alex Explain why you would want to do this.
sounds like an XY problem
The term "XY problem" is so sexist.
What's an XY problem? lol
Is there a way in visual studio to split the xaml design/code into different windows/monitors rather than this freakin split screen?
Yeah we should start calling it XY||XX
mo' testicles, mo' problems
@ton.yeung @JLott I endorsed you.
@Alex It's when the problem being solved is X, but the question being asked is Y.
"I'm asking how to do X when I really want to do X?"
@dirt yes
no, that doesn't make sense
@dirt Yes, there is.
or rather, it does
@TomW no testicles, mo' problems
@Tom Lol
I am asking how to do X when I really want to do _Y__
I got 99 testicles and a problem ain't one.
Will someone show me the way?
@dirt Right click your XAML file and choose Open With...
Then you can select something other than the designer
You then get two tabs
It's quite tricky ... Basically I'm building a program to setup some Try Catches in a 30,000 + line program (since the other programmer didn't do any error handling). What this does is it locates all Subs and Functions to enter the Try [code] Catch [Generic catch statement] ... The thing is, with functions; it's a little different because I want to keep the returned variable outside the Try as well as the the "Return" statement.
If you have the designer open in one
That way I don't get the annoying error "Function does not always return a value"
So ...
In my dictionary, I create another dictionary just for the functions
@Alex um, try/catch shouldn't affect that
@Alex I have no idea wth you're talking about
Yeah ... Sorry it's quite hard to explain
mmmm not workin @KendallFrey
and if you're blocked by not knowing how to do something, wouldn't it be more time-efficient to just navigate the codebase and add the relevant lines by hand?
says file is already open
Do you have your designer tab open?
considering the time you've already spent and the time you're likely to wait to fix this issue
Looks like you need to open your code and then the designer
UC.xaml is open with design/xaml tabs split horizontally as default.... right-click same file open with... choosing XAML UI Designer with Encoding (not sure what to choose) says file is already open, close yes/no -- either choice results in coming back to same window split by default
You probably want XML (Text) editor
Close designer, open with text editor, then double click file again to open designer
THERE WE GO yessss
The best part is, tabs are synced
/star that!
The designer updates auto
the decay works pretty good, x is equal to the amount of time in seconds until the product reaches zero dollars
why is oracle the devil
@Steve - Two words. Visitor. Pattern.
@KendallFrey @dirt I'd use the Code Editor, not the XML editor, though, if you do that - you'll get intellisense that way ;)
dataview and datasource. What's the difference?
one puts out at night
Cool, @Reed is here :) superstar
Fine then. Ignore me! :(
Lol @kaser I was just opening the MSDN page to make sure this was accurate. A dataview is an actual view for displaying data. A datasource is the property you use to bind data. It is used all over the place.
Hey Reed, would you recommend XBAP for new projects today?
@TravisJ :)
@kush I never recommended XBAP :p
If you want WPF, I typically say it's worth the extra effort to have real deployment
@ReedCopsey thank you. So I am not the only one who finds Page a little weird.
@kaser "Data source" is a term used by a lot of other technologies, as well, not just System.Data
@kush XBAP just has a lot of fundamental problems - it's really only better than Silverlight if you're in full trust, and once you're in full trust, you might as well install a "real" app
@ReedCopsey oh, I see. I should be more specific. sorry.
@kaser No problem - just an FYI :) DataView is almost always referring to System.Data.DataView, though, so I suspect that's what you wanted to know about, right?
don't suppose anyone here has used JackBox in their .net apps here?
I have this problem -
@ReedCopsey I see this gridview.datasource = dataview, so I was wondering what's different about them?
Hmm, what controversial topic shall we get Reed's opinion on?
So - DataSource is where a control goes to "get" it's data. In this case, what you're saying is "make my GridView use 'dataview' as the source of my data"
string vs String lol
@Kendall - n-teir? IoC? long running connections?
a DataView is basically a way to organize the data itself - say you have a DataTable - if you want to filter it, you can't just say "view the DataTable", but you want to show a view of a "filtered" data table - a DataView lets you do that
@TravisJ I can't argue about any of those though.
@ReedCopsey I was wondering if I could use dataview to change the SQL table, but I'm guessing it just acts like a getter.
Well, I can maybe talk about the latter.
@CharlieBrown "string" ;)
@ReedCopsey Good.
@kaser You can - it's a "view" over a table, but changes to the view are reflected in the table. See msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.data.dataview.aspx
"The DataView does not store data, but instead represents a connected view of its corresponding DataTable. Changes to the DataView’s data will affect the DataTable. Changes to the DataTable’s data will affect all DataViews associated with it."
@ReedCopsey Have you ever met someone who thought string and String acted differently?
If anyone could tell me how to attach this code to the jackbox(javascript) script id appreciate it.... pastebin.com/cuLmsxuC
@KendallFrey Yes, you see it a lot with new developers, and for some reason, it seems to be a common "problem" with game developers (not sure why)
@ReedCopsey omg, thanks. Now I don't have to write additional code.
@kaser That's what we're here for ;)
@ReedCopsey I had to educate my team 'lead' on it.
so i posted a project on elance, and realized that i'm extremely overpaid
Every time I see eval in code I cringe
Better than being underpaid >.>
@KendallFrey cannot vs can not, go
@Steve fuck you vs fuckyou
thanks bud
can not
so, theres a space then
Travis is Eval() expensive?
@TravisJ I found some 'obfuscated' 'encryption' code that used eval.
I am a terrible speller
@Steve no
@CarlSagan Measured in technical debt, yes
I am not sure of the performance impacts as much as the readability and maintainability issues.
@KendallFrey The one that I think is hillarious is that I often see code like this: pastebin.com/mpyLw30N
Again, mostly in game code :S
Never even seen the likes
@Reed - Is that to ensure that there is no overflow for DMA?
Reed wtf is that
That's a developer's misguided attempt to make sure they're using 32 bit integer values for something
Or a java developer thinking they're doing boxing
@ReedCopsey ikr? just use value & 0xFFFFFFFF :P
Actually - I take it back, it's typically been more like: pastebin.com/1PFzZwR8
@BriOnH - I guess I don't see where you want the javascript to integrate in that snippet you linked.
Can they not do that
@ReedCopsey Ooh, lets play count the WTFs
I think it's typically people coming from native backgrounds, where "int" isn't a guaranteed size
oh, the cast makes it more clear
1. They namespace-qualify it in the cast but not the declaration
@KendallFrey yeah - almost every time I've seen it, they do that (again, no idea why)
Kendall you are analyzing fake code
just sayin
@CarlSagan The cast does nothing
@CarlSagan I've seen a lot of real code that basically follows that pattern, though
What determines whether code is fake or not?
whether or not you're getting paid for it?
Will I was being facetious
Today my boss called bits and bytes "make-believe". I offered to wipe his hard drive.
@dirt That's horrible. FOSS isn't fake.
@KendallFrey Since it's make-believe, it wouldn't matter, right?
have you ever SEEN bits or bytes with your own eyes?
@ReedCopsey Right!
@CarlSagan Yes, I have. Big green strings of them, flowing down the screen.
a reference to the movie, HACKERS, obviously
I wonder how big a bit is on a 3.5" floppy...
@CarlSagan Hackers? Excuse me?
I've never even seen it.
[<-------->] about that big, if it's single sided
Matrix fool
@CarlSagan No way.
Hi, anyone can help me on this: stackoverflow.com/questions/18106598/…
you know how many bits there are in a droplet of water?
There are 1.44 * 1000000 * 8
@dirt None?
yeah you fried them with water idiot
@dirt Depends on the size of the droplet
Wait, is 1.44 MB meaning MB or MiB?
@TravisJ I am not sure either, it probably is more of a jquery question :-/
MlB its the metric system
Technically a bit requires 12 atoms right? So how many atoms are inside of the water droplet
@CharlieBrown If you want the best "string" vs "String" discussion, see stylecop.codeplex.com/discussions/356909
that's a nasty one ;)
@TravisJ Where did you get that number?
@BriOnH - jQuery, javascript, it is all the same. what was the actual question though
@Kendall from IBM

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