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it should be dynamic extending, not subclassed
So if I implement my interface with all the service data; then I implement them all in my primary class. It should be fine? Or am I misunderstanding?
You really want to hide the details from the client Greg
i should really dl the gof book
your interface should contain all that gets passed to and from the calling code
now, if the concrete impl of that interface calls 12 other services, it dont matter to the client
all the client sees is the interface
oh wait, why do we care again?
public interface IService
      bool IsThisValid(ClassObjectImplementation i);
      void DoThisTask(lcassObjectImplementation i);

public class PrimaryService : IService
       // Implementation of Bool

      public void DoThisTask(CustomerObjectImplementation i)
            // Call Bool Statement Service
           // Then do other task?
@drch Do you mean like that?
that will work fine
@CharlieBrown Not very elegant though :/
but then you are exposing IsThisValid as a service method, no?
@drch Yeah-
did you write that one too @KendallFrey?
public interface IService
      //bool IsThisValid(ClassObjectImplementation i);
      void DoThisTask(lcassObjectImplementation i);

public class PrimaryService : IService
       // Implementation of Bool

      public void DoThisTask(CustomerObjectImplementation i)
            if (!IsThisValid(i)) {
               throw new Exception("boo urns");
@drch Is that no bueno?
too? I didn't write anything in Caprica Six
it would still have that isthisvalid method, but not part of the public interface
Too, the first being @NinjaEcho @KendallFrey
No, Zirak wrote Caprica Six
are we talking battlestar or what?
@drch Now, the other question will be... That ClassObjectImplementation will be transmitting a large profile of data which will be utilized so the DoThisTask can call four or five server methods that will extend even further. I just want to ensure the bool is true before it starts the server transmission.
@Steve 'what'
@drch I noticed that you have another object being called on the second part of the DoThisTask method.
@Greg well then what you have seems fine. if it makes sense for the client to be able to validate it first, then thats all good
I'm going to be using column update permissions in SQL Server 2008 along with entityframework. I'm only going to update the needed columns in EF. Has anyone in here done this before and if so have you had any problems?
@Greg i thought you said this was supposed to wrap another service and just layer on the validation
@drch Well, what it really is the client is going to be validating if a web url is currently in use on our server. If it is, then it will return false- But rather then have the client implement two separate services I was going to intertwine them into one service.
@Greg you could push that to the actual client code.
@drch Actually, now that I think about it. I may be able to just validate a single piece of the data transmitted from the form. Then utilize it later without even having a separate service.
@drch What do you mean?
I hate this tumbnails on chat room. it make us think the picture is something, and when we see it larger, it's something else.
public Client : IValidationService, IActualService {
   public Client(IValidationServiceClient valService, IActualService _actualService) { }

   public bool IsThisValid(ClassObjectImplementation i) { return _valService.IsThisValid(i); }
   public void DoThisTask(ClassObjectImplementation i) { _actualService.DoThisTask(i); }
@ton.yeung lol
@ton.yeung I'm concerned with the client code, because their form content is going to be utilized throughout my framework to actually build server side objects and server manipulation.
@Greg then your client api can call any number of webservices from one class
mix and match them as you need to ;)
anywho im gonna run to the store to get some dindin
@ton.yeung What do you mean?
thats also a good pattern when some services have more methods than you need, you can hide them away
@CharlieBrown What is?
@ton.yeung hell yeah!
the last code dump @drch posted
@ton.yeung Yeah, our developer who designed our web-site is owning the data and storing it in our client database. They are simply pushing data to my framework to manipulate our server and IIS. Essentially build web-sites on the fly, upgrade, and a lot of other stuff.
Taking a break.
@ton.yeung I have to expand functionality to them, because my portal is only utilized by our office where his is configured for customers to signup.
@ton.yeung Originally I had it all encompassed in a single MVC.
@ton.yeung Oh, nope.
@ton.yeung I'm a novice, but not that much of a novice.
@ton.yeung The client doesn't use it at all. I just take the values from the form. First, Last, Phone, Email, and Web URL. Then my Framework does everything else.
@ton.yeung Except the framework can't perform the task without that information to assign to that user or do the organization within IIS as needed / subdomain.
@ton.yeung Does it still sound like I'm doing it wrong?
@JLott me too. I've been doing nothing all morning and now it's lunch :)
its amazing how much work you get done with this window minimized :]
@JLott Said goodbye to my friend, as the fire spread. All that's left is your bones, which will soon sink like stones. So hold on, hold onto what we are. Hold onto your heart. Name it!
@ton.yeung Yeah.
@ton.yeung I just have to verify the desired Web URL isn't in use from the form though first.
@KendallFrey what is this Caprica Six
@dirt lol. too true.
!!tell Steve help
@ton.yeung Originally that is what I was going to do, but I thought it'd be cleaner to integrate them.
oh its a dude
A dude?
bot, chick, whatever
my point is you aren't referring to the planet
dude != chick
@Steve Of course not.
@KendallFrey unless you're in asia
@Greg They have some pretty powerful lyrics
So how is everyone today?
@ton.yeung What do you mean? A verification if a directory exists? If it does perform all the server task with data otherwise throw error? Is that really considered mixing?
@JLott You know the band?
@KendallFrey I saw you stubbed your toe, I am sorry but I laughed
@Greg Of Monsters and Men
@JLott I get to write C# today!
@JLott thinking of calling in sick for the rest of the day + tomorrow for sure
@KendallFrey ME TOO!
@Steve Last week right?
@JLott Yeah, my favorite song by them.
@JLott nah i finish on the 16th
@Greg Yeah I have that album :)
@Steve Why taking off?
@JLott have 2 sick days, feeling lazy
Let's do music recommendations I need some music to listen to while I code!
I get all Fridays off and half days on Thursday :P I get to leave at 2!
@akowalz What kind of music do you like?
@kendall - Had a meeting. Back to your point though. Finding a way to use "algebra" to solve the height of the triangle is ideal because it shows that there is no way to do it without using the square root. You can use trig, but then you will end up needing to calculate the arccos which is roughly the sqrt(1-x^2) and again the sqrt is present. Here is the arccos expansion. Perhaps you see a reduction somewhere
(x+1/2) * sin( arccos( (x-1)/2 / (x+1)/2 ) )
@JLott Your truly are my clone.
@TravisJ My point is, that's how you calculate it without doing algebra.
@Greg Haha I agree
@ton.yeung Except they don't have access to it, unless it is done through a service. So I shouldn't migrate them. I should leave them a separate?
@JLott ugh lucky
@Kendall - Still need a calculator for arccos though. How would you do that by hand?
You don't need a calculator for anything.
How is caprica and ninja hooked up? Are they hosted and pointed to so chat?
@Steve Perks of being an awesome intern
@Kendall - Okay, what is the arccos (x)?
@JLott Indie rock/pop/folk mostly. fleet foxes, dirty projectors, dodos, pheonix, starfucker....some bands. I like a lot :)
@JLott do you get paid for fridays? how many hours/week are you working?
@CharlieBrown They run in the browser, reading new messages.
@JLott I think you and your boyfriend should move to Oregon. So they can bask in our awesomeness. All though they'll have a lot in common to.
@TravisJ Um, a function?
@akowalz I got this shit
inverse cosine
i wish i remembered trig
@KendallFrey thanks for the playlist!
@ton.yeung So my original implementation with two separate services; one to validate the other to fill my content was the right approach?
@akowalz youtube.com/watch?v=BjuyXR5by2s Fun song :)
@Greg Haha but I love the lake area
@JLott I like trains.
@Steve No, I work 30 hours a week.
@JLott We have the mountains, lakes, rivers, and oceans!
@KendallFrey i love lamp
@JLott I can see Mount Hood from my house.
@Greg My family lives here though
@Kendall - fail
@Steve - yeah but we started with knowing x and not theta. cos(theta) = x. arccos(x) = theta. we are trying to solve for theta.
@ton.yeung They are a shitty developer.
@JLott :( But my wife and I are awesome.
@TravisJ No, we're finding sqrt(x) without algebra.
That song I sent was '39 by Queen. It should be more popular than it is.
@Greg Well then move here :P
@ton.yeung The web developer whom maintains the site.
@TravisJ like i said, i don't remember trig
@JLott woah. I love queen and have never heard this song. this is a good song.
wait a second
@Kendall - Your ruse is a falsehood though. Finding arccos requires algebra. As does using other properties of substitution such as cos^2 + sin^2 etc. Who said there is no algebra in trig?
@akowalz Yeah a lot of Queen fans haven't which is such a shame.
@ton.yeung We are supposed to switch companies, which should alleviate it. But we haven't yet, so I'm stuck with India developer at the moment.
@JLott Which song?
@TravisJ What does arccos have to do with it?
@ton.yeung Yeah.
It is about astrophysics! @Greg '39 byQueen
@dirt I see you're listening to my playlist.
yes ma'am'sir
Grooveshark awesome stalker skills.
checkout my workhard playlist, aka coding for me
@JLott That is a good song, but not as good as "Fat Bottomed Girls"
lotta dubstep
@dirt link it?
@kendall - Internally:
    double arccos(double x)
     double theta = Math.Sqrt(1 - Math.Pow(x,2));
     return theta;
@TravisJ good q, who did say theres no algebra in trig? lol
@Greg But everyone has heard that, I wanted him to hear something new :)
@Greg no point comparing great songs :)
@dirt thanks buddy
i missed that comment
@KendallFrey Too much dubstep for me...
@JLott True, I'm playing that song at our wedding.
@JLott that's what I said.
@JLott - Slow down Einstein. You can never have too much dubstep :P
@TravisJ I want music that doesn't make me want to punch babies..
@Greg Fat Bottom Girls? Interesting lol
@TravisJ Sorry, I don't see where you got arccos from
@JLott Be honest. You like punching babies.
@dirt I appreciate your music taste but this is too much dubstep. I can't code angry lol
its 'Work Hard' for a reason :)
Sometimes I listen to classical, very soothing when you're trying to find a fucking bug
I have two 12 in subs in my car, I need more quiet things while working...
@JLott that song ended and I'm putting it on again. It's great.
@ton.yeung I know not to rely on the client, originally I had a separate service that strictly validated so he could ensure it wasn't in use. Then when he fills the data for my framework my framework automatically verifies to ensure proper values. Then I perform the desired task.
@ton.yeung Is that wrong? Or right?
@akowalz Classical is amazing.
I mix it up, no music, classical, dub, rap, rock, w/e -nocountry
I know right! It is awesome.
@dirt Old Country is great.
@JLott Yeah- I have an ass, which is weird. Since I'm a dude, but it is sexy if I may say so myself.
Country sucks.
I admit I have no knowledge of classical music beyond the popular names beehtoven/bach/etc
@Greg Hahahaha nice! I have like a billion songs I want to play at my wedding
@JLott Me to.
@KendallFrey Your mom sucks too!
Not me.
@Greg so, if you think your ass is sexy, and you're a male, that means you find a male ass sexy, does that mean...
@ton.yeung Yeah, I've never worked with REST.
@KendallFrey New country is awful, but some good George Jones or Willie Nelson makes me feel damn fine.
@Steve I'm saying it is sexy cause it is my ass. And @Steve I'm sexy as hell.
A playlist called DUBGASM. You sir have music taste.
@ton.yeung So I'll just let him consume the director validation service; then maintain my current approach.
I cringe when people say dubstep is good music taste..
Dubstep is good music taste.
Dubstep is good sound taste
That is a good point. The composition of most dubstep could use some serious overhaul.
@KendallFrey hehe thanks
If only Beethoven had written a dubstep song.
I prefer some of the lighter stuff for coding. More melody, less bass.
@KendallFrey I don't think dubstep is horrible, but it is one of those things that is always perfect.. There are not really concerts...
What? No concerts?
I love me remixes of classics, I want a hendrix dub mix
Live music has a lot of power.
You people kill me..
Live music has a lot of power = the drugs you are on at the concert
.NET hotfixes are safe to install, right? And they're uninstallable later?
@JoshD. I wouldn't bet on the latter. But I know nothing.
@TravisJ Yeah they are going to basically play a CD...
@ton.yeung Yeah, I actually started reading a book on it. I'm trying to allow the client to expose very little essentially.
That relates to my framework.
@JLott Best music = live mixes of good songs
@ton.yeung I'm detecting sarcasm.
@TravisJ On another note they are playing at The Pageant in St Louis where I am going to be seeing Dwight Yoakam
please use the proper html5 <sarcasm /> tags
@KendallFrey Do you play an instrument?
@JLott - There is no musical instrument to produce the music though.
@JLott MIDI synth...
@dirt You have Sandstorm in your coding playlist? lol
@ton.yeung That is what I mean.
@dirt I like to make my sarcasm elegant... thanks.
@JLott Do you like Flyleaf?
Yes, but not coding music for me.
@KendallFrey If they actually play the synth at the concert then that is cool, but just being a DJ is not considered a show to me...
DJs are teh shit.
@KendallFrey yes reminds me of Angelina Jolie every time 8)
@Greg They do that All Around Me song?
@JLott - It is sometimes strange to see just one dude in front of a mix table in front of the whole audience.
This is what we really need, though. glennmcanally.com/sarcastic
@ton.yeung Essentially once I get the variables it will call a series of private classes and methods to implement the server task.
@JLott Yeah.
@TravisJ It is odd to me...
@Greg I like that song, I have not listened to much of their other stuff
@ton.yeung Once I get the variables, essentially the client doesn't see anything at that point.
@JLott Listen to "I'm So Sick" and "Arise"
err wait I dont think that was in Hackers , either way I <3 it
@Greg On it
I was thinking of the orbital song
@ton.yeung Well, the service is just cleartext. But after that all the methods called are done directly on the server with the server.
@KendallFrey Sandstorm is a fun song
It's in my Pump Up playlist
@Greg lol
@KendallFrey It sounds legit in my car
@Greg Oh god that girl is a little demon
@JLott What do you mean, sounds legit?
Sounds awesome @KendallFrey
Bass everywhere!
It sounds awesome everywhere.
more awesome
If only they made headphones with subs.
@JLott She rocks.
My turtle beach headphones have good bass
@Greg That scream scared the heck outta me
@ton.yeung That was sort of my thought. The type of data doesn't warrant such complexity.
@JLott You like?
@KendallFrey Dr. Dre Beats
@Greg I like Arise better
Cheap ones
I can't afford expensive headsets
@JLott I love "Arise" Especially the Ben Moody Remix of it.
12 inch subs in your car:
I have Bose ones for my piano @KendallFrey I feel they were justified
Yeah those look about right
@JLott I love rock. I have Bose headphones to.
@KendallFrey lol
I have two MTXs and a 1000wat amp in my car.
@ton.yeung No lol
I think @Jlott must be a guy
@JLott Eh, I have an aftermarket Audiophile system in fusion- My music doesn't warrant subs. I love heavy rock music.
@KendallFrey I swear I am not lol
@KendallFrey I can verify she isn't.
thats what every girl likes to hear
@ton.yeung Correct.
@ton.yeung Thanks for the help.
I'm going to grab some soda, and actually continue work.
@Greg All music sounds good lol. Folk music even hits
^^ /minimizing window
@ton.yeung Eh, still took time.
@KendallFrey @Greg Can confirm this.
@JLott You should check out "The Voyces"
@Greg Will do
@KendallFrey @JLott Got together and had dinner, it was delightful. Then we talked till her spouse said "Dude, you are the most amazing guy to live." We didn't actually do that, but I can verify she is a girl.
I'll be back later.
@Greg Lol have fun
in C++, 3 mins ago, by Johan Larsson
It is Friday after all
@JohanLarsson I refuse to click on those
they are safe, might be hard to sit down and pretend to work though
sry but I love this 'Please Mr. Postman' dubstep remix grooveshark.com/#!/s/Please+Mr+Postman+Dubstep+Refix/…
@akowalz Music Vid is weird, but I love this song: youtube.com/watch?v=fe4EK4HSPkI

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