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@dirt Maybe you are logged into webmin when you're logged into virtualmin?
@KendallFrey Wait... are you stalking Notch?
I was watching twitch
Lync is a horrible voice call application.
I just removed the virtualmin domain and now the admin user I had in webmin no longer lets me log in..... and now ive locked myself out due to too many failed attempts :( didnt think it would be this big of a deal to use the same admin username across different domains
Interesting, I've never heard of twitch. So it's a web-based video game sports channel? Neat.
It's like YouTube, but live.
I broadcast once in a while.
I'd be interested in watching Notch and Phil Fish have a dialog about development. I wonder how long it'd take Notch to backhand Fish.
@NinjaEcho find phil fish
Detective Phil Fish was a fictional police officer in the TV series Barney Miller and later spun-off into his own series. He was played by Abe Vigoda. Fish was an odd character for a television detective: aged, grumpy, and suffering from a variety of maladies for which he constantly needed medication. The most recurring malady was inflamed hemorrhoids where he would bring a donut cushion to his desk chair. The detectives' bathroom was as important to him as his desk. Fish's wife was Bernice, played by Florence Stanley, who made occasional visits to the squad room and whose name the agin...
@NinjaEcho find phil fish (game developer)
@NinjaEcho find Phil_Fish_(video_game_developer)
Phillipe Poisson, better known as Phil Fish, is a French Canadian video game designer, best known for his work on the game FEZ, an indie platformer published by his company, Polytron Corporation. Fish is a founding member of Kokoromi, a group with the intent of promoting video games as an art form, and experimental gameplay worldwide. Fish, and the later stages of development of Fez, are featured in Indie Game: The Movie. Phil Fish has been characterized by Sean Hollister of The Verge as "notorious for voicing angry, controversial opinions about the state of video games". On 27 July 2...
fez. I saw that
He's a very high strung guy. He just threw a hissy fit and canceled Fez 2.
Platformers are boring.
I wish someone would make a good platformer.
Fez is not a platformer, in the strictest sense. It's more of a puzzle game.
Also, check out super meat boy, if you haven't.
Yeah, but I don't like games that make me think. At least not in my current mood.
Fez is not the game for you.
Super Meat Boy looks very long-winded and grinding.
long winded?
From what I see, you're constantly dodging threats.
That's boring.
Morning y'all!
I see. I'm not sure what you're expecting from a platformer.
Morning JLott.
@Greg I enjoy me some Kings of Leon, especially their older stuff.
@Billdr Something non-limiting and that varies.
I hate that Windows 8 doesn't play well with dual monitors...
What happens?
I need 2 monitors.
It mirrors them, but doesn't act like they are mirrored..
It basically doesn't recognize that there are two monitors
But how doesn't it mirror them?
Can't you set it to extended?
You can... it is hard to explain lol. It is like it thinks there is only one monitor.. It will not detect a second one. I have to restart every morning to fix it.
VGA is pretty outdated.
Everyone at the office has the same problem.
Well, no Win8 for me.
I use 2 monitors and VGA
Still I feel like most people use VGA or DVI lol
I don't know the difference. :/
@JLott I don't listen much to them but like this cover for some reason.
Supposedly it will be fixed with the next release.
Said every CSR ever
@JohanLarsson It is probably the hair.
phil fish pnwz
@JLott :D
about platformers -> braid
@JohanLarsson He does have a good voice though
jonathan blow who created that has a very good programming talk
I wonder if his email is blowjon@...
@JLott yes and the song is good and his live is good. Only probem is that it is x-factor I guess, makes it a bit embarrassing to watch.
To Ubuntu
I wonder how much access NSA has to Canadians.
I don't want to know how much access NSA has to Swedes. There is safety in numbers though, lots of noise in that db.
I wonder if it is true lol
A stray nude pic is probably not going to cause a sensation
I sent it to my Microsoft fanboy boss and he goes, please don't tell me you think that is real.
@akowalz Sup
Roll that barrel out, I said HEY-O...
Twist the tap and pass it around!
Boss and I are now having Apple vs Microsoft debate, starting the day out right!
Apple sucks. Microsoft sucks. Game over.
@JLott which side are you on then
um... lol
@akowalz Doesn't know me.
He also didn't read the chat.
Ahh yes, I said which side my boss was on
He stopped talking to me lol, I may be fired.
The inside huehuehue
Ah, I read that as "I sent a microsoft fanboy to my boss" my bad. So you like Apple?
@akowalz What a weird thing to do lol and yes
I like Apple products.
i like turtles
I don't give a shit about how horrible the company policies are.
I like trains.
I like beer.
Yea I didn't really read into that much, weirder shit has happened here.
I like video games. Mostly non-gore.
Minecraft? :D
Yea I mean they make really really really quality products that are much better to use than Microsoft's. @JLott even if they are a bit locked up sometimes
i like code
@KendallFrey Yes, but I haven't played for a few months.
I play a lot right now.
My Macbook Pro is the best computer I have ever owned. Boots up in 2 seconds, runs Windows on a VM flawlessly. It is great.
do you use virtualbox?
Windows runs Linux in a VM. That's all I need.
I have an iPad, iPhone, and Apple TV as well so everything in my house works great.
I use VMWare Fusion
I got it for free at a conference.
@JLott My Macbook is too old to do cool things like it used to. 5 years now I've had it. I used to be able to play Final Fantasy XI on it (BootCamp Windows XP).
@JoshD. I got the retina display one back in October. I love it.
Although, I will be paying on it until May haha.
$170 a month, worth it.
I'll probably just save my money and pay it all at once. I plan to get a new one hopefully by the end of the year.
ha, @JLott VMware fusion works really well? I'd actually look into that if I got a mac. it's not too expensive
my application is running fine. then a network error happens, and it throws an unhandled exception. but it keeps stuck inside the Catch. and it never throws my exception.
how do I handle this?
"it keeps stuck inside the Catch. and it never throws my exception."
If it's in the catch, it obviously threw an exception
@akowalz Yeah, you can make it have its own screen and you can swipe to it and not even notice the change, no lag or anything.
@KendallFrey well. in debug, I press F10, but the cursor doesn't walk.
maybe the catch threw an exception, too?
@rogcg Press F10 on what statement?
@JoshD. but there is nothing there. just a throw with ex.message
@KendallFrey inside the cath, when I throw the exception
Show me the code.
Of the catch.
Show me tha money
Big money, no whammy, aaaaaaand stop!
stop saying hammertime
I did not mean for that to happen.
whenever a bot does what it's supposed to I feel like Lucile in Arrested Development realizing she was talking to Gene Parmesean in disguise
@KendallFrey its just this. inside the catch I just throw the exception to the parent method. The error happens when I'm running the procedure, and the network error happens between this operation. paste.kde.org/p8b48a449
and it comes as an UnhandledException.
You could at LEAST set the inner exception -_-
@rogcg Where is the exception handled?
@KendallFrey in the first method of all! that receives any exception thrown and writes on the LOG, return the error code to the service caller, and end the application.
hey, since now more people are here I'll repeat my question from earlier today: Does someone know if, when doing backups of MSSQL databases via SMO, I can limit the amount of available backups/database to a user-configured number?
And it doesn't catch the exception?
If a user only wants 4 backups, the moment the 5th backup was created successfully, the first backup get's deleted.
@KendallFrey it's not even leaving this catch, how can the first method catch the exception?
when everything works fine, the first method catches the exceptions. but in this case, it's not even leaving this scope.
But it has to be leaving the catch.
Is there a finally?
@KendallFrey but its not.. the cursor keeps stuck. and if it had left this scope, it would have write it in the log.
yeah. in the finally I write to the log.
but it's not reaching the parent method.
as I said. it's not leaving this current method. it keeps stuck in there, with an UnhandledException.
Show me the catch in the parent method
@rogcg Why does that say "Language: C#" when it's clearly VB.NET?
@ShotgunNinja I'm talking about UnhandledException, which is a .Net framework feature.
@rogcg Oh, okay.
But still, the paste language is set to C#...
VB doesn't work well with C# syntax highlighting.
whats the diff between "Get Latest Vesion" and "Get Latest Version (Recursive)". Obv one gets one recursively, but outcome wise, whats the difference
In what?
@Steve the second one is recursive...as in goes through sub-folders
@KendallFrey parent catch - paste.kde.org/p607077fc
Isn't there a way in VS2008 or VS in general to collapse all brackets? (the "-" sign)
@SteffenWinkler so if i don't select recursive, it'll only get latest for root level items? lol
@Steve yes.
i did not know that. how dumb
@rogcg You're doing Environment.Exit. That probably makes Windows think you had an unhandled error
@JoshD. Ctrl+M, O
@JoshD. are you talking about #region name #endregion?
@KendallFrey but how can it be possible. if this is scope is not reached?
@rogcg Isn't it?
not its not.
You're obviously not showing us something.
whatever.. I've shown everything there is.
Are you sure the exception is being thrown inside the try?
@rogcg Um, no.
yes. it reaches the catch of the inner method, that is called by the parent method.
No one makes a program that just throws an exception
but it doesnt leaves this scope.
@KendallFrey what you mean.
it should be treated inside the inner method?
@rogcg Is the exception thrown inside the parent's try block?
@KendallFrey yes. thrown inside the method which is called inside the the parent's try block.
Well, something seems wrong.
ok. leave it.
> when inside the catch, the finally is not reached.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
I've tested it.
when an exception reaches the parent method
the cursor doesnt enter the finally.
and the log file wasnt being closed.
Why are you using Environment.Exit anyway?
i've put a breakpoint in there, it doesnt reach.
to close the application.
end the application and close the console.
why shouldnt I use it?
But why not do it the normal way?
Just return from Main
@KendallFrey inside the catch it should end the application with the error code.
the main is a Sub in this case.
Make it a function.
the Environment.exit is just called inside the catch
There are much easier ways of doing this than Environment.Exit
@rogcg wait...you call Environment.Exit inside the catch and wonder why it doesn't reach finally?
why u dont like using Environment.Exit. what's the reasons?
I agree with steffen, that seems to make sense.
Because it's not the way you're supposed to do it.
@akowalz I see that now.
You're supposed to return the error code
@KendallFrey so Environment.Exit(someErrorCode) ?
Return someErrorCode
that doesn't make a difference
Yes, it does.
@KendallFrey aside from if something in your program is doing something that needs to be stopped before exiting
@KendallFrey the error code should just be returned inside the Catch
The finally will run.

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