@JLott I've met many women who I likely wouldn't find attractive (not my type) until we had a conversation. It's funny how after that I find them more physically attractive
but it is true, the initial attraction goes a long way. If a friend wouldn't have introduced us I probably wouldn't have had the first contact to find out what an attractive person she is
@JLott I agree about that. But I don't have to worry about that, I'm sexy everyone finds me attractive. It's just how attractive I am on a scale of one to ten. I'm going to say ten, but who knows?
@ton.yeung good for you :) I HAD A REALLY nice one, who wasn't at all bad looking, but i was young and dumb and was only looking for p, so i messed it up
@Greg took me years of people telling me so to actually believe it. Confidence is a hard thing to obtain when other men are bringing you down (as a 10-14 year old boy I felt this way)
@rlemon Yeah, kid made fun of me in high school. So one day I had enough slammed his face into a table pulled him out of a chair in a choker. Kids face started turning blue, from the one arm strangling him and the other punching him in the face. Douche never insulted me again.
@Greg people thought I Was "gay" (because I slept with the 'popular guys' ex) - make sense of that... anyways it never stopped even after HS. i ignored it for the most part but I can't say it didn't have an impact.
@Greg I played football and hockey and was ripped at the time so I did defend myself. however the constant teasing is impactful. if anything it gave me a better respect for same sex couples. I got a slight taste of what they must go through.
this Hope girl, would walk behind slow people in the grocery store, and if they were too slow, she'd get all pissy and say shit as she blew past them, rude stuff
@rlemon Yeah, I hear you there. I have a unique personality. I'm always happy, fuck sadness. I don't get angry often, stuff is whatever. If I need to go alpha male I will rip your head off.
@Greg yea my personality has taken dips in the past. I used to have anger issues and I used to get violent quickly but at around 23 my fiance left me and cleaned me out (literally, 100% of my money and possessions, food, furniture, appliances, etc) - after that I had a slight nervous breakdown and re-assesed my life.
@rlemon I have a distinct philosophy. I can't be anyone but myself, so why stress out about anything I can't control. Just live life to the fullest, we only have one life. It's a playground don't get lost in our everyday routine. Your the only one who can change your life, so fix it- Be happy.
it is where sadams sons used to live, they would go into the city, find a woman, take her back to their camp, rape her, and if she wasn't good, they'd kill her and dump her body in that lake
It's discontinued so it will be hard to find; if they need it for a Crossfire they'll want to pay more. They are just hoping to get it less. Because people are still selling a used one for $199. New $300 because it is discontinued.
@Greg You can do something like that, but you will need to define attributes and how you handle plain text and children. Then you can explode that into valid HTML ;)
@Greg If you want to produce valid HTML from JSON you need convert the JSON to HTML at some point. Think about how you have to deal with children and such.
Okay. Well, I'm trying to make it easy to take an entire site layout then modify it on the fly.
@drch Actually, my original thought was to build the html in xml then parse it. Then use razer to call the data model which is an html page and generate that page dynamically.