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@Nooble You got lost in Manhattan? You mean that little island in New York?
@MartinJames Yes.
@Nooble Sorry, I don't understand how it is possible to get lost there. It's not very big and, IIRC, it is somewhat of a built-up area, you know, with street signs, people to ask, taxis, subway etc.
@MartinJames I'm a koala.
@Nooble Ah... all is explained...
Also, I dunno how street numbers work.
Because there are streets, avenues, drives and such.
@Nooble lol, I know. It's not as simple as some think:)
@Nooble Still, getting lost there counts as out-losing robot:)
@MartinJames Robot has built-in GPS.
Also, I got lost in Manhattan while trying to get to Queens.
7 hours later…
just got home
fuck me
good thing I'm on holiday now... jesus
4 hours later…
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Just got up:) Last night/early morn, I would get lost trying to find Queens too. Now I have to re-stock my fridge.
3 hours later…
1 hour later…
@MartinJames just woke up
this holiday is deadly so far
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's not doing me any good either. There's no football till tomorrow, so I've decided that, instead of going down later in time for MOTD, I may as well turn up at the club at opening time and get ratted early.
@MartinJames #EUROVISION
@LightnessRacesinOrbit #TRASH
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yeah. In Torygraph or Grauniad, I would have expected it.
"Torygraph" heh
so I'm supposed to be going to someone's BBQ and drinking
but I've just got up and my head is killing me
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Hot shower, large vodka and grapefruit juice, job done.
Of course, you'll be shagged tomorrow, but WTF :)
ooh grapefruit juice
that's ...... not a terrible idea
might take some pineapple too
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The grapefruit juice helps with the dehydration and 'hangover mouth', the vodka quietens the army of Frenchmen in heavy boots that are marching round in your brain.
I seem to have overdosed on vodka already though
Columbo is requesting access heh.

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